Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club)

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Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club) Page 7

by Sandy Kline

  “You’re so beautiful.” He breathes in my ear as his hands caress the lines running up and down my calves.

  My legs twitch in response to his touch and it actually feels good. I’ve never actually had anyone even appear to take pleasure in caressing me where my scars are concerned.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “Getting to know you.” He replies.

  “But you already know me.”

  “Not really Jen. I have just known the front you put up for everyone to see. We’ve fucked but we’ve never made love because all you could focus on was what you consider to be your flaws. These lines, the patches of skin grafts, they are beautiful.”

  “I look like a giraffe back there.” I complain.

  “Giraffes are beautiful creatures Jen.”

  “Well now I know you’re full of shit.” I reply, but I feel pretty good right now and I don’t want him to stop.

  All the while we make small talk his hands are non-stop exploring me from the scars on the middle of my back to the bottom of my calves and before I know it my skin is on fire; in a good way. I’m tingling from head to toe and I can feel my excitement building; slowly at first, then what was a tingling of heat is rapidly becoming a sexual conflagration.

  Gradually strong hands caress my ass and I can’t help but react. I wiggle my but seductively arching my back, pressing my flesh into his roving hands. I get the feeling that I am about to have the most incredible sexual experience of my life.

  A hot mouth on my thighs just above the back of my knees sends trills of ecstasy shooting up my legs, between my hot cheeks and into my wet kitty. It’s almost too much to bear so I just grab the elastic band of my panties and yank and pull until my but is exposed to his flickering tongue.

  “Hurry up man!” I squeal.

  Strong hands grip my ass and spread my cheeks. I bend my knees, arch my back and wiggle and squirm out of control with my need to be penetrated. I feel like my mind has been freed from chains that have held me down for nearly all my life. I feel like my five senses have been shrouded in wool only barely functioning. But the wool has come off my life and I feel like a blind woman who sees for the first time her life. I feel like I have been practically deaf and mute and all of a sudden my ears are ringing like church bells and my voice an opera of sound. I’m alive. For the first time Jennifer Clarkson is alive and well!

  I am so lost in my revelations I don’t even realize he has begun to penetrate my kitty. Powerful thrusts rock my ass as I arch my back to meet the force of his movement. I have been fucked but never made love to and this morning it’s both happening at the same time.

  I feel the excitement of my first time but without the inexperienced fumbling around, bumping noses, clacking teeth, and poking in the wrong hole; by accident. Blade is an expert lover and I am completely in his thrall. Over the next several hours we become a single intertwined, sweaty organism giving to and taking from; anything to heighten the other’s sense of pleasure. When we finally wind down I feel sated like never before. I have truly become one with Blade and he with me. As I lay in his powerful arms, inhaling our combined scent the tears come again but this time it’s tears of joy and not anguish like before. Blade released me from years of bondage to my past and I know whatever happens tomorrow I will always hold this day dear and be grateful to the man who loved me.

  “Are you okay?” He whispers in my ear.

  “I have never been better.” I breathe. “Thank you…”

  “For what?” He asks.

  “For breaking my chains. I feel like I just got a new life, all thanks to you.”

  “You just needed someone to show you just how beautiful you truly are. It was an easy thing to do.”

  And then we lapse into silence and gradually fall to sleep.

  Chapter Nine


  When I finally stir my mind is clear for the first time since I met and actually had strong feelings for Blade. Now I know where my loyalties lie; with Blade and his new club. But mostly with Blade. I am all too aware of how I’m being drawn into my new undercover role in search of Alex’s killer. Now I just have to figure out how to do that without betraying Blade. I roll over expecting to find Blade lying next to me but he’s gone. I look at my watch; it’s just after seven. Wow, I must have been tired! Blade must be out somewhere taking care of MC business so I think I’ll go get a bit to eat. I’m just about to leave when my phone begins to ring. I dig it out to find it’s not my normal phone but it’s the one Officer Regan gave me. Now I’m nervous. There’s no way I can do my task for her in the way she wants it done.

  “Hello?” I say.

  “About time you answered Clarkson.” Officer Regan snaps. “I was about to hang up and go looking for you.”

  “Sorry it was buried in my purse. What’s up?”

  “I want you to see if you can find out any information about a former officer who some suspect had ties with the Death Crusaders.”

  You don’t say? This is going to complicate things. “Who are you looking for?”

  “A former officer by the name of Mark Brown. I think you know him I’m not even sure he’s still alive. He just dropped off the radar.”

  “I think I got stopped by him a few times. Why do you think he has ties, had ties with the Crusaders?”

  “When Officer Morgan was killed her phone was recovered with a picture of a picture. The photograph quality was poor and the lighting bad but it almost looks like he’s wearing a cut. He’s standing with a couple bikers who we haven’t been able to positively ID. I’m sending you the picture. Let me know what you think.”

  “Send away.”

  A few seconds later my phone bleeps. An icon appears. I click on the icon and the picture that Alex took when we broke into Mark’s house the first time appears. I’m not sure if I should positively ID him or not. I decide not to. I can always change my mind later.

  “Yeah it kinda looks like him…a little I guess. I have no idea who he’s standing by though. It’s really impossible to see the faces. Have you tried to computer enhance it?”

  “You are looking at the enhanced version.”

  “Oh…too bad. Is that all you wanted to do?” I ask.

  “How have you been? Are you staying out of trouble?”

  I’m not sure how to answer this. Should I tell her there was another attempt on my life or not? Today I decide not. I can always tell her later. I’m not sure why I don’t want to tell her, I just don’t. I don’t fully trust the woman even if she was Alex’s partner.

  “Yeah nothing’s been happening.”

  “You still in the motel?”

  “Yes.” I lie.

  “Which one?”

  Oh shit. I forgot the name. I rack my brain. She lives in Whispering Pines; hopefully she’s not all that familiar with Gold Hill.

  “I’m staying at the Courtyard Inn.”

  “Okay. Don’t stay anywhere too long you know, until we find out who’s after you and how to neutralize them. How are you staying safe, by the way?”

  “I keep moving. And I spend a lot of time with Blade and some of the other brothers. They’re well aware that someone tried to take me out.”

  “Alright, well you check into Officer Brown and keep at it with Blade. Make him talk. Guys like to talk in the heat of passion. They tell their secrets.”

  “Do they now, Officer Regan?”

  “Yes they do. And Ms. Clarkson, you should think about burrowing in somewhere and staying put until I call you to tell you it’s safe. Whoever is after you is well connected and well informed? Don’t be surprised if there’s another attempt on your life.”

  “Wait, can’t you put a car on me or offer witness protection or something?”

  “Not witness protection. We already took down the criminal organization. There are just a few loose ends that need tying up. That’s what we need you for and because it involves people on the inside, not just Officer Brown. Right now there’s a Death Crusade
r sitting in jail for the murder of Officer Alexandra Morgan, but he didn’t do it. We had a new DA as well as a new Police Commissioner that both wanted someone to pay and to pay fast. The town was crying for justice. The department was on the edge of falling into total vigilantism. The DA’s response was swift and final. Several bikers were prosecuted on bogus eye witness accounts and are rotting in jail where they deserve. I don’t want them exonerated either Clarkson. They’re guilty of something, just not the murder of your best friend. I want the guy who killed my partner off the streets and you’re going to help me. I don’t know who I can trust. I only trust you because Alex was your best and seemingly your only friend. I can’t really put anyone on you either. I’ll sit on you when I can but don’t count on it. You could always tell me when you’re staying somewhere on your own and I’ll try to do some drive byes but I can’t really do any more than that. Why don’t you give me the address of where you’re at now for starters and I’ll check in on you tonight.”

  “I’m actually not staying here tonight. Blade is going to pick me up pretty soon. I’ll call you when I leave his place so you can protect me then. By the way, how is it you’re getting around with your wheelchair and all?”

  “The department outfitted me with a car that has hand controls. But I’m on desk duty so I don’t get out during the day much. I have to go to a deposition now so check back with me in two days at the latest. If you haven’t in 48 hours I’ll assume you’re in trouble and take what measures that I can. Make that 24 hours. I want to keep a closer watch on you.”

  “Got it. Twenty-four hours.”

  After hanging up the phone I decide to do what popped into my head while we were talking. I’m going to go visit Piper. He is supposedly still at Sacred Heart in Foster City. It’s been awhile since he got shot and I have yet to visit him so tonight seems as good as any.

  Forty-five minutes later I’m paying my cabbie and entering the hospital. I was told he is on the fourth floor in room 4751. I look at my watch. I have exactly twenty-five minutes until visiting hours are over. I’m not sure what to expect when I see him. He was pretty messed up when we dropped him off. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as I thought. On the way to the elevator I pass the gift shop. What can you give a man who is an outlaw biker? I root around various gift items before finding the perfect thing. I pay and hop in the elevator.

  Fourth floor nurses don’t even bat an eye at my presence. Either they’re too busy to care or they just don’t care which suits me as long as they’re taking good care of my friend. His door is open so I stop and pull out the stuffed bear I bought downstairs. It’s a cop bear. The brown and white animal is wearing a blue police uniform cap and badge. Standing off to one side I hold the bear out and announce myself.

  “Anthony Moran,” I say in my best cop voice. You are under arrest for associating with a known criminal organization. You are also wanted for sedition, treason, and whatever else I can throw up against the wall that sticks.”

  “What the fuck?” He replies, and then bursts into laughter as I stride into his room. “Holy shit its Ms. Clarkson, in the flesh.”

  He looks better than I expected. He’s thinner which isn’t a bad thing. He’s also still plugged into an IV, an automated blood pressure machine that also tracks your pulse and blood oxygen level.

  “When do you lose all this crap?” I ask after giving him a warm hug.

  “In a couple days hopefully. I may even be getting out of here by the end of the week.”

  It’s good to see my friend/chauffer again. I was sure he wouldn’t survive getting shot. Suddenly I have a great idea.

  “So what brings you here all by your lonesome Jen?”

  “Loneliness Piper. And I have a business proposition for you.”

  “See, I knew it wasn’t because you missed me.” He says triumphantly.

  “I’ve been a little busy!”

  I regale him with the tale of my almost rape, rescue by friend and ambush. He notices right away my being vague about my ‘friend’.

  “Who’s this friend who just happened to bail you out?”

  “He’s just a friend of Alex actually.”

  I hate lying to him but I’m not prepared to have any conversation about Mark. Since he’s on the run he may be on the outs with the club. I don’t feel like being questioned by Piper or anyone else so I stick with the mysterious friend story. He doesn’t know me well enough to know that I’m lying about my friend so as long as I stick to my story he’ll have to believe me.

  “So what’s this business proposition?”

  “I want to hire you to protect me for a while.”

  “Why not Blade?” He asks.

  “He would be happy to but he’s got his own things to do and I don’t want to be forced to just sit at home waiting for him to come home to protect me. I want to go out. I have things to do so I need someone to be my bodyguard basically. Plus I’m kinda short on trust right now. In fact the numbers of people I do trust I can count on one hand and have fingers left over.”

  “I hear ya…but I don’t know how mobile I am going to be. I’ve been up and around but I’m no spring chicken. I’m more like an old chicken with a broken wing.”

  While he was replying my hand crept into my purse and clasped onto Piper’s gun. Without warning him I fling it in his direction. To his surprise he reaches out and catches it in his right hand, despite being all wired up.

  “What the hell?” He barks.

  “Looks to me like you’re more than ready!”

  He looks out towards his open door as he slips his weapon beneath his blankets.

  “Why don’t you hang on to this until I get sprung? It might freak the nurses.”

  I walk over and he hands me his gun and it goes right back in my purse. Satisfied I sit back down in my chair.

  “You know who killed your friend right? He’s rotting away in Pelican Bay. Ever thought of paying him a visit?”

  I shake my head. Even if the prisoner they have was Alex’s killer I doubt I would want to go talk to him. And, since I know they framed the wrong guy that’s even more reason to not go and visit him.

  “So what’s your plan Ms. Clarkson?” Piper asks.

  “I want to learn how to shoot.”

  “Seems like you already possess that skill.”

  “That was just luck and we both know luck is a fickle mistress. I need to become proficient and fast. Blade is always busy and what little time I have with him I don’t want it to be spent at the firing range.”

  “Ah…so that’s where I come in as well. You’re bodyguard and your self-defense trainer. I can do that. But I must warn you, I do not let my students get away with shit. I’ve taught empty hand self-defense and self-defense with both guns and knives and I am a tough task master. So don’t start anything you think you can’t finish.”

  “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  I write my cell phone number on a scrap of paper and hand it to him. When they spring you, call me and I’ll come get you.”

  “Got it.”

  A nurse picks this moment to come and check on her patient. “Time to let our friend get some rest.” She says. “Visiting hours ended ten minutes ago.”

  “I know. Thanks for the extra time. I appreciate it.”

  “No problem. He doesn’t get a lot of visitors so…”

  I give Piper a warm hug. “Call me.” I whisper into his ear.

  “Soon Ms. Clarkson, very soon.”

  I wave and walk out. All I have to do is survive the next four or five days and then I’ll have my body guard back. That makes two people in my life I can trust. I still don’t know about Officer Regan. We both want the same thing, Alex’s real killer. But I’m still not sure if I can trust her. She may be using me to get the killer and then will I be discarded afterwards? I don’t know, but I think its time I got actively looking for her killer before they come and find me again. Standing outside the hospital I use my special snitch phone to call Officer Regan.r />
  “Are you Okay Clarkson” She asks immediately.

  “Yeah I’m fine. I wanna look at Alex’s file. The one that has all the information about the investigation into her death.”

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. The pictures alone…you’re not going to want to see and once you do, you’re not going to be able to unsee them; ever.”

  “I’m aware of that. They can’t possibly be worse than what I’ve already imagined. So can you get me the file or is there some strange reason you don’t want me looking at it?”

  “You know I’m one of the good guys right Ms. Clarkson? I’m one of the ones you can trust and I’m pretty sure right now that list has gotta be damn small. Am I right?”

  “Just get me the file.” I reply.

  Truth is I am very nervous about seeing her in her death. I really don’t know how I’ll react to it but I have to do this. If I don’t get to see the file it’s like I’m out here blind. At least now I’ll have a starting point.

  “Fine.” She finally says. “Meet me at Starbucks on Solano Avenue. I’ll be there in one hour. You look at it there, take as many notes as you like, then I take it back. I can’t just give you the official file.”

  “Can’t you just copy it for me?”

  “One hour. You get one hour to look over the file, and then I take it back. Remember, this is off the books so I can’t just check it out and give it to you.”

  “Fine. I’ll be there in an hour.”

  I look at my watch. It’s 9:45pm. How is it that she can just procure the file at this time a night? Unless she’s lying and already has the file in her desk. She probably took the file herself and made a copy. The lying bitch. What is she up to?

  I arrive at the appointed time. She’s still in her tricked out sedan so I direct the cabbie to just park next to her. Officer Regan motions me to join her in the car so I pay the taxi guy and send him on his way. After I sit down Regan hands me a surprisingly thin file. With trembling hands and a heavy heart I open the jacket. The first picture that greets me sends me into a deep downward tail spin of grief. It’s like cold steel fingers just reached out and clamped my heart in an icy grip. Suddenly I feel like I can’t breathe and the life is getting sucked right out of me.


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