Jared was on her like a cobra striking at its prey. He snatched her by the waist and pulled her between his spread thighs. One hand circled both her wrists, while the other pressed against the small of her back. “You will not curse when addressing me again.” His eyes glittered. “Do I make myself clear?”
The unexpected rebuke was bad enough, but his obvious disappointment tugged at her insides. She swallowed, nodding.
His nostrils flared. “Say it.”
“Yes,” she replied, appalled at her meek tone. Where was the ball-breaking girl everyone knew and loved? Was she her mother’s child, or the unclaimed spawn of some Stepford wife?
Pam’s racing thoughts screeched to a halt at Jared’s next words.
“Our relationship has entered a new phase, starting right now. Neither of us has been much good at communicating with the other, and I want this to improve at both ends. Agreed?” He waited.
Pam nodded; then she caught herself. “I agree.”
“Very good,” he said. “This requires honesty from both parties. We both know outright lying is dishonest but so are lies of omission. Do you know what that is?”
“Yes,” she replied. “It’s when someone withholds certain details of a situation from others. Sometimes it’s done deliberately, stemming from either malice or simply a wish to protect the parties involved. Conversely, some people repress information because at some level they realize it has potential to do harm. That’s why lawyers cross-examine people. To uncover these truths.”
Jared stared at her, admiration lighting up his face. “So damned smart.” Then he sighed. “Well, I’m definitely guilty of a lie of omission. The decision to withhold information was based partly on fear, but it was mostly done to protect you.”
Pam’s stomach tightened at his words. She shifted from one foot to the other. “Please explain.”
Jared released her hands. But Pam needed no physical restraints to compel her to stay. Indeed, she shifted toward him. Strange how he had that effect on her.
He ran both hands through his hair, the vulnerable gesture making her heart ache.
“I have a strong desire to have control in the bedroom. My sexual needs lean toward Dominance.” He sat back, waiting for a response.
Her heart did a little flip. “Do you mean you like…” Pam scoured her brain. “What’s it called…BS-something?”
His eyes danced at that. “Close. BDSM. I’m a Dominant who prefers sexually submissive women.”
Her hands flew to her mouth. “Oh my God, Jared.”
Jared arched a brow.
She paused, letting it all sink in. “Wait. The spanks you gave me earlier. You liked doing that, didn’t you?”
“Yes, indeed.” He fondled her ass under the oversize T-shirt. “And so did you, my pet.”
“Huh?” she protested. “I did not! How can you assume…”
“Come on.” Jared’s expression remained solemn, but his lips twitched. “Credit me with knowing you a little. Being former military, I haven’t always been a regular on the BDSM scene. But I’m experienced enough as a Dom to detect a favorable response.”
No. Well, maybe. Not sure what to say, Pam kept quiet.
Jared cupped her chin. “Did you like the spanks, just a little?”
She closed her eyes. “Yes.” By the time she opened them again, his features had softened.
Jared slid a hand up her cheek and stroked it gently. “Want to continue?”
She hesitated, then surprised herself by nodding.
“Good, my brave girl. I will take care of you. That I promise. Okay?”
Her pulse fluttered. Just a bit. “Yes.”
At that, he smiled. “Thank you, sweetheart. Now, let’s move on to some action. I want to play a little.” He paused and looked straight into her eyes. “If you want me to stop at any point, say the word ‘sugar.’ It’s called a safe word. If you use it, all activity will cease, no questions asked. Understand, though, that all play will end. All right?”
Pamela frowned. “So if I don’t do what you want, you’ll reject me? Not nice.” She felt tears welling up, but she couldn’t help it.
Jared let out a soft breath. “No. You misunderstand me.” He perched her on his lap and cradled her face in his hands. “Listen. Earlier this evening, you showed signs of being a submissive. Now that I’ve seen your responses, I want to explore that possibility with you and test your limits. I assumed you would like to at least give it a try. If you don’t, or if I’ve misread you, I think it’s a good idea if we take a breather. Or we can try again. Your choice.”
She deliberated on this for a moment. “I see what you’re saying. You really want to do this but don’t want to force me. And if I refuse to proceed, or if you don’t make good judgments about my limits, a little time will give us both a chance to regroup. But I can continue if I want to.”
“Exactly,” Jared said. “You understand me so well.” He nuzzled her breasts.
Pam’s insides melted at his playfulness. “Well, let’s give it a whirl. I trust you.”
He stilled and looked at her. “That’s what I needed to hear. Think of this as a power exchange. You can’t do that with just anyone. It must be with someone you trust. And true BDSM is all about trust.”
“Then we have a good foundation,” she noted. “Can you tell me what you are planning to do?”
“Absolutely,” Jared affirmed. “It’s called a scene. I’d like to see your reaction to a bare-handed spanking. Understand that sometimes a spanking is erotic, other times it’s about discipline, oftentimes it’s both. It will always sting, but sometimes a sub experiences a great deal of pleasure when her body adjusts. Just remember, as with all kinky play, it must always be safe, sane, and consensual.”
Relief flooded her. “Well, I think that’s a pretty self-explanatory saying. I just want you to know I won’t do anything that freaks me out.”
Jared nodded. “And you never should. Ever. If anything makes you feel even a little squeamish or uncomfortable, you must use your safe word to stop all play. Without hesitation. Even if the sensations feel good but become too overwhelming. Ultimately, you’re the one in control. Not me. Never forget that. Okay?”
“Okay. You never have to worry about me being reluctant in that regard. I’m going to be as vocal as they come.”
She sat up straighter, determined to see this through. “All right, then. Where do we start?”
Jared looked at her darkly. “You must mean where do I start?”
Pam tossed her head with impatience. “Here we go again with the semantics. Whatever. Take charge, Mr. Dom. Let’s get a move on.”
“Already topping from the bottom, eh, sweetheart?” He gripped her nape while sliding his other hand around her waist. Without further preamble, Jared lifted Pam and positioned her facedown over his lap.
Her shocked yip ended in a startled yelp when he held her down and lifted her T-shirt until it bunched at her waist. Cool air caressed her naked bottom.
“Goddamn it. Shit.” She tried pushing herself off his lap. “What the f-frig are you doing? I agreed to work with you on this BS stuff!”
But a dim understanding had begun to take hold before the words left her lips. Jared was going to give her an old-fashioned pounding. Over his knee. She tried wiggling off his lap, but this proved impossible with the iron bands welded across her thighs and upper back.
“I’m going to give you a long overdue ass-whooping,” Jared declared, confirming her suspicions.
Pam froze. “But you did that earlier,” she argued.
He scoffed at her words. “That was a little test. Three taps is barely a warm-up. Last I counted, you had thirty-five coming.”
She tried bucking out of his grip, but he held her down. “Are you joking? What the f-freak did I do to deserve that?”
Jared snorted. “Actually, I’m being lenient because you’re a novice. Count your blessings.”
Pam lay still, trying t
o catch her breath. A hardened palm smoothed over her ass. Even in her panicked state, she had a vision of its vast whiteness nearly blinding him. She tried masking her uncertainty with a snappy comeback. “Right. Take advantage of my powerlessness to cop a feel,” she sniped.
“Five more swats. You’re up to forty now. Want to say your safe word?” he taunted.
Fucking fuck. “Why forty? That seems extreme.”
Jared’s fingers slipped between her closed thighs, forcing them a couple of inches apart. He paused to answer her question. “Where do I start? First, you refused to tell me why you were so pissed off the last few weeks. Second, you deliberately provoked me with your little striptease. Then you tried bending me to your will twice—first by demanding a kiss when I didn’t move fast enough, then by ordering me around even after I hinted at my Dominant nature. When that didn’t work, you gave me that little love bite as if in warning. Very willful. Last, you cursed at and sassed me.”
Oh. She kind of saw his point now, but she’d walk the streets of Manhattan stark-naked and with her hair afire before she’d ever admit it to him.
The first blow landed on the left cheek. It startled her but didn’t really hurt. The second landed on the right buttock, much like the first.
Piece of cake, she thought, feeling a bit smug. The third and fourth came down with similar force, but these stung, as each ended up on the exact spots as the first and second. Number five struck the middle of her ass with a loud crack, and despite herself, she flinched.
Pam’s booty was now getting warmed up, yet the sensation was not altogether unpleasant. She almost changed her mind when several slaps landed close to her upper thighs, the strikes on the unexpected targets causing involuntary jerks.
Angry with herself for being a wimp, Pam resolved to tough it out.
A series of whacks rained down on her right side. These were harder and delivered in rapid succession, and Pam’s fortitude soon dissolved in the face of the onslaught. Wailing, she covered her aching butt with her hands—anything to quell the burning sensation now radiating down her right cheek.
Jared stopped; then, seizing her arms, he trapped them behind her back. Holding them still, he spoke. “If you try that again, I’ll tie your wrists together. I could have really hurt you just now.” He paused to let his words sink in. “Are you going to behave yourself?”
“Yes.” The curt response sounded more than a little hostile.
“You will call me Sir in the bedroom from now on. Got it?”
She hesitated, and he slapped the sorest part of her tush for motivation.
“Yes, Sir,” she replied.
A fresh volley of thumps lit up her left cheek. Soon its burning ache rivaled the throbbing on her right side. Jared kept at it, alternating the spanks. There was no discernable pattern, so Pam could never tell where he was going to strike next.
“Twenty-two,” he counted. He thumped her three more times and paused. “Your ass is beautiful and rosy now. What’s your safe word?” he questioned.
“It’s sugar, Sir,” she choked out.
“Very good. Use it if you need to. Open your legs.”
Pam complied, her tail now on fire.
Jared pressed his thumb against her puckered hole and slid two fingers to her pussy. “Soaked,” he said with infinite satisfaction. “You like this more than you’re letting on.”
He chuckled at her groan of mortification. This enraged her past all reason, considering he had placed her in this helpless position. Pamela lunged for his thigh, her teeth bared for a juicy bite. Jared caught her in time, shifting her a few inches farther down until her head hung nearer to the floor. He pressed one powerful arm down on the middle of her back and clamped the other around her thighs.
“Ten more added,” he said, sounding a little out of breath. “Jesus, Pam. You really need to be tied up. But first I’m going to paddle your ass but good.”
Pam flailed her arms around and kicked out her legs, wanting nothing more at that moment than to make his life as miserable as possible. Jared allowed her to vent her rage, and too late, she caught on to his game. Soon she was too winded and tangled up in her long hair to do much beyond grumble and pant.
The spanking resumed, the slaps now coming down with relentless speed. How to escape this humiliation? She could use her safe word. No. Too pathetic. She would never recover her self-respect. Perhaps if she squeezed out a couple of crocodile tears, he’d give in. Hell, no. Too manipulative. Her sense of fair play wouldn’t allow it. The options were not only limited but distasteful.
Except one. Submit.
Acknowledging she’d lost this particular battle, Pam yielded to him. An inferno spread across her ass, but it no longer stung. The all-consuming heat felt good now, and she emptied her mind to focus on the growing sensations.
Had the feelings become overwhelming as Jared had mentioned? Yes. But she didn’t want them to stop. She didn’t want him to stop. Closing her eyes, she relaxed under his firm hands, and soon, the sharp cracks reached her ears as if from a great distance. Soft mists trailed around her body, inviting her to sink into restful oblivion.
But no. She wanted to remain with Jared. Needed to. He was the reason she felt such euphoria. Pam fought against the irresistible pull, yet she continued descending into the quiet, murky depths.
“Please, let me stay with him,” she tried saying aloud—however, the words of supplication couldn’t seem to reach her lips.
Then, all of a sudden, a deep contentment flooded through her. There was no need to fight or worry. Jared wouldn’t let her go.
With him, she was safe.
Chapter Four
The thuds of erotic discipline stopped. Now she was floating in midair, supported by something warm and solid. Burrowing into its wonderfulness, she heard herself murmur something inarticulate. A deep hum reached her from the mists. Recognizing the voice, she spoke, “Jared?”
He pressed gentle lips against her temple. “Yes, it’s me, Pam.”
She tried opening her lids, but they had heavy weights on them. “So sleepy. Give me…minute. Sorry. Don’t be mad.”
Strong arms surrounded her. “Don’t be sorry, my love. Take your time. I’m right here holding you…keeping you safe.”
His soft voice was so reassuring she let the mists envelop her.
Pam roused, belly to belly with her lover. She lay sprawled on top of him, her head resting on his chest. He moved one hand up and down her back in a slow caress while sliding the other over her butt, stroking the sensitive skin.
She peeped up at Jared, who now looked remarkably tranquil. This seemed odd, assuming how pissed he must be at her for giving him such a hard time. “Hi,” she ventured.
“Hi, yourself,” he replied. The soft lighting enhanced his chiseled features, and she couldn’t help ogling him. “How do you feel?”
“Relaxed.” Both hands were now rubbing her tush. It felt surprisingly okay, considering its recent treatment. She jerked up, remembering. “Hold on. Did I pass out?” She couldn’t recall how they’d gotten back into his bed.
Jared shook his head. “No. You’ve been conscious all along…just a little out of it.”
Pam moved up Jared’s torso in alarm. “Out of it? What do you mean?”
Jared bumped foreheads with her, going eyeball to eyeball.
Pam glared into his orbs; then her eyes watered and lost focus. She scooted onto the mattress and sat on her haunches. Pressing the heels of her hands to the sockets, she rubbed. “Please tell me what happened.”
Jared plucked her hands away from her sore eyes. He kissed each eyelid before answering. “You entered into something called subspace while I spanked you.”
She made a face. “Sounds like some science fiction-y nonsense.”
Jared grinned. “I know. In BDSM, subspace is an altered state of consciousness entered by some subs during intense scenes. The body releases chemicals such as epinephrine in order to combat pain during activities like a span
king or caning. At the same time, endorphins flood the system in response to a partner fulfilling a deep, emotional need, such as being dominated or restrained.”
“Wow.” Pam nibbled on a fingernail. “Is that response normal?”
Jared nodded. “Yes. It’s a natural reaction when a submissive connects with the right Dominant. Subspace is a state of euphoria often compared to ones experienced by extreme athletes, adventurers…”
“And sought after by addicts, I bet,” she added.
“Yes,” Jared agreed, looking impressed. He continued. “Simply put, your system flooded with pain-pleasure chemicals and went on overload. It’s not at all unusual, but I must say, your reaction to my discipline was quite extraordinary. Anyone who responds so beautifully has an inherent need to submit.”
“Well, um,” Pamela uttered, her fingers at her throat. “I didn’t feel any pain after a while.” She considered this for a moment. “Jared,” she exclaimed, “how can I use my safe word if I’m so out of it?”
“Good question,” he answered. “You can’t. It’s up to the Dom to observe all his sub’s reactions. The instant I realized you had entered subspace, I ended the scene. You were no longer capable of telling me when you had reached your limit.”
“I remember feeling floaty and calm,” she said.
He folded his arms behind his head. “You were flying high and helpless as a newborn kitten. When I saw this, I immediately moved into aftercare. It’s a Dominant’s responsibility to make you feel warm, comfortable, and safe until you regain your full faculties.”
“Both mental and physical, right?” At his nod, she covered her face. “Oh, God, Jared. You carried me here, didn’t you?”
He pulled her hands away from her face. “Indeed I did. Easy as could be.” He frowned. “I don’t know where you get the body issues from, Pam. You’re womanly and desirable.” He reached down and cupped her rounded bottom. “I’m especially fond of your ass at present.”
Pam huffed with indignation. “I bet. You sure got real intimate with it.” She placed her hand over the one touching her booty. “Wait. Why don’t I feel any pain?” She stopped. “Hold on. Let me rephrase that. There’s a slight burning and some sensitivity. But no real pain.” She shuddered. “I think I would hate that anyway.”
Her Secret Dom Page 5