Queen Geeks in Love

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Queen Geeks in Love Page 25

by Laura Preble

  Our announcer, a speech club Queen Geek named Danielle, introduces us. “And finally tonight, we have a totally talented group of singers and dancers to entertain you. Shelby and the Screaming Vishnus!”

  I glance over at Becca. “Shelby and the Screaming Vishnus?”

  “We needed a name.” She shrugs. “Amitha’s idea.”

  We take our positions on stage, and the bright lights do block out most of the people in the audience. I do spot my dad, who is videotaping every humiliating moment of this. Great. I can relive my nightmare on DVD for as long as the world turns, and I can pass that on to my nonexistent grandchildren that I’ll never have because I’ll never be married.

  “Break a foot,” Euphoria whispers in my ear.

  The music starts, and I truly feel I could faint. But instead, I open my mouth and start singing. By the time I get to…“Well, how can I forget you boy? When there is always something there to remind me…” I realize I can’t feel my legs! Are they still there? Yes…yes. I’m still upright. I go for verse two. And this is where things get really bad.

  As I utter the words about wanting to hold him tight, my traitorous tear ducts start flooding the stage. I seriously am going to have them removed. Black mascara is running down my face, and blurring everything in front of me. But I am determined that the show must go on. Plus, Becca is stepping on my sari so I can’t run away.

  I open my mouth to sing the chorus, but instead of my voice coming out of the mic, it’s a guy’s voice. It’s Fletcher’s voice. Right over my shoulder. I turn, and there he is, that stupid freckly face and weird wiry reddish hair, and he’s dressed in a dhoti and a turban! And he joins in, grinning at the part about being born to love me. And then we all sing “Always something there to remind me…”

  And of course everyone loves a happy ending. So when we finally finish the song, there’s a massive cheer, and turbans are thrown in the air, and some thumping dance music fills the theater as most of us take our bows. I am not bowing. Instead, I have my arms thrown around Fletcher Berkowitz’s neck and I’m crying into his turban, and I’m laughing so hard I might pee my pants.

  And then he kisses me, and like in those sappy romance movies, everything sort of fades away, goes into slow motion, and there’s only the two of us. And I’m looking into his eyes and he’s looking into mine, and for the first time ever, I feel like maybe someone could love me. Maybe I don’t deserve it, but that doesn’t matter, does it?



  (or Happily Ever Afterparty)

  So, we get through the show. Everybody’s happy, even Euphoria, who meets a nice piece of lighting equipment. The weather’s turning a bit chillier, so it’s perfect for cuddling up on couches with popcorn and a movie. One Friday night, that’s just what we’re doing. We’re all over at Becca’s house (because, face it, she has room enough in that mansion for a small army) and we’re in her “screening room” watching V for Vendetta, a fantastic flick, except that I’m not really watching it closely because Fletcher is rubbing my head. Elisa and Naveen are snuggled in a huge beanbag chair, Amber and Jon sit cross-legged on the floor, Becca and Carl are in back (because they’re taller than everyone else). Dad and Thea are even there, and I have to admit that I’m getting used to them being together. Not together in the forever after sense of the word, but together like friends, buddies, and that’s all I want to consider at this point.

  Fletcher taps my shoulder and motions for me to join him in the hallway. “What?”

  “I have something for you. Let’s call it an early Christmas present.” He pulls a little velvet box from his pocket.

  My heart stops pounding for a moment, and my breath stops too. “Uh…” is all I manage to say. Very eloquent.

  “So, are you going to open it or what?” The box is lying on his outstretched palm. And here I have a choice: I can go back to being the old Shelby, the one who was afraid of everything serious or deep, or I can go down the rabbit hole and see what happens.

  Even though I feel panic welling up in my stomach, I take the box. I open it. Inside is a beautiful silver bracelet inlaid with shining blue stones. “Read it,” he says proudly.

  On the inside of the bracelet, the inscription reads, “Always Something There to Remind Me—Fletcher + Shelby.” He’s watching me to see if I fling it away, hit him with it, or run crying out of the room. But instead, I just slip the bracelet on my wrist, put my arms around him, give him the biggest kiss I can with my dad in the next room, and whisper in his ear, “I love you.”

  And then we both just grin like the Cheshire Cat.




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