Romancing the Hero

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Romancing the Hero Page 6

by Cate Masters

  A flash of headlights from a side road blinded her. Tires spun on dirt and gravel. A vehicle spun its rear accelerating toward them.

  Oh no! They’d been found. Jake revved into a higher gear. The engine roared, sending her sliding backward. Trying not to squeal, she clutched him tighter. No longer could she match his fluid movements as he swerved the bike, leaning into each turn with an animal grace. The confidence and stealth of a panther.

  Maybe her next book should include a shifter. She filed that thought away. Better concentrate on getting out of this mess first. In her peripheral vision, headlights loomed closer. A bumper followed, edging closer.

  She gasped, “Jake!”

  “Hold on, love,” he called over his shoulder.

  As if she might let go. When he leaned forward, shifting into a higher gear, she understood. Speeding faster, the back tire shot stones behind them.

  The back road opened onto a main drag, where Jake opened it up. Peering over his shoulder, she watched the speedometer climb above seventy-five. Eighty. Eighty-five.

  Fear kept her from screaming. She’d scream later, if they survived. From the sound of the approaching vehicle behind them, she might not get the chance.

  Slowing only to turn a corner, Jake shifted gears.

  Terror made her freeze. The street ahead ended in a dead end. Maybe literally, for them.

  Yet Jake pushed the motorcycle to go faster. Was he mad?

  “Hang tight,” he yelled, heading straight for a building.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she wished she could wake up from this nightmare. She didn’t want to end in a Thelma and Louise scene. Walls appeared on either side. An alley!

  A squeal of tires against the road, then the sickening crunch of metal accompanied the crush of breaking glass.

  Pulling the bike to a stop, Jake glanced back. “We don’t have to worry about them any longer.”

  With a gasp, Jody stared at the crush of what remained of the taxi, too wide to fit through the narrow passageway. An uncontrollable shiver passed through her, eased by Jake’s hand on her leg.

  “I don’t know about you, love, but I could use a drink.”

  Nerves jangling, she managed, “Okay,” but doubted anything strong enough existed. With shaky arms, she resumed her stranglehold on his waist.

  Grinning over his shoulder, he loosened her grip. “We’ll take it slow.”

  Slow being a relative term for him. A nervous giggle bubbled up. Before she could say it, he affected a stern look.

  “Uh uh—no apologies. Remember?”

  “Yes.” She did remember, and would, from now on.


  The tiny club sat on a side street, far enough away to be safe. Jake pulled the motorcycle to the rear, just in case.

  Once inside, Jody excused herself to freshen up. After such a harrowing experience, she probably looked a fright. In the ladies’ room, she halted at seeing her reflection. Eyes bright, hair wind-blown in a tantalizing way. Standing tall and strong. The Jody she wanted to be. The Jody Jake helped her to be.

  She didn’t even care that her best dress suffered more tatters. It added a flair of mystery.

  Squaring her shoulders, she strode through the lounge toward Jake, sitting at the bar, one elbow propping him up, one long leg extended.

  As if he felt her presence, he slowly looked up. His features smoothed in hopeful anticipation.

  She wouldn’t let him get away again. In a few long steps, she stood by his side. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” Gesturing to the bartender, he said, “A glass of white merlot for the lady?”

  “No, a margarita—frozen, with salt.” She stopped herself from adding “heavy on the tequila.” Tequila made her do things she normally wouldn’t dream of.

  Tonight was a night for dreaming. For wish fulfillment. She’d waited long enough.

  “Pretty strong stuff,” he said.

  She’d need it, but first some answers. “Why did you leave?”

  “You know I can’t stay.”

  Arguments fell away, useless. “No, I don’t know. I wanted you to.”

  “It’s the way it is.”

  “Coward.” She gulped from the salt-rimmed long-stemmed glass.

  “What?” he asked incredulously.

  “You’re afraid of what could be.”

  “You think I don’t want to stay?” His tone strained, he stared longingly at her lips.

  “I don’t know what you want.” She downed another gulp and abandoned the glass.

  Entwining his fingers in hers, he tugged her toward the back door. “Then I’ll show you.”

  “What are you doing?”

  At the slam of the metal door, he pinned her against the pebbled wall. “This.”

  Crushing his lips to hers, his hips held hers in place.

  Good thing, or she’d have melted to a puddle at his feet. “Jake.” Her fantasies couldn’t conjure someone so tangible.

  His weight pressed against her. “I’ve waited too long.”

  White heat erased her thoughts. “Forever.”

  The alarm in her head sounded so distant when he tugged her legs around his waist. Slitting an eye, she didn’t want the dream to end. Darkness engulfed the alley; no one would see. No one would steal this moment from her.

  Not even herself. She blocked the questions swirling through her brain. The doubt threatening to rob her of this bliss. Bliss of the wild variety. The kind that made her grasp his hair, wrap her thighs tighter around his exquisite torso, urge him on with, “Oh yes!” The kind Jody only wrote about, never believing such happiness existed.

  It existed tonight. Right here. Right now. With Jake. Aware of every touch, every motion, she imprinted it on her memory so she’d never be without it.

  Finally spent, he nuzzled against her.

  She reveled in every detail of him. Her fingers twined his damp hair. His chest pressed against her breasts with each breath, soft against her neck.

  The dim glow of the pale light next to the back door lit half his face. “Jody,” he whispered.

  Don’t talk. Don’t ruin it. “Jake.”

  “Are you all right?”

  If over the moon counted as all right. Not caring if her grin appeared loony, she touched her lips to his. “Oh, yeah.”

  His eyes shone with relief. “I wanted our first time to be special.”

  Was he kidding? “More special than amazing?” Not wanting it to end, she nibbled his ear.

  Rubbing her thigh, he watched her. “You know what I mean. Rose petals on the sheets. Candlelight. Snuggling on pillows afterward—not brick. Everything you deserve.”

  “Brick’s not so bad, actually.”

  “You deserve better.” His soft insistence made her tense.

  Here it came. Better than him? “Jake…” She couldn’t bring herself to start that conversation.

  He guided her legs to the ground. “We should go.”

  Stifling her panic, she nodded. Go where—home? Could she let him leave her?

  He drew her to him in a long, luxurious kiss. Leaning his forehead against hers, he said, “You’re an incredible woman, Jody Feather. Never forget it.”

  The admiration in his eyes trumped rose petals on sheets any day. “I promise, I’ll remember.” Every second of this weekend.

  When her cell buzzed, she ripped it from her purse and tossed it in the garbage bin. “I’m changing my number when I get home.”

  Straddling the bike, Jake grinned his approval.

  “Take the long way home, will you?” She fitted herself against him as he revved the engine. The hotel could send her bags later.

  His hand traveled back to her thigh as he turned. “Ready?”

  To face the rest of her life? Finally, she could say, “Yes.”


  The condo came into sight too soon for Jody. After Jake halted the Harley, she climbed off. “Can you come in?”

  “Sorry love. Duty calls.”

  She knit h
er brows. “What duty?”

  “You know. The next book.”

  “The next…” She gasped. “How did you know I planned to outline a new story?”

  He reached for her hand. “Jody, if you don’t believe now…” He sighed.

  “I want to. Really.” She gave an incredulous laugh. “But you have to admit, it’s a little crazy.” Who in her right mind would believe the hero she’d dreamed up had come to life? And she didn’t want him to be Jake if it meant he had to leave.

  He shrugged. “Love’s pretty crazy.”

  Her heart twisted, and ached for him, though he was still there, warm and as real as any guy could possibly be. “Please stay.”

  Still straddling the bike, he stood and touched his lips to hers. “We both have work to do.”

  An ache welled up. “You’re tempting me to kill you off.”

  He grinned. “That’s my girl.”

  She wished.

  Even if he couldn’t stay, she knew she’d find the same bliss with someone equally wonderful.

  And she’d always have him in her heart.

  She waited for him to rev the engine and stepped onto the curb when the bike roared away. She shielded her eyes against the setting sun. A brilliant flash made her turn away.

  “What the…” After her vision cleared, she stood on tiptoe but couldn’t see the Harley.

  Strange. An eerie sense came over her as she trod up the steps. Inside the apartment, the parakeet whistled “Dream A Little Dream of Me”—the song Jake sang to his lover in the novel soon to be released.

  Throwing open the door, she stared open-mouthed. “Frank!” He’d never before sung any tune.

  “And how did that get here?” The cardboard cutout of Jake Emerson stood beside the bird cage. From beneath the wide-brimmed hat, a glimmer shone in Jake’s eyes.

  “Must have been the sun.” Moving closer, she looked from the window to the figure. No way, the sun had already circled behind the building. When she glanced back to the life-sized Jake, she could have sworn he winked.

  A word about the author...

  Cate Masters has made beautiful central Pennsylvania her home for the past 20 years, but she’ll always be a Jersey girl at heart. A lover of all great writing, she aspires to entertain and enthrall with her own stories. Most days, she can be found in her lair, concocting a magical brew of contemporary, historical, and fantasy/paranormal stories with her cat Chairman Maiow and dog Lily as company.

  Look for her at,,

  and in strange nooks and far-flung corners of the web.

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