Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club)

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Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club) Page 5

by Sandy Kline

  “What the fuck?” He growls.

  At first I’m confused. Why the hell is he stopping now? Then when rough hands trace the crisscross of scars across my back I realize what’s going on. Even in the dim light he’s just seen my scars for the first time.

  “That’s just plain gross!” He snarls. “Geez…you’re gonna have to put on a shirt or something now. I don’t think I can do this now.”

  “Why don’t you just flip her over?” Another voice says.

  “What the fuck?”

  Yeah what the hell? There’s another man in here, but it doesn’t sound like it’s a friend of this guy. I can feel him twisting around to get a look at the new intruder whose voice sounds strangely familiar but I know it can’t be who I think it is. That man I am sure died in the Purge.

  “Get off her now!” Commands the new voice.

  “Man you don’t know what you’re getting involved with here so take a hike before you get hurt.”

  “Oh I know exactly what I’m getting in the middle of asshole. I’m a cop and unless you wanna go to jail for attempted rape you get the fuck out of here.”

  I have a sudden sinking feeling in my gut. No normal cop would give a rapist an out; unless he was on the outs himself.

  “Come one shithead!” Shouts the new voice. “Get your ass off of her and get out.”

  Too slowly I feel my attacker shifting around then getting up off of me. Before turning over I feel around for my tattered top, and then hold it in front of my breasts before turning over. I watch my assailants back disappear out the door which is too bad because I never got a look at his face.

  The person who is still here is just about the last person I would have dreamed of running into on account of him being dead; or so I thought.

  “What are you doing here Mark?” I ask him, putting as much scorn as I can muster creap into my voice.

  “You’re welcome he says, while he openly stares at my chest.

  “Why are you here and how’d you find me?” I pull several layers of covers up to my chin.

  “Followed you.”

  “How long have you been following me you bastard?”

  “Apparently not long enough.” He says. “How’d you manage to get yourself shot up the minute you get back in town?”

  “I don’t know. You’re the one that’s been following me. Maybe you had something to do with that.”

  “You’re kidding right? If I wanted to kill you I could have done so a hundred times before today and I could have let this chap do it tonight.”

  “Maybe you just want me for yourself.” I reply.

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” He says.

  “What? Are you kidding me? You’re my ex who has been stalking me for years. In a sick way you’re the one that’s been flattering me. Now why are you stalking me again?”

  “You need help Jennifer.”

  “Yeah that’s why I’ve been with Blade and that’s why I’m staying in different hotels. So why are you stalking me and what brings you here at the nick of time?

  “Watching your back.”

  “Well my back doesn’t need watching.” I reply.

  “Tonight it did.”

  “You still haven’t told me why you’re here?”

  “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Alright but be quick about it. I don’t want you around me anymore than you have to be. I’m grateful you saved me from that guy but I still don’t like you. The line that separates you from that maniac, I don’t think it’s very wide. In fact, it’s pretty damn thin.”

  “No way Jen, you can’t compare that piece of trash to me. There’s a huge difference between the two of us.”

  “This is rich coming from the man…the police officer that I had to get a restraining order against. The man that repeatedly violated that order and that got the whole damn department to harass me. You’re just one tiny step from turning into that man.”

  “Wow, you sure know how to hold onto a grudge don’t you?”

  “Seriously?” I reply. “You’re the king of grudges. You’re the all-time champion of not letting go of the girl who dumps you. You’re the grandmast-”

  “Alright alright, I get the point.

  I grab my purse and fish around for my phone. When I turn around with the phone in my hand I find I’m staring down the barrel of a nasty looking black handgun.

  “What the hell?”

  “Sorry.” He yelps. “I thought you were reaching for a gun.”

  “What the hell would I be doing with a gun?”

  I actually do have one. I have the 9mm that belongs to Piper. I totally forgot it was in my purse. A lot of good that would have done me though. When the man attacked me my purse went flying across the room. No way could I have retrieved the gun. I also would not have had time to see if it’s loaded or the safety off or anything else. It would have been like me just waving around a hunk of metal. I have used guns before but they were always handed to me ready to fire. I didn’t have to fool with the safety or make sure it was loaded.

  “Sorry,” He says, and put’s his own weapon in the waistband of his pants.

  “Now can we just get to why you’re here?”

  “They’re trying to pin a murder on me. Actually they’re trying to set me up for several murders that happened during the Purge. I’m not a murderer Jen.”

  “Really? After that entrance you just made and pulling gun on me? This isn’t your most compelling argument Officer Brown. Who are they saying you killed?”

  “A couple bikers an-”

  “Bikers?” I interrupt. “Why would they care about outlaw bikers? That makes no sense.”

  “I’m getting there. It wasn’t just bikers. They’re trying to pin the death of two cops on me too. As if there are not enough bikers in jail to pin it on, they want me to take the fall for how some things went down.”

  “I still don’t get why you’re coming to me or why you think I can help. You do want my help right? That’s what this is all about?”

  “It’s about Alex too.”

  I lunge for my purse. My hand finds my gun surprisingly fast. I’m flat on my tummy when my hand grasps the gun so as I pull it out of my purse I roll over to my back. Blade would be proud of me right about now. In one fluid motion I bring the gun to bear on Mark and I’m pulling the trigger. I know my aim is lousy but if I shoot every bullet left I’ll probably hit something.

  Mark jumps back away from me drawing his own weapon. I watch in terrifyingly slow motion as flames shoot out at me from the barrel of his gun. Twice his weapon explodes in front of me. I feel the searing heat of lead creasing the air too close to my head and right shoulder. Mine just makes this awful metallic clicking sound. Something is wrong.

  I wait for a burst of agonizing pain that should follow getting shot twice but it never comes. Mark drops his gun and reaches the edge of the bed in three long strides. He leaps across and lands to my right side as his hands grab my gun wrenching it painfully from my fingers.

  “What the fuck?” He shouts over my ringing ears. “What the fuck did you do that for you crazy bitch? You tried to kill me!”

  “And you killed Alex! Payback’s a bitch ain’t it?”

  “What? I didn’t kill Alex! Are you fucking crazy?”

  “But you just said-”

  “I said they’re trying to pin the death of a couple cops on me. Yes Alex is one but I did not kill her. I know she was your best friend. I could no more do that than kill you.”

  “Oh you mean like you just tried not five seconds ago?” I ask him.

  “That was my reflexes. You’re lucky I am way out of practice and just knocked back a few or you’d be dead right now.”

  “Shouldn’t we get out of here? You just shot at me three times. The police are probably on their way by now.”

  “Are your ears ringing?” He asks me.

  “Actually no.”

  He holds up his weapon and now it makes sense. “The department lets you use
silencers?” I ask.

  “This ain’t my service weapon. It’s untraceable and thankfully has this handy dandy silencer or yes, the police would have already been here. It’s a good thing your safety was on or we’d be in trouble even if you didn’t hit me.”

  “Yeah I guess I need to practice a bit more before I try to shoot any more cops. Well, ex-cops right. You are off the force now aren’t you?”

  “I’m on unpaid administrative leave pending the outcome of the initial investigation. Well…that’s not entirely true. Had I cooperated with IA and made all my appointments I would be on suspension but since I disappeared into the wind I’m sure they just issued a warrant and fired my ass.”

  “Why are they trying to pin Alex’s death on you?”

  “They suspect I am a secret Death Crusader and they want to pin something on me that will put me away forever. They know the case they have against the person they did lock up for her murder is under review and his new lawyer has filed an appeal. They really need a fall guy now and that’s me.”

  “Why are you still here anyway? When I left weren’t you trying to leave town with that blonde bimbo?”

  “The night you disappeared into the wind I decided it was time to run. I knew you had the pictures and when I figured out you kept a couple grand in the drug money I expected you would go to the police so I had to step up the game and leave that night. We just had to pick up our new papers first but we couldn’t do that until the morning. We had planned to use the new documents to purchase plane tickets to South America but we couldn’t use the money anymore. It was all documented, every last serial number. The cash was used to do some serious drug buys so not one single bill could be used without notifying the Whispering Pines PD and the FBI. That means we had to go using what cash I could pull from my bank account and hers. We would drive to Mexico and lay low for a while before trying to go on down to Belize and then to Honduras. I’ve got some friends down there and I hear the diving is fantastic.”

  “Really? I find it a little weird that you had plans of going down to Belize, the very same place I wound up hiding out in.”

  “Honest, that’s not where I had planned on going. We ended up dumping over two hundred grand in drug money and we had to use almost thirty grand of my own money just to get the quality of papers that would get us through customs. After spending that we just didn’t have the money to grease the wheels to get us to where we wanted to go. So… thanks for that.”

  “Remind me why you’re here again.”

  “You mean other than saving your ass?”

  “For which I have already expressed my gratitude.”

  “Why are you back here?” He demands.

  “That’s really none of your damn business.” I shoot back. Then after a moment; “So what happened when I left?”

  “The big Purge, that’s what happened Jen.”

  “Care to elaborate?”

  “Soon as the Crusaders rode into town en-mass we knew there was gonna be a war. No way the existing clubs, the Advocates and the Sleazebags, were gonna let a new club ride into town and take over. It just wasn’t going to happen. So we waited and gathered Intel and got ready to take on whichever club ended up on top of the heap.”


  “We were all set to do a sweep and take them down when all hell breaks loose. Someone leaked a photo of me in my cut with Blade in his and sitting on our motorcycles. I was about to come on duty and was running an hour late when my partner calls my burner and tells me not to come in. When I asked why he just said my secret’s out. Then he said it was nice working with me and goodbye. He didn’t say it, but he was really pissed. The only reason he gave me a heads up and didn’t let the department blindside me is because I walked in front of a bullet for him. Later he did text me. It was a simple text; ‘we’re even,’ it said.”

  “I didn’t leak the photo.”

  “Prove it.”

  “The photo that got leaked, how many people were in it?”

  “Just me and Blade.” He replies.

  “How many photos did I take?”


  I grab my purse and inside a false bottom is a small, thin leather wallet. I dig this out and hold up three pictures that I took that night. He makes like he’s going to reach for them so I jerk my hand back, and put them back in the wallet and return them to my purse.

  “I can’t believe you still have those.” He says.

  “Yeah…for the longest time they were my insurance policy but now I’m not sure what good they serve.”

  “I don’t suppose you would entertain giving them to me would you?”

  I shake my head emphatically. Then a thought occurs to me. Maybe he followed me here for the purpose of getting his hands on my pictures. There’s one other thing I have hidden that I didn’t show him. I kept a single one hundred dollar bill as an insurance policy as well. He doesn’t need to know that though.

  “Did you come here to get these pictures?” I ask, patting my purse.

  “I need them Jen. You managed to get away once with them but I can’t let you do that again. I need them. With the one picture the department has, a good lawyer may be able to cast doubt as to whether that proves I am or was a member. Maybe I just tried on the cut and sat on a cool bike. After all, I don’t and have never had a motorcycle registered to me and have never owned a motorcycle license. What kind of biker has no bike or license? But if three more pictures show up no one will not believe that I am a Death Crusader too.”

  “So why didn’t you get that good lawyer?”

  “Stop trying to distract me. You’re going to give me those pictures so why not make it easy on both of us and just give them to me?”

  I try not to glance at his waistband or to make it obvious I’m thinking about his gun. Mine is sitting out of reach on the corner of my bed. No way can I get my hands on it before he can draw his and drill me in the head. When Mark first showed up I was relieved, the terrified, then relieved all over again. But now that he is showing his true colors my fear is revisiting me with a vengeance. I don’t think I can count on another ‘friend’ to burst through that door and save me this time. This one is going to be up to me.

  “Hello…Jennifer, the pictures please.”

  Mark takes a step towards me like he’s trying to close the distance between us without spooking me. I sit still racking my brain, trying to figure out how to get out of this one. Why shouldn’t I give them to him? If he has them that means I’m no threat and he can leave me alone. He’ll probably burn them and leave.

  “What will you do with them?” I ask.

  “Burn them of course. I can’t chance them seeing the light of day, now can I?”

  “I won’t use them against you Mark. I’ve had them for like two years and I haven’t done a thing with them and I won’t unless you turn on me. If you can just leave me alone you’ll never have to worry about them getting to the police.”

  “What, am I supposed to risk my life on the word of an ex-girlfriend who doesn’t like me? That’s a huge and unnecessary risk.”

  On the word risk, he lunges across the bed, grabbing for my legs. Rather than trying to get away I kick as hard as I can, successfully batting his arms aside. He draws back and smiles grimly. I can tell he thinks this is a game between us. He hasn’t gotten serious with me yet. When he does he may just pull his gun on me and make my life really difficult. But for now he contents himself with making these half-assed grabs at my legs.

  “Come on Jen, why you gotta play hard to get? Just cough up the pics and be done with it.”

  “Why can’t you just trust me? Have I ever given you reason not to trust me?”

  “You broke into my house twice to get evidence on me. I’d say that’s a pretty non-trusting thing to do.”

  “And you harassed me for...forever. You’re the one with issues here. And besides-”

  A soft knock on the door puts an end to our conversation.

  “Are you exp
ecting company?” He whispers, taking out his gun.

  I shake my head no and grab for my own gun. He opens his mouth to object but decides not to. Instead he points to my gun. “You maybe should take the safety off this time and chamber a round.”

  I give him my most annoyed look in my arsenal and do as requested. More knocking. This time louder, more insistent.

  “Go ahead and answer.” Mark whispers.

  “Who is it?” I ask.

  Mark positions himself to the right side of the door so when and if it opens they won’t see him at first. He motions with his gun for me to get out of sight.

  “Room service.” The person on the other side of the door calls out.

  “I didn’t order any room service.” I call out.

  “It’s a courtesy call for our preferred guests. Just a platter of snacks, that’s all.”

  “Great, why don’t you leave them at the door for me?” I reply.

  “Sorry ma’am but someone else will probably take them. It’s a nice platter actually.”

  “I’ll take my chances.” I reply.

  “As you wish.” The stranger says.

  I take a deep sigh of relief. I really thought it was some kind of assassin or something. After all that’s happened since I came into town you can’t be sure.

  “Thanks.” I call out.

  I hear the clatter of trays outside my door. I stick my gun in my waistband and go to the front door to open it.

  “Stop!” Mark hisses.

  I shoot an annoyed look in his direction, take one more step when the door bursts open. Two men in black with masks over their heads burst into the room. I’m so shocked I stumble backwards, landing painfully on my ass. That little stunt saves my life as the first burst of gunfire sears the air just over my head! Pain shoots across my lower back, taking my breath away as I land on my gun. Both men step into the room and one slams the door behind him as the other re orients his gun on me.

  That’s when Mark springs into action. As the door starts to swing shut he steps out from behind it, puts the barrel of his gun to the closest man’s temple and squeezes the trigger. His body lurches forward as bone bits, brain and blood showers my face and upper body. I just barely manage to roll to the side preventing him from falling on top of me.


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