A Most Stubborn Mate [Wolf Pack Mates 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Most Stubborn Mate [Wolf Pack Mates 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Cara Adams

  Zed toweled the sweat off his face and went back to the suite for a quick shower, before changing into his board shorts, grabbing another towel, and catching the elevator to the swimming pool level.

  The whirlpool was on a raised stand. Instead of climbing down into it like usual with a hot tub, he actually had to climb up steps and then access it that way. Steve was already in it, leaning his head against the edge of the tub, his eyes closed.

  Zed stared at him. He didn’t hate the man. He had seen Steve show grace and tolerance as well as bright intelligence, patience, and humor. Of course, he was still a mere human, not a wolf, but even Zed couldn’t pretend that Steve wasn’t as fit and strong as any ordinary wolf, and fitter and stronger than many.

  Dumping his towel on a chair, Zed climbed into the hot tub. Yeah, he could manage to live with this man. He would never stop wanting Josie, never stop wishing she could be his alone, but he was man enough to agree that her wishes had to come first, and being stuck with Steve wasn’t such a bad deal after all. The man was good company, and a sub, as well as a human. He was no threat to Zed’s position, but seemed to supply something extra, an added dimension that Josie needed in her life. I suppose that makes me childish, wanting to keep her all to myself, and being glad I’m the one in control. But I do love her. I love her enough to give her what she wants and needs, instead of what I’d prefer.

  He saw Josie walking over from the swimming pool, her towel wrapped around her and her sarong held in one hand. He watched her elegant, long legs as she dropped the towel and stepped into the tub. She was so fucking lovely. Her breasts in that blue bikini were round mounds peeping out the top of it, her belly was just the tiniest bit rounded as well, and when she bent over her spine was a defined straight line up her back. When she smiled his cock almost burst out of his shorts and he had to swallow hard. She was everything he’d ever wanted and he needed to tell her that tonight.

  He was just about to speak to her when he saw a man approach the hot tub. He was wearing dress pants and a button down shirt, so looked a little out of place here, but perhaps he was just looking around and would come back and use the equipment later. There was something about the man though. Zed sat up a little straighter, and inched a fraction closer to Josie.

  Josie turned to the man and gave him a big smile. What the fuck is she doing?

  “Hello. We have mutual friends, I believe. I’ve seen pictures of you in London, Paris, and Rome.”

  Fucking hell, she’s right. It’s the wolf from the photographs. Damn, she’s quick.

  “I Jairus. I travel much. I know you good peoples. The Supreme good peoples, too, but many bad peoples. My people not want be with bad peoples.”

  “How did you find us?” asked Zed.

  “Very easy. You look for us so obvious. We not wish be found yet.”

  “We work for the Supreme Alpha of North America. He’s a good friend of the Supreme Alpha of Europe,” said Zed.

  “I know. You America’s son. America no problem. Vojvodina is problem. Vienna will be problem when Supreme dies very soon now. Other countries also problem. My people not want problem.”

  “Is there any way we can help you?” asked Steve.

  Then he started speaking fast in a guttural language that Zed didn’t recognize. Which wasn’t all that surprising. There were a hell of a lot of languages in this part of the world he wouldn’t recognize. Jairus seemed to relax some more, and soon Steve was kneeling up in the tub, his arms resting on the ledge, and he and Jairus were jabbering away ninety miles a minute. Zed just hoped Steve wasn’t asking him about his rose garden, but instead was talking about the sort of things the Supreme would want to know.

  Jairus suddenly looked around and hurried away, Zed just stared at him. He was pretty sure he’d have recognized “good-bye” had it been said. But one minute Jairus was there and the next he’d gone.

  “What was that about?”

  “I’ll tell you both in our room later. We need to stay here for a while though to give him time to leave the hotel. He took a risk following us here,” said Steve.

  “That’s no difficulty. The heat and bubbles feel wonderful.” Josie sank deeper into the water until just her head and neck were out of it.

  Zed thought of something he’d been meaning to ask her for a long time. “Why do you put your keycard in your ponytail? Do you swim with it there?”

  “People often steal keycards, especially women’s keycards. Leaving them with a towel is asking to have them taken. Men have board shorts with pockets in them. If I tuck it into my ponytail properly it’s quite safe there and not likely to get lost. Besides, if it drops to the bottom of the pool I can dive down and get it. But I’ve never lost one yet.”

  “Makes sense, I guess,” said Steve.

  Zed just grunted. He wanted to get them back to the room to find out what Jairus had told Steve and then to fuck Josie’s brains out. He could hardly wait. Both those things had been at the top of his to-do list for way too long.

  Chapter Six

  Steve had roughly toweled himself dry when they got out of the whirlpool, but everyone had been in a hurry to get back to their room. Nevertheless he didn’t want to sit on any of the nice chairs or even the bed, so he walked straight into the bathroom and sat on the side of the tub. Josie followed him and sat on the facilities. Zed just leaned against one of the tiled walls.

  “Tell us everything,” demanded Josie.

  “Well, first of all, he didn’t tell me his last name, or the name of the pack, or even where they live, but I decided to speak Serbo-Croatian—well, basically Serbian—to him because all the countries around here recognize that language, and it’s the only language that uses both the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.”

  “And there’s signs everywhere in Cyrillic.” Josie nodded.

  “Yes. Right. Jairus said his pack has been looking at becoming less isolated over the past four or five years, and has a great deal of respect for the Supreme. They have sent their young men to study at universities all around Europe, and while they studied they were to assess the status and viability of the various wolf packs.”

  “That’s a pretty damn clever long-term strategy,” said Zed.

  “Yeah, well, when the Supreme was healthy they were reasonably happy with the idea of uniting. But now they’re worried. They foresee the whole shit-hitting-the-fan scenario that we’re predicting so they’re no longer interested in exposing themselves until the new Supreme is firmly established in his role. And they agree the Alpha of Denmark is the right man for the job. The Alpha of Vojvodina is a worry to them, as is the Alpha of Turkey, and they’re very concerned about who may become the Alpha of Vienna. Jairus shook his head at the thought of either Gustav or the Supreme’s son succeeding him.”

  “Did he offer any suggestions as to a better candidate?” asked Josie.

  “No, but he seemed to think the Supreme had his eye on someone else for the job, which is what the Supreme himself told us. He also said if we ever needed to contact his pack, to walk around the interior of St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna at noon on any day and we would be contacted within forty-eight hours.”

  “Why not give us a cell phone number or an email address? Now who’s being nineteenth century?” groaned Josie.

  “Except that their method is almost untraceable. Someone could be hidden and videotape the crowd whereas telephone numbers and email addresses can be hacked,” said Steve.

  He’d given them all his information so he stood up and pulled his wet swimwear off, wrung them out over the tub, then hung them over the shower rail to dry. Next, he picked up a dry towel and rubbed it over his body.

  “Why don’t you go and lie facedown on the bed, Steve. Josie, you get undressed and join him,” said Zed.

  At last. I’ve been waiting for this for much too long.

  Steve hurried into the bedroom. He removed the excess pillows and the quilt from the bed, dumping them in one of the armchairs, then pulled the sheets and
blankets down to the foot of the bed. By the time he was lying comfortably on his front, his head pillowed on his crossed forearms, Josie was climbing up beside him.

  Steve felt warm and happy. At long last they were going to play a proper BDSM scene. Also they were all sharing a bed, finally, and fortunately it was a very large bed. So even after they’d fucked they’d still all be together. So this time, this night, for the very first time they really would be a family.

  Also, he’d proven his value to the team. He’d been able to guess a language their contact would feel comfortable speaking, and he’d gotten some good information from the man. Of course, he’d helped with the debugger, but that was coincidence. This was his job and he’d been able to use his knowledge of languages properly when it mattered. Everything was coming together at last. Now, if only Zed could continue to work with him and realize he’d never try to steal Josie away from the union, that the three of them belonged together, life would be perfect.

  Steve stared at Josie. She seemed completely relaxed, her head turned to face his, but her eyes were closed, and there was a tiny smile kinking up the edges of her lips. She looked like the cat who’d eaten an entire bowl of cream. Or perhaps the cat who was planning to eat a bowl of cream. Yeah, and he knew whose cream she was going to be eating. Which was fine by him as long as he got to eat her cream as well.

  A heavy weight pressed onto his back and his head was covered, muffled and tied up. Steve forced himself to breath shallowly through his mouth until he got some vision back. By looking downward to his chest, he could tell his face had been wrapped in his own sweater, the sleeves of it being used to tie it around his chin. There was actually plenty of space for him to get air to breathe, and the sweater was wool anyway, which let air pass through between the weave of the fabric. But fucking hell, that big wolf could move both fast and silently. He hadn’t expected that to happen.

  By straining his hearing and stretching his senses to the utmost, Steve was able to tell when Zed returned and blindfolded Josie, but he was still taken by surprise when a sharp thwack landed on his ass. The whip hurt, but it was a good kind of hurt. He relaxed back into the bedding as his ass was whipped steadily until it began to burn fiery hot. He’d only just worked out he was being whipped with a leather belt, possibly his own belt, at that, when there was a sharp slap on his butt with the buckle end. That fucking hurts!

  Then he could feel the air moving with Zed’s actions and hear the slapping sound of leather on flesh as Zed presumably punished Josie. She wasn’t making any complaints so he could only think she was enjoying it as he had done. It hurt, yes, it definitely did, but it was a releasing, freeing, kind of pain. The type of punishment that let him relax, and stop thinking, and trust Zed to raise his endorphins to the level where he knew the sex would be so much better than ever before.

  Of course sex with Josie would always be wonderful, the answer to all his hopes and dreams, but orgasms could be improved when a person’s arousal was heightened by a hot and tender ass. And that would be doubly so for Josie who would be fucked there. Or at least touched there. He didn’t know what Zed proposed. Maybe some oral sex as well as fucking this time. Steve didn’t care how they fucked, just as long as he was included, and Zed had been very fair about always treating him equally. Perhaps the wolf was ready to acknowledge that their triad was worth keeping.

  Being together was all he wanted. Being with Josie was his ambition, and Josie wanted Zed, so Steve was prepared to work with that. In fact, the wolf hadn’t been too hard to deal with at all. He still had a tendency to be pushy, arrogant, controlling, and demanding, but he was very intelligent and knew when he needed to let other people use their skills. He also backed down when other people were proven right, or demonstrated that their ideas were better than his. All in all, Steve decided he liked the big man. He was a good manager, a trustworthy leader, and he had the charisma to lead a pack when the time came. Although the Supreme was only in his fifties, so that time was not likely to be soon. Still, as an Ambassador, Zed’s role was an important one, and Steve had grown up traveling the world so could cope with doing it again for maybe ten or fifteen years until the time came for them all to settle down back in Ohio when Zed inherited the pack.

  Steve smiled at himself. He really was more wolf than human in his thinking, although there was no wolf gene in his genetic makeup.

  The belt whipping across his shoulders had Steve concentrating on the punishment again, letting his body relax and accept the pain, enjoy it, feel it send all his cares and stresses away. Ah, hurts so good.

  The whipping stopped, and Steve could sense Zed moving around the room but couldn’t guess what he was doing. Excitement and tension built up inside him as he wondered if Zed was simply making him and Josie wait for exactly that reason—to increase their sexual tension. Well, if he was, it was working. Then Steve heard Josie give a faint gasp.

  He listened harder, opened all his senses as wide as he could, concentrating on what might be happening. But apart from those few faint sounds, he had no more clues. Well damn that Zed. The man was indeed cranking up the tension as a good Dom should do.

  Just as Steve sensed Zed’s presence beside him, something ice cold trickled down his spine, followed by cream, at room temperature, being dripped across his back. He was still puzzling this out when heat seared his side.

  Steve’s brain was scrambling to rationalize the three different sensations when the belt whipped across his calves, and then his shoulders.

  The belt buckle scraped over his skin, blending the ice, the cream, and the heat together in a swirling pattern. Now, that was devious indeed. Steve’s brain instantly tried to make sense of the pattern, to form it into something meaningful in its own right. But as the belt whipped his ass again and again, Steve understood the sensation play had been a diversion, meant to arouse and confuse him, which it had done perfectly.

  All he could think of was Josie, and wishing he was the one massaging her back with cream. Although probably not ice or hot water.

  “You can both remove the blindfolds.”

  Steve felt around his chin and untied the sleeves of his sweater, then pulled the bundle of clothing off his head. He blinked in the bright light for a moment, squinting his eyes, then looked over at Josie. She had that tiny smile tilting her lips upward again. It pleased him to know she was enjoying their game.

  “Josie, lay across the bed. I want your head off the edge of the bed on one side, and your legs wide apart. Put your feet flat on the mattress.”

  Steve watched as Josie’s hint of a smile turned into a genuine grin. Yeah, she’d guessed what was coming next, much as Steve himself had theorized. A bit of oral to raise their anticipation higher before the main event. The only question was, would Zed ask her to suck him, or would he get to suck her? Either was fine with him.

  Josie wiggled around on the bed, getting into the position Zed had told her to take. Steve looked at her ass as she turned over, and although it was bright pink, there were no bruises or cuts on it. Likely Zed hadn’t hit her with the buckle. Either that, or he’d gotten it exactly right, which wasn’t so surprising. Steve’s own ass burned, but only in a good way.

  “Steve, come around here and suck Josie. I want you to torment her, to drive her crazy with desire, but you mustn’t let her climax.”

  Oh, nice challenge and one he was up for totally. Of course his own dick was going to give him hell, but he’d ignore it and think only of the woman he loved so much.

  Steve clambered off the bed and moved to kneel on the floor, his head poised at her pussy. Gently he opened her nether lips and looked inside her. She was pretty down here, too, just as pretty as everywhere else. Her lips hid the treasure of her channel, so warm, wet, deep pink in color, and silky soft on his fingers or his cock. Her clit was already pink as well, and poking out of its tiny hood.

  He glanced at Zed to see if he could touch her yet, and saw Zed feed his cock into Josie’s mouth. Yes, it looked like it was
all systems go.

  For a moment Steve was distracted by her breasts. In this position her nipples were pointing straight up into the air, as hard as tiny cocks and just as enticing. He longed to touch her breasts but her cunt was an even more exciting playground, so he held her open with both his hands, and licked the length of her slit.

  Oh, so good. Damn, she was honeyed perfection. Once again he ran his tongue along her seam before using the very tip of it to tease her clit. She wiggled her hips, but he couldn’t be sure if it was because of his mouth or from what she was doing with Zed. But it didn’t matter. Between the two of them they’d drive her insane with need.

  Steve bit along the outer edge of her labia, tiny sharp nips with his teeth, before driving his tongue inside her to lick up her honey. And what a lot of honey she had. Wet didn’t come close to describing her channel. Her pussy was soaked with her essence. Next he turned his attention back to her clit, sucking the little button, then circling his tongue around and around it, teasing her, never actually touching it.

  For a while he ignored it completely, placing his nose at her pussy entry and breathing her scent deep into his lungs, reveling in her sweetness. Now it was her clit’s turn again, and this time he scraped his teeth gently across it, before tongue fucking her cunt. Steve was loving every minute of this assignment. The only problem was, his cock was so engorged he was really struggling not to put his hand on it and ease the tension a little. But that would spoil Zed’s plans for their final fucking. Assuming he could sink his dick into her without exploding the moment it rested in her delicious heat that was.

  Josie was just as aroused as he was. Her wiggling and the little noises she was making around Zed’s cock told the story as clearly as a neon sign could do. Much as he was enjoying this game, unless they were going to be allowed to orgasm, they’d have to stop really soon.

  Likely Zed was watching them closely. Steve already knew Zed would be a dedicated and efficient Dom, ensuring everything happened for their mutual enjoyment. Just then he said, “Enough. Put your legs over your shoulders, Josie.”


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