Brother's Best Friend for Christmas: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

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Brother's Best Friend for Christmas: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance Page 11

by Amy Brent

  “What the fuck’s your problem, Luke?” I asked. “Even if there was something going on between Tyler and me, I’m a grown ass woman. I’ll suck whoever’s dick I want.”

  “Holy shit, have you sucked his cock, Amber?” he asked. “Because if you have, I’m going to kill him. I’ll kill you both.”

  “What in the world has gotten into you?” I asked. “Did someone spike your coffee this morning with roids?”

  “He’s not a good person when it comes to women, Amber,” he said. “I’m just trying to protect you.”

  “Newsflash: I’m not a freshman in high school anymore. You don’t need to beat up the little boy who stood me up any longer. Breaking news: it wouldn’t be any of your fucking business anyway,” I said.

  “He’s my business partner and my best friend. Everything in his life is my fucking business,” he said.

  “Funny, because I don’t think a guy like Tyler would see it that way,” I said, crossing my arms.

  “Guy like Tyler. What do you mean, ‘guy like Tyler’?” he asked.

  “You think you’re entitled to the lives of those around you that you care about, but you’re not. See, loving you and being around you comes with strings. You enjoy being in control and you enjoy making sure people are dependent on you. It’s a very unhealthy, weird little tick, Luke. You should really get it checked out,” I said.

  “I do not! Damn it, Amber, he’s no good for you,” he said.

  “And how would you know? Did you try to date him at one point?” I asked.

  “I just know, Amber. I’ve seen how he treats women. The one night stands he has and the little trysts in the clubs we go to. He plays the field, nothing more,” he said.

  “Trysts. That’s a very grown-up word for someone acting like a little child. You’re making it seem like I’m making you share your favorite toy,” I said, giggling.

  “Amber, I’m not fucking around.”

  “And neither am I, Luke. You’re freaking out over something that doesn’t exist. Sorry your best friend puts his dick in women. I’m pretty sure that’s what a dick is for. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’d rather be with Mom right now than you, which is saying something,” I said.

  Just as I said that I heard Mom’s footsteps on the staircase. She opened the door and found Luke and me in the kitchen, and she furrowed her brow before she shut the door behind her.

  “Everything alright?” she asked.

  “Yeah, Luke’s just pissed because apparently, I can’t be an adult very well,” I said.

  “Luke, stop pestering your sister. Amber, you’re a wonderful adult,” she said.

  “Thanks, Mom,” I said flatly.

  “Luke, sweetie, if you have any presents that need to be wrapped, I can get us out of the house for a bit if you’d like,” Mom said.

  “And by us, she means her,” I said.

  “No, thanks. I’ll get to wrapping some things tomorrow,” he said. “Tyler’s actually meeting me here in a few. We’ve got some things we need to accomplish today since he signed for a building in LA,” he said.

  “You found an office space?” my mom asked. “Oh, my gosh! Sweetheart! I’m so proud of you!”

  I rolled my eyes as my mother wrapped her arms tightly around the child prodigy. Of course, she would be ecstatic that he owned two places for his business. Of course, she would act this excited right in front of me.

  Did they honestly not see how much bullshit they were throwing in my general direction?

  “Luke? You here?” Tyler asked.

  “In the kitchen, hot stuff!” I called out.

  If Luke wanted to be a little bitch about some imagined scenarios Tyler and I were keeping under wraps, and if Mom really wanted to play the game of favorites, then I was at least going to give them a show.

  “Uh, hey there, Amber?” Tyler asked. “How are you?”

  “Doing alright, love that jacket,” I said, reaching out to fondle the collar. “Makes your eyes pop.”

  “Uh huh. Luke, you ready to go get that stuff done?” he asked.

  Luke’s eyes were screaming with anger as Mom let him go, but all I could do was smirk. I could play this game with him, and he’d pop before I ever would.

  “Oh, let me make you boys a quick lunch,” Mom said. “I’ve got sandwich meat and chips, it’ll keep you from spending so much money out.”

  “How are you doing, Tyler?” I asked.

  “Doing alright,” he said, smirking. “I like that shirt on you.”

  “Thanks. It’s got tape on it somewhere. I was downstairs wrapping presents with Mom earlier,” I said.

  I watched his eyes search my body while Luke’s fists balled up beside him. I watched as Tyler’s hand disappeared behind my back before I heard the soft sound of something sticky being pulled from my lower back. He held the green-colored tape up to me, and I plucked it from his fingertip, but not before I made a show of our hands brushing one another’s.

  “You’re too kind. I could hear it crackling every time I took a step, but I just couldn’t reach it,” I said.

  “I’m here whenever you need me,” he said, winking.

  “Mom, Tyler and I really should get going,” Luke said.

  “Nonsense, sit down. I’m almost done throwing things together,” Mom said.

  Luke groaned as we made our way to the table, and I made it a point to sit by Tyler. He threw me a curious look before I winked at him, and that’s when I felt his hand slide over to my thigh. His touch lit my leg on fire, causing a light flush to paint my cheeks, and his eyes kept dancing all over my form as Mom set the plates of food in front of us.

  “Never would’ve thought green would look so good on you,” he said.

  “Oh, this old thing? It was in the back of my closet. Never comes out except around the holidays,” I said.

  “I don’t even think you wore it last year, honey. He’s right. It looks good on you,” Mom said, smiling.

  “Thanks, Mom. You’re such a champ. And lunch looks delicious, thank you,” I said.

  Luke was tearing into his food, and I couldn’t help but snicker. Tyler was taking painfully small bites, obviously latching onto what I was doing-, and he was probably trying to soak up as much of this as he could. He would crack a little joke, and I would playfully shove him with my shoulder, and the eye contact we made with one another intentionally lingered a bit longer than normal.

  I was pretty sure Luke’s head was about to pop off and roll onto the floor.

  “Alright, business stuff,” Luke said as he stood up. “You coming or not, Tyler?”

  “I guess I could take the last part of my sandwich with me,” he said.

  “Oh, going so soon? I was hoping we could have coffee or something after lunch,” I said.

  “Maybe I’ll take you to coffee later when we’ve got some free time,” Tyler said, winking.

  “You won’t take my sister anywhere, but I am taking you to the office. Come on,” Luke said.

  “So demanding,” I mouthed to Tyler.

  “You two have fun!” my mother called out as she took another bite of her sandwich.

  The door closed with a thud, and I couldn’t help but start laughing. That was way too easy and way too much fun. I picked up the rest of my sandwich and tossed it into my mouth, but as I looked over at my mother, I could tell she had something she wanted to say.

  And I knew it wasn’t going to be pretty.

  “So, you and Tyler. Are you an item?” she asked.

  “Nah. Luke was getting on me earlier about some imaginary relationship Tyler and I are apparently having, so I openly flirted with Tyler to piss him off,” I said.

  “Does Tyler know that?” she asked.

  “Yep. Sent him a text message beforehand,” I lied.

  “So, you have his number?” she asked.


  “Look, sweetheart. Tyler’s a good boy. He’s smart, responsible, and let’s face it, kind of hot.”

  I slowly cr
inkled my nose and tried to keep the vomit from rising to my throat. My mother, in the span of one three-letter word, just became a cougar.

  “Gross, Mom,” I said.

  “Well, he’s a very good-looking boy. But, Luke is right. If there’s something going on between the two of you that requires you to have his number, then it’s probably not worth pursuing,” she said.

  “You’re playing the protective parent all of a sudden?” I asked.

  “Sweetheart, he’s not going to be able to take care of you the way some men in this city will be able to,” she said.

  “Are you kidding me? You’re telling me to back off because he’s not rich enough?” I asked.

  “It takes more than love and good looks to be married, sweetheart. Young people don’t understand that. Finances are the number one downfall of happily married couples across the country. If you have the ability to eliminate that issue from your marriage, it’s worth pursuing. You’re a beautiful girl, Amber. But, no man who can financially protect you is going to want a stubborn, vulgar girl with debt coming out of her ears because she invested in a dance studio. Now, I don’t agree with your father on you running the production company. I think the long hours would prevent you from finding something that makes you happy.”

  “Yeah, like running a fucking dance studio,” I said.

  “Language,” she said. “But, Tyler isn’t the one. If there is something going on, just let him know it’s temporary. Girls can have a bit of fun, too, you know.”

  I was absolutely stunned at what she had just said to me. My parents had absolutely lost their rockers and fallen face-first into a vat of crazy pills. She continued to eat her sandwich as if that idiotic combination of words hadn’t flown from her face, and what was even more insane was the fact that she tried to justify it this time.

  With facts.

  I felt my hands begin to shake as they balled up into fists, and I knew I couldn’t stay any longer. I had to get out and go for a drive. Maybe across town to look at more properties, or out of the city to go see the ocean. I had to do something to calm me down. Otherwise, my anger was going to be taken out on someone around me.

  Like Tyler.

  So, I got up from the table, stepped around my mother, and headed for the door. I could hear her calling out my name, but all I did was grab my purse and slam the front door behind me. I ran to my car, tears streaming down my face, and I slid into the driver’s seat before I threw my car in reverse and headed for the road.

  Everyone in this fucking home thought they could control me.

  And I had to get away.

  Chapter 17


  Luke and I decided to get out and go to another club in town. He was worried because no one could get in touch with Amber, and I told him she probably just needed her space. I’d sent her a text message this morning, asking her if she was alright after everything that went down, but I had yet to hear from her either. I had to admit, I was getting a bit worried, which was why I was glad the bar had shot specials going on tonight.

  I was going to need them to get my mind off Amber.

  Luke and I were at the bar enjoying our first discounted shot when he began slapping me on the arm. His eyes were focused on the entryway, and at first, I thought I’d seen two hot chicks we were about to wingman up. What I saw, however, was Kelly and Amber walking into the same damn club we had chosen to prowl for the night.

  “At least she’s alright,” I said. “You talked to Kelly since you guys made out?”

  “A bit,” he said as he signaled for another shot.

  “Anything good come of it?” I asked.

  “Not really,” he said.

  He was clipping his sentences which meant he was plotting out what he was going to say to her in his head. If there was one thing Luke was terrible at, it was his confidence when it came to women. He felt like he had to rehearse everything in his head, and that took up so much of his brain power that he wouldn’t be able to hold a decent conversation with anyone.

  So, to make it interesting, I flagged the girls down.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked.

  “Let’s get you some impromptu practice with women,” I said, smirking.

  I saw Amber catch my eyes, and she stopped in her tracks. I watched her reach out for Kelly, whose attention she then turned towards the bar. Kelly’s face lit up when she saw Luke and her direction changed as she practically ran toward the bar, but Amber stayed rooted in her place.

  “Hey there, Luke,” Kelly said.

  “Hey, Kelly,” he said, smiling. “That’s a nice dress you’ve got on.”

  “Thanks. I bought it a couple days ago. Things like this are always on sale during the winter months,” she said.

  “Well, if they have more in other colors, you should go back and get some more. It looks like it’d be very comfortable for the summertime,” he said.

  I rolled my eyes at the conversation. I felt like we were back in middle school and trying to hit on the popular girl, but once I saw his hand slowly drifting to the midsection of her dress I knew exactly what he was doing. He was playing his little innocent shtick before he tried to physically get close to her, and women melted all over that shit.

  My boy was getting his dick wet tonight.

  I watched Kelly’s eyes light up and dance along his face as Luke slowly felt the fabric of her dress. His fingertips trailed down to her belly button before his hand fell back to his side, and that’s when Amber finally came up to the bar. She was dressed in a pair of tight ass skinny jeans and a sparkling silver top, and it was hard to take my eyes off her. Every single piece of fabric on her body hugged her curves in ways I wanted my hands to. I wanted to reach out and pull her close to me, bypassing all the bullshit conversation we’d have that would eventually lead up to what we both wanted.

  But, Kelly’s giggle ripped me from my trance.

  “Well, I made the mistake of not going to the bathroom before I got here. I’ll be right back,” she said.

  “Hurry back,” Luke said, winking.

  “One shot, please,” Amber said behind me.

  “Make that two,” I said.

  “I’ll be right back, you guys. Water fountain,” Luke said.

  “Use protection, bro,” Amber said, smirking.

  “From the water fountain?” he asked

  I snickered at the fact that he was trying to sell that excuse. Luke jammed his hand into his pocket and walked over towards the water fountain, and I watched as he disappeared beyond it and headed for the girl’s bathroom. I didn’t know who the fuck he thought he was fooling, but I was glad he was finally getting himself a little bit of something. He was wound way too tight, and he was coming off like a dick to everyone.

  “Such a hypocrite,” Amber said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing. I could use another shot, though,” she said.

  “You’re in luck. They’re the club special tonight,” I said.

  “Yep. And I plan on getting wasted,” she said.

  “That bad of a day?” I asked.

  “Sure,” she said, shrugging.

  We made our way to a couple of barstools at the end of the bar and ordered another round of shots. I was on my third one as she was throwing back her second, and I couldn’t help but study her posture. The slump in her shoulders, the slight frown on her cheeks. The way she leaned against the bar like she’d just lost her job and her dog all in one damn day.

  “Want to talk about it?” I asked.

  “Let’s play a game,” she said, changing the subject.

  “Alright, what’s the game?” I asked.

  “Each of us has to tell the other a deep, dark fantasy. Sexual or not. And if the other person finds it hot, they have to take a shot,” she said.

  “Oh, we’re going to need a tray full of them, then,” I said, smirking. “Who goes first?”

  “Ladies first,” she said, winking.

  “Oh, ho ho,
you got jokes,” I said. “Alright, then. Got your shot ready? Because I’m about to blow your fucking mind.”

  “Try me,” she said, smiling.

  “One fantasy I have involves edging her to the point of no return. I’ve always wanted to tie a woman down and deny her orgasm after orgasm until she’s crying from the frustration. Then, I’ll let her have it any way she wishes,” I said.

  Amber looked deep into my eyes before she squinted them playfully. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, forcing me to look down at the intimate gesture, then she sighed before she took the shot she was holding in her hand.

  “Ha ha! Got ‘em,” I said. “Sir! We’re going to need more shots over here. Three each, please.”

  “Alright, my turn. Ready, hot stuff?” she asked, winking.

  “Liked that nickname, by the way,” I said.

  “I figured your ego would. Alright. A fantasy of mine is simply the chase. Except, I’m the one chasing. I flirt with him, but he doesn’t flirt back. I catch him staring at me, but he diverts his gaze before I can catch it. I keep wearing sexy ass outfits that keep his gaze even though he doesn’t want to look. Then, one day, I back him into a corner, and he can’t help but drop to his knees,” she said.


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