Alpha MC: The McKinnon Brothers

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Alpha MC: The McKinnon Brothers Page 30

by Alana Hart

  Meanwhile, as the kids were making his life hell, he was trying to mourn the loss of his Great Uncle, just a few years after losing his favorite Aunt.

  Catherine knew the Fenn’s had nothing to do with the murders, but no one in town knew them like she did. She’d had dinner at John’s dinner table numerous times, and was beloved of his mother Janice and his father Carl. When her parents discovered that she was sneaking out at night to have supper at the murderer’s house, they packed her up in their Toyota and hauled her to North Conway.

  She’d never heard a word about John Fenn again.

  “Have they found anything new? Any new leads?” Jean asked. Her morbid curiosity wasn’t so strange. She and Catherine met while working at the local Haunted Hayride theme park that the ski lodge put on every year.

  Bennett was enjoying holding court, drawing these stories out as much as he could. “No new suspects or anything. They did come out a couple years ago and say that both victims were found very shortly after death.”

  Catherine perked up at this. “But Alison Fenn was missing for almost a week when they found her.”

  “Yup,” Bennett said, nodding with a satisfied smile. “Apparently, she’d been alive until the night before they found her in the lake. Where she was for those four days -”

  “Stop, Bennett. Please. I don’t want to hear anymore about it, right now.”

  Bennett paused, exhaling through his nose. Then he tapped her thigh. “Alright, cuz. Sorry to upset you. Just thought it would be a good story since you guys will be sleeping in those very woods tonight.”

  He glanced in the rear view at Jean and she squealed in excited terror. “Man, I’m not gonna sleep at all tonight!”

  Though Bennett didn’t say a word, she knew him well, and would bet any amount of money that he was silently offering to give her another reason to stay up all night.

  What a jackass? She thought.

  They turned up the main road of Cherryfield, passing the beautiful mansions that lined either side of the road. Catherine smiled. She hadn’t seen these houses in over ten years.

  The rest of the drive consisted of Catherine picking the music and Bennett making small talk with Jean. She was a lovely woman, and Catherine didn’t begrudge him his efforts, but Bennett had a way of grandstanding when he was trying to get a girl’s attention. She didn’t mind it on most occasions, but as they were driving along these old familiar roads, Catherine wanted desperately to ride in silence, letting AC/DC blast through the speakers – the way John Fenn did when he finally got his license and demanded she go for a three hour drive with him across the Canadian border.

  She smiled to herself.

  They arrived at the gravel road around six in the evening, turning into the woods that stretched along the border of Falkirk’s Seat. Twenty minutes later, they’d reach the camp. Bennett wasted no time hopping out of his truck to start assembling their tents, making a point to show Jean just how rugged and manly he was. Catherine sauntered over to the forest edge and began collecting brush to start the evening’s fire. Jean was giggling and flipping her hair for Bennett’s benefit, and Catherine rolled her eyes. She might be sleeping in her tent alone tonight.

  “Don’t get lost over there, girly!”

  Catherine startled around to find the source of the voice. Bennett charged forward to offer a back slapping embrace to his old friend, Paul Merlotte.

  Paul was one of Bennett’s good friends from Blackrock High School. He’d been a staple of the Calhoun compound when she was young; riding ATVs and going clamming on warm days with Bennett and Bennett’s dad, Bodie Calhoun. Sadly, Catherine hadn’t been a part of those rugged afternoons. After all, as the Calhoun men often reminded her, she was just a girl.

  “Catherine, you remember Paulie, yeah?” Bennett asked

  Catherine stepped forward to shake Paul’s hand. He took it, smiling politely. As she recalled, Paul wasn’t one of her favorite people as a young man. He’d been brash, rude, and often made fun of her for being a little overweight when they were in school. She was still ‘a little overweight,’ but Paul gave her an appraising look, his eyebrows shooting up.

  “Geez Catie, you look great! God, it’s been ten years, hasn’t it?”

  She nodded. “Yes, it has.”

  And yes she did, she thought. And I weigh the exact same amount I did in high school, you prick.

  Paul was soon joined by another familiar face – Jason Twomey, yet another of Bennett’s high school friends. Catherine gave Jason a wave as a truck pulled into the camp road, its windows rattling with the sound of Classic Rock. The familiar faces weren’t at all surprising. The whole weekend was planned around a booze laden camping trip of Blackrock’s finest. They did this several times every summer. Catherine only agreed to join the shenanigans as a tradeoff for a ride north. Grampy Calhoun was getting old, and as her mother assured her many times, if she wanted to remain in the will, she might want to say Hello before he died.

  Catherine couldn’t give two shits about Grampy Calhoun’s will. Still, her mother’s current life choice became rather persuasive.

  Catherine turned her attention back to the woods, losing Jean’s interest completely to the crowd of burly men. She drowned out the sounds of their sailor talk and back patting, collecting another six or seven long sticks before venturing back to the fire pit.

  She dumped them into the pile and dropped to her knees. A moment later, they had a roaring fire.

  “Damn, Catie’s got the skills!”

  She glanced up, acknowledging Paul’s compliment. He tried to hold her gaze a little longer. She turned her eyes back to the fire.

  Not today, Paul. Not fucking ever.

  SAVING HER BEAR - Available on Amazon

  Click here if you'd like to read more from SAVING HER BEAR (The Bears of Blackrock, Book One).

  Michaela Wright, Author



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