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Bark Page 4

by Esther E. Schmidt

  I hear her coming up behind me, her sweet voice flowing through the air. “You like?”

  Spinning around, I catch her in a hug and hoist her up against me, making her yelp.

  “Like? I fucking love,” I tell her and crash my mouth against hers.

  She melts against my body as I cup her fine ass and lift her allowing her legs to wrap around me. Fuck, that feels good. I turn so I can place her on the bathroom vanity, keeping her at the right height, dick level, so my hands can roam free. Our tongues are tasting the heat we both create in an effort to settle the craving we have for each other.

  Her hands reach between us and when I feel her fingers going for my zipper, I regretfully step back while trying to catch my fucking breath. “Damn, darlin’…just hang on.”

  “What for?” She leans in and nips my ear. “I can’t wait to feel you inside me. It’s been almost a week since we met and we’ve waited long enough, don’t you think?”

  I fucking groan as if I can already feel myself sinking into her hot pussy. “Don’t say such things.”

  “I’d be lying if I didn’t.” The need in her voice is gutting me.

  I take another step back and cup her face. “I want things to be handled before my dick enters you. And we’re close to putting it behind us since the fucker who put a hit on your salon is coming back from the cruise he took his sister on.”

  I went over to Ross Royale’s place as soon as I could to break his neck, but the fucker was long gone. Turns out he took his stepsister out of the state for an impulsive break. Yeah, right…more like impulsive alibi if you asked me.

  And from what I’ve found out, the stepsister isn’t all that happy with this guy. The rumor is that he’s been keeping her like a damn slave. The only thing she’s allowed to do is work in the salon where he controls everything and provides a fucking cover-up for his drug related business.

  With all that shit what went on with my grandmother? She’s dead because of a damn drug dealer and I have no patience where they are concerned. Fucking scum that preys on people who are in need of support and guidance. And instead making them drift off in a state and keeping them coming back for their next fix. I’m dead set to end this guy today rather than tomorrow.

  I knew the second that fucker was back in town, and that was forty-five minutes ago. I didn’t bother with hunting him down because I knew for a fact he would be back in a matter of days. Okay, honesty here…I didn’t want to leave Jodi’s side. And why go through all of that because the inevitable will happen now anyway? I will kill Ross Royale and wipe out his drug business.

  Jodi sighs in defeat and that right there makes me chuckle. She’s just as pumped up as I am about all of it. I haven’t been holding back when it comes to her. Well, nothing except for my dick obviously. But I mean…she’s seen the real me, knows what’s going on and how we handle stuff. She knows me, she sees me...and fuck…she still wants me.

  “Can’t you just let someone else kill him so it’s handled and we can spend the day in bed doing…you know?” My woman shrugs and it’s damn fucking adorable.

  The corner of my mouth twitches. “Jodi…this shit is personal for me. You struggle with words when you tell me we need to fuck, have sex, bury my cock inside you or you might as well say it how it’s going to be between us seeing we’ll be doing that shit till the end of days; make love. See how many options there are and yet you tiptoe around those words? But you easily voice the words about killing someone. You have experienced the kind of person I am these last few days except for seeing the actual things I do. So, let’s be clear about this up front since it seems you handle shit well enough, yet you need to know…need to hear it from me.” I take a deep breath before I stare into her eyes. “Those I consider deserve to die, will be killed by me, without any remorse. I’m a man who will get close enough in a fight so I can enjoy seeing the life of another person slipping through my fingers. Yet when my fingers slide over your skin it’s as if I can feel the life slip right into me to enlighten my heart. So I’ll make damn sure everything is set before we take that next step; make raw as fuck love where I claim you as mine in every way.”



  I can’t help staring at him from across the large table. After we had that little discussion in the bathroom, Ronin knocked on our door telling us we need to get into church to discuss something. Not that I minded the interruption because the air surrounding us was thickened with emotion that made it clear where we were standing in our relationship.

  And he’s made it very clear that we’re in one. Well, more in an over the top caveman statement. But still, these last few days I’ve felt special, treasured. A priority where the world exists solely for me. That’s how he’s made me feel. Add that to the person I’ve been getting to know and I never want to leave him ever again.

  It would be insane to say I’m happy my salon blew up because it gave me the man I adore but shit…that’s a close call. We can’t turn back time and make do with what life throws at us so I damn well am grabbing hold of him and will never let go.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Bark seethes and crumbles the piece of paper in his hands that Ronin just gave him and throws it on the table.

  “Afraid not, man. How would you like to handle it?” Ronin asks.

  “With my bare fucking hands or maybe use my knife,” Bark vows and pushes his chair away from the table and starts to pace.

  “What’s going on?” I ask and stand because I need to go to Bark who’s radiating anger.

  “Leave him for a moment, Jodi. He needs to walk it off before he starts to bark out orders,” Ronin chuckles.

  He might find it funny to mention why my man got his nickname, but seeing Bark like this is anything but fun. Before I can make any choice in what to do with either of them, I decide to find out what the cause of Bark’s anger is. Ronin sees my action but I snatch up the crumbled piece of paper before he can.

  Ronin tries to grab it from me but I dash off, twist around and hold the paper to read it quickly before one hand surrounds my waist while another tries to reach for my arm that’s holding the note with the request for my murder.

  “Shit,” I gasp and this time I don’t even take the effort to hide curse words with a sneeze to be polite about it. “What the hell?”

  “Get your fucking hands off my woman,” Bark bellows before I’m freed from Ronin’s grip.

  Turning around, I witness a visual that’s similar to two wolves circling each other. Ronin and Bark eyeing one another, ready to pounce. Over…what? Ronin preventing me from reading why Bark’s angry? Again…what the hell?

  I step in the middle and swing my head left and right. “Just stop. I don’t want you two fighting.”

  “He fucking touched you,” Bark hisses through his teeth.

  I roll my eyes. “Oh, just stop right there. He was trying to snatch away the paper that said Ross Royale wants me dead.”

  Bark cringes.

  “See? That’s what he was trying to do…prevent me from seeing it, not feeling me up, you idiot.” I step closer to Bark and he opens his arms as if we both need it just as much.

  “Okay, this is all sweet and shit, but we need a plan and since this is personal for you…let’s hear it already. Anouk is ready to pop out our kid and I don’t want any loose ends that might come crawling in here any time soon. Get me?” Ronin snaps.

  Suddenly I feel terrible. “I’m sorry.” I pull away from Bark’s embrace. “I’ll go.”

  “What the fuck? No, you won’t,” Bark counters.

  “But you heard him. I don’t want the risk of Ross Royale coming for me here. I can’t put Anouk at risk like that.” My eyes go wide. “Unless.” Oh, God…would someone else from Lost Valkyries MC kill me because it’s a job offer?

  “Now just clear your fucking head with that thought. No one is going to kill you. Not now, not ever. You’re my Old Lady so you’re under the protection of the club.” Bark’s voice is fier
ce. “The fucker just came back into town so I’m going to handle it today.”

  “But why did he come back now? I mean, he went on a cruise when he asked for the explosion at my salon…you said it was probably to create an alibi…now he wants me dead and he just came back? That’s weird.” I shake my head in an effort to clear it. I can’t understand any of it. “And seriously, why do I need to die? I never did anything to him, or to anyone for that matter. I’m a nobody.”

  “Aw, darlin’. You’re not a fucking nobody. You’re everything to me, my whole goddamn world,” Bark tells me before he kisses me.

  “I need to remember that sappy shit to tell Anouk.” Ronin’s voice makes Bark pull back.

  “Use your own damn words and mind, fucker,” he growls before he gives me his attention. “I’ve been doing some digging and it seems like he sees you as a big rival for his salon. He needs to keep up appearances and with you picking shit back up…” He sighs. “Nora and Tessa have been telling people you said they will have their job back when you open a new salon. He doesn’t want to take that risk so it’s easier taking you out. He doesn’t mind those girls making house visits, but he doesn’t want a second hair salon in this tiny town.”

  “What?” I gasp in shock. Is all of this for real? “That’s insane. Can’t the sheriff do anything?”

  “The sheriff is getting a haircut by Monica along with a big fat envelope every week to look the other way,” Ronin states, taking away any option to handle this the legal way.

  “That’s why the sheriff came in every single day ushering everybody out of my salon talking about the bomb threat,” I mutter.

  “Yeah.” Bark pulls me close while he tells me, “And the hit on your salon came in the day before I walked into your place so they tried scaring you first, and when that didn’t work they placed the order with us to make the threat real. Also, the reason why Ross feels comfortable coming back home, is because he’s throwing a party where the sheriff and lots of others are present during the timeframe he wants your murder to take place. Since he knows with us handling the salon blowing up so well timed the last time. Fucking Gust, I need to kick his ass all over again.”

  “Not just Gust’s fault, Anouk, mine, whatever…that shit isn’t gonna happen again,” Ronin adds in anger.

  “But what is going to happen?” I question out loud.

  “Getting rid of Ross Royale, his drug business, and every dirty fucker who dances to his tunes. That’s what’s gonna happen,” Bark vows.



  “You sure about this?” Gust asks me.

  “Yeah, I’m fucking sure. Set it up, ready to blow that fucking building. No one is in there yet and Ronin just let me know he saw Ross and Monica coming this way with three of his goons he always has around him. They’ll park in the garage like usual and we’ll be waiting for them.” I connect my gaze with Ferris. “Be ready to take Monica out of here the second we have a handle on this shit.”

  Ferris gives me a nod. With all the information we’ve collected, it’s clear Monica is a victim in all of this. She’s got the hospital records to prove the abuse she’s suffering. Her mother married Ross’ father when Monica was sixteen. To make a long story short, she was never allowed to go anywhere alone and when her mother died, Ross made her his personal doll to do whatever he liked with her. That also entailed giving Monica a hair salon to keep her busy. Not out of the kindness of his heart, fuck no; the perfect cover for his drug business.

  I don’t mind killing one or two more to get that drug chain out of business, but fuck…something about a conscience telling me I need to give Monica a chance to get her out of it. Even though we’re all aware she’s quite the addict. If it’s her taking it to get through the day or if he’s forcing her, we’ve yet to determine. Ferris suggested we put her in a rehab facility his nephew owns. It’s in another state so we’re giving her a chance here while we still have an eye on her to take that fucking chance.

  “Action, guys,” Gust states and starts to run.

  And again, when an explosive expert starts to run…you follow that dude in the direction he’s going. Although the explosives aren’t set to detonate yet.

  There’s a black SUV pulling up in the driveway that leads to a garage. The garage we slipped into a moment ago. There are six of us and five of them. Not quite fair, but who fucking cares. I would have gladly done this myself but it is what it is.

  The doors slide open and I watch how Monica is being dragged out of the SUV by a guy while Ross’ voice rings out. “Now why did you give it to her already, Todd? I needed her to have a clear head.”

  “She overheard Ron and me about you giving the order to kill that hair salon chick. She went berserk, I had to,” Todd replies.

  “And I needed her at that fucking party that’s going to take place in two hours and now she’s fucking wasted you moron!” Ross snarls.

  The last guy steps out of the SUV and that’s our cue to attack. I lunge for Ross while I let my brothers take care of the rest of them. The world doesn’t exist for me right now other than the limited space Ross and I are in. He manages to palm his gun but it’s no use, I’ve got him disarmed with a twist of my hand before I grip my knife and plunge it in his gut while grabbing the fucker by the throat.

  “You’ve made your last move, fucker. I’m ending you. Fucking drug dealing scum.” I punctuate each word with a stab of my knife into him.

  He doesn’t even get a chance to fight me and even if he could, it would be no use. My favorite color starts to seep through his clothes and leaks over my hand. I pull back slightly, creating the room I need for one final thing.

  “Lights out, motherfucker,” I snarl and lodge my knife underneath his chin, impaling his head on my knife in one smooth move.

  With a feeling of contentment, I slide my favorite knife out and wipe it somewhat clean on his clothes. Glancing around, I see my brothers watching me, bodies of Ross’ men on the ground and all taken care of. Ferris is holding Monica, who’s drugged out of her mind, in his arms.

  “Go, get her out of here,” I tell him and all he gives me is a nod before he disappears out of the garage.

  “Okay, brothers, time to get the hell out of here so I can push the button and sweep this place of any evidence,” Gust tells us.

  We head out and the second we’re at a safe distance, Gust blows the place up, taking care of all of our problems in one go; bye, bye evidence. I use the ride back to the clubhouse to let the wind blow away the rest of the stress I’ve built up with the shit that went down. My chest is tightening with the fact that everything is taken care of. My woman doesn’t have to look over her shoulder ever again. Not to mention the world is cleared of another dirty drug dealing scum.

  When I finally step inside the clubhouse, I make my way to my room. I need a damn shower before I search for Jodi. Not that I have to actually go and hunt her down or something. Anouk wanted her company to chat, eat ice cream, watch a movie, or some vampire series, hell…I don’t fucking know. All they said was they needed girl time and Anouk was happy there finally was another Old Lady around.

  That also pleased Ronin. Gave the fucker a chance to have his Old Lady looked after, have her all content, and a way not to have her clean the place. So that all worked out. The last few days they’ve become fast friends. She’s managed to slide into my life at warp speed, taking my heart along with it while she settles in my lifestyle without even looking back. We both have our eyes set on the future and it’s one I’m set to enjoy to the fullest.

  The hot water washes everything away. I’ve already put my bloody clothes into a bag that Gust took to burn. Drying off, I walk into the bedroom so I can multitask. I need to grab some sweatpants to go and get Jodi. Except I’m frozen in my tracks when my gaze lands on the bed. She’s lying there. Naked. Perfect tits greeting me and waiting for me to worship them for hours.

  Jodi gives me a sweet but uncertain smile. “Ready?”

dy? Fuck. I’m about to blow a nut right here with just the mere sight of her naked and waiting for me.

  “Darlin’…I don’t think neither one of us is ready for what’s to come.” I drop the towel and check the door first, making sure the lock is in place because I don’t intend to be interrupted any time soon.

  Stalking my way back to the bed, I come to a stop and palm my erection. Squeezing, I try to take the edge off the pressure that’s already building. My knees almost buckle when Jodi crawls toward me as the tip of my dick disappears into her hot mouth.

  “Fuck,” I growl as my eyes close. I can’t even watch that shit because it’s something I’ve been dreaming about for days.

  Clearly dreaming and reality are such a damn contrast that I have no other option than to slide my fingers into her hair and throw my hips forward, hitting the back of her throat before I pull her off my dick.

  Guiding her surprised face up, I take her mouth in a hard kiss before I let her know, “I can’t have you sucking me off when I want to bury myself in that sweet pussy of yours. I’ve been waiting too damn long to finally sink myself deep to brand you with my cum.” I feather my lips over hers to brush away her needy moan. “Don’t worry, darlin’ we got all night and the rest of our lives to enjoy each other in every fucking way possible.”



  Oh, gosh, I can’t breathe. When I had him inside my mouth I could feel each piercing with my tongue and now he’s about to enter my pussy. He’s hovering over me, this magnificent man. If my body wasn’t on fire, on the verge of being consumed, I would believe I was dreaming.

  Hard muscle where every inch of him is decorated with ink, making him so much more empowering. His eyes are black with lust and yet they hold the added emotion I want to drown in because it mirrors mine; love. Although it’s been a speed train ever since he walked into my life, it’s clear that’s what it is. The tip of his dick grazes my clit, making the both of us moan.


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