Locked On jrj-3

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Locked On jrj-3 Page 31

by Tom Clancy

  It occurred to Clark that he’d have to break out of the woods right in front of open pastureland in order to get to his house. If there were hunters there, especially the kind of hunters who trespassed and killed game out of season, then, John recognized, it was not beyond the realm of possibilities that he could get shot a second time this month.

  And this time it wouldn’t be from a 9-millimeter pistol. It would be from a shotgun or a deer rifle.

  Christ, Clark thought. He reached into his waders, pulled out the SIG pistol that he kept with him at all times, and pointed it to the dirt trail at his feet in order to fire a round to indicate his presence.

  But he stopped himself before pressing the trigger.

  No. He wasn’t sure why, but he did not want to alert anyone to his presence. He wasn’t worried about a group of turkey hunters intentionally turning their weapons on him, of course not. But he didn’t know these guys, what their intentions were, or how much Jack Daniel’s they’d been sipping on their little afternoon hunting sortie, so he decided to track them instead.

  He headed off the trail he’d been traveling on, so that he could get behind where he thought they would have traveled through the woods. It took him a while to find their tracks. He blamed the low, dappled light here under the trees. Finally he saw evidence of two men where they crossed a smaller trail.

  After a few dozen yards he detected the pattern of their travel, and he found it odd. Whether they were turkey hunters or deer hunters, moving off the trail here didn’t make much sense. Their quarry would be out in the open rolling fields closer to the farmhouse. Why were they moving covertly here, still fifty yards from the edge of the tree line?

  He lost their tracks a few yards on when the dusk and the canopy of evergreen above blocked out all but the faintest traces of usable light.

  Clark put his fishing tackle down, climbed out of his waders, lowered to his knees, and moved slowly up to the edge of the wood line. He was careful to keep himself low to the ground and shielded by a large hemlock spruce.

  When he reached the edge of the pasture, he looked out over the low grasses, fully expecting to see bright orange — clad figures to the east.

  But there was nothing.

  He scanned over by his farmhouse, a good hundred yards to the north, but he didn’t see anyone there, either.

  But he did see a group of whitetail, eight in number, nibbling on grasses in the field between his position and the farmhouse. They were small females and young fawns, nothing a hunter would be interested in.

  Quickly Clark’s brain began computing all the data he’d taken in. The amount of time for the Break-Free oil to drift down from the natural crossing in the creek to where he found it passing his fording point. The amount of time the deer would stay clear of the field, had the hunters crossed here.

  It didn’t take lˀdn’t tong for him to realize that the hunters were here, in the woods with him.


  John Clark was not a hunter, not of animals, anyway, so he defaulted again to his Vietnam experience. A knoll rose out of the southern portion of the pasture ahead on his right. This is where a sniper would logically set his hide to get optimal coverage of the area. Maybe a hunter would do the same—

  Yes. There, fifty yards away from where Clark lay, a flash of light where the sunset just over the mountain glinted off glass.

  Then he saw the men. They were not hunters, this he could tell from here. They wore ghillie suits, head-to-toe camouflage of tied strands of green and brown fabric to simulate leaves and dry grasses. The two men looked like a pair of leaf piles behind a partially camoed rifle and a spotting scope.

  And their lenses were trained on the farmhouse.

  “What the fuck?” Clark whispered to himself.

  One of the men was wet, this Clark could plainly see. It didn’t take a brilliant investigator to put together what happened. These spotters had moved through the bush, crossed the creek a hundred yards or so north of where Clark crossed, and the man in the soaked camo had slipped on the flat rocks, dunked himself and his.308 rifle. Gun oil from his weapon would keep it from rusting, but that gun oil had given away the presence of the team to their target.

  But why am I their target?

  Clark thought he could backtrack over to his neighbor’s house. It would take at least a half-hour, but there he could call the authorities, get some Frederick County Sheriff’s Department deputies here to deal with the two snipers. But that would draw way too much attention to John Clark himself, inviting questions as to why a pair of military-trained men with a high-power rifle were on his property.

  Or he could take care of this himself. Yes, it was the only way. He planned his route back into the trees, then south, behind the knoll, and then he planned his attack on the two men from behind.

  But he didn’t get very far. In the distance he saw big black vehicles, five of them, heading up the road toward his house. They moved fast, without announcing their presence with their headlights, and Clark just lay there and watched them with fascination.

  From a hundred yards away he watched the big SUVs park around his property, front and back. Only then were they close enough for him to see that men in black body armor stood on the running boards, held on to railings on the roofs, and clutched M4 assault rifles with their other hands.

  He couldn’t actually read the white writing on the back of their uniforms and body armor, but he recognized the equipment and the tactics of the men using that equipment.

  Clark closed his eyes and put his forehead down in the cool leaves. He knew who was smashing the front and back doors of his farmhouse.

  This was an FBI SWAT team.

  John lay there motionless and watched the FBI shatter his back door with a battering ram, then charge inside in a tactical train of men.

  Within seconds their team leader announced they were clear, and men stepped back outside.

  “Son of a bitch,” John said softly as he backed up, returning to the concealment of the woods. Here he shed his waders and tucked them under a collectioˀr a colln of leaves and pine needles. He didn’t bother to take too much time on this project; he’d made no attempt to hide his tracks as he walked here through the woods, and he was about to make tracks in the other direction. When the FBI made it over here to the tree line, they’d see evidence that someone had wandered up on their raid, and then left the area.

  After hiding the waders, Clark turned, stood, and began running back up the trail, looking to create some distance between himself and the men after him. He needed to find out what this was all about before he decided what the hell he would do about it.

  As he ran, more than just about anything, he wished his mobile phone worked right now. He had a sinking suspicion he’d missed an important call or two while out fishing.


  The press conference was hastily called for the end of the workday at the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building on Pennsylvania Avenue, just off the mall in D.C. There weren’t many journalists around the DOJ building at that late hour, but when the news services learned the attorney general himself would be making an announcement, reporters shot over from the nearby Capitol building and assembled in a conference room not far from AG Michael Brannigan’s office.

  At five thirty-five, more than a half-hour late, Brannigan and a pair of his senior staff shuffled into the room. The journalists waited with growing interest in what he had to say.

  The first indication that something remarkable was going on was when the attorney general stood at the lectern without speaking for a moment. He looked off to his subordinates a couple of times. Reporters following his eyes saw men on mobile phones in the corner, speaking softly and hurriedly into them. After several seconds of this, of Brannigan watching his men, obviously hoping for something from them, one of the assistant AGs looked up at his boss and shook his head no.

  Brannigan nodded, showed no outward disappointment, and finally addressed the reporters in attend
ance. “Thank you for coming. This afternoon I am announcing that a federal arrest warrant has been issued for one John A. Clark, an American and former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Clark is wanted for questioning for a series of cold-case murders spanning several decades, as well as implication in ongoing criminal activity.” The journalists jotted down the name and looked at one another. Brannigan’s office had been making threats about going after CIA officers for actions in the field, but nothing much had happened. Was this the beginning, here at the end of Kealty’s first term, of the pogrom against the CIA that many had said was long overdue?

  None of them knew anything about Clark or any case about a CIA spook named Clark, so there were not even any questions as the AG paused.

  Brannigan had been warned about this, and instructed by the White House to let slip the next line. “Mr. Clark, you may know, is a longtime friend, a confidant, and a former bodyguard of President Jack Ryan, both during Mr. Ryan’s tenure in the CIA as well as after. We understand this is a politically charged case, but it is a case we cannot overlook due to the serious allegations against Mr. Clark.” Now the press began to scramble. Websites were opened on smart phones, questions of clarification were shouted out. A woman from NBC asked when the next update on the case would be given, presumably so she could have time to figure out just what the hell was΀o going on.

  Brannigan said, “I expect we’ll have something for you within a few hours. As of this moment Clark is a fugitive from justice, but our dragnet should bring him in shortly.” Brannigan left the conference room, and the reporters followed him out with their phones to their ears. The TV media would have something on the case by the six-o’clock news. Print had a little more time to get some facts together.

  Jack Junior arrived at Melanie’s house at six o’clock. They had planned on a more formal evening in D.C., but both were tired after a long day at work, so they decided to just get together for a quick and casual dinner instead. When Melanie opened the door to her place, she looked beautiful, but she apologized to Ryan, asked for just a couple more minutes to get ready.

  Ryan sat on a love seat, looking around the room to occupy himself. He noticed a collection of books and papers stacked on the little desk in the corner next to Melanie’s laptop. Books on Pakistan, on Egypt, printouts full of maps, pictures, and text.

  “Still bringing your work home with you, I see?” Jack asked with a smile.

  “No. That’s just some research I’m doing on my own.” “Mary Pat isn’t giving you enough to do?” Melanie laughed. “That’s not it at all. I just like poking around in open source in my free time. There’s nothing there that is in any way classified. Just out there for anyone.” “If it’s not classified, can I take a look at it?” “Why? Are you interested in terrorism?” “I’m interested in you.” Melanie laughed, grabbed her coat, and said, “I’m ready when you are.” Jack cocked his head slightly, wondered what she had cooking over there by her laptop, but he climbed off the couch and followed the beautiful brunette out the door.

  Fifteen minutes later, Jack and Melanie sat at the bar at Murphy’s, an Irish pub on King Street, not far from her place. They were halfway into their first beer, and a big basket of Old Bay wings had just been delivered, when the bartender switched to a news channel. The two twenty-somethings ignored it for the most part while they chatted, but Ryan glanced up occasionally. He was hoping to see some new poll numbers for his dad that would allow his parents to breathe a little more easily, so he looked over Melanie’s shoulder at the screen from time to time.

  Melanie was talking about a cat she had in high school, when Ryan stole a check of the news.

  His eyes widened, his mouth dropped open, and he said, “Oh, fuck, no!” Melanie stopped talking. “Excuse me?” Ryan leapt at the remote to the TV, yanked it off the bar, and turned up the volume. The television showed an image of Ryan’s colleague John Clark. The report then switched to Michael Brannigan’s news conference at DOJ, where Jack caught the AG’s vague description of the charges and the political implications of the case.

  Melanie looked at Ryan while he watched this. “You know him?” “He is a friend of my dad’s.” “I’m sorry.”

  “A legend at CIA.”


  Ryan nodded distractedly. “He was on the other end. Operations.” “Case officer?”


  Melanie nodded. She understood. “Do you think he—” “Hell, no!” Ryan said, then controlled himself. “No. The guy has a damn Congressional Medal of Honor.” “Sorry.”

  Jack turned his head away from the TV, back to Melanie. “I’m sorry. I’m reacting to what Kealty is doing. Not you.” “I get it.”

  “He’s got a wife. Kids. He’s a grandfather. Jesus… You don’t tear down a man like that without knowing what you are talking about.” Melanie nodded. “Can your dad protect him? When he gets back in the White House?”

  “I hope so. I guess Kealty is doing this to prevent my dad from getting back in the White House.” “It’s too transparent. It won’t work…” Melanie said, but her voice trailed off at the end.


  “Unless… well, you say this Clark doesn’t have any skeletons in his closet that weren’t put there by his work in the CIA.” And that was it, exactly. Jack couldn’t say it to Melanie, of course, but he knew a detailed investigation into John Clark just might uncover The Campus. Might that be the goal of this? Might some news have come out about what Clark had been up to for the past year or more? Something about the Paris operation, or even the Emir case?

  Shit, Jack thought. This investigation, whether or not they have anything substantive on Clark, could bring about the destruction of The Campus.

  The report ended, and he turned to Melanie. “I’m really sorry, but I need to call it a night.” “I understand,” she said, but Ryan could see in her eyes that she did not. Where was he going to go? What could he possibly do to help John Clark?


  Jack Ryan Sr. ate his hamburger before going onstage at the rally at the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel. He’d planned on just taking a few polite bites, this was a late lunch for him, and he had another event to attend in less than two hours, a Veterans of Foreign Wars dinner, also here in Tempe. But the burger was so damned good he devoured it while chatting with his supporters.

  He took the stage at two thirty-five local time. The crowd was lively and ecstatic with the poll numbers. The polls had tightened since Kealty announced the capture of the man who had killed so many Americans a few years earlier, but Ryan was still ahead and beyond the margin of error.

  When the music stopped, Jack leaned into the microphone slightly and said, “Good evening. Thank you. I appreciate it.” The crowd loved him; it was taking them longer than usual to quiet down.

  Finally he was able to thank his supporters for showing up this afternoon, and then warn them against letting down their guard too quickly. The election was still two weeks away, and he needed support now more than ever. He’d given this same speech for tրyhe past two or three days, and he’d give it for two or three more.

  As Ryan addressed his supporters, he looked over the crowd. Off to the right he caught a glimpse of the back of Arnie van Damm as he walked out of the hall with his phone to his ear. Jack could tell Arnie was excited about something, but he couldn’t tell if it was something good or something bad.

  Van Damm disappeared behind a mountain of balloons just before exiting the hall.

  Ryan began closing his speech; there were several applause lines that he delivered, each requiring a good thirty seconds or so before he could continue his remarks. He still had a couple more to go when van Damm appeared, directly below Ryan. He had a grave look on his face; it was hidden from view of the cameras, but he made a “Wrap it up” motion by swinging a finger in a circle.

  Jack did just that, and fought for his happy face while he wondered what was going on.

  Van Damm’s expression left no
doubt. Bad news was coming.

  Normally Ryan would exit through the hall at the end of a rally, and he’d take several minutes to shake hands and pose for pictures as he moved through his supporters, but van Damm ushered him off stage right. The crowd cheered and the music blared as he headed off the stage, and he took the time to give one last big wave to everyone before heading out of view of the hall.

  In the hallway, Andrea Price-O’Day shouldered up to him; van Damm led the way toward a side exit.

  “What is it?” Jack shouted to him.

  “Not yet, Jack,” Arnie said as they walked briskly off the wings. The hallway was full of media and friends and supporters, and they moved through them quickly. Ryan’s well-practiced smile was gone now; he rushed to catch up to his campaign manager.

  “God damn it, Arnie. Is it my family?”

  “No! God, no, Jack! Sorry.” Arnie motioned for Jack to continue following.

  “Okay.” Ryan relaxed a little. It was politics, that’s all.

  They opened a side door and hurried out into a parking lot. Ryan’s SUVs were parked in a row just ahead. More Secret Service met up with them, and van Damm led the way to the waiting vehicles.

  And they almost made it. Within twenty feet of Ryan’s SUV, a single reporter with a videographer in tow cut them off. Her microphone had the station ID of a local CBS affiliate.

  With no preamble, she pushed the microphone between two big Secret Service men and into Ryan’s face. “Mr. President, what is your reaction to the attorney general’s announcement of the murder investigation into your bodyguard?”

  Ryan pulled up short. That the reporter had screwed up the facts only made the expression on Jack’s face appear more confused. He turned to his lead Secret Service agent, Andrea Price-O’Day, who was talking into her cuff mike to the drivers of the motorcade and therefore had not been listening to the question. Andrea’s been charged with murder? “What?” Ryan asked.


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