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Shadows of Carcosa: Tales of Cosmic Horror by Lovecraft, Chambers, Machen, Poe, and Other Masters of the Weird

Page 8

by H. P. Lovecraft

  “Just back from Westchester,” he said; “been doing the bucolic; milk and curds, you know, dairy-maids in sunbonnets, who say ‘haeow’ and ‘I don’t think’ when you tell them they are pretty. I’m nearly dead for a square meal at Delmonico’s. What’s the news?”

  “There is none,” I replied pleasantly. “I saw your regiment coming in this morning.”

  “Did you? I didn’t see you. Where were you?”

  “In Mr. Wilde’s window.”

  “Oh hell!” he began impatiently, “that man is stark mad! I don’t understand why you—”

  He saw how annoyed I felt by this outburst, and begged my pardon.

  “Really, old chap,” he said, “I don’t mean to run down a man you like, but for the life of me I can’t see what the deuce you find in common with Mr. Wilde. He’s not well-bred, to put it generously; he’s hideously deformed; his head is the head of a criminally insane person. You know yourself he’s been in an asylum—”

  “So have I,” I interrupted calmly.

  Louis looked startled and confused for a moment, but recovered and slapped me heartily on the shoulder.

  “You were completely cured,” he began, but I stopped him again.

  “I suppose you mean that I was simply acknowledged never to have been insane.”

  “Of course that—that’s what I meant,” he laughed.

  I disliked his laugh because I knew it was forced, but I nodded gaily and asked him where he was going. Louis looked after his brother officers who had now almost reached Broadway.

  “We had intended to sample a Brunswick cocktail, but to tell you the truth I was anxious for an excuse to go and see Hawberk instead. Come along, I’ll make you my excuse.”

  We found old Hawberk, neatly attired in a fresh spring suit, standing at the door of his shop and sniffing the air.

  “I had just decided to take Constance for a little stroll before dinner,” he replied to the impetuous volley of questions from Louis. “We thought of walking on the park terrace along the North River.”

  At that moment Constance appeared and grew pale and rosy by turns as Louis bent over her small gloved fingers. I tried to excuse myself, alleging an engagement up-town, but Louis and Constance would not listen, and I saw I was expected to remain and engage old Hawberk’s attention. After all it would be just as well if I kept my eye on Louis, I thought, and when they hailed a Spring Street horsecar, I got in after them and took my seat beside the armorer.

  The beautiful line of parks and granite terraces overlooking the wharves along the North River, which were built in 1910 and finished in the autumn of 1917, had become one of the most popular promenades in the metropolis. They extended from the battery to 190th Street, overlooking the noble river and affording a fine view of the Jersey shore and the Highlands opposite. Cafés and restaurants were scattered here and there among the trees, and twice a week military bands from the garrison played in the kiosques on the parapets.

  We sat down in the sunshine on the bench at the foot of the equestrian statue of General Sheridan. Constance tipped her sunshade to shield her eyes, and she and Louis began a murmuring conversation which was impossible to catch. Old Hawberk, leaning on his ivory-headed cane, lighted an excellent cigar, the mate to which I politely refused, and smiled at vacancy. The sun hung low above the Staten Island woods, and the bay was dyed with golden hues reflected from the sun-warmed sails of the shipping in the harbor.

  Brigs, schooners, yachts, clumsy ferry-boats, their decks swarming with people, railroad transports carrying lines of brown, blue and white freight cars, stately sound steamers, declassé tramp steamers, coasters, dredgers, scows, and everywhere pervading the entire bay impudent little tugs puffing and whistling officiously;—these were the crafts which churned the sunlit waters as far as the eye could reach. In calm contrast to the hurry of sailing vessel and steamer a silent fleet of white warships lay motionless in midstream.

  Constance’s merry laugh aroused me from my reverie.

  “What are you staring at?” she inquired.

  “Nothing—the fleet,” I smiled.

  Then Louis told us what the vessels were, pointing out each by its relative position to the old Red Fort on Governor’s Island.

  “That little cigar-shaped thing is a torpedo boat,” he explained; “there are four more lying close together. They are the Tarpon, the Falcon, the Sea Fox and the Octopus. The gun-boats just above are the Princeton, the Champlain, the Still Water and the Erie. Next to them lie the cruisers Farragut and Los Angeles, and above them the battleships California and Dakota, and the Washington which is the flag-ship. Those two squatty-looking chunks of metal which are anchored there off Castle William are the double-turreted monitors Terrible and Magnificent; behind them lies the ram, Osceola.”

  Constance looked at him with deep approval in her beautiful eyes. “What loads of things you know for a soldier,” she said, and we all joined in the laugh which followed.

  Presently Louis rose with a nod to us and offered his arm to Constance, and they strolled away along the river wall. Hawberk watched them for a moment and then turned to me.

  “Mr. Wilde was right,” he said. “I have found the missing tassets and left cuissard of the ‘Prince’s Emblazoned,’ in a vile old junk garret in Pell Street.”

  “998?” I inquired, with a smile.


  “Mr. Wilde is a very intelligent man,” I observed.

  “I want to give him the credit of this most important discovery,” continued Hawberk. “And I intend it shall be known that he is entitled to the fame of it.”

  “He won’t thank you for that,” I answered sharply; “please say nothing about it.”

  “Do you know what it is worth?” said Hawberk.

  “No, fifty dollars, perhaps.”

  “It is valued at five hundred, but the owner of the ‘Prince’s Emblazoned’ will give two thousand dollars to the person who completes his suit; that reward also belongs to Mr. Wilde.”

  “He doesn’t want it! He refuses it!” I answered angrily. “What do you know about Mr. Wilde? He doesn’t need the money. He is rich—or will be—richer than any living man except myself. What will we care for money then—what will we care, he and I, when—when—”

  “When what?” demanded Hawberk, astonished.

  “You will see,” I replied, on my guard again.

  He looked at me narrowly, much as Doctor Archer used to, and I knew he thought I was mentally unsound. Perhaps it was fortunate for him that he did not use the word lunatic just then.

  “No,” I replied to his unspoken thought, “I am not mentally weak; my mind is as healthy as Mr. Wilde’s. I do not care to explain just yet what I have on hand, but it is an investment which will pay more than mere gold, silver and precious stones. It will secure the happiness and prosperity of a continent—yes, a hemisphere!”

  “Oh,” said Hawberk.

  “And eventually,” I continued more quietly, “it will secure the happiness of the whole world.”

  “And incidentally your own happiness and prosperity as well as Mr. Wilde’s?”

  “Exactly,” I smiled. But I could have throttled him for taking that tone.

  He looked at me in silence for a while and then said very gently, “Why don’t you give up your books and studies, Mr. Castaigne, and take a tramp among the mountains somewhere or other? You used to be fond of fishing. Take a cast or two at the trout in the Rangeleys.”

  “I don’t care for fishing any more,” I answered, without a shade of annoyance in my voice.

  “You used to be fond of everything,” he continued; “athletics, yachting, shooting, riding—”

  “I have never cared to ride since my fall,” I said quietly.

  “Ah, yes, your fall,” he repeated, looking away from me.

  I thought this nonsense had gone far enough, so I turned the conversation back to Mr. Wilde; but he was scanning my face again in a manner highly offensive to me.

“Mr. Wilde,” he repeated, “do you know what he did this afternoon? He came down stairs and nailed a sign over the hall door next to mine; it read:


  Do you know what a Repairer of Reputations can be?”

  “I do,” I replied, suppressing the rage within.

  “Oh,” he said again.

  Louis and Constance came strolling by and stopped to ask if we would join them. Hawberk looked at his watch. At the same moment a puff of smoke shot from the casemates of Castle William, and the boom of the sunset gun rolled across the water and was re-echoed from the Highlands opposite. The flag came running down from the flag-pole, the bugles sounded on the white decks of the warships, and the first electric light sparkled out from the Jersey shore.

  As I turned into the city with Hawberk I heard Constance murmur something to Louis which I did not understand; but Louis whispered, “My darling,” in reply; and again, walking ahead with Hawberk through the square I heard a murmur of “sweetheart,” and “my own Constance,” and I knew the time had nearly arrived when I should speak of important matters with my cousin Louis.


  One morning early in May I stood before the steel safe in my bedroom, trying on the golden jewelled crown. The diamonds flashed fire as I turned to the mirror, and the heavy beaten gold burned like a halo about my head. I remembered Camilla’s agonized scream and the awful words echoing through the streets of Carcosa. They were the last lines in the first act, and I dared not think of what followed—dared not, even in the spring sunshine, there in my own room, surrounded with familiar objects, reassured by the bustle from the street and the voices of the servants in the hallway outside. For those poisoned words had dropped slowly into my heart, as death-sweat drops upon a bed-sheet and is absorbed. Trembling, I put the diadem from my head and wiped my forehead, but I thought of Hastur and of my own rightful ambition, and I remembered Mr. Wilde as I had last left him, his face all torn and bloody from the claws of that devil’s creature, and what he said—ah, what he said! The alarm bell in the safe began to whirr harshly, and I knew my time was up; but I would not heed it, and replacing the flashing circlet upon my head I turned defiantly to the mirror. I stood for a long time absorbed in the changing expression of my own eyes. The mirror reflected a face which was like my own, but whiter, and so thin that I hardly recognized it. And all the time I kept repeating between my clenched teeth, “The day has come! the day has come!” while the alarm in the safe whirred and clamored, and the diamonds sparked and flamed above my brow. I heard a door open but did not heed it. It was only when I saw two faces in the mirror;—it was only when another face rose over my shoulder, and two other eyes met mine. I wheeled like a flash and seized a long knife from the dressing-table, and my cousin sprang back very pale, crying: “Hildred! for God’s sake!” then as my hand fell, he said: “It is I, Louis, don’t you know me?” I stood silent. I could not have spoken for my life. He walked up to me and took the knife from my hand.

  “What is all this?” he inquired, in a gentle voice. “Are you ill?”

  “No,” I replied. But I doubt if he heard me.

  “Come, come, old fellow,” he cried, “take off that brass crown and toddle into the study. Are you going to a masquerade? What’s all this theatrical tinsel anyway?”

  I was glad he thought the crown was made of brass and paste, yet I didn’t like him any the better for thinking so. I let him take it from my hand, knowing it was best to humor him. He tossed the splendid diadem in the air, and catching it, turned to me smiling.

  “It’s dear at fifty cents,” he said. “What’s it for?”

  I did not answer, but took the circlet from his hands, and placing it in the safe shut the massive steel door. The alarm ceased its infernal din at once. He watched me curiously, but did not seem to notice the sudden ceasing of the alarm. He did, however, speak of the safe as a biscuit box. Fearing lest he might examine the combination I led the way into the study. Louis threw himself on the sofa and flicked at flies with his eternal riding-whip. He wore his fatigue uniform with the braided jacket and jaunty cap, and I noticed that his riding-boots were all splashed with red mud.

  “Where have you been?” I inquired.

  “Jumping mud creeks in Jersey,” he said. “I haven’t had time to change yet; I was rather in a hurry to see you. Haven’t you got a glass of something? I’m dead tired; been in the saddle twenty-four hours.”

  I gave him some brandy from my medicinal store, which he drank with a grimace.

  “Damned bad stuff,” he observed. “I’ll give you an address where they sell brandy that is brandy.”

  “It’s good enough for my needs,” I said indifferently. “I used it to rub my chest with.” He stared and flicked at another fly.

  “See here, old fellow,” he began, “I’ve got something to suggest to you. It’s four years now that you’ve shut yourself up in here like an owl, never going anywhere, never taking any healthy exercise, never doing a damned thing but poring over those books up there on the mantelpiece.”

  He glanced along the row of shelves. “Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon!” he read. “For heaven sake, have you nothing but Napoleons there?”

  “I wish they were bound in gold,” I said. “But wait, yes, there is another book, ‘The King in Yellow.’” I looked him steadily in the eye.

  “Have you never read it?” I asked.

  “I? No, thank God! I don’t want to be driven crazy.”

  I saw he regretted his speech as soon as he had uttered it. There is only one word which I loathe more than I do lunatic and that word is crazy. But I controlled myself and asked him why he thought “The King in Yellow” dangerous.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” he said, hastily. “I only remember the excitement it created and the denunciations from pulpit and press. I believe the author shot himself after bringing forth this monstrosity, didn’t he?”

  “I understand he is still alive,” I answered.

  “That’s probably true,” he muttered; “bullets couldn’t kill a fiend like that.”

  “It is a book of great truths,” I said.

  “Yes,” he replied, “Of ‘truths’ which send men frantic and blast their lives. I don’t care if the thing is, as they say, the very supreme essence of art. It’s a crime to have written it and I for one shall never open its pages.”

  “Is that what you have come to tell me?” I asked.

  “No,” he said, “I came to tell you that I am going to be married.”

  I believe for a moment my heart ceased to beat, but kept my eyes on his face.

  “Yes,” he continued, smiling happily, “married to the sweetest girl on earth.”

  “Constance Hawberk,” I said mechanically.

  “How did you know?” he cried, astonished. “I didn’t know it myself until that evening last April, when we strolled down to the embankment before dinner.”

  “When is it to be?” I asked.

  “It was to have been next September, but an hour ago a despatch came ordering our regiment to the Presidio, San Francisco. We leave at noon to-morrow. To-morrow,” he repeated. “Just think, Hildred, to-morrow I shall be the happiest fellow that ever drew breath in this jolly world, for Constance will go with me.”

  I offered him my hand in congratulation, and he seized and shook it like the good-natured fool he was—or pretended to be.

  “I am going to get my squadron as a wedding present,” he rattled on. “Captain and Mrs. Louis Castaigne, eh, Hildred?”

  Then he told me where it was to be and who were to be there, and made me promise to come and be best man. I set my teeth and listened to his boyish chatter without showing what I felt, but—

  I was getting to the limit of my endurance, and when he jumped up, and, switching his spurs till they jingled, said he must go, I did not detain him.

  “There’s one thing I want to ask of you,” I said quietly.

  “Out with it, it’s promised,” he

  “I want you to meet me for a quarter of an hour’s talk to-night.”

  “Of course, if you wish,” he said, somewhat puzzled. “Where?”

  “Anywhere, in the park there.”

  “What time, Hildred?”


  “What in the name of—” he began, but checked himself and laughingly assented. I watched him go down the stairs and hurry away, his sabre banging at every stride. He turned into Bleecker Street, and I knew he was going to see Constance. I gave him ten minutes to disappear and then followed in his footsteps, taking with me the jewelled crown and the silken robe embroidered with the Yellow Sign. When I turned into Bleecker Street, and entered the doorway which bore the sign,


  I saw old Hawberk moving about in his shop, and imagined I heard Constance’s voice in the parlor; but I avoided them both and hurried up the trembling stairways to Mr. Wilde’s apartment. I knocked, and entered without ceremony. Mr. Wilde lay groaning on the floor, his face covered with blood, his clothes torn to shreds. Drops of blood were scattered about over the carpet, which had also been ripped and frayed in the evidently recent struggle.

  “It’s that cursed cat,” he said, ceasing his groans, and turning his colorless eyes to me; “she attacked me while I was asleep. I believe she will kill me yet.”

  This was too much, so I went into the kitchen and seizing a hatchet from the pantry, started to find the infernal beast and settle her then and there. My search was fruitless, and after a while I gave it up and came back to find Mr. Wilde squatting on his high chair by the table. He had washed his face and changed his clothes. The great furrows which the cat’s claws had ploughed up in his face he had filled with collodion, and a rag hid the wound in his throat. I told him I should kill the cat when I came across her, but he only shook his head and turned to the open ledger before him. He read name after name of the people who had come to him in regard to their reputation, and the sums he had amassed were startling.

  “I put the screws on now and then,” he explained.


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