Alphas Prefer Curves

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Alphas Prefer Curves Page 140

by Unknown

  I batted my lashes at him. “Too much for you?”

  “Just the right amount of too much.” His words echoed what he’d said on our first night together back at the Cirque D’Amour. I’d been worried he wouldn’t find my curves attractive. I wasn’t a small woman, but he’d loved every inch of me. I still blushed when I thought of that night.

  A door opened and slammed shut followed by the sound of several loud footsteps. I froze and looked at Blake, fear filling my eyes. Had Frankie found us? Whoever they were, they weren’t being quiet. They had no fear of discovery. Did that mean they were here to kill us both?

  Blake looked equally concerned and quietly took a knife from a kitchen drawer. Motioning for me to stand behind him, he edged toward the dining room. I grabbed the iron skillet sitting on the stove. It was heavy enough to take down anyone it connected with, especially with my weight behind it. Skillet cocked like a bat, I waited, ready to do battle.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Hello? Blake? You here, magic man?” called a loud male voice. “Alpha four reporting for duty.”

  “Oh wow, they’re here already?” Blake muttered, his expression going from concern to relief. He put the knife away and took the pan from me, returning it to the stove.

  “Who’s here?” I started to head toward the entrance of the Riad, but he pulled me back.

  “Let me talk to them before I introduce you.” He took my elbow and ushered me up a back stairway I hadn’t noticed before. The servants probably used it to navigate the house while staying out of the way of guests.

  “What’s going on?” I pulled away from him as we went up the stairs.

  “Nothing.” He opened the door at the top of the staircase and we stepped into the hallway leading to my room, only on the opposite end.

  “Okay. So why the hide-and-seek?” I frowned as he took me by the elbow and hustled me down the hall.

  “Timing is everything in life and magic,” he said cryptically. We arrived at my room and he escorted me inside. “Wait here. I’ll bring you down in a minute.” He paused, gathering his thoughts. “One thing, don’t say anything about what happened to you. That has to stay between us. As far as the men downstairs know, you’re my assistant for the magic competition. Okay?” He waited for my response, his eyes searching my face intently.

  “Okay,” I said with a weak smile. I didn’t understand what was going on, but I couldn’t say no. Maybe that was a problem. So far I’d never been able to turn the man down. He was like caffeine for my libido. My body just responded to him.

  “Good. Give me a few minutes to talk to them and I’ll come get you.” He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and rushed out the door, shutting it gently behind him.

  I took a moment to fuss with my hair. Blake had given me a bad case of ‘just been fucked’ bed head and I wanted to look a little more like a professional and a lot less like a woman who’d just rolled out of a man’s bed. Then finding my underwear was dry, I strapped in the girls and put on my panties, relieved I no longer had to go commando.

  True to his word, he was back before I knew it and brought me down to the living room. My heart stumbled when I saw the pure stud-of-the-month testosterone filling the room. I shot Blake a questioning look. Had he hired the Chippendales or something? He just shrugged.

  There were four guys who all looked like they could carry women, one in each arm, without breaking a sweat. They wore tight, tight T-shirts that strained to cover their bulging pecs and biceps. The men also had the square jaws of superheroes and the physiques of underwear models.

  While I looked at them with a mix of awe and wonder, they regarded me with suspicion. I caught more than a few narrowed eyes.

  Blake cleared his throat. “Everyone, this is Ruby. Ruby, this is my team.”

  “Your team for what?” I goggled at the men. “Tennis doubles? Ping pong? What?”

  Somebody guffawed, finding me amusing.

  Blake just raised his eyebrows. “Just my team. We work together.”

  Someone else snorted.

  “Okay. So they work on your magic shows with you?” I didn’t know magic had teams, but I wasn’t exactly an expert by any means. Besides, hadn’t Blake said something about a competition? I could think of a few tricks that might be fun to watch with his crew. Ones that involved very little clothing. Sure, Blake was hot and I was very into monogamy, but something about all those men in such a confined space overwhelmed my senses. If Blake was caffeine, these guys together were like speed for my libido. They made my imagination overheat.

  The guys laughed at my question. It seemed everything I said was amusing. One of them, a surfer blond type, slapped his knee. Blake glared at them each in turn. “We all have business to conduct and we’ll be professional about it, right?”

  The men nodded and tried to look serious, but more than one cracked a smile. They were a lot less suspicious of me now. Good to know all it took was being funny. If they knew the truth about me, they probably wouldn’t be feeling so chummy.

  “So, names, the guy over there with the bald head is Mark. Blondie here is Steve. The other blond is Dan and the redhead is Finn.” Blake pointed to the men in turn and they all gave me a sharp nod, almost like a salute.

  I nodded back with a warm smile. “Hi guys. Nice to meet you.”

  Blake waited while the guys said ‘Hi’ back and then said, “Now, we’ll all be sharing the Riad.”

  “Wait a minute,” protested Finn, the red head. “That’s going to compromise--”

  Blake made a sharp slicing motion with his hand and cut him off. “Nothing. We will work around each other.” To me, he said, “I’m going to ask you to not go past your suite and the common living areas. No going into any other rooms unless I’m there, okay?”

  “Sure, no problem.” Although, the room stuffed like an electronics store preparing for Black Friday came to mind. However, since I hadn’t seen anything beyond the equipment, I decided not to mention it.

  Blake gestured toward the stairs leading up to the bedroom suites.“Okay, well that’s that. It’s getting late, I’m ready for bed. Ruby, you and I will meet here at seven a.m. to start working on the trick for the magic competition.”

  “Umm, Blake?” I leaned in close and lowered my voice. “I don’t have any clothes or a toothbrush, remember? I probably should go shopping tomorrow.”

  He shook his head. “Make a list. I’ll get everything. I don’t want you leaving the Riad right now.” To the guys, he said, “Ruby’s had some trouble with men here harassing her. She’s the key to the magic competition, nothing can happen to her. You are to watch her back at all times, understood?”

  “Yes sir,” the men chorused in unison. They also gave him an actual salute. It was a casual finger-to-the-forehead salute, but still a salute.

  Everyone dispersed after that. The guys hauled large duffle bags to their rooms and I tried not to openly stare at their backsides as they walked down the hall. It was like Blake’s ass had been cloned.

  Blake snagged my hand and escorted me to my room saying, “For the sake of appearances we should sleep in our rooms.”

  “How long do we have to keep up appearances?” I asked. After our little romp that afternoon, I wanted more.

  He stepped inside my room and shut the door after him, assuring us of some privacy. “Not too long.” Blake kissed me, his lips soft, undemanding and promising nothing. It was the kind of kiss that would go nowhere.

  Disappointed, I pulled back and asked, “Tell me something. Are you the good guys or the bad guys?”

  “We’re the good guys.”

  I sighed in relief. “Promise?”

  Blake raised his hand. “I swear.” He paused for a second. “What if I’d said the bad guys?”

  I leaned into him. “I don’t think I can say no to you.”

  He ducked his head to whisper in my ear, “Same here.”

  “We’re in so much trouble.”

  “You may be right.” His tone wa
s light but his expression grew somber.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, Blake woke me bright and early with a loud knock at my door. The sun still hadn’t cracked the horizon yet, which combined with jetlag, made me feel off kilter. I dressed in the caftan again, finger combed my hair and scrubbed my teeth with a washcloth. Then I made my way downstairs, my stomach urging me on with a growl. In the dining room, I gulped down two cups of coffee and enjoyed some eggs with a side of fresh fruit.

  Blake was there along with the guys and conversation consisted mostly of ‘good morning’ and ‘please pass the salt.’ From all the furtive looks and awkward silences, it seemed to me that everyone was careful to keep things banal and unimportant. I followed suit, wondering if their secrets were worse than mine. After we ate, Blake and I convened in the living room while the guys traipsed out the door with a loud goodbye as they left to run errands, which included buying me some clothes.

  I’d been nervous about what they would buy for me, visions of ugly muumuus dancing in my head, but the bald guy, Mark, assured me he had sisters who were big girls. Plus, being the baby of the family he’d been clothes shopping with them all his life. He swore he would find me something decent. I gave him a detailed list of cuts and sizes anyway. Between Mark’s alleged expertise and my notes, I hoped they would return with something half way okay for me to wear.

  Blake perched on the arm of an overstuffed chair and waved a hand at me until he caught my attention. “We’re going to do an illusion. A striptease where the clothes just disappear.” He snapped his fingers. “Like magic.”

  I sipped my coffee and watched Blake from where I sat on the couch. “How are we going to do that?”

  “With math and engineering, but, first, we need to figure out the choreography.” He pulled out his phone and soon had some bump-and-grind music playing. “Show me how you would move with the music.”

  I gave a helpless shrug. “Lilli was the dancer. I was just the seamstress.”

  “Bullshit. I saw you on the stage that last night. You have a dance vocabulary, speak to me.” He crossed his arms.

  Setting aside my coffee, I stood in the center of the living room. My eyes closed, I listened to the thump of the bass and the crescendo of a passionate saxophone. Following the music, I started with some hip thrusts and soon was moving freely. Blake had me dance several times in a row, allowing me to explore the music without comment. Then, he began to edit my movements to fit with his trick.

  Not even an hour in and I was covered with sweat and short of breath. Blake, of course, looked cool and composed in his khaki pants and white linen shirt. The top two buttons were undone and I keep thinking about slipping my hands under the fabric to feel the heat of his smooth skin. It was hard to focus when every bump and grind made me think of the two of us in bed. We carried an electrical charge between us and it kept zapping me. I gave my head a little shake, trying to get my thoughts out of the gutter.“When is the performance?”

  “Tomorrow night.” He laughed at my gasp of horror. “Don’t worry, Ruby. We’ll be ready.”

  I cocked my head and frowned. “It’s a competition, right? Don’t you want to win?”

  Blake waved a dismissive hand. “I’m not there to win. I’m looking for something other than a trophy. We just have to fit in.”

  I looked at him confused. “What’s the point then?” What was at a magic competition except for magic tricks?

  “Don’t worry about it, just learn your part.”

  “Is this another thing you can’t tell me?” I put my hands on my hips and gave him a look.

  “Unfortunately, yes.” Blake watched me, his eyes steady. “You okay with that?”

  “Well, I guess so.” I spread my arms and let them fall to my sides. “Do I have a choice?”

  He shook his head and then changed the subject. “All right, I think we’re ready to try this with your costume. Let me go get it.” He disappeared for a moment and returned shortly with a red velvet gown over his arm.

  I took it from him, running my hand over the soft fabric. The dress was fit for a queen. The bodice was a mix of velvet and rich silk brocade, beaded and sequined almost to the point of being visible in outer space. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “A ruby dress for my Ruby,” Blake said with a crooked smile. “I’m glad you like it. See if it fits.”

  I stepped into the guest bathroom off the front entrance to the Riad and put the dress on. It fit perfectly as if Blake had memorized my measurements. The bodice pushed my breasts up high and cinched in my waist.

  He gave a low whistle when he saw me. “Gorgeous. Just like I knew you would be.”

  The heat of a blush burned my cheeks. He crossed the room to where I stood and pulled me close for a kiss. The smell of his aftershave hit my senses and I inhaled deeply, taking my fill.

  “If we had more time, I would take you upstairs and do wicked, terrible things to you,” he said between kisses.

  I moaned as his tongue stroked mine. Breaking our kiss, I said, “How much time do we have?”

  “Maybe ten minutes.”

  I sank to my knees before him.

  Blake tried to stop my descent, to pull me back up, but I was too far down to reverse course. “Ruby, this isn’t a good idea. There’s not enough time and the servants...”

  I cut him off. “We’re alone, the staff are at the market picking up the food for lunch, remember? And ten minutes is more than enough time.” I undid his belt and yanked down his pants. As usual, he wore no underwear and his shaft was already hard. “You’re not the only one who can do wicked things.”

  With that, I wrapped my lips tight around his shaft, sliding over the head and down as far as I could go. One hand went to cup his ass, the other his balls. Blake groaned softly and arched toward my mouth.

  “Suck me, baby.”

  I took him deeper and sucked for all I was worth. His shaft jumped in my mouth.

  “Ruby.” He drew my name out like a plea.

  I scraped the sensitive skin covering his hard length with my teeth. His whole body flexed at the sensation and I soothed him by swirling my tongue around and around his shaft. Blake hissed and his hands went to skim the crown of my head, exerting gentle forward pressure for me to take even more of him.

  Soon we were rocking in tandem and he came with a guttural cry. I drank him down, relishing the power over his pleasure. When he was done, I carefully pulled up his pants, tucked him inside and zipped, buttoned and buckled everything up.

  Taking the hand he offered, I pulled myself to my feet. Before I could say a word, his lips covered mine and he backed me into a wall as his hands dived under my skirt, seeking out the heat pulsing between my legs. I widened my stance to give him easier access and moaned when his fingers found my sensitive nub. He kneeled down and added his tongue to the assault on my senses. When the fingers of his other hand thrust into my wet passage, I lost the ability to breath. He worked my core with steady, sure strokes while his fingers danced inside me.

  Within seconds, I was a panting mess. I ground into his hand as his tongue ravished my core. I came with a sharp cry and then slumped as all the tension left my body.

  Blake guided me to a chair then and let me collapse there while I caught my breath. He seemed a little winded himself and sank into the couch, his eyes heavy lidded.

  The sound of a door opening and closing caused us to freeze. We looked at each other with wide eyes. Metal clanked on metal somewhere in the kitchen and water ran in the sink.

  “The cook,” I said softly.

  “The cook,” he echoed.

  “That was close.”

  “Yeah, wicked close.” Blake smiled and I laughed.

  We rested for a few more minutes and then Blake waved me up. “Come stand in the middle of the room. We’ve got work to do.”

  I stood where he indicated and zoned out as he worked around me. Our interlude had left me lethargic. It didn’t help that I couldn’t understand half
of what he did. There were thin strands of wire, fishing line and mirrors. Now that I was inside the trick, I found magic to be dull and boring. Instead of mystery and wonder, it was full of precision and science and OCD attention to detail. It became a chore of holding still and pulling the correct wire at the right time.

  Once he was satisfied with the set up, he played the music again. “Let’s try this out.”

  I danced and he did his magician thing, waving his hands and making it look like he was in charge of the striptease. I navigated the mechanics of the trick with some difficulty, but as we practiced over and over again the rough edges of the trick smoothed out. Soon, I was stripping down to my underwear like magicians had been undressing me all my life.

  After another run through, he said, “I think we’ve almost got t. We just need the corset and thong that go under your dress. They should be here tonight and then I’ll show you the finale of the trick.”

  “You mean there’s more?” I didn’t like how close we were cutting it. The show was tomorrow and I didn’t even know the end of the act yet.

  “Yep. You’re going to disappear right in front of their eyes.”

  “How are you going to do that?” I pulled the dress back on. So far the staff had stayed out of sight, but I remained nervous about someone catching me half naked.

  He put a finger to his lips. “Watch and see if you can figure it out.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Is this some kind of bet?”


  “What’s the prize if I figure it out?”

  Blake stepped close to me, hands skimming my curves. He tucked my hair behind my ear and leaned down to whisper, “More screams than you can count.”

  His words went right to the dark, wet place at my core. I set my head on his shoulder, inhaling his scent and the reassuring strength of his lean physique.

  Just as I was about to ask him if we could take a break, one that involved both of us naked in bed, Blake pulled away. “Now, let’s run it again.”

  With a resigned sigh, I took my position in the middle of the room. I was tired, but knew we needed to get this trick down as soon as possible. We worked through lunch, relying on our breakfast to carry us through the afternoon, but finally called it quits around three.


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