Blurred Lines

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Blurred Lines Page 5

by Jennifer K. Brand

  “I want to claim you so badly Lori. I should have done it even then…”

  His voice sounded so tortured. I didn’t know what to say. We were in a truly fucked up situation and I just could not see a way out. But he wanted me. I felt some hope building up. Stupid emotion that. How would it help me now?

  “Nothing to say? I love looking at your just-fucked face but give me something here…” he said lying down and pulling me onto the crook of his arm.

  “I don’t know what to say.” I started softly. “That was… wow… but it’s still in a mattress in a dark room. Not exactly what I’d planned when I came searching for you.”

  “What had you planned? I know how fucked up our situation is but indulge me,” he said.

  “Well, for starters I planned to fuck you on that Cabana back at the beach… and.. and…” I couldn’t finish. Tears welled up in my eyes so I stopped to will them back.

  “God, I’m so sorry Lori. If I could do it all again I would never have pursued you. Fuck, I’m not that noble. I guess I wouldn’t have made it more than what it was meant to be. My life is… complicated… to say the least. Dragging you into it was selfish. But I didn’t think I would ever see you again. I’m so so sorry Lori.”

  “Well, guilt is a useless emotion. What are we going to do now?” I asked. I couldn’t listen to any more of his guilt. It pulled me to a deeper place where I felt more than I should for him. I wanted to focus on the here and now.

  “I truly don’t know. I’ve tried pulling some strings but they all seem set on not releasing you. The only thing we can do is put an escape plan in place. It’s not going to be easy. But it’s the only thing we have.

  “As long as we have some sort of plan then I’m happier than before. And you’re sure these rooms are not bugged? Because if so, we’re both dead.”

  “Don’t worry. I took care of all the cameras in the premises. This is one of the very few not bugged. We use these ones for the more severe interrogation methods…”

  I shivered. Davide continued with a description of the premises and particularly what the torture rooms were for and I couldn’t help but notice how easily he described it. Blasé. As if it was all so natural. I instinctively pulled away from him. He stopped mid narration and looked at me, “what?” he asked.

  “What exactly do you do Davide? Is this some sort of Cartel, the Mafia? What?”

  He sighed and avoided my gaze.

  “I can’t trust you when you tell me nothing,” I said softly, holding his chin to turn his face towards me.

  He looked in my eyes, then dropped his gaze to my breasts, running a finger over my taut nipple.

  “Trying to distract me, is it that bad?” I asked, pulling the blanket to cover my nudity.

  “I just don’t want to get you involved okay? Don’t you see? The more you know, the more danger you’re in!”

  “Well, we’re not exactly making love under the moonlight are we? In case you’ve forgotten, I’m already in danger. And maybe the more I know who I’m dealing with, the more chances I have of escaping.”

  “No one escapes these people Lori.” He gave an almost defeated sigh.

  “You were talking about an escape plan a minute ago!” I shouted.

  He looked towards the door alarmed then looked at me. “You have to lower your voice! I talked about an escape plan because if there’s one person who can try and maybe succeed, it’s me. I discovered this place, studied the blueprints when I got the place wired up. I know it inside out. But you have to trust me.”

  “Okay. It’s not like I have any other choice,’ I mumbled already pulling up my clothes and dressing.

  “Well then, since you’re clearly not in the mood for round two, I’m going to go. A few things, I’m clean so you don’t have to worry about me not using a condom. I hope you are too.”

  I nodded before he continued. “One warning, don’t discuss any of this with anybody. I’m going to think of something okay? Until then don’t trust anyone.”

  “Fine,” I said, not fine at all. This was going to be mission impossible, but I had to try.


  The next day was filled with the same dull monotony. Pedro was not looking at me let alone talking to me. I didn’t mind. When all day passed without a word from Davide, I was sure he’d dismissed me as a nuisance and decided to leave me up to fate.

  At night, during a particularly restless sleep, I felt a hand creep up my thigh. I woke up with a start, grabbing the hand and leaning in to bite the shoulder of my attacker. Pedro was going to need something stronger than sleep to get me to do his will.

  “Arggh! Motherfucker! Lori it’s me!”

  I let go immediately. “Jesus Davide, do you have to sneak up on me?!”

  “You want me to call your room and set up a date? Fuck!”

  He sat back to rub his shoulder. “That’s what you have planned for Pedro? Believe me baby, that will only turn him on.” There was a trace of a smile beneath his words. “Ok, now that you know it’s me, can I get a kiss?”

  “Wait, what do you suggest for when Pedro comes calling?” I asked already warming up to the feel of his body on mine.

  “I suggest you hit him really hard on the balls, not even a masochist like Pedro will like that.” He reached for my panties and started pulling them down. “But let’s not talk about that ape. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you all day.”

  “Seeing me? Or fucking me?” I asked smiling.

  “All of the above,” he said, finger running up my slit. “Feeling, seeing, tasting, licking, fucking…”

  I moaned as he continued the assault with his fingers. I heard his zip slide open and trembled in anticipation. What was this man doing to me? I was a captive, his captive if ranks were to matter… yet I almost forgot all that when he touched me… almost.

  “As much as I want to feel you inside me, I need an update on our plan.”

  “Christ. After the day I’ve had I just wanted to curl up with you and sleep… or not sleep as it were,” he said, feigning a pout. I could feel the pout even though I couldn’t see it. So unlike the tough guy I knew him to be, yet, so like the Davide I’d met at the hotel. So playful, yet so in control.

  “That’s not going to work on me. Update?”

  “I haven’t seen Hector all day. He’s been busy handling some problems we’re having. That’s why he hasn’t spared you a second thought. I’m debating on whether to remind him you exist.... Stalling might be our best bet though getting you out of here is near impossible. Tomorrow I have a meeting with him. Depending on what he says, we’ll go from there.”

  I sighed. This wasn’t good. Whether Hector had been momentarily sidetracked or not, he still wanted me dead.

  “I’m on it babe. Okay? Trust me on this. I’ll get you out.”

  “Okay”, I said, deciding not to voice my worry. Davide resumed his stroking and I let myself be calmed by the motion. He would get me out. If I couldn’t trust that, I was as good as dead.


  Davide strolled to Hector’s office with a purpose. Yesterday, holding Lori in his arms, he knew he had to help her. It was instinctual, this need to help her. It had only been a mere six days when he’d had her, but seeing her again had brought something to the surface. Something that he had hoped he’d buried when she’d left after the vacation. No, it was not love. He was way too practical for such an impulsive feeling. Yet whatever it was, he’d felt drawn to her. It was the goodness that shined through her. It resonated with everything he wished he’d been, had he been given the chance.

  He knew it was too late for him to ever be good. But he didn’t want her corrupted. She looked at him as if he was some sort of hero. He’d had women look at him with want, with need, with desire so potent he couldn’t help but be pulled by it. But hers was different. It surpassed lust. Surpassed want and need. It called to his protective side and he wanted to answer that call. Be a hero instead of a villain for once. And althou
gh he wasn’t going to risk what he’d built, he also couldn’t give up without trying to save her.

  “Come in.” Hector called out from inside his office.

  Davide walked in. Hector didn’t even bother to look up until Davide spoke.

  “It’s about the girl. I’ve heard information that people are looking for her. Americans. She might be more trouble than she’s worth. The most peculiar thing is that Raffaele is not looking for her. Not a peep from his camp. If she really was part of his group, Raffaele would have done something by now. Retaliated… something.”

  Hector listened attentively, hands forming a tent in front of him. “You may be right hijo but I still don’t know about her. Something isn’t sitting right with me. I have a sixth sense about these things and something tells me to hold on to her.”

  “And risk more attention from the government? I trust you for many reasons Hector, your sixth sense included. But if the Americans hear of one more missing girl on our soil, there’ll be search parties everywhere. And search parties means more police sniffing around places they shouldn’t be. She’s not worth the trouble.”

  “What concerns me more is that we’ve had shipments disappearing left right and center. Two of our men found dead at the port and with the way things are going, we’ll have a war on our hands. Why is it the girl concerns you when, as my second in command, you should be more worried about our business?”

  “It’s the business I’m worried about Hector! As you’ve pointed out, we might have a war on our hands. Do we really need the police and the Government on high alert? Because of a silly American tourist?”

  “Alright, alright” Hector removed his reading glasses and rubbed his eyes. “I see where you’re coming from.” We’ll give it until the end of the week. Ignacio is still checking up on her background. Possible connections we might have missed. If he finds nothing, we can release her. I trust she’ll be informed what will happen to her and anybody close to her if she speaks of us?”

  “Again, she knows nothing Hector. She doesn’t even know where we are right now. Our names are as generic as they come. And if the threat doesn’t shut her up, we’ll think of more creative ways.”

  “Ah, there’s that devious mind I love. I was starting to worry you were going soft. So this girl, fucked her yet?”

  Davide laughed. “No way boss. I prefer more exotic girls, you know that,” he said with a wink. He stood up to leave, “one more thing, have we tied the disappearing shipments to New York?”

  “Not yet, but this has Raffaele written all over it.”


  Davide left Hector’s office and headed straight to Lori’s holding room. His cock jerked just by the thought of holding her again. God, he was like a teenage boy. He knew that Ignacio, their resident computer genius, would find nothing on Lori. There was nothing linking him to The Q Hotel… and if he thought it necessary, her trip to Barcelona last year would be erased as well. But there was no need to go to such extremes, he knew he was well and truly protected.

  He opened the door to find her sitting on her bed staring blankly at the door. Her face brightened as soon as she saw him. What did she see in him?

  “So glad you’re here. I’m going out of my mind here with nothing to do!” she said already standing to meet him halfway.

  He held out his hands and she rushed towards him, folding her soft body to his. Her blonde head only coming up to his chin. He inhaled her hair and smiled. “I’ve got good news. Hector intends to release you by the end of the week.”

  “Really?!” she exclaimed her face brightening further, quickly followed by a frown. “But why not now? Why wait?”

  “He’s still doing background checks. But he won’t find a thing so you’ve nothing to worry about.”

  “Right. Because any information about you working at The Q is gone.”

  “Yup,” he said, pulling her in to kiss her forehead. “What’s with the frown? I thought you’d be happy?”

  “That means I leave you. And don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t choose captivity with a bunch of psychos, no offence, just to stay by your side. “

  “None taken,” he said, amused.

  “But you still haven’t told me your part in this. Or why there’re no records of you at The Q.”

  “This is neither the time or place for that talk. I promise I’ll explain everything. Well, everything that involves you. But for now can’t you just kiss the guy who brought you wonderful news?”

  She looked at him for a couple more seconds then smiled uncertainly. “Alright then. I’ll wait.” She leaned up to kiss him. “But you’re not in some kind of trouble are you?”

  “Define trouble.”

  “All this is so illegal Davide. I’m just not sure how or why you’re involved and it scares me to think it might be too deep for you to come out off.”

  “Don’t worry about me babe. Let’s focus on getting you out of here, okay?” he kissed her soft lips and groaned. “I wish I had more time to do what I really want to do but Hector’s around. If I can’t see you today, just hold tight and trust me, okay?”

  She sighed and nodded uncertainly. One last kiss and he was gone.


  Davide walked back to his office with a spring in his step. Well, almost. He was happy. He could get her out of this and then go on to do what he’d come here to do. She would go on with her life and probably forget all about him. If she knew what was good for her she would forget all about him.

  Why did that thought make him feel… feel… he didn’t have a word for the emotion he felt. And he didn’t allow it to take root. Having a serious relationship in his profession was laughable at best, and deadly at worst. People died when he was around. And those people tended to have a need for retaliation. And a pretty girl like Lori would be the perfect bait for anyone looking to destroy him. He could not afford to show any weaknesses and she would be a huge one.

  He ran a hand through his dark hair and sighed. Time to get on with business. He would be Lori’s hero for a day, and then life would go on. It had to go on.


  It was the day before my intended release and I was extremely nervous. Davide had kept his nightly visits to my room and though they all ended in incredible sex, he’d started to withdraw from me. He had become almost emotionless. I was worried about it but I had no idea what to do. I’d tried talking to him and he’d shut down and left the room without so much as a kiss. I’d come to realize that he tended to run hot and cold and I for one could not keep up with the mood changes.

  All day they’d left me alone. I was nervous that whoever was checking up on my background would uncover Davide, but he’d seemed very confident that they wouldn’t. I still wondered about his connection to all of this. And he still didn’t want to answer my questions. It was frustrating, but wasn’t ignorance bliss? I wasn’t sure how I’d hold up under torture if I knew more.

  That night when the door opened, I was unsure which Davide I’d be getting. The cold one, or the one that burned hot.

  “Hey babe,” he said as he pulled me up from the mattress and held me close. He kissed my ear and inhaled the scent of my hair. “God, I’ve missed you.” He mumbled, face still in my hair. I guess I was getting the sweet Davide.

  “You saw me just yesterday Davide.” I smiled pulling away to look into his eyes.

  “Still too fucking long ago.” He leaned in to give me a kiss that stole my breath. Slow. Exploratory. Sweet. He lowered me to the mattress still kissing me. And though I knew this was probably my last chance to find out about his involvement, I kept my mouth shut. It could be the last time I’d kiss him too. And I really wanted to hold on to a nice memory of him.

  Once on the mattress, I stretched down on my back and he hovered over me. He leaned over and put on the light to his right. It wasn’t very bright but now I could see him clearer. We usually kept the lights off during his visits. They were late at night and he was sure there’d be no one around, but
we were wary of arousing suspicion if the light was on.

  “I love your eyes. So expressive. So… bright and forgiving and untainted.” He whispered as he leaned in to kiss the corner of my eye. “I wish I had half the purity I see in there…” he continued, moving down to kiss the side of my lips and leaning lower to bury his nose on the side of my neck. He inhaled, “so fucking perfect.”

  This felt too much like a goodbye. “Davide, I..”

  “Shhh. Don’t speak. Just feel. I want to savor the feeling of having you beneath me. It’s… perfect.”

  He inhaled my scent again then pulled up to remove his t-shirt. I followed suit. He leaned back down and pulled open the front clasp of my bra. My breasts spilled out to his hands. He looked down on them as if in awe. “Perfect.” He repeated, running his thumbs over the puckered nipples. A sigh escaped me. He leaned in and took one nipple in his mouth sucking deep. Zings of pleasure shot down all the way to my toes.

  He moved to the other nipple and licked it with the flatness of his tongue. Then took it in his mouth again, groaning as if he was getting twice the satisfaction I was. He rolled my neglected nipple between his thumb and forefinger, still continuing the deep suction and I felt my body arch. I wanted to offer myself to him. To ease whatever burden he seemed to be shouldering that night.

  All too soon he looked up to me, eyes lidded, mouth wet. “You get out of here tomorrow. Hector confirmed it. I just wanted you to know so you don’t have to think – “

  “I’m not thinking about anything but the feel of your mouth on me.”

  He smiled. “Good.” And went back to his slow torture on my body. He started moving downwards, kissing all the crooks and all the crevices, discovering new erogenous zones I never knew existed. By the time his mouth had reached its intended destination, I was a mass of quivering flesh. It was all too soft, all too sweet. Achingly tender. He gave enough to keep me wanting, yet not nearly enough to soothe the ache inside me.


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