Alphas Prefer Curves

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Alphas Prefer Curves Page 159

by Unknown

  “You about ready to leave?” He’d snuck up behind her without a sound, a trick quickly becoming a habit. When his gaze raked over her from head to toe she couldn’t stop the beading of her nipples or the heat that flared to life between her legs.

  His nostrils flared as he sniffed the air. “You’re killing me, babe. We don’t have much time before the team arrives, we need to get out.”

  “Then let’s go.” She gathered up her travel bag and started out the door.

  “Anything in particular you would like to do today? We’ve got some time to kill.”

  “You mean besides hunt down the attacker? Yeah, actually I do.” She turned back to face him, falling into the warmth she saw in his eyes. “I need my magic, Kane, without it I’m weak and vulnerable. Something I do not know how to handle right now, not here under these circumstances.”

  He said nothing right away, but lifted his finger to stroke down her cheek. “You don’t have to be scared. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She jerked from his touch. “I’m not scared. I can take care of myself just fine, but with magic I’m stronger and it’s much easier to control a situation. Please...”

  He probably had no idea what it took for her to ask him this, to be at his mercy for something as simple as her birthright.

  “What do you need?”

  She blinked up at him, unsure if she heard him correctly. As she rattled off the list of various elements required for a variety of amulets, he grabbed her hand and led her through the kitchen to the back door.

  “Normally I would say out here in the country you’d be hard pressed to find some of those items, but it just so happens I know someone who might be able to help. She lives about an hour south of here, so it won’t take us long to get there.” He stopped and stared at her car. “Am I driving or are you?”

  “I am, of course.”

  He laughed and for the first time that day, she truly relaxed. She smiled back at him as he tossed the keys to her. “Fine, but don’t get any ideas.”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  Chapter Twelve

  True to his word, an hour later he directed her off the main road about ten miles outside of a no-name town onto a barely there dirt road. He’d called ahead and told the woman what they needed and she said she’d leave a box out on the porch. He explained she was an intensely private woman and rarely allowed anyone to see her in person.

  She pulled her car into an overgrown driveway in front of what could only be described as a shack. Despite her knowledge to the contrary about what to expect from witches, she imagined the stereotypical hunched back old lady living out here alone, probably hideous and afraid to let anyone see her. The kind of things kids’ nightmares are made of.

  Kane jumped out of the car and pulled some money out of his pocket and stuffed it through the slot on the door before grabbing up the box and carrying it back to the car.

  “All set.”

  “This place creeps me out. Reminds me of those stupid childhood tales that adults used to scare kids into staying out of trouble.”

  He cocked his brow in question, which she ignored. Not going there.

  “She’s really a nice woman, just a complete recluse, afraid to come out of her house. Everything she gave us is either homegrown or homemade. It’s amazing what you can do these days with Amazon delivery.”

  “Oh, don’t I know.” Lara threw the car into reverse and whipped the car back around. She couldn’t get away from this bad vibe house fast enough. “Where to now?”

  “You hungry?”

  “I could eat.”

  “How about a picnic.” She stared at him for a second and burst into a fit of giggles. Her laughter came so fast and hard it brought tears to her eyes.

  “What’s so damn funny about a picnic?”

  “No-nothing.” She managed around the uncontrollable laughter. He directed her to a mom and pop diner where he grabbed some take out, and then led her to a nearby overlook point just off the Blue Ridge Parkway.

  They followed a trail in silence to a small waterfall, like many that dotted the area.

  “This is nice.” She did love the mountains and always enjoyed every minute she could spend outdoors.

  “Oh, this is nothing, follow me.”

  He pulled her through the brush where there was no path and dragged her past trees and bushes that scraped at her arms.

  “I certainly hope where we’re headed is worth it.” He stepped aside and let her pass as they walked out of the trees and into a small clearing. The load roaring she’d thought was from the fall they’d passed instead came from a humongous and full waterfall in front of her. The heavy water crashed into a crystal clear pool in front of them.


  “I thought you might like it.” She turned around in a slow circle and took in everything. The green trees, blue sky, even the birds she heard in the distance. With the sun shining down on her face, she could temporarily forget about everything else and enjoy some time with Kane.

  “Thank you.”

  He carefully set the bags of food down on a tree stump and stalked toward her. The look in his eyes told her he wasn’t thinking about the beauty of nature anymore.

  “I thought you were hungry.”

  “I am. But for something much better than burgers.”

  “I don’t know, big juicy burgers are pretty good.” She took a few steps back, unsteady on her feet. His hungry look made her pussy squeeze and her breath catch in her throat. His nearly one-track mind matched her own as she thought about sinking down onto his cock, stretched and filled to capacity.

  “Again?” she asked.

  Kane threw her a wicked grin. “Always.”

  “Are all cougars like this? Always looking for more sex?”

  “Cougars do have a high sex drive, but not usually for just one person.

  We are more likely to choose multiple partners.”

  “You need more than one woman?” She didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Right now I need you and only you.” Emotion squeezed in her chest on his statement. What did he mean by that? Right now this minute? Or more... Her own desire had risen off the chart as her panties soaked. When she ran out of backing up room, she waited, barely breathing. “Kane.”

  “Take off your clothes, unless you want me to rip them off,” he growled.

  Lara didn’t take orders well, yet his demand weakened her and she did exactly as he asked. She jerked her shirt and pants from her body and tossed them to the grass. With her bra and panties still on, Kane cocked his brow. She reached behind her back and unlatched her bra and slowly uncovered full, aching breasts. She loved the way his eyes shone dark and hot, and the breath whooshed from his lungs on a sigh. She didn't look anything like the slim and trim cougar bitch who'd knocked on his door and that didn't seem to bother him at all.

  Lara hooked her thumbs inside the fabric of her panties and teased him with a quick shot of the trimmed dark hair covering her pussy. She heard the growl and her head snapped up to meet his gaze. For a minute neither of them spoke and she didn’t even breathe. The look of lust and desire he gave her was like a punch to her heart, not to mention the pulsing of her clit from standing near him, knowing he would soon be inside her.

  “You’re beautiful.” He touched her cheek with the pad of his finger and trailed it down her jaw and neck to the bare skin of her shoulders, but when that soft touch traced under and around her breast, she pushed him backwards and rushed the panties down her legs and tossed them to the side.

  She needed him now.

  Lara launched her body onto his and hooked her feet around his waist. Her sudden move caught him off guard and he pitched forward with nothing to break his fall as they tumbled together into the cool water from the fall.

  His arms squeezed around her tight as he pulled her under the water and then back to the surface.

  She shook the water from her face and head and gi
ggled at the two of them soaked and sputtering. “You got your clothes wet.”

  “So?” He shucked his clothes and tossed them a few feet to the shore, giving her enough time to swim away from him and underneath the waterfall. On the other side the rushing sound of water echoed against the cliff behind it. She stuck her face into the rush of water and laughed more at the sensation of cold water crashing over her. Lost in the fun of playing, she didn’t see Kane swim over and scoop her up around the legs.

  “Hey, I was having fun.”

  “I have another idea for having fun.” He laid her out on the ledge that jutted from the cliff, brushing her legs and arms as he moved to lie next to her. Goosebumps erupted all over her body from the combination of cool air and his delectable touch.

  His fingers swirled through and curled into the hair above her sex and tugged, just enough for a sting of pain. Wetness coated her lower lips, readying her for more.

  “So far I like your ideas.”

  “I figured you would.” Kane tipped his head toward one breast and nipped at the skin and exposed nipple.

  She jolted at the sensation, and moaned deep in her throat. Her body screamed for her to do something. Lying here waiting might kill her if he didn’t hurry it up. To keep her own sanity, she reached between his legs and cupped his balls, rolling them in her hands and squeezing.

  “You are such a bad girl.”

  “I think you like that about me.” Her hands moved to grasp the thick cock that rested against his leg. Mmm. The heat. The solid length. Her head lolled to the side as she focused on the ecstasy she held in her hand.

  “Please...” He rose over her.

  “Please what?”

  “Just please.”

  “No way, babe. It’s not that easy.” He nudged her legs apart with his thigh and settled between them.

  “You aim to torture me?” Her breath came in hard pants now as her whole body buzzed with the ache for him to fuck her.

  “Just until you beg.” The sharp point of his shifted teeth scraped against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, and she thought she would come without him ever touching her pussy.

  Her limbs trembled and jerked with every pass of his rough tongue and sharp teeth until she was on the edge of the cliff, only in need of a small push. Her lungs fought for air under her labored breathing.

  “Do you just play with your food, too, instead of eating it?”

  “You are too impatient. Are you like this about everything?” His fingers delved between her slick folds to stroke and fondle some more. “You have such a pretty pink pussy.”

  “Aahh, please,’re driving me crazy.”

  Two fingers plunged inside her then, rubbing against all the nerves hidden there. Yes, this is what she wanted. Rough and fast. When his lips closed over her hard little bud she jerked violently but his hand on her thigh steadied her.

  Her nerve endings were on fire and she couldn’t control a thing. Not how she felt, not her pleasure, nor his. This helplessness continued to drive her toward madness every time he did this. She writhed against his mouth but pushed against his shoulders. A total contradiction in need.

  Kane shifted between her legs. “You’re one stubborn woman.” He pressed into her and she lost focus on everything around her as he stretched and filled her again. Working in and out, he hit every damn spot she had as she rocked her hips in rhythm. Already her orgasm was close, close enough to reach for it, if he would just...

  “You’re killing me,” she whimpered. “No one likes a tease.”

  He kissed her then, his mouth sucking at her lower lip as he nibbled his way down while the head of his cock bumped against the most sensitive tissues he could find, and he could find a lot. “I’m not teasing you, baby, just pleasuring you. Nice and slow.”

  He was right about the pleasure. Her system raced with the overload of sensations, threatening to erupt into an explosive orgasm. The water from the swim still coated their skin, making it easy for Kane to slide across her flesh. His tight abs rocked against her soft, rounded belly. In fact, everything she felt seemed magnified somehow, creating a stupor of unadulterated bliss.

  When she really didn’t think she could take it anymore, and when she’d begun peeling thin strips of skin from Kane’s back and arms he picked up the pace, fucking her hard and deep. When her release broke she fell under and let it all take over, her only care for more. The screams that tore from her throat vibrated around them but were muffled by the sound of the water crashing around them. His orgasm rocketed into her then, sending a blast of heat to her womb that reignited her own fire. Out of breath and wrung out from the experience, she collapsed underneath him.

  “Kane, we are going to kill each other if we keep this up,” she mumbled.

  “You know you like it,” he teased.

  She more than liked it. She damn well needed him now. More than she’d ever needed anyone in her life and it scared the hell out of her. What would happen to her when they separated? Would she recover? She didn’t want to end up like the witch they’d visited today, alone and afraid to even leave the house. Is that what happens to people when they let their guard down and depended on someone else?

  No one stayed forever, and then what?


  A subtle movement in the corner of his eye and a low growl in his head caught Kane’s attention as he sprang from Lara’s warm embrace. “Stay here,” he muttered before diving under the water to find out who or what had him on edge.

  Resurfacing, he turned a three-sixty, scanning the area when he went still and sucked in his breath. A cougar stood on the shoreline right next to where they’d left their clothes. Another shifter, he was certain, because it was black like him.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he called out to his brother.

  He watched the cougar shift and pangs of regret filled him at the sight of Malcolm. Having both of his brothers shunned from the clan and away all the time bothered him a lot, but at least Lucas had his mate. Malcolm, on the other hand, had no kin to be with and had grown increasingly belligerent. There was talk that he might even turn feral sometime soon.

  “I’d ask you the same, brother, aren’t you kind of far away from clan borders?”

  “I have my reasons.” Water whooshed and splashed behind him as he heard the distinctive signs of Lara not following his orders, as usual. Damn woman.

  “What the fuck is this?” Malcolm’s face turned red with rage at the sight of Lara.

  Why couldn’t she listen?

  Kane snarled at his brother, which tore his attention away from her and back to him. “What do you want, Malcolm?”

  “Well, right now I’m dying to know if that bitch is using sex with my baby brother just like she did with me.”

  Kane’s thoughts went cold and still just like his body. “Careful what you say here.” He didn’t know where Malcolm was going with this, but the tingling along his spine told him it wasn’t going to be good. He already knew his mate had a past with his brother, but throwing it in his face was a very bad idea.

  “What, you don’t know?” He laughed. “That’s just priceless.”

  “Shut up, Malcolm, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lara’s voice had a hard and angry edge to it, chilling him.

  “You deserve to be busted, you little witch. Your obsession with revenge has gone too far when you start fucking all of us to get close. You’re not strong enough to take us down, when are you going to face that and move on? It’s time for you to get out of our lives.”

  “You son of a bitch!” She moved so fast she startled Kane as she flew by him, launching herself at Malcolm.

  Thank God for lightning fast reflexes. He grabbed Lara’s arm and pulled her back, shoving her behind him as he wrestled his brother to the ground. The sound of snarls filled his ears as they rolled onto the ground, shifting as they fell.

  Long teeth sank into his fur as Malcolm tried to get a grip on the back of his neck. Kane fl
ipped his brother, swiping his extended claws across the big cat’s jaw. He wouldn’t be taken down that easy. Lara yelled at them both from somewhere in the distance, but neither of them paid any attention; if they let their guard down there was a good chance one would be bested by the other, and Kane sure as hell wasn’t going to be beat down by his bastard brother.

  They flipped and fought and bit at each other before finally rolling away. The brothers circled, each trying to guess what the other would do when Lara jumped in between the two of them. Not a very smart idea when they continued to snarl and swipe at each other every time one of them had a shot.

  “Enough. You two are acting like children. So what if I had sex with your brother, I didn’t even know you back then. You knew my agenda; it’s not as if we didn’t talk about it. And you!” She whirled in the direction of Malcolm and he wondered how she knew to tell the two of them apart. “Why are you here? Because of me? Do you want a piece of me, too? If so, you’re going to have to get in line.”

  Malcolm shifted, not bothering to cover his nudity. “Spare me the theatrics, we both know better.”

  Kane shifted back then, seeing his human legs instead of the cougar’s. Bones moved effortlessly and he stood to his full height. Lara and Malcolm failed to notice him as he walked back to his clothes and put them on. He’d heard enough and tuned them out, not needing to know more. She’d lied to him all along, that seemed apparent.

  Dressed, he glanced at Lara to see her yelling at his brother. Her still naked breasts jiggled and Malcolm looked like he wasn’t listening to a word she said. Instead he recognized the look of lust and the feral grin on his face—that of a predator considering his prey, not to mention the hard on he was now sporting. Seemed like with Malcolm, fighting with his mate turned him on, too.

  For the first time in his life, Kane didn’t want to share what was his and bitch or not, she was his. At the very least, until the tribunal, so he couldn’t let her run off with Malcolm if that’s what she wanted.


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