Private Tuition

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Private Tuition Page 16

by Jay Merson

  His finger and thumb gripped her clitoris and pinched cruelly. Louise bucked her hips as the pain shot through her. He continued to squeeze. He watched her impassively as he held her.

  "You, Louise, have made the mistake of breaking our agreement, of breaking my trust and of breaking confidentiality."

  The professor released the grip on her clitoris. Louise's body dropped back to the bed as the tension in her was released, her pain ended for now.

  He calmly clamped the clothes peg onto one of Louise's nipples and watched impassively as she bucked and strained in agony.

  Paula saw his cock jerk slightly and move as his excitement began to build.

  "Did you really think that I am not informed of your actions, slut?” Louise's eyes shot an accusing glare at Paula as she stood over her watching. Her look made Paula feel a pang of guilt, even though she had said nothing. On this part, and at this moment, he was winning the game and setting the two friends against one another. Paula made a mental note of it and watched as he moved again the lean over her friend.

  He clamped a second peg onto her other nipple and again watched as she screamed into the gag. Muffled sounds broke the silence in the room.

  The professor stood up, his cock almost fully hard now, sticking out in front of him as he watched Louise struggle in her pain. His skilful hands pulled her labia apart and clamped a clothes peg onto each of her labia. Louise's slim body and hips were bucking furiously to try to avoid his ministrations.

  She failed.

  Paula grimaced as she tried to imagine what Louise was experiencing. The soft tender flesh of her friend's inner lips, forced apart and clamped so very cruelly.

  "My friends at the club are influential,” he continued. “They are able to know all that goes on around them. If anything occurs that could harm the club in any way ... Well, here we are, you now see the result."

  A final peg hovered open, just above her clitoris, then closed around it, clamping tightly and pinching hard. Louise's thrashing and struggling went on and on. Paula felt a surge of pleasure rip through her as she watched her friend's ecstatic agony.

  The professor picked up a thick candle and lit the wick. Paula watched, her interest growing and her vulva throbbing. He stood looking down at Louise, holding the candle still, watching the flame jump around and finally settle into a steady orange peak. He wouldn't burn her, she felt sure of that, but what he had in mind, she simply didn't know.

  "I am disappointed that you had me followed Louise,” he said coldly. “You really should learn to use only the people you can really trust. Paul Aiken is not one such person. The very reason his father had his membership withdrawn."

  Once again the accusing look from her friend met Paula's eyes. She felt herself shaking her head slightly to indicate that she had not told the professor.

  Louise laid still, the searing pain in her nipples taking second place to the professor's words. Her eyes watched the candle fearfully, her body fully tensed.

  "And to telephone other members of the club, my guests; my guests!” he repeated savagely. “To try to make private arrangements with them, that was stupid in the extreme. Stupid and deceitful, and now you will suffer for your actions, bitch Louise."

  The professor held the candle out at arms length, high above Louise's breasts. He then tipped it slowly, allowing a drip of hot wax to fall, splashing onto her tender skin close to the nipple. Her eyes wide with fear and pain, Louise again bucked and thrashed as she fought against the ropes that secured her to the bed. Wild and vigorous was her fighting, rubbing the ropes harshly on her soft wrists.

  Paula gasped in horror but said nothing. Her vulva contracted with a mixture of pain and pleasure that she felt for her friend. She found herself excited by Louise's helplessness, by the fear that she was being subjected to and the heady atmosphere that filled the room.

  The professor repeated the dripping wax onto her other breast, catching the nipple and coating it with a film of hot wax that turned white as it cooled. The professor's face was flushed and excited as he worked to give his student the pain she so richly deserved.

  Again Louise thrashed around helplessly, hoping against hope that she could end the pain. Her head rose off the pillow, pulling her shoulders upwards and stretching her arms tightly against her bonds.

  Paula was amazed, it seemed that he knew everything. More than even she knew, Louise hadn't mentioned the arrangements that she had made with his guest. At that moment she was glad that she hadn't known. She would have to take great care herself, more care than she had even considered to date.

  Another drip of wax fell, as Paula watched she was aware that her juices were trickling down the top of her thighs, her excitement at fever-pitch.

  He moved the candle down over her body, high above her pussy, and held it there menacingly, allowing Louise to wonder and expect the pain to her most tender parts. One drip of the warm wax fell onto her mons, sticking instantly to the soft pubic hair. Another drip, landed close to her clitoris. Louise held her hips still, not wanting to cause the wax to fall into her most tender parts.

  Once again the wax dripped, coating her clitoris and sending Louise into a wild and furious series of bucking spasms that threw her body in all direction, pulling this way and that against the ropes.

  The professor smiled, snuffed the candle out and sat calmly down on the bed. He removed the pegs and Paula heard a grunt of relief from under the gag as some easing of the pain came to Louise. He ran his hand over her stomach, then her thighs, stroking lightly and tenderly.

  "Dear Louise,” the professor said calmly, “you have a decision to make; a simple one. You must either accept the situation for what it is, or you pack-up and leave. The choice is yours. But before you decide, think carefully, for there will be no second chances. I require from you complete and utter obedience and confidentiality. If I can't have that from you, then you must go and our arrangement here ends."

  The professor stood and, taking Paula's arm, led her out into the hallway.

  "The wax is hot and painful, but the height from which I dropped it starts the cooling process immediately. It is uncomfortable, but will not burn, Louise will experience more pain because her brain expects it. In reality, however, there is little,” he told her reassuringly.

  He paused, looked into her eyes, then pushed Paula against the wall and pressed his erection into her. Her juices had wetted the top of her thighs, never had she been this wet by simply watching.

  She kissed him full on the lips and slipped her arms around his neck. His strong hands ripped her panties roughly off and lifted both her legs up around his waist; he then lowered her wet pussy down onto his waiting stiff cock. Burying it deep inside her warmth, filling her and bringing to her the long awaited pleasure she needed.

  Thrusting forcefully he began battering her body against the wall, brutal and uncaring. Paula cried out at the power he displayed, crushing her with the thrusts as he drove into her. Their lips locked together in the kiss as their bodies moved in tandem, passionate and hungry. A deep thudding noise from the wall and heavy breathing were the only sounds to be heard in the silent corridor until they came. Both together they reached their peaks. The kiss ended abruptly, their mouths open and groaning as they allowed their orgasm to pass through them. Feeling and savouring the shudders of each others bodies, delighting in their own pleasure and that they had also given such satisfaction to each other.

  * * * *

  Louise sat silently, as she had been for most of the day. The professor had given them an extra day off to sort things out and to arrive at a decision. Paula sat next to her friend on the balcony, but only a few words had passed between them. Louise it seemed didn't want to talk at all.

  "Want to talk about it?” Paula broke the silence.

  "What is there to say?"

  "You did bring it upon yourself you know,” Paula said kindly.

  Louise hesitated for a moment. “I know, “she said sighing loudly.” Just wanted to

move things along a bit."

  "Did you? Or is it that you just got too big for your boots and don't like it when you get your comeuppance."

  "Is that what you think?” Louise asked in a pained voice.

  "Just about. Why did you phone his friend?"

  "But I didn't! Louise snapped defensively sitting forwards on her seat. “He phoned me."

  "Whatever, the result was the same.” Paula took a deep breath and then asked the question that she had wanted to ask since her punishment.

  "Have you decided what you will do?"

  "Haven't much choice have I?"

  "You have, of course you have,” Paula replied quickly, not wanting her friend to feel that she was trapped in a situation. Louise sat quietly for a moment, pondering thoughtfully.

  "The truth is, I like it. I actually enjoy it! The way he mistreats me; the sex, the feelings, the being dictated to and manipulated; all of it. And I can't understand why."

  "So do I Louise. I know what you mean. It's as though common sense tells you it isn't right, but the terrific sexual need tells you that you want more."


  "Like when we control, the powerful feelings are bloody good."

  "They certainly are, but even the canings, I even like that. The pain and the suffering at the time is terrible."

  "But it changes doesn't it, to pleasure and excitement,” Paula finished the sentence for her.

  "Yeah it does. I'm hooked, that's for sure."

  "So I take it that means that you'll be staying then?"

  "You are one cock sucking bitch of a whore!” Louise said playfully and giggled.

  "Oh! I love it when you talk dirty to me,” Paula responded, smiling.

  The atmosphere had changed; the mood was lighter and the subject now talked about and out of the way. Both girls felt relieved and settled back in the loungers more relaxed and happier.

  "That was some bonk you two had! Thought the wall was going to cave in. Gave me a right thrill to hear you two at it,” Louise said, closing her eyes against the bright sunlight.

  "One of the best yet. A good old-fashioned and passionate bonk. Watching you get your punishment set me in the mood for it though. God! I've never been so wet as I was after watching you struggle Louise."

  "Turned me on quite a bit I can tell you."

  Paula sat quietly for a few moments. “I think it would be a good move if you were to apologise to the professor."

  "Yeah, thanks, I have been thinking that. I will just as soon as he gets back."

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  Louise knocked hesitantly and softly on the study door. She only entered on the professor's gruff reply that contained a hint of annoyance at the interruption.

  "Could you spare me a moment professor?” Louise used the best helpless voice that she could muster at that moment.

  "I'm rather busy,” he said flatly, without looking up. Louise walked over to stand close to him by the desk, just the collar and her tight white panties to cover her nakedness.

  "I'd like to apologise,” she said with some difficulty.

  "I'm listening,” the professor replied, closing the folder on the desk and turning to face her. His eyes found her breasts immediately as she stood before him, lingering on the taut, long nipples that jutted out so prominently.

  "I was wrong, I shouldn't have done those things to upset you, I regret it very much. I also accept that punishment was due to me and I have taken it, with no complaints."

  The professor sat looking at her face, trying to decide if the girl before him was being truthful or simply deceptive.

  "Very well,” he said at last. “I accept your apology, but will never accept another from you. Do I make myself clear?"

  "Yes professor,” Louise said firmly.

  "Very well, kneel for me."

  Louise got down on all fours, her slender body shaped and lithe as she knelt on the soft carpet. Her backside taut and firm, covered by the thin, tight material of her panties, her backside high in the air, tempting and offering.

  The professor stood, dropped his trousers and shorts and then threw them casually aside. He stood near her head, his cock hanging down, stiffening slightly as his feeling of command increased.

  "Lick me, bitch."

  Louise reached up with her head, bringing her mouth close to the end of his dangling cock and kissed it lightly with her full, red lips. Her tongue slipped out and began tracing a line up the length of his rapidly hardening cock. Her wide eyes searched his face as he looked down at her.

  Bolder she became, nipping the head of his cock between her soft lips, exciting his member to rise so that she needed to also rise to her knees. Her mouth closed over his throbbing, stiff cock and began sliding down the erect shaft.

  He closed his eyes, savouring the delightful sensations and joy that this beauty could bring to him. He groaned as she cupped his balls softly and caressed them lovingly, her long fingernails scraping lightly at the sensitive sac.

  "Bitch, lovely bitch,” he moaned as she stroked him. For many minutes she continued to work her soft mouth and hands on him, bringing to him feelings of such pleasure and exciting him further, her own pleasure being in the feel of his velvety cock, warm and throbbing inside her mouth. The taste and the hardness excited her, but most of all there was that feeling she got whenever she was able to bring a man's cock to attention. That part she really enjoyed.

  "Enough!” the professor said at last, stepping back to pull his wet cock out of her mouth. Her saliva dribbled down her chin as the rigid member withdrew.

  "Stand up."

  Louise stood up obediently and waited, hands by her sides for his next instruction. He walked slowly around her, inspecting and leering Louise loved it, every single moment of the sexually charged silence.

  "Did you enjoy your punishment the other day, Louise?"

  "Not at first no. But later it was quite nice."

  "Describe it to me.” His voice was full of excitement, causing the words to sound thick and difficult for him to say.

  "It hurt, then the wonderful feelings of pleasure came instead. It was great being abused and mistreated, and knowing I could do nothing to stop it."

  Louise saw him grip his cock and squeeze it as her circled her. “Did you expect what I did to you?"

  "Not at all, that was the exciting part, the not knowing.” Her voice portrayed her growing excitement. The professor stopped in front of her and began fondling her breasts.

  Louise stood proudly and obediently as he moved his hands to her long nipples and began pinching and rolling them cruelly.

  Spears of painful pleasure shot through her, filling her with increased need for attention to her aching pussy.

  "You are a dirty little slut, Louise,” he said, looking into her eyes. “You can excite men easily with your looks and your body."

  Grimacing at the pain, Louise looked back at him, her vulva wet and aching.

  "I will test your obedience now,” he said, releasing her and turning to open the desk draw. He turned back to face her, two big bulldog stationary clips in his hand which he held out to her.

  "Take them,” he said firmly. “Take them and clip one onto each of your nipples."

  Louise looked at him. The horror she felt must have shown on her face, for he smiled wickedly back at her. For a moment she did nothing, then slowly she took the clips from his out-stretched hand and looked at the menacingly powerful clips.


  Louise pressed one clip open, strong and hard, she held it over her left nipple. Panting hard, she closed her eyes momentarily, drew a great breath and released the tension on the clip.

  She cried out as the cold metal squeezed hard onto the firm nipple and the full pressure clamped it almost flat. The professor watched intensely, his cock jerked at the sight of this girls giving herself pain. He noted the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

  Louise clenched her teeth together to
try to bear the pain. But she couldn't stifle another cry as she attached the second clip to her other nipple. The pain that she felt was indescribable, stinging and searing, but above it all, she felt so very, very aroused. Excitement of another kind, self-abuse, yet another lesson for her to carry through life, thanks to the professor.

  "Good, very good,” he praised. “You have done well bitch. Now your reward."

  He stooped to pull her panties down over her hips and to the floor, pausing to sniff at her pussy as he did so. He moaned contentedly at the aroma rising from her sex.

  Behind her now, he roughly grabbed her hair, twisted one arm up her back and propelled her forcefully towards the desk.

  "Fucking bitch,” he breathed in her ear as her head was yanked hard back and the arm forced higher up between her shoulder blades. Louise delighted in the rough treatment he was giving her, combined with the gripping vices on her nipples. It made her want more.

  The professor pushed her head hard down onto the desk, her face pressed sideways onto the hard wooden surface. The smell of wax polish filled her nostrils. Her other hand was gripped and forced up her back to join the other, where he pressed down, clamping both her wrists firmly to her, pinning her bent over against the desk. Both his hands now gripped her wrists, hard and strong he held her tightly, his rigid cock pressing hard against her buttocks.

  Louise groaned at the pain in her arms as they were forced up her back. Breathing was difficult with his pressure down on her back. One hand moved long enough only to guide his cock into the entrance of her wet pussy and then it resumed its vice-like grip on her wrist.

  "Dirty little bitch, you like cock you slut don't you?” His voice was higher and more excited now. He thrust into her savagely, bringing a gasp from Louise's lips as his full length went up inside her. He began thrusting brutally into her, forcing his hips hard against her buttocks, jarring her slim body and causing the bulldog clips to swing and to pull on her tender nipples.

  The combined sensations of sweet pleasure in her pussy and hard biting pain in her nipples urged Louise on. She began panting loudly as he rammed into her, her mouth open and eyes closed as she received his rigid cock into her. Her tongue slipped forwards to hang out of her soft red lips, as her pleasure increased. The pitch of her panting increasing as did her arousal.


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