More Than She Bargained For (The Widow Wagon Book 2)

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More Than She Bargained For (The Widow Wagon Book 2) Page 17

by Megan Michaels

  He sat in the chair opposite her and pulled out a letter. “My Uncle General Beauregard sent this letter to my brother along with a ring and a map.” He handed the letter over to her, waiting as she read it.

  When she took the letter, her eyes had become huge. He wondered if the thought that he had proof scared her. Did she know that there was Confederate gold? Would she refuse to give him the ring now?

  She quietly read the letter, then laid it on her lap. When Willie extended his hand for the letter, she readily handed it over. He placed it in his pocket for safekeeping.

  “Why should I believe you?” she finally said. “And what are you gonna do with all this Confederate gold?”

  Willie didn’t plan on opening up to her. Didn’t plan on telling her about his life and his hopes, plans, and dreams. But she’d been kind to him and since he’d watched her whippin’ yesterday, he felt like maybe she’d understand. He couldn’t even figure out how or why he felt that way, but he did.

  “Well, Ma’am…” He leaned back in his chair getting ready to relay some history to convince her to give him the ring. So he wouldn’t have to hurt her.

  “Daisy. Call me Daisy.”

  “All right, Ma’am — Daisy. I’m the youngest of four brothers. Jesse killed my brother, Bobby — he was two years older than me. All my brothers have made something for themselves. My oldest brother is a banker. He’s wealthy with a house in New Orleans, a wife and three children. My next brother is a lawyer in New Orleans. He’s also got a house, wife, and four children.” He dropped his head, clasping his hands between his knees, staring at the floor. “Then there was Bobby. He didn’t have a wife or nothing, but he didn’t need to. He became a soldier. A Rebel soldier for the southern cause. He became a hero in our family. My Uncle, PGT Beauregard — who you just read about in that letter — is well known in the war. My family affords honor to a soldier.”

  Daisy nodded, listening quietly. “As they should. Being a soldier is an honorable thing — no matter what side you were on.”

  “Yes, I suppose you’re right there.” He took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. “I just want my life to come together. I ain’t got any business sense. I can’t be a lawyer or doctor. I ain’t got enough schoolin’ to be a banker or such stuff. But my Uncle PGT says if I get that ring and can find the gold, I can turn it into the bank in Georgia. We were told by soldiers who witnessed my brother’s death that the Yankee soldiers took the ring off my brother. The Yankees said they was going to give it to you. I just want to get back what was my brother’s. It’s the only thing I have left to make my future.” He stopped, watching at her for a minute, trying to judge whether he should share this last part.

  “I’d like to either come back here after I cash the Confederate gold in Columbus, Georgia — or go back home to start a horse ranch. Kinda like you got here.” He pointed out the window toward the pastures filled with their beautiful horses. “I like horses, and your husband says I’m pretty good at training ‘em too. I think I could start a ranch — like your husband did — and make an honest living. I’ve even thought that I’d like to sign up for a mail-order widow like your man did, and get me a wife and some children too. I’m sure that sounds silly. And after me putting a gun to you and trying to steal what you think belongs to you. I’m sure you think it’s stupid.”

  Daisy cleared her throat. “N-no, not at all. Actually, I know what it’s like to be the youngest. I’m the youngest and I’ve never been able to measure up to my siblings. As for you having a ranch, I can see that. My Noah is a good judge of character — and horses. He says that anyone who can calm a horse and train them without a whip is a good man. He’s told me that you have a gift with horses, which means you’re a man of character, Willie.” She smiled at him, and he found it reassuring.

  He didn’t know that Noah felt that way. He knew that Noah appreciated him and told him he’d done a good job. But this was all news to him. Maybe he had a chance after all?

  Daisy continued. “Why didn’t you tell me about the letter and the ring when you came here? I would’ve listened.”

  “I’m not sure you would’ve, ma’am — Daisy. I mean you don’t always take kindly to people telling you things. Beggin’ your pardon, ma’am.” He averted his eyes, unsure of her reaction.

  “Well, I guess you’re right about that. However, I’d like to think since I’ve met Noah that I’ve changed a lot. The letter is very clear and I had never seen the ring during our marriage. It confused me when they gave it to me, because Jesse had no jewelry. It all makes sense now, and the story the soldier told you makes sense. It’s all convinced me.” She rose from her chair and Willie jumped up, pointing his gun at her.

  “Don’t move! I’ll shoot your head clear off your shoulders!” Noah entered the bedroom, holding a rifle aimed directly at Willie.

  Chapter 23

  “Noah, no! Put the gun down.” Daisy cleared her throat, and softened her voice. “Noah. Please, listen to me. I have something to tell you, please. But can you put the gun down first?”

  Noah blinked. He wasn’t used to her speaking to him that way — she usually just shouted or barked out orders and then after a rebuke would readjust her attitude and rephrase it to pacify her husband.

  He put the gun down, but didn’t take his finger off the trigger. She knew she’d never convince him to put the gun down completely or to sit down, so she continued.

  “Okay. Here’s the story as I remember it. Willie will help me if I miss any parts. May I please sit down, even if you don’t, Sir?”

  Noah actually quirked an eyebrow at her, tilting his head in obvious confusion. “S-sure. Sit down, pet.”

  “Now, you must listen well. I don’t want to stop and start, or I may forget some of the facts.” She relayed the story to the best of her memory while her husband stood relaxed, listening. He looked from Willie to her and then back again as she talked. After a while, he put the gun down completely, uncocking it and leaning it against the wall. He even decided to sit on the bed and read the letter that Willie passed to him, the one from Uncle and General PGT Beauregard.

  After she finished and asked Willie to get her a glass of water, she turned to Noah. “Do you see why I wanted you to put the gun down?”

  “Yeah, I do. Willie, why didn’t you just ask to talk to us?” Noah genuinely looked confused. He always stayed open with people, and he assumed they’d all be open and honest with him. It confused him greatly when people were secretive.

  “Well, as I told the Missus, I just thought she’d be... well, not very nice, to be blunt. She’s not always kind when she talks to people and listening’ ain’t one of her things. Ya know?” He looked a little hesitant to Daisy. He seemed afraid to keep eye contact with Noah, unsure of his reaction to such a declaration about the man’s wife.

  “Yeah, I get that. Believe me. I know she’s a little rough around the edges, but she’s got a good heart. And you should’ve known that I’d listen. You’re a good man, Willie. I don’t have a doubt that you’re telling me the truth, and I think Daisy feels the same.” He turned to see if she agreed.

  Daisy nodded. “Absolutely! I believe him, no questions.” She got up and went to the trunk at the end of the bed, opening it slowly. The hinge needed some grease, creaking as the lid opened fully. She pulled out her carpetbag that had given her so much trouble on the Widow Wagon. She reached into it, rooting around at the bottom of the bag, until she found it, the wadded up handkerchief from Jesse. She pulled it out and walked up to Willie, opening the white, wrinkled linen cloth. There in the center, was the gleaming gold and ruby ring.

  She pressed the button on the side and the key popped out. “And there, Mr. Willie, is your key. You take this ring, bring it to Columbus, Georgia, and find your fortune. I have everything I need here. I’ve had two good husbands. Noah has a ranch and a house. I couldn’t ask for anymore than I’ve been already given. It’s time for you to find your future. I don’t want to be the person standing in y
our way, and I’m sure Noah feels the same. If you decide to come back here, I’m sure my husband and Mark would be willing to help you get started on a ranch.” She turned to look at Noah and he nodded, smiling at her.

  “Willie, you have a way with horses,” Noah said. “Not everyone has that. You’d have an amazing ranch. I’d love to help you, just like Mark helped me.” He smiled and added. “And if you’re serious about getting a wife from the Widow Wagon, I’d be more than willing to teach you everything I know there too. Mark taught me about wives, how to control them and make them mind. Isn’t that right, pet?”

  Daisy felt the flush rise on her chest, spreading to her face. “Noah, I know of no such thing. Besides, that’s talk between men. Us women have our own conversations.” She tilted her nose up, and closed her eyes. “I’m going downstairs to make some lemonade. If you gentlemen would like to join me, feel free. If not, stay up here and talk about horses and women. It’s up to you, of course.”

  She brushed past her husband, resting her hand on his chest, smelling the lovely scent of Noah — soap, leather, horses and fresh air. He kissed her forehead and she quietly said, “Thank you, Sir. I love you.”

  He whispered back. “I love you too, girl.”

  Chapter 24

  Months later...

  Willie had done just as his Uncle General Beauregard had told him. He'd gone to Columbus, Georgia, with enough food and supplies from Daisy and Noah that he didn't even have to eat at a restaurant unless he wanted to. They'd been more than supportive and kind. Noah had even given Willie his choice of a horse to bring for the journey.

  He had chosen Smoke, a good horse with a dappled gray coat. On the journey from Nebraska to Georgia and then back again, he and the horse had bonded well. He swore the horse read his mind and knew Willie's commands instinctively. He'd asked Noah about purchasing the horse upon his return. He couldn't stand to be parted from the animal.

  He had dug up the box, and the key on that ruby ring slid smoothly into the dirty lock with no problems or hitches. The trunk had been filled to the brim with Confederate gold. Willie had brought it to the bank and asked for the gentleman who owned the bank, just as his uncle had told him to.

  "So, you're the General's nephew. You're a lucky man, son." He shook Willie's hand, clapping him on the back. "Many of these trunks were lost or stolen instead of buried. There's a lot of Confederate gold that will more'n likely never be recovered." He pointed to a large black metal door. "Come to the vault. I'll keep this gold safe back here so no one can trace it to you. What're your plans now that you're rich, son?"

  Willie smiled at him and didn't hesitate. "I'm going back to Nebraska and starting a horse ranch. Build myself a nice house and get me one of those mail-order widows from the Widow Wagon. Start me a family."

  "Well, whoever you get as a bride will find herself comfortable, and a respectable lady of society. Your life has changed. Congratulations!" He handed Willie a leather bag full of money. "Keep this hidden under your saddle. Don't want to lose this on your way back to Nebraska."

  On the return journey, Willie had stopped by Noah and Daisy’s. He’d tried to give them some of the money, so they could add a barn or a wing to their house, but they wouldn't hear of it. Willie would just have to find another way to pay them back — someday.

  Finally, in the deep blue skies of Nebraska country, he’d found a plot of land. Now, he stood, wiping his brow, looking at the few horses he had in a pasture. The air had cooled down since his return. Fall had come and the leaves were starting to turn. He only had a couple more months to get his homestead settled. The nearby town had come together to raise a barn for him and a few men were helping him in their spare time to build a house. He'd modeled it after Noah's house and even put a nursery near the main bedroom.

  He had a future to look forward to, something to hang his hat on and say: "This is mine."

  * * *

  Noah blew the dust off the varnished wood. He’d been sanding and revarnishing the wood for weeks now. He wanted every fraction of an inch on it to be smooth to the touch, no bumps or flaws, no brush strokes. Perfect. Since the wood still didn’t met his expectations, he grabbed the coarse paper again, sanding the strip of wood with renewed vigor.

  He couldn’t believe it’d been five months since he’d been married. Daisy had come a long way over the course of those months. She still required regular discipline, though no longer on the daily basis he’d originally determined she needed. But she never went more than two days — ever.

  His wife required his hard hand or paddle. It kept her sweet and stable. He’d convinced her that it wasn’t something to be embarrassed about, it’s just who she was — a woman who craved boundaries. She needed more than just knowing that the boundaries were present. She needed the feel of his hand, the sting of the paddle, the ache of a bruise when she sat. Those physical reminders kept her grounded, kept her spirit centered.

  The tears shed during a spanking tempered her fire, keeping it at a slow burn. She had an inordinate amount of passion and fire — like a wild horse. His pony girl. She needed to play, run, skip, and dance, causing trouble and laughing with abandon. But she needed the daily discipline and the resultant tears that tamped down that fiery spirit of hers.

  All of these kept her fire at a reasonable level. If she didn’t have that, she’d spark over the slightest thing, burning not only those around her, but herself in the process. On those days, he’d find her sitting somewhere in tears, hating that she hurt someone or injured them. Hating that others didn’t see her the way Noah did. He’d kiss her, assuring her that she was a good girl. His good girl. His pet. And then without any need to lecture, he’d pull her over his lap and spank her bare bottom until the tears cleansed that hurt and pain away.

  Discipline kept her in good standing, made sure that things were balanced. Her sore bottom reminded her all day that Noah cared. That he had expectations, and that there’d be consequences for not being obedient, sweet, kind, or patient.

  He blew the dust off the wood once again putting the sandpaper down. He wiped the wood with a soft, damp cloth getting every speck of dust off the rail. Then he grabbed the container of varnish, and stirred it well with the brush. He had just made the first swipe of varnish down the long rail when there was a rustling behind him.

  “Thought I’d find you out here. Want a cup of tea?” Daisy came in with her black hair down, the thick locks cascading over her shoulders. Her cheeks had a warm pink glow, and she held a steaming cup of tea in her hand. She put it down on his bench and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “It looks great! It’ll look even better in the room.”

  Noah reached out, putting a hand to her belly. “It’s hard to believe we’ll have a baby in four months. God, I want a little girl with dark hair like yours.”

  Daisy laughed. “Be careful what you wish for. She may end up like her mama.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping for.” He pulled her down to sit on his lap. “You still wearing your tail? You didn’t pull it out, did you?”

  “Yes, I’m still wearing it. I need release, Noah. I’ve been wanting to rub myself all day. I don’t think I can keep my hands off myself.” She spread her legs, straddling his thigh and slowly grinding upon him.

  “Is that so? Let’s see what we can do for my girl.”

  The crib rail he’d been sanding was still secure in the vise, projecting out from the worktable. Finding the height perfect for what he intended, he made her bend over that rail. He pulled up the volumes of material from her skirt and her gloriously alabaster globes came into view. He loved when he ordered her to wear no undergarments. He enjoyed running his hands up under her skirts to find a naked pussy dripping with need. “Ooooo pet, you are dripping. Let me help you here.” He pushed his finger into her cunt, letting his thumb press on the flange of the tail, his pinky fluttering over her clit.

  He had barely touched her when she thrust her hips forward, rocking the table and the crib railing, screaming
with her release. She screamed so loud and long, that her voice began to rasp. And before the screams had abated he undid the buttons on his pants letting himself free.

  “Jesus, the orgasms you’ve had since you became pregnant are amazing. You just come apart at the seams, don’t you?” She didn’t answer, but kept groaning in rhythm with the tremors shaking her body. He slid his cock into her pussy, sliding around in the copious juices while he pulled her tail out. She spasmed around him, squeezing his cock enough that he breathed out a long moan.

  He leaned over and grabbed a handy bottle of oil that he kept in the barn just for this purpose. He worked the oil into her ass with first one, then two fingers. He pulled out of her and pressed his wet, erect cock into her ass, slowly pushing himself in. Normally, he’d be a little rough with her when her arousal was this high, but since she’d become pregnant he’d restrained his normal instincts.

  The trouble with all of this — Daisy. She didn’t seem to have any restraint since becoming pregnant. She wanted it fast and rough most days, his moderation seemed to piss her off to no end. That’s how she’d ended up with the plug today. She had begged him to use the buggy whip on her and he just wasn’t comfortable with it. She’d marched off to the barn on her own to grab the whip, when he’d halted her, yanking it out of her reach and calmly stating again that there’d be time for that after the baby came.

  She had literally stood stomping both feet with her fists clenched at her sides, looking like a two year old in a tantrum. He just sat watching her as she wore herself out, until finally she stood silent before him, watching, waiting. Then he’d grabbed her, putting her over his lap, accommodating her growing belly between his legs, and spanked her bottom until it was a deep pink, the faint broken purple blood vessels appearing here and there on her scorched behind. He then had told her that her stiff crinoline would chafe against her naughty bottom the rest of the day while her plug heightened her arousal even further.


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