Private Tuition

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Private Tuition Page 9

by Jay Merson

  Paula began to build. Bound as she was, there was little room for movement, this just added to the pleasure that she felt. The soft tongue played on her clitoris, exciting it, bringing her to new heights. She closed her eyes and visualised the lovely Louise licking her, thrilling those soft inviting lips of her friend were now gripping her hard bud.

  Paula shuddered several times. She gasped at the powerful surge that shot through her. It brought her over the peak and her orgasm jerked her slim body violently. Her head slumped forwards as she relaxed into the blissful state of her subsiding orgasm.

  Louise moved back to look up at Paula's wet pussy. A broad smile covered her face, content and thrilled at the way she had brought her friend off. Her own pussy was wet and her own aching now needed to be satisfied. She felt disgust at having done such a thing, but she also felt proud and so very horny.

  The professor lifted Louise back away from Paula and released her feet, allowing her to stand but leaving her hands tied firmly behind her.

  "Your education continues,” he said simply. Moving close to Paula he began fondling her right breast, pulling at the nipple and making it fully erect. He held a clothes-peg up for her to see and for a moment its intended use didn't register with Paula.

  "Christ almighty!” she swore aloud as the realisation of what he was about to do struck home. The professor forced a pair of rolled-up panties into her mouth as a gag. He smiled as he pressed the peg open and held it hovering over her erect nipple.

  "I have said before, Paula, that pain is all part of the learning of psychology. The unexpected and the unknown are all powerful experiences in the quest for knowledge. The delight of experiencing new pain is a constant wonder, one that you will now find for yourself."

  "Oh my God,” Paula muttered fearfully through the gag. The peg slowly closed, gripping the hardened nipple, pressing hard on the tender bud.

  Paula screwed-up her face in agony as the pain began to bite into her. She gasped, unsure at first what to do, but she could do nothing. She bore it for as long as she could and then she screamed. Loud and long, a pitiful wailing scream that turned to a heavy muted sobbing.

  A second peg was clamped onto her other nipple and the screams continued. Paula's eyes were wide, she pulled at her bonds in a vain attempt to gain release and put and end to her torment. The screams continued to come from her but came out only as muted sounds of agony.

  Louise watched, pity for her friend welling up in her, relieved that she had not today received the punishment. Gradually the screams and sobs subsided as Paula came to accept the pain that she was experiencing. As time passed the acute searing pain turned to a numbed tingling of irritation and reminder, a warm feeling that she couldn't quite define.

  The professor lay back across the bed so that Paula could see the whole of his body.

  "Straddle me bitch,” he said to Louise.

  Delight showed on her face as she approached the bed, her long legs and height making the manoeuvre easy. She put one leg over his body as a cyclist would mount a bicycle, and knelt astride, hovering over him.

  He looked up at the large firm breasts above him, his hands stroking the long slim thighs either side of his body. His thumbs traced and kneaded the taught muscles that ran from her crotch to her knees.

  Louise began lowering herself onto him. She was ecstatic. The power over him that she felt gave her a tremendous thrill. Bound as she was, she couldn't use her hands, but she could certainly use the rest of her body.

  "Oh so tight! So wonderfully tight!” the professor enthused as his cock began to press into her soft pussy. Louise lowered herself more, accepting his cock readily and hungrily.

  "So good, so very good,” he moaned as she lowered herself to the hilt of his cock. He tried to press upwards and begin a thrusting motion, but she came down on him with her full weight, pinning him immovably to the bed. She sat on him, savouring the delight and power that she felt as his hands moved to her breasts and began fondling the ample orbs.

  "Use your muscles,” he urged her. “Your internal muscles, grip with those nearest the entrance, then the next set, contract them around my cock."

  Louise tried to comply, she wasn't sure if she could do this strange act. she thought she knew her own pussy but this was totally new to her.

  "That's it! Then the next set and then the next, milk me, draw it from me,” he panted. Louise tried to do as he had said, she felt a rippling sensation as her muscles gripped him inside her.

  "Practice, put something in you and practice,” he murmured, enjoying the feel of her warm pussy around him.

  Louise still wasn't sure that she understood properly. Her own need was nagging. She crushed her clitoris onto his pubic arch, grinding down hard and drinking in the wonderful feelings that it produced. She began a slight jarring movement of her hips, such as a horse produces for its rider as it walks.

  The professor groaned loudly. “Faster,” he urged her, in a voice thick with arousal.

  Louise ignored him and maintained the slow, steady pace that thrilled her so. She looked down again at the aging man beneath her, the kick that the situation gave her was the best she had ever experienced.

  His cock felt good inside her, but being in command was something else. At last, she felt, she had found her true passion.

  "Speed it up,” he moaned. Again Louise ignored him and continued the slow thrust forwards at the pace that suited her and made him want more. Louise delighted in the fact that Paula's eyes were roaming her body, watching as she gave and received her pleasure.

  Paula watched as the hypnotic motion of Louise's body on the professor aroused her again. Gone was the pain in her nipples, only pleasurable sensations filled her. The slim body and thighs, the way her tight rounded buttocks jerked forwards and back. The long hair over her shoulders and those wonderful breasts bouncing slightly as her body moved. Paula wanted her friend more that the professor's cock at that moment. She groaned and flutters passed through her as Louise looked across at her and sexily blew her a kiss.

  "Speed up please!” the professor pleaded. Louise maintained the same pace, resisting the urge to go faster, her orgasm approaching fast. With her bound hands behind her, she moved her index finger into the crease of her buttocks and began stroking the puckered entrance to her sweet, tight arse, casting glances at Paula as she did so.

  Louise was in heaven. The thrill of being watched by her friend and fucking a man on her terms made her throb with sexuality. Close now, she needed to finish, she had waited and now it was time. She sighed loudly for the professor's benefit, watching his face as he moved towards his own orgasm.

  "So big in my tight little pussy,” she moaned softly.

  He came instantly, groaning and opening his mouth in his pleasure. Louise joined him, sighing aloud, tensing and then her slim body locking rigid on him before beginning to relax again. She cried out several times. Her head dropped forwards and she slumped down on the heaving professor.

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  Kensington Gardens was crowded with lunchtime workers taking advantage of the sun. With loaded carrier bags from some of the top stores the two girls arrived at a vacant bench and sat down.

  Paula unwrapped the sandwiches whilst Louise opened the two cans of coke, still coated in condensation from the fridge at the little delicatessen shop in Kensington Church Street.

  "Paula, do you think what we are doing with the professor is perverted?” Louise asked hesitantly.

  "Who cares if it is.” Paula casually bit into her prawn and mayonnaise sandwich. “As long as we are happy and enjoy it what's the problem?"

  Louise took a long drink from her can of coke.

  "I wouldn't want to be labelled a pervert,” she said in distaste.

  "Well that's a good example of double standards, isn't it! Happy to get your lights bonked out but not happy to be labelled."

  "You know what I mean, last night for example, the pegs and the pai

n he gave you, that can't be normal can it. Caning and all that we do, is that really sex?"

  "Didn't hear you complaining last night, Louise, when you were riding him,” Paula said, delving into her bag for another of the delicious sandwiches.

  "But that was more normal, wasn't it? Bloody good it was too, I might add."

  "And do you think it would have been as good without all the lead-up to it?"

  "Probably not, quite the same, but he couldn't resist me, could he? He'd have fucked me regardless. He likes me, I can tell, it would have happened anyway."

  "Think so?” Paula offered knowingly.

  "Sure, why not?"

  "Don't you think he was guiding you, teaching you the way to do it properly."

  "So you're saying that I don't know how to fuck are you? You certainly took plenty of interest in what I was doing and liked it!"

  "No I'm not saying that. He was teaching you."

  "Me teaching him more like! Did you see the way he came off when I refused to speed up for him?"

  "Louise, if you are having any doubts about what we do, then stop. It's as simple as that."

  "What and lose my room and allowance!"

  "You can't have it all your own way you know!” Paula screwed up her sandwich bag and tossed it into the waste bin next to her.

  "You actually like it don't you! All that pegs and caning shit,” Louise said forcefully.

  "And you don't orgasm when he does it to you I suppose!"

  Louise sat silently for a moment, letting her friend's words register.

  "Yeah you're right, I do. In a strange way I do like it. Really horny, it gives me feelings that I didn't even know existed."

  "So what's the problem?"

  "Just still a bit unsure I suppose. All this is new to me."

  "Unsure as in when he's drooling over your tits?"

  "God yes! Doesn't he just, my nipples seem to be the big attraction to him. It really turns me on getting the old sod hard."

  "I think then we've answered your questions on that subject, don't you? Shall we walk?” Paula suggested.

  "What! My feet are killing me. All morning we've been trailing around the shops, let's sit here a bit longer. Sapping my energy all this sex, Christ, I've never had so much!"

  Paula settled herself lazily on the bench, stretching her legs in front of her and basking in the warm sunshine.

  "Licking you was a bit difficult at first,” Louise said, breaking the silence.

  "Rather good I would say, I enjoyed it very much."

  "Never done that before you know,” Louise stated.

  "I've never done it at all."

  "You haven't? Bloody hell and there was me thinking that you knew all there was to know about it."

  "Oh he's licked me, but I've never done that to a woman before, never touched a woman in fact before what I did to you the other day."

  "And here's to many more of them is all I can say."

  "Have you been licked, Louise?” Paula asked, closing her eyes and folding her arms as she enjoyed the warm sun on her.

  "No! But the way things are going it won't be long.” Louise giggled. “Never had a man shove his nose in your pussy, I'll bet."

  Paula burst out laughing at Louise's remark. They both laughed uncontrollably for some time. Paula liked Louise very much.

  "Was it very painful, the pegs I mean?” Louise asked in a serious tone after the laughter had stopped.

  "At first it was,” Paula answered, drying her eyes with a tissue. The laughter had made her ribs ache. “Later it turned to a nice feeling. Having you to look at as a distraction helped of course. My God! The way you moved on him and that lovely arse of yours, I wanted to get over to you myself."

  "I noticed."

  "Teasing little bitch Louise."

  "Two hours though, two bloody hours he left you there! Couldn't believe that, I really couldn't."

  "That part was quite good actually. I didn't know how long he would leave me, I kept thinking any minute now he would come back and release me, but he didn't. I didn't know if there was more to come or not, whether he was going to cane me or quite what. It was a strange but exciting feeling.” Paula spoke lazily and matter-of-factly, as though it were the weather she was discussing.

  "Well!,” Louise sighed loudly, “and what about these special tasks he mentioned, what do you think?"

  "Mmmm interesting,” Paula moaned softly.

  "Is that all you can say!” Louise sat forward on the seat, leaning over towards her friend.

  "Just have to wait and see won't we."

  "You're impossible at times Paula."

  "And you're impatient most of the time, you dirty little slut."

  Again they broke into fits of laughter. Louise liked her friend, sensible and level headed, she always made her laugh. She snuggled back down on the bench to share the sun with Paula.

  "Still in the same frame of mind about gaining control over him?” Louise probed.

  "Absolutely,” Paula replied without hesitation. “Never thought otherwise. Time, just time now. Time to get things prepared and to let him drop his guard a bit. I'll let you know when I think the time is right."

  "And that's the reason you visited that sex-shop today, is it?” Louise asked her in a playfully questioning voice.

  "That's for me to know and you find out,” Paula replied, unprovoked.

  "Oh come on, let me in on it bitch!."

  "When the time is right. For now you will just need to learn a little patience."

  "Yes professor,” Louise said sarcastically.

  Paula sat silently reflecting on her words and Louise's last comment. She thought deeply about just how much she had sounded like the professor.

  "Wonder what happens in Buckinghamshire?” Louise said absently after a while.

  "Now that will be interesting.” Paula was still relaxed, but her voice portrayed the depth of her interest in the mystery location.

  "Ice cream?"

  "What?” Paula opened her eyes and looked across at Louise.

  "An ice cream, do you want one?"

  "No thanks, never know where you might put it,” Paula said sardonically and received a playful slap on the shoulder from Louise.

  "Ready?” Paula asked.

  "Yeah, I need a shower and then I've got some revision to do.” Louise got wearily to her feet. “I wonder if stiff-dick is at home."

  "Horny bitch!” Paula chided, standing and gathering her bags.

  The girls entered the front door of the flat giggling, two good friends enjoying themselves greatly. Ignoring the mail on the hall table Paula kicked the door shut and ran to catch Louise up. As they reached the end of the hallway the professor passed, walking quickly and carrying a sheaf of papers in his hand.

  "Ah girls! Perfect timing,” he said pausing in his stride. “Louise I need to see your proposed outfit for the twenty-sixth by Wednesday at the latest. And Paula, I'd like to see you in my study now. No need to change.” And he walked off busily, like a company director issuing instructions to his staff as he wheeled and dealt in the business world.

  Louise looked at Paula questioningly. Paula raised her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders. His study, the only room in the flat to be locked and out of bounds to the girls. Paula put down her bags and went to the study door, knocked softly and entered.

  It was a light, pleasant room. Besides the desk there was a computer, fax machine and a photocopier. Well decorated and clean, it was a good working environment. Paula noted the large filing cabinet in the corner.

  The professor was seated at a large knee-hole desk, scribbling furiously with his back to her. Paula approached the desk and waited whilst he finished the sentence he was writing. He turned the page over to cover the contents from her eyes and then turned in the chair to face her.

  "Undo your jeans and pull them down Paula, panties also,” he said casually watching as she removed her denims and panties, kicking them aside when she was done.

end over the desk,” he ordered.

  Once in position he began caressing her buttocks, still sitting in the chair close to her.

  "I want you to come to Buckinghamshire with me on Friday, Will that interfere with your lectures?"

  Paula though for a moment as his hand slipped in between her legs and began stroking and probing at her pussy lips. She shifted her legs apart to accommodate him.

  "No,” she replied uncertainly, trying to think which lectures she actually had for Friday.

  He stood, dropped his trousers and moved behind her. Paula felt the tip of his tongue run lightly over her buttocks, then into the crease between them. She shuddered at the pleasurable sensations the light touch gave her. A loud involuntary gasp forced out of her as the very tip of his tongue arrived at the entrance to her anus. Shards of electrifying spasms shot through her body as the tongue probed gently at her puckered orifice.

  "Friday will be fine,” she grunted slowly, as the incredible sensations rippled through her. The tip of his tongue entered her, parting the tight hole slightly.

  He stopped, paused and then she felt his cock press against her tight little entrance. She groaned loudly at his intentions. He paused again there, his warm cock resting against her. She felt his cock slip downwards onto her labia and with one push he was inside her. Paula sighed with relief as he began slowly fucking her.

  "The unknown and the unexpected, Paula, are such powerful mediums..."

  His hand slid around to touch and begin to rub her clitoris as he moved inside her. She laid her head down on the desk and enjoyed the attention he was giving to her.

  "Whilst we are there for the day in Buckinghamshire we will have the opportunity to, er, play out our private arrangement."

  "Cynthia you mean,” Paula replied, pushing back against him and taking his cock deep inside her.

  "Yes, exactly,” he breathed excitedly.

  "No problem,” she moaned casually, more interested in the feelings of being fucked and the incredible delights her clitoris was experiencing at his fingers.

  He continued silently to pump into her, gripping her hips and drawing her onto him as his thrusting became more urgent.


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