G-Spot 2 Pride: The 1st Deadly Sin (G-Spot 2: The Seven Deadly Sins)

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G-Spot 2 Pride: The 1st Deadly Sin (G-Spot 2: The Seven Deadly Sins) Page 2

by Noire

  At the age of forty-six he had conquered a New York City Kingdom and he ruled it with a perfect balance of fear and respect. People on the streets had love for G. He knew exactly how to take care of the community and he was real generous when he wanted to be. G was real rich and he surrounded himself with nice things. He had turned me on to the finest stuff money could buy. When we moved to Central Park West, G hired two maids and a driver. He paid a stylist to do my hair, and a Swedish woman to massage my body and keep my skin soft just in case he felt like touching me.

  But just because a man had money it didn’t mean he could put his thing down the right way. G was rich, but he was set in his ways too. I was just a delicious piece of eye candy to him, and the only thing he allowed me to do was sit up on a barstool and look good every night.

  So while I liked what G was giving me, I wasn’t satisfied with the way he was giving it to me. G was like a big bucket of ice-cold water, and my young body was sizzling hot, burning straight on fire. A buster like him couldn’t help but want to splash on me and put out my flames.

  So, yeah. I had been really stupid while I was busy thinking I was so smart, but if I’d had even a little bit of sense on the cap, I would have never let Granite McKay take me up on the G-Spot stage and announce to the world that I was his. I had felt so lucky for getting chosen by the King of Harlem! But let’s face it. If Lady Luck had really been on my side, she would’ve told me to break up out of the G-Spot and run for my life.


  “You a’ight?”

  I shivered as Gino reached for me in the darkness. I felt his strong hands rubbing my back, and then trailing down my arms.

  “Was it another nightmare?” His voice was deep with sleep but tight with worry.

  “Yes.” I wiped my tears on my pillow and took a deep breath and then blew it out real slow. “But I’m okay, baby. I’m straight.”

  I had started having nightmares about G right after we escaped from Harlem and moved to L.A. It made Gino uncomfortable to know that his father was still taking up space in my head.

  “That niggah was chasin’ you again, huh?”

  I shrugged. My nightmares were always about me running down the streets of Harlem with G hot on my tail. The details sometimes changed a little bit from dream to dream, but in the end it was always the same: I had betrayed the great Granite McKay and he wanted me dead.

  Gino pulled me toward him until I was snuggled in his strong arms. I melted against his warm, chocolate skin and he held me close as our hearts beat to one solid rhythm.

  Gino was G’s son in a whole lot of ways. He was hardbody and street certified, but he wasn’t grimy like G, and he didn’t hate women like his father did. Gino loved me, and I was crazy in love with him. He was one-hundred-percent down for me, and I was grateful for that.

  But way down deep in my heart I still didn’t feel safe, no matter how far away we had run. It wasn’t that I didn’t think my man could handle his. Gino was from Brooklyn and he could scrap with the best of them. He would die for me. I knew he would. But I just couldn’t shake the feeling that somehow G was going to find a way to come back from the dead and kill us both.

  Gino felt me trembling and got upset. “Yo, I can’t have you walking around here scared every day, Juicy. G is long gone. What went down in Harlem is over. You’re safe now, sugar. I’m here, and I got you. We left the past in the past, and we’re building us a whole new life. Your nightmare is over, so cut all that dreaming shit out, baby girl. I don’t wanna hear nothing else about G, a’ight?”

  I nodded, but it was easier for Gino to say all that than it was for my mind and my heart to believe it. Gino hadn’t been through what I had been through. He hadn’t seen what I had seen. I was the one who had been fucked and beaten and chained to a bed with strange men shooting cum in my hair down in that dark, scary Dungeon. I was the one who had watched my baby brother murder G, and then stand next to me and blow his own brains out. True, Gino had gotten some too, but I had gotten the worst of it. I guess that was only right since I was the violator and the cheater. The dick-crazy young chicken who had been scandalous enough to love both a father and his only son.

  “Look, Juicy. Maybe you should go talk to somebody,” Gino said quietly, his voice a little gentler. “You know, somebody who can get up in your head and help you figure some of this shit out.”

  I shrugged quickly. He was talking about taking me to see a shrink, but I wasn’t interested in that at all. My grandmother had been born and raised in the Deep South. She’d taught me all about evil hags and restless spirits. G was just mad and haunting me from the grave, and there wasn’t a damn thing a doctor could do about it.

  Gino sat up and leaned against the headboard, then pulled me up next to him. His chest was ripped with muscles and he held me tightly in his arms. “Listen, we’ve got a topnotch health plan through The Organization, Juicy. Ain’t no shame in getting help when you need it, baby.”

  I shook my head. Gino just didn’t get it. He might know a lot about architecture and all that college stuff, but he didn’t know shit about prophecy. Couldn’t no doctor with a bunch of fancy degrees save me from what was coming after me. My dreams were pure-dee prophecy and I knew it. They were a divine forecast of what was yet to come. Grandmother had sworn by the saying warning before destruction and lately warning bells had been ringing loud enough to make me go deaf in both my ears.

  Gino got frustrated. “So, you just gonna lay up here shook and scared every goddamn night?”

  I grabbed my pillow and folded it in half, then slid it behind my head. I knew Gino loved me, but he just couldn’t deal with all the places my mind took me when I closed my eyes to go to sleep. He was right though. Coming out to the West Coast was supposed to be about building us a better future. A better life.

  And aside from my nightmares, things had been going really good for me and Gino. For the first time in my life I was running free, like a regular young girl. Me and Gino did all the fun things that couples our age were supposed to do. We went to the movies, roller-skating, bike riding, and Gino even took me out on the golf course with him so I could learn how to swing a club. Our love was chill and easy because we really liked being together, and even after all the drama we had gone through in New York, our relationship was still strong.

  In fact, we were so tight that Gino had just put a ring on my finger, and before you knew it I would be Mrs. McKay for real.

  Mrs. Gino McKay.

  And if that wasn’t enough to rock the universe, in about five months we were gonna have us a cute little…Fear came rushing down on me again. I turned my back on Gino because I didn’t want him to see how bad I was shaking.

  “Yo, for real, Juice-baby…you gotta get some help,” he said, peeping my tears. And then I heard a warning in his voice. “Cause I ain’t tryna go through no more of that other shit we just went through, a’ight?”

  I closed my eyes in embarrassment. He was talking about me getting high in the Compton beauty shop where I sold my JuicyOriginal dresses.

  “It’s not even like that,” I mumbled as my hand moved under the covers and rested on my tight stomach. “I haven’t smoked weed in a long time, Gino. And I’m never gonna smoke it again.”

  “How do I know that, Juicy? That niggah G is in your head again, and you still running back and forth selling stuff in Compton every day. You can’t be sure about what you will or won’t go back to doing again.”

  I didn’t like the way Gino was doubting me, but I couldn’t even get mad at him. Getting high was new for me. I had tried to be slick with my little puff-puff game, but Gino was too hood for that. He had caught on real quick when I started coming home with red eyes and a dumb look on my face.

  But it had been the nightmares that had me doing all sorts of crazy things. All that constant running from G in my sleep, and those murderous memories of Dicey and Jimmy that wouldn’t leave me alone.

  I thought about the baby that had been growing in my stom
ach for the past four months. I’d only recently found out I was pregnant, and I planned to surprise Gino with the good news on our wedding day.

  “For real,” I said firmly. I reached out and slipped my fingers between his. “I’m done with all that, baby. I swear I am.” I wanted to say more, but I didn’t wanna ruin his surprise. “You’re just gonna have to trust me, baby. Just trust me.”

  I could tell he still had his doubts, although I couldn’t believe he hadn’t already figured it out. The thing was, I didn’t look pregnant. Even though my hips had spread and my butt was banging like a hammer, my stomach was barely bulging.

  But I couldn’t wait to see the look on Gino’s face when I told him. I knew my man would be beaming with pride when he found out his seed had been deeply planted. I knew Gino would be the right kind of father to our tyke. The kind of father that neither one of us had ever had.

  But what about me? With a junkie mama like Cara, and a mental-case like James Joseph for a daddy, what kind of mother was I gonna be? I thought about how Grandmother had tried to bring me and Jimmy up with morals and common sense. It didn’t work. Her body wasn’t even cold yet when I ran off with G and shit all over the life lessons she had worked so hard to instill in me.

  As Gino stroked my hair and rubbed my back, I closed my eyes and wished Grandmother was here to help me shake off the doom I felt rising inside.

  I really needed her right now. I needed a hot cup of her milk-and-honey tea, and a warm slice of her sweet potato pie. I needed that old lady to pull out her crooked-tooth comb and scratch my scalp until I fell asleep sitting between her wise old legs.

  I hated that I’d been so damned hard-headed, and that our lives had turned out so wrong despite all that praying and ass-whipping she used to do. Grandmother had been sanctified and saved by grace. She had put herself in Jesus’ hands.

  But my destiny was still chasing me. It was moving toward me like a raging storm. Warning before destruction. Yeah, no matter what Gino said my nightmare wasn’t over. Somebody was still gonna catch a bad one. And since Jimmy was dead and gone, that somebody had to be me.


  The morning sun flooded our bedroom with its warm golden rays, and I felt Gino’s tongue probing my lips before I could open my eyes. At first all I could think about was how nasty he was to be playing around in my morning breath, but then a spark of heat flushed through me that had nothing to do with the rising sun.

  “Stop…” I whined, twisting away from him. The sheets were nice and warm from our night-time body heat, and I stretched my legs for a quick second, and then pushed my head under my pillow.

  “C’mere, girl,” he said, cupping my hip and pulling me closer so I could feel his wood poking me in the ass. All traces of my nightmare were gone as I squeezed my eyes tighter and giggled, then rolled over and brought my knees up between us.

  “C’mon now,” Gino said as he humped on me and tried to pull my panties down. “I gave you a little sumpthin’ yesterday, so now it’s your turn to give me a lil sumpthin’ today.”

  I smirked like I didn’t know what time it was.

  “Oh, it’s like that? You gave me some dick last night so now I gotta give you some coochie this morning, huh?”

  “That’s right,” Gino whispered as he moved on me. “Lemme get a lil snacky snack…” he said as his fingers crept between my legs.

  “Cut it out…” I tried to pretend that I wasn’t itching to bounce up and down on that thick chocolate pole that was sticking out from his boxers. “Why are you always feeling on me anyway?”

  I moaned as his strong hands cupped my ass and squeezed my cheeks before sliding between my crack and massaging my pussy. “Stop, Gino….”

  I was acting stuck-up, but I loved every minute of it and Gino knew it. I was one of those extra-sexual chicks. I had been focused on my clitoris and craving sex from the time I was thirteen-years-old. Now that I had a real man in my bed, if I didn’t get my hips rocked at least every other day then I just didn’t feel right.

  Back when I was with G sex had always been an act of desperation. He was a thirty-second man, and I used to be so ashamed of myself for humping him like a dog as I tried to get me a quick nut.

  But with Gino, sex was everything I had ever dreamed it could be. Instead of masturbating all the time and writing my deepest fantasies in my Juicy Journal, my man kept me busy trying to think up fun and freaky sexcapades so we could act them out together. G might have busted my cherry, but until Gino made love to me, I was truly still a virgin.

  And there were absolutely no sexual no-no’s in Gino’s book either. He was bold and creative with his mash game, and anything I wanted to try, any position, any flava, he was all for it. Fuck a Naughty Girls party! Me and Gino loved to shop together for all kinds of interesting sex toys, and at night we read real nasty books to each other while we played in bed. And right now he was about to tear our bed up as he played in my wet pussy like a horny teenager with a foot-long hard-on.

  “Ga’head and touch it,” he pushed my hand down on his dick as I moaned and sighed and licked my lips. “You know you like it.”

  Gino was in his prime. He could go morning, noon, and night. He cupped my big titties as we slid around in the silk sheets that smelled like sweet after-sex and rose-scented powder. My nipples tingled and grew hard under his caress. “You like this shit, don’t you, Juicy?” He rubbed the head of his throbbing dick on my hot thigh, and it was so hard it felt amazing. “Ga’head, baby girl. Tell me how much you like it…”

  I told him all right. In fact, I got to moaning in a foreign language as he licked my aching nipples and then dove under the covers and stuck his warm tongue in my navel.

  “Oh, shit…” I threw my arms above my head and spread my legs as wide as they would go. My hips started thrusting in eager circles as I anticipated that first hot flick of his tongue on my wet lower lips. “I like it, baby…” I confessed as I gripped his soft, wavy hair and urged him to get down lower. “I like it, Gino…I like it…” He cupped my ass-cheeks in his big palms, but he was moving too slow and I damn near climbed up his face trying to get my pussy sucked.

  Gino zeroed in on my clit, taking it between his lips and flicking it until it swelled and pulsated inside his mouth. Sweet fire shot through me and I arched my back and pressed myself deeper into his face as my first orgasm tore through me so hard it curled my toes. “Ahhh!” I moaned. “I like it, I like it, goddamn, baby! I like it!”

  “I like it too,” he moaned, sliding two fingers inside me as deeply as they would go. He withdrew them to rub my wet clit, then slid them back inside me. The next time he pulled them out he added another finger, and those three fingers went to work on my g-spot until I screamed and arched my back and a gush of hot cum shot all over his fingers.

  “Oh, baby!” I wailed. I gripped his wrist and my hips humped feverishly as he slowed his rhythm. He slid his fingers out of me and brought them to his lips. He licked the last two, but held his pointer finger out to me so I could get a taste.

  “You so damn sweet, baby,” he told me as he leaned forward and covered my lips with his. “So damn sweet…”

  I wanted to taste his cum too, but he wasn’t having it. Gripping his meat with both hands, Gino pressed the tip of his dick to my wet hole, then spread my juices over my clit in a circular motion.

  I felt myself stiffening down there. My clit became swollen and that delicious fire sparked up in me again.

  “Put it in,” I told him as the head of his dick sloshed around in my stuff. He slid his fat cap inside me, but then stopped. I felt his wood vibrating at the entryway to my tunnel, and I clamped down with my muscles and squeezed and contracted until he groaned and tiny beads of sweat popped out on his forehead.

  “Umphh!” he grunted as he penetrated me with a deep, hard thrust. His hips moved back and forth as he pounded my pussy with the short, rough strokes he knew got me off. I spread my legs even wider, then lifted them straight up in the air before
wrapping them tightly around his waist.

  “Give it to me, baby,” I urged, my hands clamping down on his bulging triceps as my hips rose from the bed to match his strokes. “Gimme that cum, Gino,” I begged. “Fill my pussy up!”

  And that’s exactly what he did too. Gino seemed to forget all about me as he gripped my ass then pummeled my pelvis with his. I knew his nut was rising when he started digging and grinding, thrusting as deep as he could go, then holding himself in place and swirling his dick around inside me.

  That combination of moves ignited a wave of pleasure in my clit, and my nails raked down his back as sweet release flooded both of us.

  “I’m cumming, baby,” Gino yelled. He banged my wet pussy two more times, real hard. “I’m cumming, Juicy,” he panted as his sweat and love mixed with mine and clung to our flesh. “Yeah, baby. All this good cum is for you!”


  I was a native New Yorker down to my bones, but as I zipped down the streets of L.A. I looked just like any other yummy from the Sunshine State. I was heading to Compton, to my girlfriend DarQuese’s hair salon. I had on a pair of designer jeans and a white tank top. The California sun was hot on my shoulders as I dropped the top and floored the gas pedal in my sweet, two-door BMW sports convertible.

  Gino had surprised me with the car as my Valentine’s Day gift, and the money-green whip with the buttery cream interior was really something hot. Gino had named it the Green Gotcha because he said it caught mad looks and got everybody’s attention.

  My body was still tingling from Gino’s lovemaking as I drove down the suburban streets and entered the highway. My loose hair blew in the breeze as the little Green Gotcha responded to my commands. Six months ago nobody could have told me I would have a driver’s license and be pushing my very own whip, and I smiled as I thought about the day Gino had presented me with the car as a gift of his love.


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