Seducing the Succubus

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Seducing the Succubus Page 19

by Cassie Ryan

  “This entire meeting has been a waste of my time. I am officially banning you from visiting even my throne room, Semiazas, follower of Lucifer. Be gone.”

  With a snarl, he rushed forward but vanished well before he reached her.

  She hoped it was worth it. She’d just pissed off Semiazas for a small measure of safety that he couldn’t return to her throne room. Lilith shuddered and vowed to sink into her hot springs as soon as she found some breakfast.


  Semiazas stumbled forward as he rematerialized back in Hell, at the portal point he’d used to visit Lilith’s throne room.

  The fucking whore had banished him!

  He clenched his fists and looked around for something to kill to work off his anger and frustration. Unfortunately, all the demons and other residents of this part of Hell were all staying well hidden. He supposed his reputation preceded him—which could both be good and bad.

  He currently stood in the administrative section of Hell, which resembled tightly packed office space, so he settled for pounding his fist against one of the large lava stone walls that separated this section from what was affectionately referred to as “the pit.”

  Pain lanced through his hand and down his arm, but his blow didn’t do anything to mark the wall. Inside Hell and even inside Lilith’s lair since neither was in the human realm, he wasn’t impervious to pain, but at least the sharp dose of pain had helped to evaporate his immediate anger.

  He wondered if the humans would see the irony that a large portion of Hell resembled corporate America so closely that they could be interchangeable. He shook his hand, trying to shake away the remaining pain.

  He’d hoped Evelin could get him past the throne room of Lilith’s lair, but he should’ve known the queen wouldn’t allow it. The bitch hadn’t survived this long by taking stupid chances—or at least too many.

  He would almost respect her if he didn’t owe her and the four succubi for locking him away for the last seven hundred years.

  Damned politics! He couldn’t attack her directly because he’d bring down the wrath of the Archangels on his head, and by extension, God.

  Even though Semiazas had no respect for the ineffective deity, Lucifer would have his head if he brought that kind of attention to himself.

  Unlike the denizens of Heaven who had thousands of rules of morality to adhere to, the demonic realm seemed to thrive on the principle that as long as it didn’t cause Lucifer any trouble, then they were all free to do as they wished. Just one of the many reasons Semiazas knew he’d made the right decision on who to follow.

  But at times like this he wanted to curse Lucifer’s one rule, which prevented Semiazas from getting what he wanted.

  He took a deep breath to regroup and dematerialized back to his torture chamber.

  He quickly rematerialized in between the two vertical circular racks that spread-eagled his two current residents so he could torture them at will.

  Unfortunately the man had been so near death when he arrived that Semiazas had been forced to give the man a blood transfusion to heal and survive. He’d need it to withstand the torture. After all, his human body wouldn’t be damaged in Hell, but the human mind would make the pain and suffering the soul experienced very real, and too much could shatter the mind beyond redemption. Not that Semiazas would mind giving the human a free lobotomy, but he needed him for leverage, especially since his bid to get Lilith to give him the four succubi bitches hadn’t panned out.

  He’d tried using a soul gaze on the man, but someone had gotten there first so his wasn’t effective. That’s when Semiazas had found the human wearing Lilith’s ring, although all efforts to remove the damned thing had proven unfruitful.

  He’d tried cutting off the human’s finger, hand, arm, or anything else he could to remove the ring, but it was as if the thing was charmed so that the wearer could only remove it willingly. And apparently, torturing the man to make him “willing” wasn’t fair game either, since that hadn’t worked. The human had weathered the pain of his limbs being severed, but when it was over, both the limb and the ring remained where they’d started.

  Semiazas ground his teeth in renewed frustration.

  He’d given several of his most creative demons free reign with the human male with the admonition not to break his mind. But the man had only given up the information that he owed Lilith and that’s why he accompanied the succubus—Jezebeth—wherever she wanted to go. Either the human didn’t know the portal location the succubus was headed to or he was very strong indeed.

  That left persuasion of another kind.

  Upon learning that the demon who had inhabited the man to capture the human male in the first place had failed to get him to talk, Semiazas had banished it, which left Semiazas with another male subject to play with while forcing the succubus’s companion to watch. Humans were so sentimental.

  “And how are my guests doing tonight?” Semiazas leaned close to the man’s face, irritated when the human didn’t even open his eyes. Semiazas slapped Noah hard across the face, using all the supernatural force he could muster. The human’s head snapped around on his neck, and his eyes fluttered open, but his gaze remained defiant.

  “Oh good, you’re awake. Just wanted to thank you for all the information you’ve given me.”

  The man hung limply on the black metal rack, his naked body gashed and bleeding in several places, the way he’d been for several hours since Semiazas had left him to stew over his situation. The great thing about torture in Hell was that the man could hang here for eons and still be in this same condition. Semiazas couldn’t see the damned human maintaining his stubbornness and composure for quite that long. Unfortunately, that kind of time was a luxury he couldn’t afford right now.

  Semiazas turned away from the man and stalked toward the second man, the one who had been possessed by the demon.

  The tangy scent of fear filled the air and Semiazas breathed deep, enjoying the heady aroma. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.” He turned back to Noah. “I can sense your fear, but it’s buried deep. His is right here on the surface where I can enjoy it.” Semiazas slapped the man hard, his head snapping to the side and a low whimper escaping as he closed his eyes tight as if that would remove him from the reality of what was to happen.

  “Stop. Leave him alone.” The human’s voice was raspy and dry as if each syllable scratched up his throat like a razor blade.

  Semiazas turned back with feigned surprise. “I’m sorry, did you say something?” Without turning back to face him, Semiazas grabbed the man around the neck and began to squeeze. The older man cried out, probably more from surprise than pain.

  Noah’s gaze narrowed, and he ground his teeth.

  “One little word, human, and I’ll let him go.” Semiazas shrugged. Humans were a dime a dozen. All he cared about right now was finding those succubi and completing his revenge. He grinned as his long-range plans spilled through his mind like promises for the future.

  “Your word?”

  Semiazas laughed. “You would trust that? I think not.” He grinned. “Let’s do it this way.” He waved at the rack the man hung on and he disappeared. “He’s back where I found him in the first place.” Semiazas left out the part that he was entirely naked. “But I can get him back, or another human in his place, if you don’t hold up your end. Fair enough?”

  Noah nodded and swallowed hard as if evaluating his options. “Greece.”

  Semiazas raised his brows. “Greece? And why were you two on a road in Arizona if you were going to Greece?”

  “I didn’t have all the details, but there will be a portal opening in Greece.”

  Semiazas narrowed his eyes and studied the man. His soul gaze might not work on this human, but he’d had practice reading the meat sacks since this pitiful excuse for a species began. As unlikely as the answer sounded, it held some truth. There was still something the human held back, but at least this was a step in the right direction. “Fine. Then it
looks like you and I are taking a trip to Greece, my boy. I hope you brought your sunscreen to enjoy our trip, because if you’ve lied to me, it’ll be an eternity before you see the sun again after this.”

  Gabriel rematerialized near where Raphael was busy healing several humans who looked like they’d been tossed around like rag dolls. The immediate scene was frozen, Raphael the only movement within the area besides herself.

  He glanced up to meet her gaze, his expression grim.

  She hurried forward, icy dread curling inside her stomach. “What’s wrong, Raphael?”

  “I was just summoned by one of the four succubi sisters.”

  Gabriel frowned and glanced around at the frozen scene of destruction. “Was she responsible for all this?”

  Raphael shook his head. “No. A demon possessed a human, smashed everyone up, and then dematerialized with the succubus’s companion.”

  Gabriel frowned. There was something more she was missing. “The companion sent by Lilith?”

  Raphael nodded. “I promised to help look for him.”

  “We were ordered to stay clear—”

  Raphael stood, cutting her off with an impatient gesture. “Not officially. And even then, we were told only to stay clear of the succubi sisters themselves. Michael never said anything about the companions Lilith sent to help them find their way back to her lair.”

  Gabriel shook her head. “True,” she slowly admitted.

  “I could use some help finding him. Any ideas where to start?” He waved a hand in the air and the scene resumed around them with the men slowly sitting up, disoriented, but healed and healthy.

  Gabriel avoided Raphael’s hazel gaze. She had no reason to feel guilty for her previous relationship with Semiazas, but that was logical, and emotions seldom listened to logic. “Why do you think I would know more than you about where to find him?”

  “You know I’m not passing judgment, Gabriel.” His words were soft and gentle.

  She raised her gaze to his and searched his face, finding the truth of his statement.

  “You two were very close before he made his choice to follow Lucifer. You know him better than he knows himself.”

  She sighed.

  Raphael laid a hand on her shoulder and met her gaze with a small smile.

  “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need help.”

  Gabriel studied Raphael and pursed her lips as she thought of where Semiazas might take a human hostage. “His old stomping grounds we used to spend time at are now all part of Hell, but there are a few likely places.”

  “Should we find Uriel first?”

  She nodded. “Three would be better than one, or even two, especially when it comes to Semiazas.” Pain sliced through her as it always did when she thought of Semiazas—something she’d had to do too much of since his recent escape from incarceration.

  She turned away from Raphael and then stopped. “Why do you think Lucifer hasn’t done anything to recapture Semiazas?” She had her own theories but wondered what Raphael’s take on the situation was. Gabriel had never been close to Lucifer, even before the fall, and definitely hadn’t spoken to him since.

  “Lucifer is arrogant and thinks the universe revolves around his needs. He incarcerated Semiazas only because the plague was beginning to cause an imbalance in power that would rain down the wrath of Heaven upon his head. Since Semiazas has escaped, my guess is, the demon hasn’t done enough to warrant Lucifer’s attention.”

  She nodded, not surprised that Raphael’s thoughts mirrored her own on the situation. “But that also means he won’t interfere with us until our actions actually affect him.” Gabriel turned back to look at Raphael over her shoulder.


  “I’ll meet you at Uriel’s.”

  Jezebeth walked until her legs ached and her skin felt tight and dry over her bones. She’d hitched rides on and off throughout the day, even stealing a few deep kisses here and there from willing men along the way to keep up her energy—the succubi version of a snack. She’d had time and opportunity for more, but for some reason hadn’t felt comfortable while Noah was captive somewhere.

  Night had fallen hours ago, and she’d nearly given up trying to find someone to hitch another ride with. Eloy, Arizona, wasn’t exactly a hotbed of weeknight activity. But with time dwindling until Uriel’s lair moved to Greece and worry about what was happening to Noah eating at her insides, she had no choice but to continue to force one foot in front of the other toward her destination and trust that things would work out in the end.

  She rubbed her hands over her arms, a futile attempt to keep the chill night air at bay. Thoughts of her kiss with Noah flashed to the forefront of her mind, and her body warmed, not just with arousal but with something stronger and more comforting. She held the image of him healthy and whole inside her mind and kept moving forward.

  Raphael would find Noah, and Noah would be fine. He had to be.

  Jezebeth didn’t have the energy right now to contemplate any other outcome.

  Headlights flashed behind her, illuminating the dark night, and she turned and stuck out her thumb, trying to look both sexy and harmless in her own form since she had no extra energy to change to a different one.

  The small, compact car slowed and finally stopped several feet ahead of her. Jezebeth breathed a silent prayer of thanks and hoped the driver was someone with an abundance of energy to share as she jogged forward to lean down and look in the open passenger car window.

  A teenage boy who was still growing into his features raked a concerned gaze over her. “You need a ride?”

  Disappointment arrowed through her. Even if she were near death, she wouldn’t take energy from an underage innocent. After all, even succubi had morals. She forced a smile, and it felt like a very tired gesture. “I’d really appreciate a ride. I broke down hours ago. How far are you going?”

  “I’m headed to Somerton.”

  Jezebeth relaxed when she only sensed genuine concern from the boy—pure female intuition, not anything supernatural at work. She’d turned down a few rides earlier in the day because her instincts had told her to run rather than get inside those cars. As a succubus, she’d learned to follow her intuition to survive. She might not be worried about rape like human women, but being shot, chopped up, or otherwise hurt could weaken her to the point where something supernatural could kill her. “Is Somerton anywhere near Yuma?” she asked, recognizing the hope inside her voice.

  The boy smiled. “Very near. Hop in. You look like you’ve been walking for a while. It’s not safe for a—for someone to be out here alone at night.”

  She opened the car door and slid inside, smiling that he’d almost said it wasn’t safe for a woman to be out here alone at night but had changed it at the last minute in case he offended her. “I really appreciate it. I’m not sure I could walk another mile, let alone all the way to Yuma,” she said, trying not to let her teeth chatter from the cold.

  The boy rolled up the power windows and turned up the heat. “No problem at all. I know you’re not supposed to pick up hitch-hikers, but if it was my mom out here walking alone at night, I’d hope that someone willing to help would stop.”

  She smiled and huddled against the seat, wondering if he realized he’d just made a reference to her age—or at least the age she looked, which she’d been told was mid- to late twenties. Probably not. “I’m Jezebeth, and I really do appreciate this.”


  “Great to meet you, Darian.” She tried unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn. “I’ll put in a word for you to get back double good karma for helping me.” She was only half joking. After all, she did know quite a few low-level angels she’d done favors for over the years who could do something nice for the boy.

  He laughed and shook his head. “That sounds exactly like something my mom would say. Just reinforces the idea that I did the right thing by picking you up.” He edged the heater up another notch and reached into the back seat for a coat. �
�Here you go. You look beat. Go ahead and sleep. I’ll wake you when we hit Yuma.”

  Too tired to argue, Jezebeth smiled at him through another yawn and then curled under the coat and leaned her head against the passenger window. She wrapped the memory of her kiss with Noah around her like a mantra for everything to turn out well in the end and let sleep take her.

  Uriel materialized inside Lilith’s throne room, not sure if he was welcome in her quarters any longer. The large black cavern looked much like he remembered it, although he hadn’t been here in centuries. In fact, before the previous day he hadn’t visited Lilith’s quarters since the day he’d given her this lair.

  Memories flooded back hot and bright, and Uriel shoved them aside to concentrate on his current mission.

  Evelin, one of Lilith’s servants, scurried forward wearing a gauzy red harem outfit. Her head was already bowed before she reached him, so he couldn’t see her face. “My lord, Uriel. How may I be of service?”

  “I wish to see your mistress.”

  Evelin glanced up, confusion evident in her expression. “My lord?”

  Uriel ground his teeth. This is what he got for trying to respect Lilith’s new boundaries within their relationship. “I wish to see Lilith, Evelin. Please tell her I’m here in her throne room to see her.” His words were cutting, and Evelin managed a single nod before she turned and ran toward Lilith’s quarters.

  Uriel waited impatiently, pacing the length of the large black cavern, wondering if he should’ve just gone straight to Lilith.

  Several long minutes later, Lilith rushed into the room wearing only a black silk robe which stuck to her still-wet skin to outline the full curves of her body.

  Uriel’s cock instantly hardened inside his slacks and he had to force his gaze up to Lilith’s face.

  “Uriel?” She rushed forward until she stood so close he could feel the heat of her body—or maybe it was only his raging hormones.


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