Her Secret Dom

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Her Secret Dom Page 18

by Samantha Cote

  “You’ve just earned ten swats,” he said severely. “Go into the bedroom and assume the position. You’ve got five minutes. No, two.”

  Pam hurried to his room to do as he instructed. As she waited for her Dom, she smiled to herself. She had considered wearing the plug before coming over but chose not to. The consequences of disobeying him were clear, but hell, she wanted to feel some heat on her ass tonight.

  But she wasn’t about to let him know that.

  It was her little secret.


  Jared strolled around the glittering ballroom of his parents’ house, pausing every few feet to greet guests. He smiled his charming best, wishing all the while Pam would hurry up and finish changing so she could take her rightful place beside him. No doubt she and her bestie, Katherine, were busy sipping champagne and yakking away while he played host to the throngs all by his lonesome.

  She was in for some serious punishment later on. He knew she’d beg him to go easy on her, but in the end she would submit as sweetly as ever. Just thinking about it made his balls ache.

  With considerable effort, he dragged his attention away from his randy cock to the present shindig. It was quite a turnout, and, fortunately, his parents’ ballroom and gardens were large enough to contain the crowd.

  He perused the room with deep satisfaction. His and Pam’s families were interacting quite nicely, as were her coworkers and several employees of Marlowe Security. A few of his army buddies and a handful of Washington dignitaries mingled with Bethesda’s best families. An eclectic group to be sure.

  The booze was flowing, and the guests were beginning to loosen up after the beautiful but formal ceremony. His mother and sister, Alicia, were sticklers for tradition and had kept a tight rein on the entire event.

  Now a busy law student, Pam had delegated most of the planning to them. Both were micromanaging perfectionists and took to the project with great enthusiasm. Even so, Pam had her stipulations—one being the occasion not be overly formal.

  Clearly, her wish had been granted for the reception. Jared watched with amusement as her gangly cousin Simon danced with a distant relation of the Marlowes…his third cousin Emily, he now recalled. A refined little miss, she melted into uncontrollable giggles when Simon began twerking, bumping his skinny ass up and down in time to the beat. Soon, several of Pam’s coworkers joined them, and they all started a hilarious group dance.

  Jared chuckled at their high spirits and continued working the room. After a few words with a respected Southern senator, he wandered by the french doors leading to his mother’s prized gardens. The doors were opened to the balmy summer evening, and he paused to watch the revelers stroll along the winding, lantern-lit paths. A soft breeze cooled his face and the heady fragrance of June roses filled his senses.

  It had been the perfect day to get married, and it was a glorious night to celebrate that union.

  Jared sensed his wife’s presence and turned eagerly.

  He watched as Pam descended the stairway, her hardworking maid of honor, Katherine, still fussing beside her. Pam looked in his direction, and his heart clenched when she smiled just for him. He lowered his gaze from her glowing face and took in her reception dress. It was a flowing ivory gown that covered everything and hid nothing. Blame it on his firsthand knowledge of her juicy curves, but she looked a bit naughty despite the dress’s modest cut.

  Pride and love filled him when she paused several times to speak with their guests, looking poised and beautiful. Mine, he thought fiercely, then vowed, I swear I’ll do my best to remain worthy of her.

  “Good evening, Mrs. Marlowe,” he greeted when she reached his side. “You look stunning.”

  “Good evening, Mr. Marlowe,” Pam replied playfully, turning her face up for his kiss. “And so do you.” She scanned the room. “This is some crowd. Shall we start schmoozing with the guests?”

  Jared shook his head. “Let’s dance first,” he suggested. “I want you all to myself for a few minutes.” He turned to a beaming Katherine. “I’m taking her off your hands for a while, Kate.”

  Kate’s pretty blue eyes sparkled. “She’s all yours. I’ll go grab some refreshments and socialize a bit.” She turned to Pam. “Don’t hesitate to give a shout if you need me,” she said while tucking an errant curl behind her friend’s ear. Then, with a quick wave, she melted into the crowd.

  Jared led Pam onto the dance floor to the crowd’s delighted applause and roars of approval. A popular love song filled the room with its sultry beat, and the guests formed into couples. He gathered his bride close, and they swayed to the slow, sensual melody.

  The past year and a half had been filled with joy and fraught with challenges. He’d spent every moment showing Pam his love in every way possible. He gave her his trust and shared his concerns all the time. Placing trust in her had been easy—she was steadfast and true—but he still hated burdening her with his troubles. However, he was improving on that matter. Slowly.

  There’d been other concerns as well. Pam had been anxious about meeting his family, but from the outset, the Marlowes treated her much like a daughter or sister. Even his father, a decidedly difficult man to please, had taken to her.

  When he proposed to Pam, he’d done it on the traditional bended knee and with a big ring. He’d planned it for weeks. Dinner first. A little dancing. A nightcap at his place. When he brought out the velvet box, she’d been truly stunned. He remembered how his throat had tightened at her shocked expression, but instead of refusing him, she had said yes.

  Finally, she was all his—almost two years after they met. So worth waiting for. Jared sighed in contentment and tightened his hold.

  Midway through the song, he opened his eyes.

  Not five feet away, Alexander and Kate swayed to the hypnotic sounds of the song. Strange, since Alex never danced if he could help it. And definitely not slow dances. But he held Kate close, his chin resting on the top of her head while one large hand curled around her shoulders and the other spanned the small of her back.

  Baby brother hadn’t wasted any time, Jared mused with a mixture of surprise and admiration. He must have grabbed Kate before she hit the bar.

  He knew there was nothing especially noteworthy about the maid of honor and best man dancing together. Indeed, it was expected. And of course, Alex and Kate had spent a good deal of time together in recent days after her arrival from New York. Alex dutifully picked her up at the airport as a favor to Pam, and in Jared’s estimation, they seemed to get along. He was pleased when both Kate and Alex took their responsibilities to heart and worked as a team during the wedding rehearsal.

  They were seated next to each other at the rehearsal dinner the following evening. Within minutes, Jared noticed Alex’s interest in the pretty blonde went past the bonds of their shared duties. Further into the dinner, though, he’d overheard Alex suggest to Kate they meet for coffee to discuss the best man and maid of honor speeches. Instead of consenting, she hastily declined with some lame excuse. Alex responded with an arched brow and a wry smile, although his “That’s too bad” was polite enough.

  This tense exchange, and Kate’s sudden and out-of-character coolness toward Alex, had piqued Jared’s interest. He hadn’t had a chance to ask Alex what had transpired to make her so edgy, and his curiosity had nagged him ever since.

  Now here they were on the dance floor, locked in a tight embrace. As soon as the tune faded and another song began, though, Kate tried extricating herself from Alex. Without a word, he gripped her upper arms and tugged her back toward him. Teetering a bit, Kate placed her hands on his chest to brace herself. Jared watched her mouth form a surprised O at his brother’s silent demand, but interestingly enough, she didn’t protest.

  Their gazes locked. Soon, a deep flush spread over her cheeks, and Jared glanced in Alex’s direction to see what had caused her reaction.

  The Dom stare. Alex looked uncompromising, determined. Jared wasn’t sure his brother was aware of it. But
there it was, all the same.

  Kate broke eye contact and her gaze wandered over the joyous crowd. Still, she didn’t pull away from Alex’s embrace. If anything, she leaned in a bit.

  Alex cupped her cheek with a gentle hand and turned her face up to his. Jared could almost swear he saw Kate tremble. Alex pulled her closer, his fingers closing around her nape while a possessive hand rested above her ass. Then he lowered his mouth…

  “Why did you stop dancing, Jared?” Pam asked, startling him. “Everything all right?”

  “It’s all good,” Jared mumbled. No way was he telling her his badass brother was hitting on her sweet little bridesmaid. Not yet, anyway. “Let’s get a drink.”

  He hustled Pam off the dance floor and into a quiet corner. He’d just handed her a glass of champagne when Kate showed up.

  “You okay, Kate?” Pam exclaimed. “You’re looking a bit flustered.”

  “Oh. I’m all right,” Kate reassured her. “It’s a little warm is all.”

  The air-conditioning was on full blast, but Jared felt it best not to mention it.

  Pam smiled. “More like you’re still running around, still helping Constance and Alicia. I see you haven’t gotten yourself any refreshments.”

  Jared stifled a laugh. Running around with his mother and sister? More like running away from Alexander.

  “Everything is under control, girl,” Pam said soothingly. “They’ve hired enough people to make it run like clockwork.”

  Jared glanced up. Speaking of control…

  “Hey, everyone.” Alexander’s deep bass cut into the conversation. He nodded at Pam and winked. “Looking good, sis.” He clapped Jared on the shoulder. “Make sure you always deserve her.”

  “I will,” Jared promised.

  “Good.” Alex turned to Kate. “So, Kitty, why did you run away and make me chase you?”

  Jared watched as her back stiffened. “I told you not to call me that stupid nickname,” she said low, although she continued smiling through gritted teeth.

  “Why not?” Alex asked with an air of innocence he almost managed to pull off.

  She glared up at him, her blue eyes now chips of ice. “First of all, I’m not a cat. Or a kitten. Or any kind of pet, for that matter.”

  Alex took a moment to digest her assertions. “Maybe not, although you do have a kittenish air about you.”

  Now she was spitting fire. “Stop it. I’m sure you know the term kitty has…” Impatiently, she gestured to him, and Alex bent down. “An inappropriate sexual connotation,” she whispered in his ear.

  “Is that so?” Alex replied. “In what way?”

  Kate stared at him with suspicion, her nostrils flaring. “Like you don’t know.”

  “Enlighten me, please.” Alex’s sober tone and placid expression were so convincing, Jared might have believed him had he not known him all too well.

  Kate ignored him. “Well, I’m going to see if anyone needs me,” she said to Pam, who appeared quite intrigued with the exchange. “I’ll pop by again a little later, Pam. I promise.”

  “If you can catch us,” Pam replied with a laugh. “Now’s the time for us to meet and greet, and press the flesh.”

  “I’ll find you.” Kate peered at them, and her eyes misted over. “Oh my God, I’m so happy for you both. It was an awesome ceremony. Love ya.” She hugged and kissed Pam, then Jared. Giving Alex a glance, she muttered, “Bye, Alexander,” and flounced away.

  Alex stood rooted to the spot, then turned to Jared with a look of incredulity. “Did little Kitty just roll her eyes at me? Tell me I hallucinated.”

  Jared nodded. “You’re not hallucinating. She did roll her eyes at you. Quite deliberately.” Pam tsked with disapproval at his instigation, but inwardly, he cackled with glee. He wasn’t sure what pleased him more—Kate’s feisty spirit or his brother’s much-needed comeuppance.

  Alex leveled a predatory gaze to the retreating figure. “Oh, man, my hand is itching like crazy right now. Someone needs to smack that a—” He stopped himself in time and peered at Pam with chagrin.

  “You were saying?” Jared asked helpfully.

  Alex shrugged. “Oh, whatever. Nice girl, though a bit uptight.” Leaning down, he pecked Pam on the cheek, then lightly punched Jared on the arm. “I guess you need to greet your guests now. See you both later.”

  Alex headed in the same direction as Kate. He was officially on the prowl.

  “I think your brother likes Kate,” Pam observed. “It’s sort of obvious.”

  “Yes,” Jared agreed.

  Pam’s eyes turned dreamy. “It reminds me of the way you pursued me when we first met. It was kind of hot.”

  Jared lifted her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on her palm. “Are you suggesting that I’ve let up in the chase? That I’ve become neglectful?”

  “Well, now that you mention it…” Pam said with a coy look. “Maybe a bit of teasing on my part would teach you a lesson.”

  She was racking up punishment points fast. Jared raised a brow at her. “And how will you manage that when I have you tied to the headboard, my pet?”

  Pam smiled. “I have my ways. But I’ll keep them to myself.” She hooked her arm through Jared’s. “Ready?”

  “I am.”

  Pam stayed put, her furrowed brow indicating deep thought. “You know…this is our first real foray into the world as a married couple. I’m a little nervous but so happy.” She gazed up at him, her eyes now an exquisite violet. “I love you more than anything, Jared.”

  Joy flowed through him. “And I love you too, Pam.”

  They turned in unison and, with arms clasped tight, headed toward a promising future.

  Loose Id Titles by Samantha Cote

  Her Secret Dom

  Samantha Cote

  Samantha Cote has enjoyed reading steamy romances ever since she was an adolescent devouring naughty books under the bedcovers. Although she still reserves a special place in her heart for those bodice-ripping romances of her misspent youth, she’s delighted to write smoking-hot romances devoid of all purple prose and euphemism. She believes it is her calling to kick open the characters’ bedroom doors and describe what’s going on between the sheets in excruciating detail.

  She lives in New York with her mucho sexio husband and a cat they spoil rotten.




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