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Private Tuition

Page 4

by Jay Merson

  "Come here Paula.” The professor ordered curtly.

  "But I thought you were out!"

  "Come here I said!” He almost shouted the words.

  Paula reluctantly put down her bag and letters and went to him.

  "Face the patio doors!” he snapped.

  Paula sighed in silent annoyance and turned, displaying her impatience.

  "I've already told you that I won't tolerate you wearing jeans.” His voice was firm and with a hint of anger.

  "But I've just this minute walked in the door,” Paula answered sarcastically. The professor grabbed her roughly by the hair, pulling her head back sharply close to his face.

  "Don't argue with me bitch!” he said slowly and deliberately. Paula shuddered at this new and menacing tone that she hadn't seen in him before.

  "But this is unfair!"

  She was unable to finish the sentence, in one swift and unexpected move the professor kicked at the back of her legs, buckling them and bringing her quickly down onto her knees. The agonising grip on her hair remained as he stood over her, his knees pressing into the back of her neck.

  "You defy me too much slut!"

  "Please, my hair, you're hurting me!” Paula cried, bringing her hands up to his to try to release the grip on her. His strong hands maintained the hold and his knees forced harder into the back of her neck, making any struggle futile. His right hand came down to grasp her left breast and squeeze it painfully. His forearm pressing hard against her exposed throat, twice more he cruelly squeezed her breast.

  "You will listen to me bitch."

  "Okay, okay just let go!” Paula pleaded.

  For a moment he was silent, then he roughly shoved her forwards, propelling her forwards onto all fours, releasing the hold on her. Paula gasped in relief that the pain had ended. For a moment she was silent, her anger building within her, she wasn't going to take this from him, or anyone. Still on all fours, she turned her head to look at him and froze in horror.

  The professor stood where he had been, her wide eyes fixed on the subject of her terror, in his hand he held a long cane. Before she could react, a searing, stinging pain shot through her right buttock as he brought the cane forcefully down on her. Paula gagged as she fought to cope with the sudden agony she was experiencing. Again the cane landed, biting hard through the thick material of her denims. Paula uttered a strangled cry, words wouldn't—couldn't come, she struggled to cope with the excruciating pain.

  The cane swished again, thwacking noisily on the tight material that covered her firm buttocks.

  "Oh God!” she blurted out, and tried to move away from him, crawling on all fours. Again the cane swished and landed. Paula cried out in despair, whimpering, tears rolling down her cheeks.

  "Still want to defy me, bitch?” His voice was firm and authoritative.

  "Stop it please, no more, no more!” She tried to get to her feet as the cane struck again, catching her bending as she began to stand upright.

  "You will obey me, whore!” His voice was full of command and mocking pleasure.

  Paula was upright now, she turned to face him in a vain hope of defending herself. The cane sliced through the air to bite into the side of her left thigh. She screamed at the new pain that filled her. Both her hands went instinctively to the affected thigh, gripping and nursing the burning she felt.

  The professor advanced on her, the cane raised above his shoulder.

  "Will you defy me bitch?"

  "Are you mad? Stop it please, please!” she sobbed.

  The cane swung forcefully down again. She moved quickly back to avoid the blow, stumbling against the dining table. The cane sliced brutally across her other thigh; she screamed loudly at the pain and launched herself backwards onto the dining table in an effort to evade him.

  "Enough please professor enough, no more please, no more!” She was crying uncontrollably now, her body racked with sobs that shook her slim frame.

  He advanced on her, the cane raised. Paula kicked out at him from her position on top of the table, the cane catching her painfully on the knee. She yelped and slid herself off the other side of the table, keeping it between them and feeling momentarily safer.

  "Will you defy me?” he asked again and raised the cane.

  "Lunatic! Bloody madman!” She spat at him, more confident now that the barrier between them offered her protection. But with one great lunge he grabbed across the width of the table, seizing her by the hair, his eyes wide and menacing. Roughly he pulled her by the hair, fully back across the dining table to land in a heap on her knees next to where he stood. The cane sliced through the air to land another stinging blow to her buttocks.

  "Will you still defy me bitch?"

  "No! No I won't defy you, please, I won't defy you!” she sobbed and collapsed onto the floor to lay at his feet.

  The professor stood towering over her for a moment.

  "Very well, now undress,” he said, and turned to walk away.

  "God, can't you give me a moment!” she screamed angrily. He whirled around instantly and landed another stinging blow across her back. She arched as the pain bit into her and clamped her lips tightly together. She looked at him angrily for a moment then stood slowly up and began undoing the buttons of her blouse, her head down and fingers trembling.

  The professor drew a dining chair into the centre of the room and sat waiting for her to finish. She undressed slowly, sobbing softly as she did so. He waited silently.

  "Stand before me,” he said at last. He indicated with the cane where she should stand.

  Meekly she walked naked to stand before him, her head and eyes downcast, her hands lightly rubbing her still burning buttocks.

  "Have you learned now not to defy me bitch?"

  "Yes professor,” she said quietly.

  "I can't hear you,” he replied impatiently.

  "Yes professor, I have learnt,"

  "I hope you have,” he said as he turned and picked up a small plastic carrier bag which he handed to her. “I require you to wear this at all times in the flat."

  Paula opened the bag and pulled out a leather choker, to which two large silver D-rings were firmly attached. She looked at him and began to protest, but checked herself and nodded slowly.

  "Beginning now!” he snapped at her.

  With trembling fingers she fitted the collar around her neck and secured the buckle at the back. When she had finished she resumed her subservient posture.

  "Kneel before me!"

  Paula knelt between his open knees as he sat upright on the chair.

  "If you are to do well in psychology, Paula, you must learn a great many things, obedience and the experience of pain are all part of the process. Defiance is not one of them, I hope you realise that now."

  "Yes professor,” she answered solemnly.

  "Good! Now you can suck me, as you did the banana last night. It must be good Paula or you will pay the consequences."

  She moved forward on her knees and began undoing his trousers, easing his stiff cock out and gripping it firmly. The pain was subsiding in her she lowered her mouth and began licking his cock with tip of her soft tongue. Circling and teasing her tongue pleased him, the very tip drilling into the eyehole of his rigid cock and bringing loud gasps of delight from him when she did so.

  Her pain began to give-way now to pleasure as she worked on him. Her pussy throbbing that familiar ache that she had come to know so well, her clitoris hard and excited. With wide searching eyes she looked at his face, he groaned aloud and tensed as she watched him.

  Paula ran her tongue around the head of his pulsing cock, slowly down the length of it and up the underside of it from base to tip. Her nipples tingled, hardening as her excitement grew, she revelled in the way she could please him. Her whole body pulsed, alive and tuned to the heady sexuality.

  As she reached the top of his cock, she opened her mouth and covered the head of his cock with her soft lips, enveloping his glans in the soft wet interior of he
r delicate mouth. He gasped loudly; his hands gripped the chair and his body tensed. He delighted in the pleasure she was giving him. His head sank back, his eyes closed and he lost himself in the exciting feelings of her attentions.

  Paula's own body thrilled as she teased him, pulsing sensations of electric pleasure coursed through her slim body, washing her with sheer pleasure and stimulating her clitoris to aching point.

  Slowly down his throbbing shaft she moved her soft mouth, feeling his warmth filling her soft cavern, going ever deeper into her.

  "Oh God!” he groaned and tensed as hot spurts of his sperm hit the back of her throat. His hands at the back of her head pulling her onto it and ensuring that she couldn't pull away. Spurt after spurt continued to fill her mouth, she gagged and his come squeezed out between her lips and his cock to dribble down her chin.

  Paula had a defiant look in her eyes as she watched him. He may have won on this occasion, but her time would come. She wasn't taking this from him or anyone come to that. She would play his game for now, but only for now.

  The professor stood, clipped a dog lead onto the front D-ring of the collar and pulled her roughly on her knees closer to the chair. Threading the lead through the back he pulled hard on the lead to bring her face down and resting on the seat of the chair, he tied the leash to leave her pinned and immovable kneeling before the chair.

  Unable to see what the professor was doing Paula waited in the silence that followed. She gasped and then groaned loudly in disappointment and fear as she felt the tip of the cane trace lightly down her back, down over her buttocks, across the puckered entrance of her anus to rub coarsely against the swollen lips of her pussy. The tip probed the soft tender lips, prodding and scraping, then it withdrew and a short silence followed.

  "Oh no, no more professor please no!” she whined as she feared the cane hurting her tender flesh more.

  "Pain and pleasure are one, my sexy little student, this you will learn in time."

  The first blow struck her soft raised buttocks. She tensed and groaned, gripping the sides of the chair with her hands. The blow was lighter than before, stinging and painful it certainly was, but nothing like as savage as had been previously.

  Again the cane landed, sending shivering spears of pain through her. Paula grunted and winced as she received the blow. Each time the cane swished and landed she tensed and grunted, taking the punishment he was giving her, determined not to cry out and allow him to think he had won again.

  Harder the blows came, biting into her creamy buttocks, shaking the firm flesh and raising red marks on the white flesh. Grunting and tensing, the chair inched forwards with each lurch of her body. Harder the blows struck until she could hold back no longer.

  "Bastard! You fucking bastard!” she screamed. The cane bit cruelly into her again, harder and with more feeling.

  "I'll get you, shit!” Paula cursed loudly, her anger boiling within her.

  "Think you can fool me with your pathetic little performance do you? A quick sucking and all is okay. Yes professor, no professor,” he mimicked.

  He hit her again and she screamed, gripping the chair, her knuckles white and drained of blood.

  "You utter bastard, can't even fuck a woman can you!"

  The cane came down with such force that the breath was knocked out of Paula as it struck, blood oozed from the red welt that it left on her soft, tender flesh. Tears flowed from her, cascading down her cheeks, her head jerked backwards as the cane landed again equally as cruelly.

  "God help me please, oh!"

  The cane landed for the last time, Paula collapsed, her body limp, the collar pulling hard across her throat. Instantly the professor released her, allowing her to slump to the floor where she lay for many minutes afterwards, sobbing and moaning softly to herself.

  As Paula opened her eyes and roused herself she became aware of the professor sitting on the settee watching her silently.

  "You bloody animal!” she spat at him venomously.

  "You had an orgasm,” he replied unruffled.

  "Pig, fucking perverted pig!” She was again crying.

  "You came, bitch!"

  Paula fell silent as the realisation hit home to her. She had come, he was right, she had believed it was the pain, but it was a mixture.

  "Doesn't excuse what you did you savage!"

  "You must learn to lose your defiant streak Paula,” he said calmly. “Otherwise it could be a rough ride for you indeed."

  "Go to hell"

  "You can't win, Paula."

  "Like fuck I can't!” She spat, struggling to her feet. “I could leave."

  "Yes you could. Then I really would have won."

  The words made Paula halt in her angry tirade, she thought for a moment, turning over his words.

  "And you would block my degree,” she said sniffling and pulling on her jeans.

  "No I wouldn't do that,” he said softly.

  Paula was stunned to silence at his reply.

  "Psychology Paula,” he said knowingly. “You enjoy the pain, the sex, the excitement and the thrill. You will come to terms with it eventually."

  "Sex and thrills maybe, but being beaten to a pulp isn't my idea of fun."

  "You are an addict Paula, you are hooked and you know it,” he said, standing.

  "Bloody nutcase you mean, I must be to put up with this?"

  "Whatever you decide Paula, just remember that I will not tolerate your disobedience."

  Paula was lost for words, she wanted to reply but couldn't.

  "You have displeased me with your reluctance to accept my authority Paula and must suffer for it."

  Paula didn't answer, she snatched the rest of her clothes and marched purposefully to her room.

  * * * *

  Showered and sore Paula laid naked facedown on her bed. She had locked the door and although he had never even attempted to enter her space, it made her feel better.

  For a long time she first brooded and then reasoned. He was right of course, she had orgasmed and you don't do that if you are not excited. To be excited you need to be aroused and enjoying it. She was confused.

  How can pain be exciting? She had come when he had spanked her, that's for sure, but the cane was another matter. Brutal and uncaring, ripping her flesh like that, how could he?

  Perhaps she had enjoyed it after all, she didn't really remember. She remembered the pain that still throbbed in her buttocks. And the feelings she had experienced as she was pinned to the chair, helplessness, the unknown and uncertainty of when it would end, or how it would end. The powerful surge of anger and hatred, that turned to pleasure. Pleasure? So she had enjoyed it. Had she really? Looking back now it was exciting, but also there was the pain, or was it really pain?

  Paula battled with her thoughts and emotions for hours before deciding that she would stay. A cold decision based on a mixture of the want for revenge and the need of the wonderful exciting sex that he offered. He had introduced her to delights that she might never have otherwise experienced and for that she was grateful. She still liked him very much and she hated him at the same time for hurting her so.

  Psychology, Paula, psychology, she told herself. Play him at his own game and beat him. She came alive at the prospect. That would be the ultimate victory, she could have all of the benefits of her present situation and enjoy them, plus she could fight him on his own ground and defeat him. Paula stood up painfully from the bed, she felt better now that her decision was made. She relished the prospect of the game to come and looked forward to it very much.

  "Very much indeed,” she repeated aloud slowly and deliberately as she posed before the full-length mirror of her wardrobe. She cupped her pert breasts and smiled broadly at her reflection.

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  Paula sat on her bed putting on and smoothing the black hold-up stockings onto her slim, shapely legs, pulling the tops up almost to her crotch. She stood and in the wardrobe mirror, admire
d the effect of them against the tight, white panties that she loved so much to wear. Her black three-quarter cup bra, that pushed and lifted her breasts into a firm swelling cleavage, completed her underwear for this evening. Together with the auburn of her hair, they made her look stunning. The skimpy black maid's dress that she slipped into next fitted her like a glove—following the contours of her slim waist, it emphasised her bust and hips. The hem ended a little below the tops of her stockings, giving full view of her slim legs and if she moved off the upright ... well, perfect, simply perfect.

  The dress buttoned up to just above her bra, and left her cleavage easily visible. The soft rounded orbs looked sweet and inviting, just the effect she wanted. The small white apron tied around her narrow waist and the white headband on her auburn hair completed the outfit. She wasn't content until the high-heeled shoes, red lipstick and nail-varnish were also on, then she posed again in the mirror for her final assessment. She felt aroused as she turned and twirled for the mirror, and imagined the effect it would have on the professor and his guests, an electric sensation burst through her at that thought.

  The professor's reaction to her outfit as she entered the kitchen was muted. “Acceptable,” was all that he said. His look of pleasant surprise and his hungry gaze however, said otherwise, as did the very frequent looks her gave as they prepared the sandwiches together.

  The sound of the doorbell took the professor away to greet his guests. Paula added the final garnishes to the sandwiches, poured the drink into the glasses on the tray and carried the drinks into the lounge.

  She was greeted by a chorus of gasped and shouted approval, also a short round of applause from the six guests that were seated around the large coffee table in the centre of the room. All were middle-aged men, dressed in dinner jackets, as was the professor. Paula glowed in the attention that she received. Smiling broadly and walking confidently, she arrived in the centre of the group. Bending and stooping she offered each of them in turn a drink, very conscious of the attention being given to her cleavage and her pert bottom as she moved amongst them. Seated as they were, the hem of her short dress was roughly at their eye level when she bent, then there could be no restriction to them seeing her tight, pert bottom. The atmosphere was sexually charged, as was her body. It throbbed with the fantastic sensations that she felt flowing through her, exciting her vulva and nipples, hardening her clitoris and thrilling her completely. At each and every move she made, the men's eyes took full advantage and roamed over her cleavage, legs and bottom.


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