Book Read Free

Blurred Lines

Page 3

by Jennifer K. Brand

  “You should visit New York.” I was staring at the sky instead of looking at him. I didn’t want to see what he would make of this conversation.

  “I prefer Europe.”

  “How would you know that you prefer Europe when you’ve never been to New York?”

  I heard the water splash about and looked up to find him getting out of the pool.

  “I think we should get some sleep,” he said already toweling himself dry.

  I sighed and started heading out of the pool. I’d stupidly started dropping hints about us extending whatever this was, but he always avoided that particular conversation. I knew he felt it. But it was as if he didn’t want to put a name to it lest it became real. Every time he touched me I felt it had become more. But he never said those words and I was too much of a coward to. So just like him, I stuck to showing him without the words.

  “Look, I’m leaving tomorrow and I didn’t want to go without saying how I feel,” I said picking up my towel.

  “Don’t Lori.”

  “What do you mean ‘don’t?’”

  “I mean don’t go turning this into something it’s not.”

  I turned to look at him but he was avoiding my eyes. I felt my eyes water and knew I didn’t want him to see it, so I turned and headed off to my room. I heard him mutter a curse, but he didn’t follow me. And that hurt more than I imagined it would.

  Once in my room I sat on my bed fighting tears. I was not going to cry. I was a strong woman after all. I knew what this was, going into it. But I knew what I felt and I definitely had not imagined what he felt, even if he hadn’t said it. I wanted to talk to Macy about it but I knew what she would say. She’d tell me that men were the masters of keeping the heart out of bodily encounters.

  It’s not as if I was in love with him. It had been less than a week after all. I just couldn’t imagine letting this go without a try. I couldn’t help but compare Davide to the few men I’d dated and they paled in comparison. He was just… better. In every way. We clicked. And he somehow soothed my erratic brain. I’d always seen life as a competition. I always wanted to be the best at everything I did. It made my mind a non-stop machine. But he made me calm, made me slow down and relax. With him I didn’t try, I just was.

  I rolled over to my side and felt the first of the tears fall. Tears of frustration. God I was a fool. I knew I should have avoided this whole one night stand thing from the beginning. I just wasn’t cut out for it.

  I’m not sure when the tears stopped falling and sleep took over, but I was awakened by his rough, slightly bearded face on mine.

  “Hey,” he said cuddling me.

  I turned to face him and even through the darkness, I could feel the turmoil in him. He felt it to. But maybe he was more of the coward, not me. My eyes must have still been wet because he wiped the corners with his thumb, then pulled me to him.

  I didn’t know what to say or do. But he spoke again.

  “I feel at peace with you. I forget my obligations, my responsibilities and I’m me again. The real me.’

  He pulled away to look at me. “It’s something I haven’t been able to feel in a long time and I can’t even put my finger on why you make me feel this way. I just want to feel it as long as I can.”

  I nodded, not sure what I was agreeing to. He could feel like this every day if we were together. But it sounded as if he knew for sure there would be no forever for us. I could feel his resignation, taste it when he kissed me. I resolved to enjoy what was left of us. If he could do it, I could. I didn’t have to turn into a cry baby and beg for him. Surely I could feel like this again with somebody who wanted it enough to fight for it.

  I would go back to New York and go on with my life. If he could forget, I could. I was strong.

  At least I thought I was, until I got back to New York and realized that I had fooled myself. A man like Davide was not easy to forget.



  “Answer me! Why were you asking around for Davide?” Booming Voice was at it again.

  I realized I hadn’t spoken since he’d asked me that question the first time. I was too busy reminiscing and realizing that no, this was not an easy question to answer. What was I meant to say? ‘He fucked my brains out sometime last year and oh, I think I fell in love with him? Yeah, that would make Booming Voice very happy. Maybe if he realized I knew nothing he would let me go. Or maybe, maybe he would decide I was not worth the trouble and get rid of me.

  “You really are starting to piss me off, and I promise you, you don’t want to see me pissed off,” he said, leaning in to look me in the eye. “Answer the damn question!” He slapped me right across my face and I felt my eyes water.

  “I don’t know him, whoever it is you’re asking about,” I said, thankfully without the stammer.

  He made a tsk-ing sound. “And here I thought you’d choose this moment to be wise and go the honesty route.” He came closer and grabbed my chin hard, forcing me to look at him. “I’m losing any patience I came in here with. I promise you sweetheart, I’m one of the better guys here. Anyone else sent in to question you will come with sharp tools to get some answers out of you. Now, I’ll try this one more time. Why were you asking around for Davide?”

  Just as I was about to bite the bullet and answer, the door opened and someone stepped in. I couldn’t tell his features but from the build, I could tell it was a man. Hopefully not the one with the sharp tools Booming Voice had warned me about.

  “Pedro, any luck yet?” asked the new guy and I froze. I knew that voice, knew it very well. All I could remember for an entire year was that voice and what it could do to me. How it had the capacity to order me into an orgasm. How it would soften when whispering sweet nothings in my ear or harden when groaning out my name during climax. That voice had been etched in my brain. Davide.

  “No luck boss, she’s decided to be mute.”

  Boss? My head was swimming with all kinds of possibilities. How was a normal, albeit super hot hotel manager, boss to a thug like Booming Voice Pedro? Should I make myself known? Would that change my circumstances? I refused to believe that Davide had ordered for my kidnapping. What would he have to gain by that?

  His footsteps moved closer and I saw his step falter when he finally caught sight of my face. But as soon as that emotion was on his face, it was gone.

  “This will end much faster if you tell us who sent you looking for me,” said Davide, voice hard with a sneer on his handsome face.

  I was rendered momentarily speechless. What did he mean who sent me? I opened my mouth to answer but he cut me off.

  “Leave us Pedro, I’ll think of a creative way to make her speak. Plus you didn’t tell me how pretty she is.” He came closer and rubber his thumb on my lips. “I just might enjoy her first.”

  Pedro laughed and started walking towards the door, “sure boss. But remember sharing is caring. I’m feeling quite in the mood myself.” And with that he closed the door behind him.

  “Davide? What is going on?” I was surprised to hear the catch in my voice, but even more so by the tears running down my cheeks. I barely recognized the Davide in front of me.

  “Lori, what the fuck are you doing here?” he snapped.

  “I came looking for you. I couldn’t get you out of my mind however hard I tried and when I got some vacation time I thought I’d come see you at the hotel. But they told me no one called Davide had ever worked there.” I moved my legs around a bit, still uncomfortable from the ropes digging into my skin.

  Davide sighed and moved to loosen the binds.

  “Look, Lori, I don’t know what to tell you, or even if I should tell you this at all. They came to me saying that someone from New York, had been asking around for me. They must have linked you to Raffaele D’Amato. They must think he sent you.”

  “But that’s not true at all! I haven’t even seen or heard from Raffaele since before I met you!” I said, a bit too loudly.

  “Lower your d
amn voice! Do you want them to come in here and finish you off? They don’t take kindly to anyone associated with the New York Mafia.”

  “The New York what? You must be kidding me!” I whispered, frantically willing myself to calm down. “What exactly do you do for them? Why did that guy Pedro call you boss? And how come no one from that hotel even knows you exist?!”

  “Long story, and we don’t have time. I have to get you out of here.”

  Right then the door opened and I immediately stiffened thinking it was Pedro coming to make good on his threat to rape me. I was relieved to see that it was a different man. Older. Gray hair, a moustache and a pot belly – a lot like Santa Claus.

  “If she’s not cooperating just kill her and get it over and done with,” he said in a raspy voice that sounded as if he lived on cigarettes alone.

  Okay, so not Santa Claus after all.

  “She doesn’t seem to know anything Hector. I say we cut her lose, and stop wasting our time.” Davide responded in that cold voice I was starting to associate him with.

  “No can do Davide. I had Ignacio do a search on her and guess what? She was part of that legal team that got Raffaele acquitted. Then she shows up here asking for you? Sounds fishy to me and you know I don’t believe in coincidences.” Hector rasped,

  “I truly don’t…” I started.

  “Shut the fuck up! Don’t speak unless you’re spoken to!” said Davide backhanding me. What the hell was going on here?! My head started to throb and I could honest to God see stars. I’d always thought that was just an expression. Before long I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness.


  When I came to, someone was pressing a cold cloth to my forehead. A light was on and the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Davide’s green/gray gaze. I recoiled immediately and I saw his face twist in remorse. “I’m sorry Lori.” He whispered. “I had to stop you from saying anything suspicious to Hector. I didn’t realize how hard I hit you.”

  “Why are they holding me here? You have to tell me what’s going on.” I hissed, raising my hand to touch my cheek where he had backhanded me. That’s when I realized that he’d let me loose. I winced when my fingers made contact with my cheek, I was pretty sure I’d have a bruise.

  Davide placed the cold cloth down and leaned in to place a kiss on the bruise. “God, I never thought I’d see you again,” he said, leaning in to place another kiss on my cheek. I recoiled again. Even though it felt really good and was exactly what I had hoped when I’d come searching for him, I hadn’t expected it to be in such circumstances.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” He whispered leaning in again.

  I laughed harshly, “well, it’s a bit too late for that don’t you think? I need answers Davide, what exactly is going on?”

  He swore under his breath. “I’m going to tell you all about it, but not right now. I need to first figure out how to get you out of here. You’re in terrible danger, these people don’t joke around, and they won’t bat an eyelash while putting you six feet under.”

  “I got that much.” I snapped. “I wasn’t under any illusion I’m surrounded by Boy Scouts. And anyway, aren’t you part of these people? One minute you’re hitting me, next you’re kissing me. Why should I trust a word you say?”

  He sighed and looked me straight in the eye, “Look Lori, did you come to Barcelona with anyone? I need to know if there’s someone looking for you. Hector will want to avoid any problems with the law and an American girl disappearing will attract too much attention.”

  “I came alone,” I said in a small voice.

  “Goddamit Lori! That’s pretty reckless don’t you think?!”

  “Look! I wasn’t planning on getting kidnapped and find out that the one person I was looking for is part of some gang!” I said in a loud whisper.

  “God, what a mess,” said Davide standing up and pacing in the small room, “I’m just trying to figure out how to get you out of here without fucking up everything I’ve worked so hard for.”

  Right then we heard some footsteps outside the door and Davide rushed towards me, “fight me” he whispered and then he started kissing me.

  I’d forgotten how good a kisser he was and I immediately melted into his embrace, moaning.

  “No, fight me.” He whispered again and I sprang into action trying to push him away. He held my hands down and tried to kiss me again. Right at that moment the door opened.

  “Davide you greedy bastard! Trying to keep that sweet ass all to yourself!” Said the voice at the door. Not Pedro and not Hector. How many men were part of this gang? I wondered.

  Davide laughed, “since she was supposedly asking for me I decided to give her exactly what she was looking for.”

  “Just throw her my way when you’re done,” said the voice, leaning in and grazing my boob with the back of his hand.

  Davide’s eyes flared at the action but he seemed to control himself. “Will do brother, but let me have my fill first.” He looked at me but quickly averted his gaze directing it towards the new guy instead. “So what brings you by?”

  “Hector is worried the Italians know about the new shipment. It’s been held at the terminal for too long and he’s starting to wonder if the guys at the port have been paid off.” The new guy said, alternating between looking at Davide and staring at my breasts.

  “Not in front of the girl, you idiot,” said Davide harshly.

  “It’s not like she’s going to tell anyone, she’ll be swimming with the fishes in no time” the guy said laughing.

  Davide rolled his eyes, “again with that expression, you’re a walking cliché brother.”

  With that, they walked out together and it took me a minute to realize that my hands and feet had been left untied.


  Since the small lamp had been left on, I could see more of the tiny room. Nothing to speak of as there was no furniture whatsoever. The floor was still wet and I couldn’t imagine where the water was coming from. I moved closer to the door but couldn’t hear a thing. Good sign. I looked around one more time, searching for anything I could use as a weapon, but other than the ropes, there was nothing else in the room.

  Saying a quick prayer, I decided to chance it. The door was mercifully quiet when I opened it, finding myself in a long hallway with doors on both sides. It was dark, but luckily there was some dim lighting coming from low voltage bulbs.

  Walking stealthily across the hall, I realized how thankful I was that they hadn’t stripped me or taken my shoes. There were more puddles of water and just as I was about to cross one, I heard loud boisterous laughter coming from one of the rooms. I flinched.

  It quieted down almost immediately and I decided it was about time I high-tailed it out of there. At the end of the hallway was a large metallic door, which was unsurprisingly locked. Now what? It’s not as if I could pick locks and the one on the door looked too solid to break.

  “Is she going to be a problem?”

  Fuck! I hid quickly behind a wall just as I caught a glimpse of two men coming out of one of the rooms. I recognized their voices immediately. Davide and Hector.

  “I don’t think so. So she was in his legal team. Big deal. She doesn’t seem to know anything. Plus, you have to admit, for a henchman she’s pretty stupid… walking around Barcelona asking for me. I hardly think Raffaele would pick such a young, inexperienced girl to do his dirty work.”

  That was Davide. And I almost sighed in relief. Seems I could trust him to get me out of here. I decided not to linger on the ‘stupid’ comment.

  “Well, you might have a point there. But you have to admit she makes a good spy. Who’d suspect her? And with that pretty face and body, she’s exactly what Raffaele goes for,” said Hector. “But I’ve been grooming you to take over son, I’m going to have to trust your judgment. We’ll ask her a few more questions, just to be sure. If she’s still clueless then we can let her…”

  The voices faded off down th
e hall and I felt my stomach clench. Any minute now they would realize that I wasn’t…


  That minute was now. I frantically tried pushing and shoving the door with all my might. Any minute now they would catch me and I wasn’t sure what ways Hector would elect to punish me. Death probably. I renewed my efforts and shoved again but the door held strong.

  “Here she is boss!”

  Shit. Pedro.

  “Where do you think you’re going sweet cheeks?”

  He was joined by Davide, Hector and another guy built like a house. I looked at Davide, and other than the telltale twitch on his jaw, he had managed to school his impression into impassivity.

  “Take her back to the room and lock the door. Someone must have forgotten to do it,” Davide said.

  “Ok boss. I’ll even tie her up if you want me to, but I think I’ll have some fun with her first.” Boomed Pedro already half carrying me, half dragging me down the hall.

  I whimpered.

  “Tie her up and lock the damn door. If you touch her, you’ll answer to me,” Davide said menacingly. He looked ready to kill and Pedro must have noticed it.

  “Ok, ok, damn! What’s a guy to do to have some fun around here?” mumbled Pedro as he dragged me back to the room.

  I was not going to get out of this alive. I just knew it. I’d managed to piss off Davide, and he seemed to be my only chance of getting out of this alive.


  “Goddamit!” Davide exclaimed sweeping all the papers from the table and running his hands through his already unruly hair. What the fuck was up with women? They always managed to ruin everything. Here he was, so close to negotiating her way out and she had to fuck it up.


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