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Awakening Page 12

by Nancy Gaskin

Four Falls

  As they clambered up the small cliff to get to the plateau clouds began to obscure the sun shine and the first large lazy drops of rain started to fall. Eclipse ducked through the waterfall and disappeared as did several of her companions, feeling a small impatient nudge in her back Dagmar drew herself up to her full height and quickly stepped through, not knowing what to expect.

  Having stepped through to the other side of the water curtain, the girl saw a huge cavern which went back very far, too far for her to see. There were many curious faces peering around the massive columns which helped support the roof. “Welcome to Four Falls Cave, Dagmar, come I will take you to Our Mother. Just follow me and don’t mind this nosy lot, they have all forgotten their manners.” Looking around with an evil look on her face Eclipse led the way to the back of the cavern. Dagmar’s eye were slowly adjusting and by the time they moved half way into the cavern she could see five tunnels and following Eclipse began veering towards the tunnel second last from the left. There was no natural lighting in the tunnel but it had a soft glow of light from crystals in the walls, making it easy for the child to follow the others. Moonbeam was marching next to her silently. After many twists and turns they passed through a large chamber lit entirely by large crystals, the chamber itself resembled a meal hall with tables and chairs set in rows, three tunnel mouths at the other end of the chamber with Eclipse marching towards the middle tunnel. Speeding up to nearly a trot Dagmar and Moonbeam followed as closely as they could nearly crashing into Eclipse and her companions as they turned a sharp bend and found themselves in another large cavern.

  This one was circular as they were all but this chamber was lit by day light. Looking up Dagmar saw that part of the roof was missing and replaced by clear crystals and faceted in such a way that it let through day light and also captured it, glowing when the sun is not shining. Adjusting her eyes the child looked around and saw at the centre of the chamber a large table and chairs and a lovely woman looking up expectantly.

  Beckoning for them to approach the lady smiled and stood up walking around the table to meet the group “Welcome home patrol, what have you found?” “My lady “said Eclipse bowing from the waist “We found, with thanks to the keen eyes of Moonbeam, this little tadpole” reaching back and pulling Dagmar by the arm to stand in front of her. “Why, you are just a young one for sure. Why are you separated from your clan? What is your name little one?” “My name is Dagmar and I am not separated from my clan. I went for a short walk after having a picnic with Titania and Moonbeam dragged me here.” said the child in a rush becoming a little sick of having to explain herself all the time. The lady smiled and indicated for the child to sit at the table, bustling about preparing some refreshments for the group “Come children, let us have refreshments and rid ourselves of quarrelsome tummy grumbles. Dagmar, sit here little one.” Taking the seat offered the child watched as this beautiful lady brought plates to the table and baskets of fresh bread and boards with cheese and large jugs of water and milk. The child sat where the lady indicated watching her move about, what Dagmar worked out was her kitchen. “Now then, little one, oh I have been rude and have not introduced myself yet. I am known as Four Falls Mother but you can call me Sunna.” Passing several bowls to willing hands as she was speaking, moving about gracefully from cupboard to cupboard. Sunna’s hair was very long, even with her silver hair caught up in a plat the end reached well past her knees and her clothing, a long skirt and a blouse, were also made of silver shimmering cloth that as she moved about caught different hues of colour making her a constantly moving fusion of subtle colours.

  As Sunna brought another large plate to the table and sat down, next to the child, all conversation immediately stopped. “From forest to stream; From mountian and field; From the fertile Eath's nourishing yield; We now partake of divine energy; May it lend health, strength and love to us. Blessed Be!” Sunna reached for a tulip shaped pitcher and offered the contents to Dagmar “Here little one, some fresh milk will do you the world of good. Now explain to me about some of the long thin stories I have heard. Eclipse and Moonbeam tell me you are from the human realm. Well I can see you have rounded ears and that is the most obvious difference between us and then the fact we live for thousands of years and humans are only babes when they travel to the Summerlands with the look of an ancient. How old are you in human age child?” “I will be twelve years old this spring.” Answered Dagmar, accepting a slice of bread and a honey pot from the girl sitting opposite her at the large table, smiling in thanks. “How did you come to be where my patrol found you?” “It was not the patrol who found me Sunna, it was Moonbeam and she did not exactly find me” Dagmar glanced down the table to where Moonbeam was busily shovelling food into her mouth “she was following me and when I tried to catch her, thinking she was a fish I reached into the water and ended up with a fist full of her hair and the jumped out of the water and attacked me. I did nothing wrong and she jumped out of the water and tackled me onto the ground. Then she grabbed my hand and dragged me here. I only walked a short way from where I left Titania having a little rest after our picnic and to have a chat with her old friend the ancient tree.” Gazing into Dagmar’s eyes Sunna listened intently without even a flicker at the accusation made against one of her patrol. “Moonbeam is very young and should not have been so far away from the main falls. From what you are telling me I think she was practicing stalking and ambushing techniques, which she knows is only to be done in the training zone, so that this sort of a thing does not happen.” said Sunna frowning “I will have to have a serious talk to that little one. She is very young but that is not an excuse for disobeying rules! Actually if I my calculations are right you two are of similar ages. Moonbeam is two hundred and ninety six years old which is maturity age of an eight or nine year old human child. Do you disobey your elders Dagmar?” looking a little surprised the child responded hesitatingly “No I do not disobey Oma or Opa or any other adult because I would be severely punished. Sunna, I am very confused about something.” Turning her full attention to the girl Sunna smiled “what would you like to know sweetling?” “How did you work out that Moonbeam is the same age as me when she is SO OLD and I am only eight?” laughing Sunna began to explain “Well sweetling it all has to do with how long we live. Our children may age every birth season but they do not mature as quickly as human children do. A little one who is one hundred and fifty might have the maturity of a human child of age four. They are capable of many things as are humans but they are children for a lot longer because we do not reach maturity until we are past our three hundred and twenty first birth season and then hoping to finding a life mate and possibly have little ones. Does that explain things sweetling?” nodding the child sat and thought about everything she had learnt jumping when the whole place shook after a loud thunder crack.

  Eclipse and her companions stood and were about to rush out to see what was happening as Sunna called out to them “Where do you think you are all going? You have eating utensils to clean and put away before you run out and investigate. Back here now please sweetlings and younglings” the power and authority in Sunna’s voice made Dagmar shiver, then feeling a comforting arm sliding around her shoulders she looked over and found Sunna looking at her, smiling “I am sorry I did not mean to frighten you. I have to be stern with this lot at times or they would think they could get away with everything.” raising her voice Sunna called “Moonbeam please stay behind! Eclipse would you please be a dear and make sure our guest has everything she needs AND take her along to the reception hall to witness the spring storm!” smiling and gently pushing Dagmar into Eclipses direction and waving Moonbeam to come to her side, Sunna turned and walked back to the table.

  Eclipse rolled her eyes at her friends saying “Well then, come on, not going to slow down for you.” With that she turned on her heel and began to march at a fast pace back the way they had come. Dagmar followed at a trot keeping
the group in sight as they laughed and chatted moving through the tunnels. The sound of the thunder and rain became louder as the girl passed through the meal area and was nearing the entrance. A loud crack made the child jump with fright as the whole interior of the tunnel she was walking down was lit up by lightning. Reaching the waterfall the girl was amazed at the noise, which she initially thought was the water rushing over the edge of the waterfall and rushing past the entrance but was actually the storm raging outside. The wind was howling so hard, as she looked out over the meadows from the edge of the waterfall, that she saw trees bending in submission to the fury of the storm with branches torn and tossed about every which way. One member of the patrol wandered over to where Dagmar was standing looking out at the storm “Don’t pay any attention to Eclipse young one. She thinks she is superior to us all because she is the leader this cycle. We vote at the beginning of every cycle for a new leader of the patrols. This way everybody has a turn and we all learn new skills. My name is Dusk and I was patrol leader last cycle. How do you like it here then Dagmar?” looking kindly at the child. “It is nice to meet you Dusk. I think it is beautiful here. Eclipse seems alright, she listened to me and let me explain things, not like Moonbeam who was a bit of a bully. She dragged me here, I did not come voluntarily.” Sounding and feeling a little exasperated by everything that has occurred since meeting Moonbeam, Dagmar began to miss her grandparents and Titania, who made her feel safe. “Aw sweetling don’t look so sad! Have you been given a room yet? The storm will last a few days and it is not safe to be out in this weather. Come we will find you a room near mine.” Without waiting for a response Dusk turned and began slowly walking towards the tunnel at the back of the entrance cave and then chose the right tunnel entrance following it and turning left every second intersection until they came to a large cavern with many small curtain covered doorways leading of it. “Here we are Dagmar, this is my room and if I am not mistaken there is an empty room two doors away” briskly making her way to the entrance she had indicated, Dusk lifted the curtain to check and then indicating to the girl to come, showed her the interior. “Aha, I was right! Do you like it little one? Let us find you blankets and all the other little things a girl needs.” Winking at the child Dusk turned and headed towards another door way but this one not covered by a curtain, gently pushing Dagmar through the entrance they found themselves in a huge storage room with shelves from floor to ceiling filled to capacity. “Now then let me see …. ahh here were are! Two blankets, a pillow, a cup and plate, now where have they moved the clothing to? Oh wait here we are, now you will need clean pants and shirt and a shirt to sleep in at night.” Handing item after item down to the child stopping to search along shelves until she was happy with what she found for the girl. “So you are human, eh? I have never met a human before. Was always told that they are cruel and horrible creatures but you don’t seem to be horrible. I always thought they were stories made up to frighten and stop younglings from wanting to cross into the human realm for a visit. ”casually walking back to the room assigned to the girl, Dusk carried the bulk of the items she had found. Dropping the whole bundle onto the bed she made herself busy making the bed and putting things away for the girl all the while chatting away “here we have the alcove for your spare clothing and over here is an alcove with a shutter so you can darken the room for sleep. The crystals glow all the time and can be very bright and annoying if you try and sleep. See! You just pull this over as much as you want and that way you control the light. I will put your cup and bowl on here and when it is meal time I will come and get you so we can go together, if you want.” Looking tentatively at the girl, Dusk waited for a response “Yes please Dusk, I would appreciated that because I think I would get lost trying to find my way back to where we spoke with Sunna.” Laughing Dusk shook her head “No sweetling that is not the place where we usually eat. Do you remember the large caverns before Sunna’s kitchen? The big cavern with lots of tables, chairs and benches! That is where we will have our meals.”


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