A Dungeon's Soul_Book 3 of the Adventures on Brad

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A Dungeon's Soul_Book 3 of the Adventures on Brad Page 3

by Tao Wong

  “That’s a lot,” he said. His first foray into the Karlak Dungeon had only netted him four silver from what he recalled.

  “Yes. The Champion’s shell is good quality and rare, and the Mana Stone you brought back is of slightly higher quality than previously,” Liev said. Good as the haul was for the level, for a group of their size, the nine silver worked out to only three each. A decent but not special haul.

  “We also made it to the third floor,” Daniel added, curious to see if they needed a seal for that too.

  “Really? Congratulations. I will inform the guards,” Liev said. Normally he would have asked for some form of proof, but these two he trusted. After Liev had paid out the group, Asin sorted out the change before the group confirmed plans to test the third floor tomorrow.

  Chapter 3

  “This is a weird floor,” Daniel muttered, pushing against the walls. The group stood just outside the portal room of the third level, poking and prodding at the walls and floor in confusion. The entire floor was built of a strange, flexible substance that reformed when pushed. In fact, the greater the force used to push against the walls, the faster the wall reformed. An experiment by Omrak had thrown him off his feet after he had punched the wall.

  “Very strange,” Asin hissed, her nose twitching. The entire floor smelled strange to her, a slightly acrid, sour smell that she had not encountered before. It made her fur stand up slightly and slowed the lazy, unconscious swinging of her tail.

  “Asin, can you take the lead?” Daniel asked. Like his friend, he sensed something strange in this floor and wanted the Beastkin’s better senses in front.

  As Asin loped forwards, Daniel nodded for Omrak to follow along while he brought up the rear. What kind of monster took to living in a place like this?

  The answer to that was as strange as the floor itself. Their first warning was the echoing squeaks of expelled air mixed with the sound of continuous collisions against the walls. The group tightened their formation, Daniel hefting his shield while Asin crouched low and to the side.

  The noise culprit bounced around the corner at speed. A reflexive thrust by Omrak and a thrown knife by Asin both missed as the fast-moving monster pinged off one wall to the next. It slammed into Asin’s shoulder, throwing the Catkin off balance, before bouncing to hit the flat of Omrak’s blade to ricochet off the ceiling towards Daniel. Unable to dodge fully, Daniel bent his head low, letting the monster impact against his helmet. Most of the force was absorbed by the helmet, but it still made Daniel’s neck ache.

  As quickly as it had attacked, the monster was gone, bounding past the group. They straightened, staring at one another in confusion. None of them had managed to get a good look at the monster before it had left, leaving them even more puzzled.

  A few minutes later, the trio were alerted to more incoming monsters. Asin crouched low again, her ears swiveling as she tracked the attackers, while the others got ready to fight. This time they were approached by a pair of the creatures, bouncing down the long hallway. Asin, tracking their movements, waited until the lead monster had bounced hard before she threw her knife. The Catkin snarled in anger, misjudging the speed, and tried again. This time, she managed to nick the monster, which let out an angry squeal.

  Omrak waited till the nearest monster was within range before he swung, his greatsword whistling through the air and missing both monsters. The lead attacker caromed off a wall, slamming into Omrak’s thigh and then his abdomen in short order before it hit the ceiling and rebounded back to attack Omrak again. The second monster ricocheted off the ground and slammed into Asin’s stomach, bowling her over before it bounced to the ceiling and then Omrak’s head, its new trajectory aimed directly at Daniel. Lightning danced when it hit Asin, but it seemed to do little to slow the creature.

  Daniel, offered more time to set himself, launched a Shield Bash at the monster. The shield smashed into the monster, compressing the creature and sending it backwards towards Asin at speed. Asin flinched reflexively, raising the knife she held in her hand and accidentally impaled the fast-moving monster. Under the combined momentum, she collapsed backwards, staring at the dead monster held fast on her knife.

  Omrak, finally fed up, reached out and grabbed the monster as it bounced on the barbarian’s shoulder again. He snarled as the monster clamped teeth around his hand before he continued to crush the creature. Even with his Skill Proficiency of Lesser Strength Enhancement, the monster refused to die. In fact, the harder he squeezed, the harder it seemed to push back. With a yell, Omrak clamped a second hand around his own and exerted even more force, finally finding the hard core that made up the creature’s internal body and crushing it.

  Asin meanwhile stared at the impaled monster, a roughly spherical creature whose body felt very similar to the material of the walls around them. It had a series of small, tiny legs all around its body which it used to propel itself around, and as Omrak had found out, an inner, solid core.

  Twinkin Sphere

  HP: 0/27

  The creatures finally broke up into motes of light, leaving behind Mana cores and a sliver of their stretchy skin.

  “So … that happened,” Daniel finally said into the silence.

  “Head’s up!” Daniel shouted, swinging his mace with full force at the bouncing monster hours later. Struck, the monster compressed and flew backwards towards Omrak, who shifted the angle of his blade slightly, letting the monster split itself apart on the edge of his sword.

  To Daniel’s left, Asin threw a Piercing Shot that drilled and pinned another Sphere to the wall. It struggled for a moment before finally expiring, breaking up completely. The third monster bounced off Daniel’s shoulder, bruising him before getting away.

  Chuckling to himself, Daniel rubbed at his shoulder through his armor while the others regrouped. After hours of wandering the third floor, the group had learnt three things. Firstly, there were no traps in this Dungeon. Second, it was rare for the Twinkin Spheres to hang out after its initial attack. Lastly, while attacks came regularly, the monsters did not seem to be able to do much damage with each attack.

  “Shall we go?” Daniel asked, and at Asin’s nod, they continued to move deeper into the Dungeon. A short few minutes and a pair of attacks later, the group found themselves overlooking their first true cavern on the floor. They gaped at the numerous columns that dotted the floor and snaked upwards while a small, steep path led down to the cavern floor. In a corner, they could see another staircase, leading down to the fourth floor. Flickering in the low light of the Mana-imbued walls, the group noticed scores of the Twinkin Spheres bouncing around, smashing into columns and each other with wild abandon. Dotted throughout the cavern were more exits, leading to different locations. Occasionally, Spheres would bounce into or exit those entrances.

  “We have to get down,” muttered Daniel.

  “Dangerous,” Asin said.

  “Aye, a single hit is nothing for Heroes like us. But on that trail and with that many …” Omrak rumbled. Daniel blinked, looking at the barbarian. Well, it seemed he did have a cautious bone in his body. “Still, a hero can only go forward. I shall lead the way.”

  Or not.

  “Uhhh …” Daniel said, cudgeling his brain for a better plan.

  “Rope,” Asin said, already unslinging her backpack. Daniel nodded quickly in agreement. It only took them a few moments before the trio had roped themselves together. As an additional precaution, they tied another rope to a nearby column and looped the ropes they tied on themselves to it. A last knot at the end of the rope gave them some additional safety before they tossed the ropes down the entrance.

  “Come, we shall reap a whirlwind of …” Omrak paused, staring outwards. “Spheres.”

  “Go.” Asin prodded the giant who shifted away from the sharp claw.

  Exiting the cavern, the trio slowly edged their way down to the cavern floor, eyes alert. The Twinkin Spheres at first seemed oblivious to their descent but soon the trio saw a change in t
heir movements. More and more monsters began angling towards them. Curling up slightly behind his shield, Daniel growled as he readied for the fight. Ahead, Omrak had switched weapons to his large knife, wielding it in his left hand while the right gripped the rope. Asin pulled her melee knives as well, ready to defend herself as the monsters closed in.

  Daniel took the first few attacks on his shield, letting each monster bounce off it into the darkness. His mace was pretty much useless as a weapon against these monsters, and so, he could only guard himself as they edged down. Asin twisted and ducked, slashing at passing monsters and occasionally taking a blow to her body. Omrak, the largest of the trio, was beaten black and blue by the bouncing creatures even as he swung his knife in mostly futile swipes.

  “Keep moving!” Daniel shouted through the storm of noise as the Spheres assaulted them. Under the deluge of monsters that started arriving in greater and greater numbers, Omrak missed Daniel’s shout and began to focus on defense and attack, coming to a complete stop.

  Asin, smaller and lighter than both, curled up closer to the wall. Knives held in her hands, the Catkin swung at any movement she spotted even as arcs of electricity danced all around her as the monsters struck her and her enchanted aura. Growling as she grew increasingly bruised, Asin slapped the gorget and the rune on it, activating the Shield spell. It flared into light, her aura strengthened such that the monsters bounced off it before impacting her. Given a brief respite from the attacks, Asin stood and started throwing knives, engaging her Skill Proficiency, Fan of Knives to give Omrak a brief moment of relief too.

  Omrak, having realized the futility of standing and fighting had already begun edging his way down. In the gap created by Asin’s knives, the Northerner rushed down. Keeping a hand up to protect his face, he hurried down the pathway, almost tripping on his feet in his haste. Each blow seemed to draw a deeper red glow from his body that spread outwards, his movements growing more sure. On the ground, the barbarian drew his sword, the weapon dancing as it sliced apart Twinkin Spheres, a wide grin appearing on Omrak’s face.

  Behind, Asin quickly slipped pass Daniel to make her way to the bottom of the cavern to take station slightly behind Omrak. In the safety of his larger form, Asin cut at the monsters that Omrak missed before they could bounce away again. Daniel was the last to arrive, hunkered down behind his shield as he was. Once on the floor, he took station to Omrak’s left, providing his meager support by blocking attacks from one side. Of the three, his greater degree of armor and shielding ensured that he was the least hurt.

  “How many are there?” Daniel gasped.

  “One. Two. Many!” Asin snarled, pinning another Sphere.

  “COME. FACE ME. I AM OMRAK, SON OF LOSIN,” shouted Omrak as he whirled his sword around him. Out of the corner of his eyes, Omrak saw something larger flying through the air, a sphere the size of Daniel’s shield. Before Omrak could attack it, the humongous Twinkin Sphere slammed the barbarian off his feet.

  “Champion,” Asin snapped, and Daniel nodded, bending down to cover Omrak as he laid a hand on the Northerner. Cracked ribs, bruised muscles, and a bit lip was what Daniel sensed with his Gift almost immediately. He grunted as he pulled his Gift back, even as the memory of his latest bread recipe slipped from his mind as payment. A Minor Healing would fix up Omrak.

  Before Daniel was able to cast the spell, Omrak surged to his feet with a roar. His eyes bloodshot, red light leaking from his body, the Northerner scanned for the monster, idly slicing apart an attacking Sphere. Already, the combined efforts of the trio had reduced the monster numbers significantly, such that attacks came only occasionally.

  “There!” Daniel said as he spotted the bouncing Champion.

  Omrak shifted, his sword ready as the Champion lined itself up for an attack. Disregarding Omrak, it bounced towards Asin, only to be intercepted by Daniel, who Shield Bashed the monster backwards to Omrak. The momentum was so great that Daniel felt the muscles and tendons of his shoulder tear slightly. It was not for naught as Omrak speared the Champion on his greatsword, ending its life. Soon after that the group cleared the cavern and retrieved all the stones, before they hurried down to the next level.

  In the safety of the foyer of the fourth floor, the group rested. Daniel groaned, casting Healer’s Mark on all three of them before casting Minor Healing again on Omrak, who was the most gravely wounded. His work as the group’s healer complete, Daniel sighed, resting against the wall as he waited for the healing spells to take effect. Already, he noted how large a drop he had experienced in his Mana from these simple spells.

  While the group waited, Daniel glanced at the notification on his screen and his full Status Screen.

  Skill Level Up

  Club Skill has increased to Novice level. +5% damage for all club-based weapons.

  Name: Daniel Chai

  Class: Level 7 Adventurer (31%)

  Sub-classes: Level 7 (Miner) (14%)

  Human (Male)


  Life: 243

  Stamina: 243

  Mana: 177


  Strength: 23

  Agility: 21

  Constitution: 29

  Intelligence: 18

  Willpower: 18

  Luck: 14


  Unarmed Combat: Level 3 (38/100)

  Clubs (Novice): Level 1 (04/100)

  Archery: Level 2 (48/100)

  Shield: Level 9 (44/100)

  Dodge: Level 6 (19/100)

  Combat Sense: Level 7 (03/100)

  Perception: Level 6 (77/100)

  Mining: Level 7 (78/100)

  Healing: Level 9 (44/100)

  Herb Lore: Level 3 (31/100)

  Stealth: Level 2 (14/100)

  Cooking: Level 3 (89/100)

  Singing: Level 2 (14/100)

  Skill Proficiencies

  Double Strike

  Shield Bash

  Perin’s Blow

  Mapping (II)


  Minor Healing (I)

  Healer’s Mark (I)


  Martyr’s Touch—The caster may heal oneself or others by touch and concentration, sacrificing a portion of his life to do so. Cost varies depending on the extent of the injuries healed.

  Not as good as a Level Up but he would take it, thought Daniel. Beside him, as their wounds healed, his party members also regarded their own notifications.

  “More?” Asin asked, after the group finally looked away from their notifications.

  “I am willing,” Omrak said, stretching.

  “No, let’s go back,” Daniel said. “We’ve got a bunch of stones and it’s getting late. I’m also nearly out of Mana so if there’s something out there …”

  “Level Four!” Asin pointed out.

  “Yeah … and that was a Level Three. We didn’t have the right equipment. We’re doing great, Asin,” Daniel argued back, while Omrak watched quietly.

  Asin stared grumpily at Daniel before she turned to Omrak. “Vote!”

  “Let us continue. I yearn to see what comes next,” Omrak rumbled, and Asin flashed a grin at Daniel. The stocky Adventurer just sighed and waved them towards the entrance. Well, it certainly looked like they would be checking out the next Level.

  “Crossbow?” Asin asked, staring upwards as they stood under the Dungeon sky. And sky it was, for there were even clouds that floated above along with birds. It was the birds that Asin watched, their long and sharp talons glinting. Standing in the exit, she drew a deep breath, tasting the scents in the air. Even now, underground, it smelled of fresh air and grass, trees and flowers. Even a wind ruffled her fur.

  “Didn’t bring it,” Daniel said, and Omrak shook his head in turn.

  “Net. Bow,” Asin muttered to herself, and Omrak had to nod in agreement. It seemed that a net to catch the fast-moving monsters or a bow to kill them at a distance would soon be added to the list of things a Karlak Adventurer required. It certainly would be a
boon for the city’s merchants.

  “I fear we must turn back. We are not equipped for this,” Omrak rumbled, and Asin reluctantly nodded. As much as she wanted to check out the floor in more detail, she was now outvoted.

  “Well, at least we made it this far,” Daniel consoled the group as they retreated back to the foyer and exited the Dungeon. Reaching the fourth floor in only two days was quite good, especially considering the fact that the Dungeon itself only had ten floors maximum as a Beginner Dungeon. As they exited, Asin shot one last, longing look over her shoulder.

  Chapter 4

  “Daniel. Asin. Omrak,” greeted Liev as the trio walked to his counter. He raised an eyebrow as Omrak turned, dropping his backpack on the table. Like the Dungeon, the Adventurers’ Guild had seen a minor transformation as well. Gone were the chest-high counters that the attendants had worked from. Instead, tables had replaced the counters with sufficient space for Adventurers to deposit their loot. Unlike the old Karlak Dungeon, the new Dungeon seemed to excel at providing additional drops.

  “Is it worth anything?” Daniel asked as Liev examined the Twinkin Sphere skin.

  “Mmmm … we can offer you a copper per five skins,” Liev said at last, putting the skin back on the counter. Asin hissed at that, her eyes narrowing in distrust. “This is a new loot drop. Until we learn more about what potential uses it might have, the purchase is purely speculative.”

  Asin growled again while Omrak just shrugged phlegmatically.

  “Asin, do you want to keep this? Maybe once they know what it is …?” Daniel asked.

  The Catkin snarled at Daniel before catching herself, staring at the pieces before she nodded in reluctant acceptance. Omrak scooped up the pieces and stuffed them back into his bag, clearing the table for Asin to deposit the Mana Stones. When Liev reached the large Mana Stones from the Champion and the floor chest, he stopped and raised a bushy red eyebrow.


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