A Vampire’s Thirst: Quinn

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A Vampire’s Thirst: Quinn Page 7

by A. K. Michaels

“Shit,” Jana turned to Thorne, “What about you?”

  “Me?” Thorne chuckled. “I was convinced. I thought he was gonna rip his fucking heart out right there in that room.”

  “Well, I’m glad it wasn’t just me.” Jana turned away, stomping to the adjacent room and going inside.

  Quinn had been right, Mac, Henry and Ace were inside and had been watching the spectacle unfold. The Wolf stood with his arms crossed and an unreadable expression on his face, Ace was sitting at a table with Henry. Ace was logged into a computer, his fingers flying across the keyboard his eyes on the screen. “I’m looking for the warehouse, Boss.”

  “Any luck?” Quinn went over, standing and looking over his shoulder.

  “There’s more than one Russian registered in the area that deals in Imports and Exports, and there’s three that have warehouses near the airport.” Ace pulled up the details. “Miss Noskova, I’m sorry but I obviously have no knowledge of any of these men. If you do then great, but we might be better asking someone from here? Someone with better local knowledge?”

  Jana huffed, her head lowering to look over the names. “If they’re any kind of player then I’ll know. Especially if they’re into anything that we deem dishonest, or even suspect them of being so.”

  “Hold up,” Thorne butted in, “Aren’t we making assumptions here? What if this guy isn’t one of us? He might not be a Supernatural, he could just be Russian and not necessarily a Supe. Zimin didn’t specify that, did he?”

  The room descended into an uncomfortable silence. Quinn ran a hand down over his face as he realized their mistake. His mistake. He should’ve questioned the man further to confirm the identity of the Russian involved. Surely, he would’ve known if he were human or not? He would know if his boss dealt with his own kind or humans. Or not. Damn it. He’d fucked up and this would cost them precious time in trying to figure it out.

  Jana cursed under her breath as Delia also did, Mac spinning back to glare through the window. “We can go back in, get it out of him.”

  Mac’s outburst had them all shaking their heads but it was Jana who refuted him. “Not a chance. We’ve already broken his trust. He won’t tell us anything now, not even if he knows the answer. We’ll have to use magic or compulsion and that’s if he even knows, which he probably doesn’t.”

  Quinn could barely contain himself. He’d been remiss in getting every last detail from Zimin and his rage was building up inside him, if he couldn’t find an answer, and soon, he would explode. His head felt like it was almost ready to burst wide open, a band of steel wrapped around it and tightening by the second. He reached up, massaging his temples in a vain attempt to ease the pain lancing through his skull as his mind careened in a dozen different directions in search of a solution. If Zorin was dealing with a human contact they were well and truly fucked because it could take them forever to locate the person involved and they didn’t have that kind of time . . . not when he was on the verge of losing it.

  He’d seen the sly looks that Delia had been giving him. She knew, her team knew, and Jana sure as hell knew that he was slipping down the rabbit hole to insanity. It wouldn’t be long until they voiced their concerns aloud and when that came they’d also tell him their solution. And he was under no illusion of what that would be: his imprisonment or his death.

  Neither was acceptable.

  Just as he was about to storm back into the cell, a soft voice interrupted the arguing that was continuing around him. Halting everyone else and all attention was drawn to the Witch who stood in the corner. “Excuse me, but have I suddenly become invisible? Or have you forgotten I am here and part of this team?”

  Delia reacted first, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “Of course! Henry can help us. What do you suggest, Henry?”

  Henry huffed before he replied, looking over at the computer screen. “I’d like a map of the locations of those three first. I can do a spell to see if anything is jumping out at me. If not, then I’ll do a more complicated one to try and locate the Bloodmate we’re seeking. It will take more time, of course, so the first option is quicker and may garner a result faster. If not, I’ll require some of Mister Alexander’s blood and somewhere quiet for me to perform my spell.”

  “Perfect.” Jana nodded to Mac. “Can you go find us a map, please? Ask for a large aerial one that covers the entire warehouse districts near any airports, specifically at those locations.”

  Ace hit a few buttons and the printer beneath the desk whirred to life, he handed the paper to Mac. “Here’s the addresses.”

  “Thanks.” Mac snatched the sheet and headed out.

  “Now, if you could clear the table, step back and give me some space.” Henry waved his hand around, “And I’d prefer silence so I can concentrate and get my thoughts together.”

  Everyone spread out against the walls as Henry moved to stand at the desk, his hands running through his blond hair a few times before dropping to land on the table. His eyes closed and he appeared to be concentrating, on what Quinn had no idea, but he hoped whatever it was would help in the search for Amaya. He wasn’t overly fond of Witches, but he’d used them if it was necessary, and had several in his employ. They could come in handy at times and if Henry could help now then he’d be eternally grateful.

  Mac was back in minutes, a wrinkled map in his hands which he placed face up on the table. There were large red ink circles around three areas and Quinn assumed a local member of staff had marked the addresses on it, well, he damn well hoped that was the case. Mac stepped back and Henry started to mumble words that made no sense to him, or probably anyone else in the room. A language that was alien to anyone other than another magic maker, his lips working faster as he carried on, his hands hovering over the map, and his eyes flitting across from one point to another and back again.

  Quinn watched intently, hoping against hope that Henry would finish and tell them that he’d found something. Anything that would give them a lead on where Amaya was being held. Even if it were just the general area would be a step nearer and give them more than they knew now. Quinn leaned forward, his eyes leaping from the map to Henry and back again, desperate for a sign that the Witch had found a sign of his Bloodmate’s whereabouts. His heart began to beat wildly in his chest as the seconds dragged on, on and on, and still Henry muttered words that made no fucking sense, and his eyes swam over the goddamn map.

  Fucking hell, how long was this going to take? It had been long minutes since he’d started and he still didn’t seem to be any nearer to finding anything. Henry’s concentration was absolute. His words so low that everyone had to concentrate to hear them, even though none of them understood a word he uttered, but Quinn hung on every syllable like a lifeline thrown to a drowning man. Shit, he was about to grab the man and shake him when Henry finally exhaled, his hands dropping to the table, his head falling forward and he cursed.

  “Shit!” Henry shook his head. “I’m afraid that didn’t work and it’s not because he’s not at any of those locations.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Quinn stepped forward, anger rolling off him in great waves. This was all they got after that damn performance?

  “I’ve no idea if he’s at any of those places because it appears he’s been warded by magic. I was searching for Zorin in particular, hoping it would be easier to find him, but apparently, he’s taken precautions not to be found. He’s completely hidden so he could be anywhere and I won’t be able to find him and that took a hell of a lot out of me. I was expecting that spell to take me a minute or two and it didn’t. I’m sorry but I’ll need some time to recuperate before I perform another.”

  His words hit Quinn like physical blows. He felt them as if he were being attacked by multiple assailants, his body jerking back until he slammed against the wall. “What!” he yelled, his voice booming around the room as it tore from him like a crack of thunder. “You can’t be serious. You’re supposed to be capable, a powerful Witch and you’re telling us tha
t you need time to recover. When Amaya is out there in the hands of a madman and we have no idea what he’s subjecting her to? What the hell is going on here? Am I supposed to just sit around and do nothing while you rest?”

  Quinn couldn’t contain his fury. It burned brightly inside him and he knew his eyes would be fiery red and his fangs were pressing on his gums, desperate to break free and sink into something . . . anything as his wrath grew to bounds he couldn’t control. His body thrummed with energy, his skin was on fire, and the agony he felt at being kept from his Bloodmate grew worse with each passing second. How could he just sit on his ass and do nothing while this Witch rested?

  Jana rushed toward him, her hands grasping his shoulders in a vice. “Quinn, calm down and get control. Now! You have to regain control . . . or I’ll be forced to restrain you.”

  “He is on the verge, Jana.” Delia’s accented voice filtered through. “We knew this would happen but it appears it is progressing faster than we anticipated.”

  “Fuck.” Thorne rushed to his side, his face a mask of worry and concern. “Q, listen to me, concentrate on me and only me. You need to think of Amaya, focus on her, her face, her scent, look inside and remember what she looks like . . . remember, Q, and come back.”

  Her face appeared before him . . . surrounded in a cloud of smoke, her ebony hair floating around her head as if an invisible wind were blowing around her and lifting it away from her and making it hover in the air on its soft gusts. Her dark eyes glinted with silver, imploring him to find her, save her, reach her in time and he could not fail her. Her plump lips opened and he saw them creating a word . . . his name falling from them. He knew it was his name, was certain it was as her lips tugged up at the sides, her head tilting to the side as she started to fade like an ethereal angel.

  “No, don’t go,” he whispered, reaching out and grasping nothing but thin air.

  “It’s okay, Q, you’re all right, just relax.” Thorne held onto him as he collapsed into his friend’s arms.

  Chapter 10

  Amaya ran and ran, her feet flying over the ground as if it weren’t even there, her heart pounding in her chest as if she’d been sprinting for days. She couldn’t make anything out, all around her was covered in a haze and even with her enhanced sight she could barely see two feet in front of her and saw nothing at all behind her.

  Fear lapped at her belly because she knew she had to escape the madman who held her prisoner. She knew she had to reach her mate before he lapsed into whatever madness was inside him. It was growing stronger. How she knew that was a mystery, but she did. It made her run faster, her legs pumping beneath her and she opened her mouth and screamed his name as loudly as she could. “Quinn! Where are you?”

  Long moments dragged on and she feared he was lost to her, but then . . . she heard his answering cry. “Amaya? Is that you?”

  “Yes! Where are you? I can’t see you.”

  “I’m here!” he cried out, desperation and fear in every last syllable. “Where are you? Come to me, Amaya, please.”

  She sped on, nearer and nearer to his voice, the fog clearing and then she saw him, lying on the ground looking pale and ill. She ran even faster, falling next to him in relief. “Quinn! Oh no, am I too late?”

  He looked up, smiling as he pushed himself up and pulled her into his embrace. “No, my darling. I was merely resting.”

  His arms felt so good as he held her against him, his lips softly kissed her forehead, his fingers splayed over her back. “You look ill, Quinn . . . how is that possible? You’re a Vampire, your kind don’t get sick.”

  “It’s because we’re being kept apart, Amaya. I have to find you soon. Can you help me?” His lips moved to her cheek, kissing softly as he breathed against her skin.

  His touch sent shivers through her entire body, her core clenching tightly, and her breath to come in short gasps . . . at the same time as worry for him shot straight to her heart. A strange combination indeed. She fought to clear her mind and think. Anything that could help him would end her torment at the hands of the madman that held her prisoner. The string of the silver around her wrists that she could still feel, even in this dream world. But she didn’t have much.

  “I’m in a warehouse near the airport, but the room I’m in doesn’t have a window. I’m on the ground floor because I didn’t go up any stairs, or down any, so I must be, right? But on the journey here, although I was blindfolded I used my other senses, my hearing and my sense of smell. Hold on and I will try and remember anything of consequence, Quinn.”

  “I beg you, Amaya, I need to find you, try to remember anything that will help me.”

  She snuggled closer in his arms and thought back to her journey, her ears and nose were taking in everything that they could as they travelled to the large building where they’d finally taken off her blindfold. Manhandling her inside the huge building and finally locking her inside the small room. Amaya fought to remember details that she thought would help, sounds, scents, anything. A small detail that she might think insignificant could, perhaps, not be.

  “I remember hearing lots of large vehicles as we drew near, but I suppose that’s not much help. Warehouses would have that kind of traffic, but wait . . . I remember there was the sound of train tracks. Well, as if we went over them just before we arrived, does that help? And I also smelled lobster . . . not fish, lobsters, lots and lots of them. I can tell the difference, Quinn, they have a unique odor and it was definitely lobsters and a whole damn cargo. I can still smell them so wherever they are they’re nearby. I’m sorry, but that’s all I’ve got for you.”

  His arms squeezed her to him, his lips caressing the soft skin of her neck before he leaned back to gaze into her eyes. “That will have to do, my darling. I’m sure it will help. It’s more than I had anyway and I’ll use it to track you down. I’m coming for you, Amaya, hold on. Just hold on.”

  “I will.” She returned his look, reaching up to cup his face. “I’m fine, it’s you I’m worried about.”

  “I’ll be fine, now tell me a little about you. Your accent isn’t exactly local.”

  She smiled against him. “No, I’m just passing through. I don’t have a home. I haven’t for a long time. My parents died when I was young and my uncle took me in. Let’s just say we didn’t get on and I left when I was fifteen.”

  He gasped, “What? You’ve been on the street since then? How have you survived?”

  “It was hard at first, but it turns out I’ve got quite the talent for stealing.” She blushed, then sat up to stare into his face. “It was the only way I could pay for food at the start and then I realized I could help others too. Young kids like me that were on the street, so I honed my skills and I’m pretty damn good at it. Wherever I go, I steal from those that make their money by drugs and other ways like that, and I keep some for myself and then I hand out the rest to the poor and needy on the streets. I was on my way to the temple to donate a sizeable amount of money when they caught me. That other group that arrived, well, their leader is the one who’s in charge of all the drugs in the area. I’d been following one of his men for a couple of days while he collected money from his drug dens, and he was a weaselly little shifter. An easy target for me and I got a large payroll from him two nights ago, so I kept a bit for me and I was going to give the rest to the temple who looks after the poor of the area, but that didn’t quite go to plan.”

  “Amaya! That’s a very dangerous game to play. You could get hurt, darling.”

  His worry for her was clear and the way he looked at her, his eyes full of concern, made her feel something she’d not felt for a very long time: wanted, loved, cared for. It caused her stomach to flutter and her heart to soar. But she had to set him right about her too. “I’m a Tiger Shifter, Quinn. I’m no wilting girl who can’t look after herself. Well, not normally. I check things out, and don’t take risks, and I would’ve been fine if the damn Russians hadn’t appeared. I would’ve dropped the money at the temple and been
well on my way before those others had even arrived. I would’ve been fine, if not for that.”

  “You’re a fiery one, that’s for sure. I can’t wait to show you my home.”

  “Where? Is it in Scotland? You’re accent sounds Scottish but you’re here so I’m not sure if you stay here, or not?”

  “Aye, I’m based in the Highlands, but I have other properties all over the world which I’ll be showing you, but I spend most of my time in Scotland. It’s where my heart is and I hope it’s where you’ll come to love too. It’s set on a large estate where you’ll have plenty of space to allow your beast to run free, over the hills filled with wild heather. I can’t wait to meet her, Amaya. I bet she’s as beautiful as you are.”

  “She is, and she’s already anxious for us to be alone, Quinn, she recognized you immediately. She knows who you are, what you are.”

  “We’ll be together soon . . . I promise, my beautiful . . .”

  And with that he started to shimmer, fade, and disappear . . . her hands reaching for him but grasping onto nothing but thin air.

  “No!” she moaned, her eyes popped open to find herself in the dingy room once more, alone and bereft at the loss of her mate. Tears stung her eyes as she whispered to the emptiness. “Come quickly, Quinn. I need you.”

  Quinn sprang up from the cot he’d been resting on. The one he’d been ordered to after his melt-down earlier. The dream he’d just had seemed so real . . . hell, it was real. He knew it and although he was sure he’d sound like a lunatic, he was going to have to get the others to listen to him. Shit. That wasn’t a conversation he was going to enjoy but he had to get them to understand. Somehow. How he knew, deep in his soul, that he’d connected with Amaya whilst he was asleep wasn’t something he relished in conveying to them, but he was damn sure going to make them listen. One way or the other.

  Thorne sat in a chair in the corner, his eyes wary, watching him intently. He’d changed clothes, no longer dressed in his suit but in dark combat gear, legs stretched out before him and attempting to look relaxed. But he didn’t fool Quinn, his friend was anything but. His concern was clear as day as he asked, “You okay?”


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