Prime Claiming (The Prime Chronicles)

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Prime Claiming (The Prime Chronicles) Page 5

by Monette Michaels

  “Do you realize how special you are?” He kissed the tip of her nose.

  She shook her head.

  “You are everything. Without you I could not survive.”

  “I feel the same.” She kissed his chin. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “It is.” He snuggled her closer and rubbed his cheek over the top of her silky hair. “Sleep, adora. You’ll need your rest, because I won’t be able to wait much longer to make you mine again.”

  When he looked down to see her reaction to his words, she was fast asleep. He smiled and pulled the earpiece from her ear and then removed his.

  “End program.”


  Cheri roused slowly. Barely awake, she purred happily as she sensed the preternatural connection between her and Zaek. In the area of her mind that read others emotions, she could see part of the bond as a multi-colored ribbon running from her heart to Zaek’s. An essential part of his nature now resided in her very soul, just as a part of her lived within his. That merger of souls had happened in pleasure and blinding white light on a plane apart from the physical world. How that could be?―She didn’t know. It just was.

  What she did know was her gemat was close by and very happy. And that made her deliriously happy.

  As she fought through the fog in her brain to consciousness, her body’s aches and twinges reminded her she’d had the best sex of her life―and it wanted more. In order to meet her body’s needs, she needed to wake up and locate her gemat. It was her turn to seduce him and drive him crazy.

  She attempted to stretch, but couldn’t. Something weighted her down. She forced her bleary eyes open and looked around. She wasn’t in the sim-room any longer, but in an unfamiliar bedroom, lit by dim, indirect lighting.

  “Zaek? Where in the—” Then she gasped as a frisson of pleasure shot up and down her spine and then settled in her clit. “What—”

  She lifted up, bracing herself on her forearms, and looked down her naked body. There she found Zaek’s dark head buried between her legs, legs held down by her very naked gemat. No wonder she wanted sex so badly, he was licking her pussy. His attentions felt like a warm, cuddly hug, when what she wanted was a balls-to-the-wall banging.

  She eyed his naked length and zeroed in on one aspect of him that could cause her to swallow her tongue, well, second only to his beautiful, thick, long cock. “Nice ass, gemat.”

  His head popped up. His smiling lips and chin glistened with her juices. “You are finally awake, gemate lubha. You sleep like the dead. I’ve been licking you for at least ten standard minutes.”

  “I felt your love and happiness across our bond. I needed to wake up and find you.” When he snorted, she added, “Okay, I also felt a neediness sizzling in my blood. Now, I see why. You plan on taking that action up a notch?”

  “Lubha, be careful of what you ask for.” He grinned, a naughty boy caught with his hands, or in this instance, his lips, somewhere they shouldn’t be. He moved to brush a kiss over her lower right abdomen.

  Pleasure swept over her like crashing waves. Her body buzzed with arousal.

  “Oh my gawd.” She zeroed in on the highly sensitive spot. The colorful marking on her skin seemed to move as Zaek idly stroked her labia. His brilliant golden gaze fixed on her face. “It’s really there!” She squealed. “Let me see your mark.”

  He smiled and pushed up until she could see his naked chest which featured a mark that mirrored hers in every respect—and it also swirled.

  “It worked. Marks and everything.” A wave of happiness engulfed her. She sensed his joy—felt it reach out to surround her in a caring bubble.

  “Very much so.” Zaek moved to place a kiss on her marking.

  She shivered at the pleasure even the lightest touch gave her.

  “Why are our marks in motion?” She leaned on one elbow and touched her mark with her free hand. She inhaled sharply. “It’s warm.”

  “I’m sexually healing your labia and clitoris. My tending to you in this way provides a gentler pleasure which, in turn, causes your mark to react.” He stroked a path around her pussy with a very talented finger. “Doing this, also causes my mark to react since we are empathically connected. It pleases me to care for you, especially after how hard I used you when we bonded.”

  “So, what happens to the marks when we’re actually having sex?” She covered his hand on her mound, stilling his movements for the moment

  “The marks will move faster, the colors get brighter, and they’ll be hotter to the touch.” He shot her a devilish grin. “I’ll be happy to show you all those things once I finish healing you—and after I give you a sensual bath and then feed you by my hand.”


  “Hush.” He spoke in his stern, I’m-the-master-of-your-universe voice. Her core clenched and she swore she was ready to come just from the sound of his voice. Then he moved her hand off his and placed it gently on the bed.

  Cheri whimpered as Zaek bent down and licked over the hood of her clit and circled her swollen folds with the tip of his tongue.

  “Darlin’, I don’t think I have the energy for another round of sex…” She inhaled sharply as a sharp stab of pleasure caused her core to erupt in a mini-climax. “…um, like we had in the sim-room.”

  “You will … it is inevitable in the newly mated. We’ll be having frequent sex … which is why the healing, the bath, and food. All Prime males were taught to do such for their gemates, if they should be so blessed to find one.” He rubbed a bristly cheek over her sensitive inner thigh. The slight friction gave her chills, good chills. “And I feel very blessed, little one.”

  The truth in his words and emotions, the knowledge that she’d plugged a hole in his heart and completed his soul, brought tears to her eyes.

  But the man was taking her over, which was okay in the bedroom, but there were certain things a woman could do for herself. “I can bathe and feed myself, gemat.”

  He nipped her clit lightly.

  “Ouch,” she yelped. “What was that for?”

  “That,” he suckled her abused, throbbing-in-a-not-so-nice-way clit, causing her to groan and her thighs to quiver, “is for not graciously accepting your gemat’s services for your care, feeding, and pleasure.”

  “But … but…” She threw back her head and shrieked as he returned his attention to her clit and massaged her marking at the same time. Another mini-orgasm rippled over her body in a series of slow, rolling, destructive waves—destructive in that all thoughts of opposing his will had been swamped by intense pleasure.

  Then Zaek was over her, plunging his tongue into her mouth, claiming her—taking her breath and giving his in return. With a slight shift of his hips and a lifting of hers in one of his large hands, he guided his hard cock into her still rippling sheath and began to pummel her, fast and hard.

  Yes, this is what she needed.

  It didn’t take long for the punishing hip action to shoot her to a peak where she fell, screaming her completion into his mouth.

  But even then he didn’t stop. He used his grip on her ass to angle her to meet his thrusts. Now his cock touched an extremely sensitive spot inside her pussy. She soared to the heights once more and burning pleasure incinerated her as she plummeted to earth, safely held in the strong, loving arms of her mate.

  When Zaek lifted his mouth from hers to roar his climax to the ceiling, she enfolded her gemat in her arms and legs and held him to her the best she could.

  As his climax abated, Zaek continued to move in and out of her in a slow, hypnotic motion as her inner muscles strove to hold onto his cock. It was as if her body didn’t want to let him go.

  His honey-gold gaze, dilated with the pleasure they’d shared, never left her face. His lips never ceased worshiping her with light kisses over her face, throat, and shoulders.<
br />
  Cheri smiled and ran her fingers over the nape of his neck and through his dark, shaggy hair with the texture of the finest raw silk. “I love you, Zaek Magga, my warrior-gemat.”

  “And I love you, my gemate lubha.” Still intimately connected with her, he placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Did you like your Prime claiming in the sim-room?”

  “Yeah.” She nipped his lower lip and sucked on it before adding, “When can we do it again? But this time with a bit more spanking, bondage, and sex, and less dirty roving bands of horny Prime males.”

  Zaek threw back his head and laughed. “Such a bad girl. I like that.” His eyes sparkling with joy, he kissed her until she moaned deep in her throat. “I’ll see what I can do, adora,” he murmured against her lips.

  “You do that, darlin’.” She licked his throat and then down onto his chest where she traced his mark with her tongue.

  Zaek muttered, withdrew from her body slightly and then shoved his once-again hard-as-titanium-steel cock into her, hitting a spot that had her seeing stars. “Are you asking for trouble, my gemate?”

  “Absolutely.” She nuzzled his mark this time. “Have I found it, my gemat?”

  “Definitely.” Then he gave her all the loving trouble she could handle.

  Good news for both of them—she could handle a lot.

  ~The End~

  Want More Prime Chronicles?

  Try these novels by Monette Michaels. They are available in various e-book formats from most major on-line retailers. And coming in print in 2015 from Amazon.

  Prime Obsession, Prime Chronicles, Book 1

  Melina Dmitros is a seasoned battleship captain for the Galactic Alliance. Calls from ships in distress are not all that uncommon in the outermost spirals of the Milky Way. Calls from the warlike Prime were. Now that they were allies, Mel figures she’d better get used to working in conjunction with the chauvinistic race. She never expected to be attracted to one of them.

  The Prime, one of the oldest species in the galaxy, were known for going their own way. But with problems on Cejuru Prime and increasing attacks by the Antareans, the Prime joined the Alliance to lend their expertise in battling the warlike reptilian species--and ultimately, to survive as a race.

  Captain Wulf Caradoc, the eldest son and heir apparent of the Prime leader, looked forward to the trip to the Alliance ambassadorial planet. His mission is ostensibly to deliver the diplomatic team to the new Prime embassy. His real mission is to meet his fated mate, his gemate, one of the Lost Ones. Wulf hadn’t anticipated the diplomatic mission being attacked by pirates--and he especially hadn’t anticipated his gemate, Melina Dmitros, being the one sent to rescue his ship.

  Two strong people pulled together by biology and fate. Their union will be forged in a crucible of survival, treachery and duty.

  Prime Selection, Prime Chronicles, Book 2

  Commander Nadia Petrovich, Science Officer of the Alliance Starship Galanti, has a problem—which has nothing to do with science. Her problem is Commander Huw Caradoc, the Galanti’s Chief Engineer. She and the stubborn Prime male have a growing connection he refuses to acknowledge—a bond that could drive him mad.

  They are connected psychically and the bond grows stronger every day. If Nadia didn’t know it was impossible, she would suspect they were mating in the Prime tradition—a biological imperative that locates and marks a Prime’s optimum mate. But she isn’t Prime, as Huw tells her and anybody who’ll listen.

  Nadia’s emotional anguish couldn’t have come at a worse time. The Prime and Galactic Alliance merger is finally under way, and the all-male Prime crews are learning how to work with female Alliance crew members. The Antareans threaten the outer arms of the Milky Way, and Prime rebels wreak havoc on the Prime home planet and elsewhere.

  Despite the conflict surrounding them, Nadia and Huw will not be able to avoid their fate or their growing love. Prime selection will make the decision for them whether the timing is right or not.

  Prime Imperative, Prime Chronicles, Book 3

  Adopted and raised by Terrans, Dr. Brianna Martin never quite fit in. She’s thrilled to learn she’s a long-lost female of the Prime race. And that she has a mate living somewhere on the planet Cejuru Prime—one genetically destined to be hers alone. Before she figures out how to approach him, she’s attacked in her research lab.

  Iolyn Caradoc is stunned at the news that his mate, matched to him soon after birth, still lives. Even more amazing, she’s a research scientist on the verge of discovering why the Prime race is dying. But Pure Blood fanatics are trying to kill her and she’s on the run. Every primal instinct in him insists he find, claim, and protect his mate. But the woman won’t stay put.

  When Bria finally meets Iolyn, she’s thrilled. He’s everything she could want—physically strong, highly intelligent, and … the other half of her soul. Yet, he’s also an overwhelmingly dominant and stubborn Prime warrior who wishes to protect her from everything—including her own Prime nature. As a Prime battle-mate, she has newfound instincts and skills—skills that will make her a true warrior. Skills she fully intends to learn and use.

  If she manages to survive.

  For more on the Prime Chronicles and my other books, please visit me at my web site:

  I also have a newsletter which only goes out when I have important news. You can sign up for it at my web site.

  About the Author

  Monette Michaels is the pen name for a multi-published author of suspense/thrillers. She’s been married to the love of her life for far longer than she cares to remember. Her home is in Central Indiana.

  Other Books by this Author

  Writing as Monette Michaels:

  Fatal Vision

  Death Benefits

  Green Fire

  Vested Interests

  Blind-Sided, with Janet Ferran

  Gooden and Knight Paranormal Mystery series:

  The Virtuous Vampire (#1)

  The Deadly Séance (#2)

  Security Specialists International series:

  Eye of the Storm (#1)

  Stormy Weather Baby (#1.5, novella)

  Cold Day in Hell (#2)

  Storm Front (#2.5, novella)

  Weather the Storm (#3)

  Storm Warning (#4 – coming Spring 2015)

  The Prime Chronicles series:

  Prime Obsession (#1)

  Prime Selection (#2)

  Prime Imperative (#3)

  Prime Claiming (#3.5, short story)

  “Tate” in Lucky’s Charms anthology

  “The Wheel of Fortune” in Love in the Cards anthology

  Writing as Rae Morgan:

  Coven of the Wolf Series:

  Destiny’s Magick (#1)

  Moon Magick (#2)

  Treading the Labyrinth (#3)

  No Secrets (#4, novella)

  Earth Awakened, A Terran Realm Book

  Enchantress (novella)

  Evanescence (novella)

  “Once Upon a Princess,” in Ain’t Your Mama’s Bedtime Stories




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