Mobster's Vendetta

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Mobster's Vendetta Page 5

by Amy Rachiele

  “Me too,” Joey chimes in.

  Vito glare at the guys, his expression is murderous. He has been out of sorts.

  Erin looks to me for guidance. If I can read her face correctly, she’s not only astonished, but a little embarrassed. Before this whole shit-storm of trauma, Erin would have been acting like Alessandra; totally into it and high on the fun of shopping. But the recent events have changed her. She has become more reserved. It is good and bad. While I hate to see her changed, I must admit that I am pleased to see her a bit more cautious.

  Antonio breaks from his conversation with Carlo. ”Do you see anything you like, Erin?”

  She looks at him blankly. I turn in my seat to regard him and speak for Erin. ”I think she’s maybe a bit overwhelmed.”

  The clerk frowns, probably hoping for a major sale today. I give my sister a reassuring pat on her knee. The clerk says hopefully, “The models are changing. The next one should be out in the minute.”

  Alessandra leans towards Erin. ”We can try another store,” she says quietly.

  Clarissa leans in to be part of the conversation.

  “Everything is beautiful,” Erin says to Alessandra, pausing to say more.

  One of the models steps out from the back with a new outfit on. She stops mid-step when the very quiet Vito speaks up, piercingly. “Just give her one of each outfit in her size,” he says severely to the clerk. Vito looks at me. ”We’re moving on. Let’s go.” He looks back at the salesperson saying, “We will be back to pick the stuff up later.” The lady is beaming; she probably made a week’s worth of sales in an hour.

  He reaches down and takes Erin’s hand gently. He helps her to a standing position and pulls her towards the exit. Hmm...Okay... He hands a credit card to the clerk.

  Troy looks over at me looking as dumbfounded as I feel. My sister’s birthday celebration is turning extravagant. A small evil thought gleefully creeps its way into my mind...Troy will probably share with Connor the treatment Erin is getting and the expensive gifts. Good! I want Connor to know that my sister is fine without him.

  “You ready?” Antonio asks me. I nod my head, and he takes my hand.

  Troy, Jake, Joey, and Carlo follow us out while Alessandra and Clarissa stay behind to speak to the salesperson.

  Leaving the store feels abrupt and awkward, but that’s Vito for you, straight and to the point. I keep wondering who is going to pay for all of those clothes. All that will cost a small fortune. Is Vito buying her that stuff?

  Vito releases Erin’s hand as we walk towards a new store. As Alessandra and Clarissa catch up with us, Alessandra discreetly whispers in Vito’s ear, antagonizing him. He practically growls. Alessandra, triumphant, moves closer to Erin smiling.

  “Those clothes are to die for! You are so lucky,” she purrs.

  “You have to let me borrow that red dress!” Clarissa begs. ”What do you think, Meg?”

  “Now, you just need someone to take you out,” Joey says.

  Vito stops short and glares at Joey, his face icy. If actual steam could come out of Vito’s ears, it would be doing just that right now.

  “Are you fucking askin’?” he practically yells at Joey.

  Antonio steps forward, intervening. Jake motions with his hands on his neck in a cut-it-out motion to Joey. I remember that Jake has been on the receiving end of Vito’s anger before.

  “Dude, calm down,” Antonio says directly.

  “What is your problem?” Joey asks, highly annoyed.

  Vito shifts away, but doesn’t appear to calm down. Alessandra smiles smugly as she pulls Erin to her and links their arms. They lead us into a cute little store with more expensive clothing. The mannequins in the window even look posh, all posed distinctly with their sharp edges and lines like robots. Alessandra steers us all towards the sales desk in the shop, a small Asian woman approaches her and shakes her hand.

  “Good morning,” she says. “What can I help you with today?”

  Antonio steps forward. ”We’re looking for some nice things for this girl right here?” Antonio points at Erin.

  The nice Asian lady looks Erin up and down and smiles. “Let’s see what I have.”

  All of us, including the guys, walk around the store. Jake picks up a pair of tacky platform shoes and holds them up. “Didn’t one of the band members of Kiss wear these shoes?” Erin walks over to him and laughs as she holds the shoe in her hand.

  “Wow! These are heavy,” Erin says. “I think I want these, Antonio.”

  Antonio examines them and laughs. “I don’t think these are shoes, I think they’re weapons. Pick again.” Antonio tosses it with a thunk back on the rack.

  Erin seems to be warming up, laughing at something Jake mumbles. I watch her with him, seeing how brings out the best in her. Erin and Jake go to a display of hats. They each try a few on, and Jake uses his phone to snaps some pictures of the two of them making silly faces. Erin dissolves into stitches as he makes comments about each and every one.

  Vito leaves with a huff and goes to hang outside the store with Carlo. Troy and Joey decide they’re bored and go to hang out outside the store too. But, I catch Troy surveying Alessandra’s every move as she and Clarissa stand admiring the jewelry with the salesperson.

  Antonio talks with the clerk. He pulls out a wad of cash from his back pocket as I join them. “Here you go,” he says, handing the cashier a ton of money. “Bag it up those outfits in her size. We’ll be back for it later.”

  I call out for my sister and the others. “Come on.” I have no clue what all Antonio has purchased, but I am sure it is more than Erin would ever need. He is so good to her.

  We all stroll out into the main area. By the looks of Vito, I would say he is seething.

  Carlo speaks to Antonio softly, “We’re going back to that first place to settle up, and then Vito, and I will meet you at the restaurant.”

  I guess that answers my earlier question. It appears Vito is buying Erin a closet full of new clothes.

  “Okay,” Antonio says as he waves them off. Then he glances at me. ”Let’s head over to Bella Bistro. I’m starving.”

  “I could eat to,” Troy says.

  “So could I,” Alessandra adds, smiling broadly at Troy. He looks away seemingly uninterested. Hmm…

  I think she is still seeming interested, although Troy... not so much?

  Standing at the entrance to Bella Bistro is Alex. I wave as we approach. He waves back as he eyes Joey and the rest of the group, but zeroes in on Alessandra. I realize that Alex is not alone though. Next to him is a tall man with a black eye and bruises down his dark face, very similar to Antonio. He is an enormous. Not fat...broad and muscular in a way that rivals Vito. This guy radiates a domineering viciousness.

  I develop a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something seems so very wrong or off about this guy. He smiles at us, but it doesn’t reach his cold eyes. There’s no sincerity. Actually, he looks quite malevolent.

  Antonio squeezes the hand that he’s holding in a warning. It dawns on me that this is the man Antonio fought last night. The bad feeling in the pit of my stomach turns acidic.

  “Hello, Demetrius,” Antonio says deadpan.

  Chapter 5

  Favor: illegal business that you need help with


  “How are you feeling this morning?” Demetrius asks a little too kindly.

  “Fine.” I notice that Antonio doesn’t reciprocate the question.

  Antonio takes my hand and uses it to tuck me behind him marginally. His eyes never waver from Demetrius’. But this doesn’t stop Demetrius’s eyes from locking on me. This brute of a guy trails his them up and down my body rudely.

  “So this is the famous Megan.” He offers his hand. Antonio stiffens. I hesitantly hold my hand out, but instead of shaking it, he brings it to his lips and kisses it. Antonio swiftly pulls my hand away. Demetrius chuckles at Antonio’s reaction. ”So the rumors are true...she is stunning.”

sp; Demetrius’ cold but pleasant demeanor transfers to behind me, where Erin stands with our friends.

  “Ah, this has to be her lovely sister, Erin,” Demetrius fawns bogusly. How does he know our names?

  Clarissa shoves forward. “My father doesn’t like you here.” She gets close to him, almost in his face. Joey reaches his hands out, takes Clarissa by her shoulders, and pulls her back.

  “Ah, the sweet Clarissa. How are you? It is so nice to see you amongst other people,” his comment is boiled in sarcasm.

  He moves himself closer to Erin and stands above her small frame. Antonio immediately reacts along with Joey. I’ve learned to read his signals, and this isn’t a good one...he is ready to lunge.

  “Happy birthday, little Erin,” Demetrius says lightly.

  Sensing Antonio’s indicators and catching on, Troy reaches around from behind Erin and wraps his arms around her shoulders, hugging her to his chest. “Yup, this is our little birthday girl!” Troy quips, his voice jovial and upbeat against the tense situation.

  “And who might you be?” Demetrius asks nastily.

  “I’m Troy, a close friend of the family,” he holds up one hand in a sharply exaggerated manner to shake Demetrius’, without letting go of Erin. Demetrius does not shake Troy’s hand, rather scowls down at it with disgust. Joey and Jake converge on Troy.

  “Troy, why don’t you and Jake take the girls inside and get us a seat?” Antonio asks, but it comes out as a command.

  “But I’m not done saying hello to old friends,” Demetrius pointedly shifts his attention to Alessandra. She turns away from him and grabs Clarissa’s hand, click-clacking in her heels on the marble floor as she nods for me to follow. Antonio releases my hand Troy, Erin, and Jake follow Alessandra and Clarissa into the restaurant. Following them, I twist to gaze behind me. Joey, Alex, and Antonio face-off to Demetrius, then the walls of the restaurant swallow me up.



  “What the fuck are you doing here, Demetrius?”

  “Now, now, Antonio, that’s no way to talk to someone you are forming an alliance with.”

  He is fucking with me! And so it begins.

  “What do you want?” I ask.

  “Come on Antonio, we’re practically family. I just wanted to say hi.” Demetrius laughs and drops of his act. “But now that you mention it,” he starts, then pauses and looks around. “So where is Vito?”

  I already have enough on my plate. I don’t need this asshole dicking me around. I wrestle with the urge to punch him square in the face. I don’t know what his game is yet, and it makes me furious inside.

  “He’s around. Why are you here?” I mutter.

  “I need a favor.”

  Shit! A favor in this world doesn’t mean he’s going to ask me to babysit his pet snake while he goes on vacation. Favors are one of two things – it is either a test for the installation of new members into a family, or it will be some business that needs to be handled delicately or on the sly. With the mention of a favor, Joey and Alex slowly back away, knowing their place. What Demetrius is going to ask or say isn’t for their ears. Demetrius and I move farther away to a more private area.

  I have been gritting my teeth since seeing him standing with Alex, and my jaw is starting to ache. Being in Demetrius’s presence irks me on an instinctive level and produces a foul taste in my mouth.

  “I have a very important shipment for the Furlottis coming in. I need an experienced associate.” Demetrius shrugs.


  “Forty-eight hours.”

  I can’t say no. Forming alliances with other families is all about one hand washing the other.

  “Where?” I ask, knowing he won’t answer that question. After all, I don’t need to know until it’s time.

  “I’ll contact you.” Demetrius begins to walk away. As he’s walking he can’t seem to help but comment, “By the way, your girlfriend is one sweet piece.” He recognizes how to rile me. I stand still not trusting my own body to react to his words. She is my Achilles’ heel, and he knows it. “I wouldn’t mind a little of that...or maybe you could set me up with her sister?” He laughs arrogantly and finally strolls through the tables.

  Alex and Joey immediately approach me. Joey has a worried look. “What was that all about? You okay? You looked like you were gonna pounce on him!”

  I evade the questions. “Let’s go have lunch.”

  At a large round table in the back of the restaurant sits Alessandra, Clarissa, Erin, Troy, and Jake. I don’t see Megan, and my body immediately shoots a warning to my brain. Where is she?

  Troy reads the question on my face because he said, “She went to the ladies room.”

  I move quickly, rushing to the restrooms, pushing wait staff out of my way. My fears aren’t for nothing. Up against a wall stands Megan, pinned, wisps of her red hair dance on the wall...Demetrius has her trapped.

  “Let me pass, please,” Megan says to him, looking annoyed. She has a sassy hand on her hip.

  Demetrius tightens his stance by leaning his hand against the wall by her face. I automatically react, thrusting my body between them and forcing Demetrius back. The edges of his mouth twist up into a grotesque smile. I feel Megan’s shaking hands rest against my back. She’s afraid.

  “Relax, Tonio. We were just talking,” Demetrius hisses the words like the snake that he is.

  It is taking everything I have to maintain my self-control. My whole body hums with agitation. My fists scream at my brain to let them fly. But it’s a bad idea. Starting anything with Demetrius right now will cause more problems in the future.

  Before I can respond and diffuse the situation, Vito and Carlo come rushing around the corner. Vito doesn’t hesitate or even know what is going on. He strides forward, seizes Demetrius by the arm, and flings him into a nearby empty table, crushing it as Demetrius goes down hard.

  Megan gasps behind me knowing a fight is coming. My only concern is her.

  Carlo reaches down and pulls up Demetrius roughly, anticipating retaliation. Demetrius doesn’t counter. Instead, he laughs and brushes himself off as the commotion rings through the restaurant. Security officers come running, along with our lunch party.

  “What happened?!” Alessandra calls out.

  “Holy shit!” Troy says.

  I keep Megan trapped behind me, still uncertain about what Demetrius might do. He is a loose cannon. Vito’s breathing is harsh, and he is clearly ready to go at it with Demetrius. Carlo holds up a hand to stop the security officers and let them know he’s got it covered.

  Surprisingly Demetrius speaks up. “It is just a misunderstanding,” he says, his hands raised in surrender.

  The gesture means nothing to me, because I can see him calculating something ruthless in his eyes. He’s not the type to do something for nothing. I steal a look at Erin, her hand covering her mouth with shock. Jake puts his arm around her shoulder, comforting her.

  “Go back to the table,” I order. I gently take Megan’s hand and lead her over by the rest of the group, giving them another warning order to go back to the table.

  They reluctantly leave. Security flanks Carlo waiting for instructions on what to do. I step forward with Vito, Joey, and Alex standing behind me.

  Vito’s decision to send Demetrius flying into the table was rash, but what’s done is done. I can understand Vito’s reaction. Almost everything Demetrius does is hostile, so you can never be too careful.

  “Sorry about that,” I say to Demetrius.

  Uncharacteristically, Demetrius shrugs his shoulders in a nonchalant way. But then Demetrius approaches Vito. It’s a standoff. Neither one of them moves or backs down. That would be a sign of weakness.

  “Why don’t I show you out,” Alex offers, moving towards Demetrius.

  “Tonio,” he says but is staring down Vito. “I’ll be in touch.” His voice is ominous as Alex walks him to the entrance. Security follows.

  “What the fuck was that about?
!” Carlo asks, annoyed.

  I scrub my hands down my face aggravated at the whole situation. I don’t like this kind of shit happening with Megan around...and Erin witnessing that...not good.

  Vito’s regretful gaze lands on me, resting for a moment on my blackened eye. ”That fucker is lucky I didn’t do worse than throw him into a table.”

  Any other day, I wouldn’t care. Vito could beat Demetrius to with an inch of his life, and it wouldn’t bother me in the least. But with the girls around, with us being under the hospitality of Ennio, it’s not cool.

  I ask Joey and Carlo to go back to the table. Words don’t even have to leave my mouth as Vito follows me over to the slot machine smoking section. A couple of people are sitting at the terminals we’re near. Vito looms and shoots them a lethal glare, and they suddenly have the urge to try a new machine elsewhere.

  I tap my cigarettes until one comes out. Vito folds his arms over his chest watching me. I grab my lighter, clicking it with the cigarette to my lips; I stoke it until it catches. I inhale deeply, each curl of smoke entering my body, one by one, relaxing me.

  Vito is waiting patiently. We’ve been friends long enough for him to know I need a few puffs before I enter into this conversation.

  “Demetrius wants me to do a favor,” I start.

  Vito tightens up at the word favor, and his face gets hard. I know what he is going to say before he even says it.

  “You are not going alone!”

  “Don’t start this shit, you know I have to.”

  “What the hell? I don’t like it! Who knows what that psycho has going on his head!” Vito yells. I motion for him to calm down. ”When?” he asks.

  “In a couple of days.”

  I take another drag off my cigarette, feeling Vito’s irritation and rage bouncing off my skin. His opposition is warranted because I feel the same way, knowing it’s all probably a set up for something bigger. But I have to follow through - for the family.

  I stamp out my cigarette in an ashtray near me. Alessandra is walking towards us, and we meet her half way.

  “Erin wants to go back upstairs. I think it’s for the best. Let’s have lunch brought up.”


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