The Selection

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The Selection Page 4

by Jason J. Nugent

  "But I don't understand--" His mom put her finger to his lips.

  "It's ok, son, you don't have to understand. It is what it is."

  She hugged him tight. It hurt his back and he winced, but she didn't notice.

  "Let's get this cleaned up. I might need to alert the police about what happened here. It's not normal to have a problem like this in the colony."

  She cleaned the house as best she could. Eron moved slowly as he helped, more hindrance than assistance. When they got most of it picked up and back in place, he retired to his room.


  The next day, Eron couldn't wait to talk to Connor. When he finally caught up with him at school, he let loose with everything.

  "Connor, a huge creature followed me out in the valley! It was covered in black hair and stronger than anything I've ever known. I've never seen anything so large in my life! It slammed me against a tree. See these cuts?" he said, pointing to his face. "It did this to me. Or he did. I'm not sure if it was an it or a he. But the strangest thing was that it spoke to me. Words!"

  Connor's jaw dropped. They were sitting on a bench outside their school, waiting for the day to begin.

  "No. Way," he said, then started laughing. "Eron, quit lying. I'm the one that makes jokes, not you. Don't let Mina hear you say stuff like that! She'll never choose you after the Selection!"

  Connor laughed so hard that he doubled over, trying to catch his breath.

  "Dang it, Connor, I'm serious! My mom wouldn't believe me, either. Forget it. Just shut up, ok?"

  "No, I'm sorry. It sounds ridiculous. I'll stop. If you say it's true, then it is, I guess. Your mind hasn't been the same since..." he hesitated.

  "Since what?" Eron said.

  "Nothing. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."

  Timo. He means Timo. Eron balled his fists.

  "Come on, Eron, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry."

  "Somebody broke into our house. It was trashed."

  Connor's face went white. "Crime? Here? That doesn't happen. We don't have those problems. Do you know who did it? Have you talked to the police?"

  Eron nodded. "Yeah. My mom went to the station and they came out and looked around, but didn't find anything. They said we shouldn't have cleaned it up before telling them, but we didn't think about it. It's not like this kind of thing happens often."

  Connor looked up and saw Mina walk by. He nudged Eron, pointing at her. Thinking about what his mother had said, Eron paused, then stood.

  "Hey, Mina," he said. She stopped.

  "Hi, Eron, how ya doing?" Her long reddish hair hung in curls around her face. The most beautiful golden eyes looked back at him and for a moment, he couldn’t speak. Connor stood, bumped his arm, and walked away.

  Eron snapped back to the present. "Um, oh. Hi, Mina. How-how are you?" he said. Sweat glistened on his forehead and his hands were clammy.

  "I'm fine. Are you all right? Your face, I mean, how did you get those cuts?" she asked, pointing at his cheek. He ran a finger along the gash.

  "This? Um, I...uh...I fell. I was hiking out in the valley and tripped over a log. This is a reminder to always pay attention to the details."

  She nodded. "Seems like good advice to me. Maybe that'll help you in the Selection."

  He opened his mouth to reply as sirens screamed to life. Students and teachers scrambled for the nearest storm shelter.

  Their original settlement was about a hundred kilometers to the west, but was devastated by a sudden fierce storm and all but thirteen of the one hundred settlers were killed. They were caught off guard. Weather stations were built around the colony and manned by the Anastasian Defense Force to give advanced warning of impending storms by sounding the sirens. They had a short-wave radio network available to them, which was the only form of communication on the planet. It was strictly off limits for civilian use.

  "Come on, let's get in the shelter," Eron said. He grabbed Mina's arm and led her towards a shelter near the school entrance where other students and instructors were gathering. The massive metal shelter doors were repurposed from the transport ships that brought humans to Anastasia. They were several hundred years old, but well-made and durable. Each one had a small window at eye level, perfect for watching the storm. A couple teachers closed and locked the doors with a heavy thunk just after Eron and Mina squeezed through. Outside, a massive storm cloud crept towards them. The menacing swirl of clouds and debris advanced, covering everything in its wake. When the storm was over, they'd be digging themselves out of red dirt for weeks. It was the reality of living on Anastasia.

  Parts of buildings and trees and miscellaneous debris slammed against the doors. Eron cringed at the loud banging. He jumped back, bumping into Mina.

  "Sorry," he said. She nodded. Holding tight to his waist, Mina's touch made his heart beat faster. Eron peeked out the window at the storm. Through the howling wind and dust, he saw someone near the edge of the school grounds. He felt hot breath on his neck and turned to see Mina looking over his shoulder.

  "Who's that?" she said, pointing.

  "I don't know. But it's too late for them now," Eron said. A few other students crowded around the window, trying to see who they were talking about.

  "Hey, that's Bello!" someone said. Eron cupped his hands around his eyes and pressed his face against the glass. It was Bello.

  "Someone needs to help him!" Mina said.

  "No way, we can't go out there," Eron said.

  "He needs to find shelter fast, or the storm will overcome him," said a voice behind them. Eron turned. It was Mrs. Sharpe, one of the three science instructors.

  A large tree slammed against the door, startling everyone inside. A girl in the back screamed. Eron looked out at Bello. The boy struggled to stay on his feet. Slowly he made his way toward the shelter, but the constant ravaging winds staggered him.

  "He's not gonna make it," Mina said. "Someone should help him!" She nudged Eron. He froze. There was no way he was going out there, especially for Bello.

  "Eron, do something!" she said.

  "What do you want me to do? I can't go out. He'll need to take care of himself. If I go out there, then both of us will be in trouble. I can't risk it. I won't."

  She stared at him, a look of disgust creeping over her face. Eron had no desire to risk his life for Bello.

  A click sounded and the door creaked open. One of the history teachers, Mrs. Brodey, dashed out in the storm, heading towards Bello. Debris flew around her. A large plank almost slammed into her head, but she saw it and ducked. However, she did not see the piece of the roof that had crashed down and smacked her in the back, knocking her sideways.

  Eron was the closest to the door, and without thinking, opened it and ran towards her. Mina yelled. The fierce storm drowned her words. He looked back and saw her golden eyes staring at him through the window.

  The wind lashed at him. Dust and dirt stung his face. He shielded his eyes with a hand and ran as best he could in the storm to help Mrs. Brodey. Large pieces of the building fell around him. Something struck his arm. He ignored the pain and went to where Mrs. Brodey was lying on the ground. When he got to her, her eyes were closed. He couldn't tell if she was alive or dead. He caught sight of Bello several meters away, swaying this way and that, turning around. To Eron, it looked like Bello was lost.

  Bello wasn't that far away. If Eron ran forward, he'd get to him easy enough and could bring him back to help carry Mrs. Brodey to the shelter. Against his better judgment, he left his teacher and ran for Bello.

  Not two meters from Mrs. Brodey, a piece of metal roofing slammed into Eron. It lifted him off the ground and carried him several meters east before dumping him to the ground. The impact resonated throughout his body. The wind shoved his face in the dirt. Sharp pain stabbed him in the ribs. Breathing grew difficult. Choking on the mouthfuls of red dust, he rolled over and raised himself to his knees. Bello was
ahead on the left, still fumbling in the storm.

  Eron spat out the dirt. Steadying himself, he stood and carefully made his way towards Bello.

  "Come on, this way!" he yelled. Reaching out to grab Bello's shoulder, he pulled the larger boy around.

  Bello's eyes were covered in dust and dirt.

  "What way?" he yelled back.

  "Hold on to my belt! I'll lead the way," Eron said. With Bello holding tight to his belt, they made it back to Mrs. Brodey, avoiding larger chunks of flying debris.

  When they reached her, she was covered in dust. A few more minutes, and she'd have been impossible to find.

  "We need to get her!" Eron yelled.

  "Get who? I can't see," said Bello. Eron bent down and scooped her up in his arms. She was too heavy for him and he struggled just to hold her.

  "Bello, let go of my belt and help me carry her," Eron said. Bello let go and fumbled around until his hands found her. Eron guided him to a position that would help. With both boys holding on, Eron led them back to the shelter.

  They reached the shelter and several students ran out to get Mrs. Brodey. Eron and Bello stumbled through the doors.


  "Eron, I can't believe you went out there," Mina said. "Especially for Bello."

  Eron sat in the infirmary, awaiting clearance from the med staff. The day after he brought Mrs. Brodey and Bello to the shelter, the storm finally let up. They had enough supplies to last a week, but they weren't needed. Mina and Connor took care of Eron's minor cuts, and though they did a great job of keeping his wounds clean, he still had to endure rigorous examinations from the med staff.

  "Looks like you're all good, Eron," Dr. Kyle said. He was an older man, maybe sixty Earth years old.

  "So, I can go now?" Eron asked. Mina sat in a chair next to the examination table, waiting.

  "Yeah, you sure can. I understand your mother is on her way. Once she gets here, you can leave. Feel free to have a seat in the waiting room. She'll be here shortly."

  Mina stood, thanked the doctor and left the room. Eron hesitated.

  "Be right there, Mina," he said. She acknowledged him and took a seat in the waiting room. Eron closed the door.

  "Soooo, Dr. Kyle, did you go through the Selection?" Eron asked.

  Dr. Kyle stood against the door with his arms crossed. "Is that what you want to talk about?"

  Eron nodded.

  "I see." Dr. Kyle looked down and closed his eyes. Rubbing his temples, he spoke. "I did go through the Selection. I had to," he paused, "do things. Not that I'm proud of it, but it had to be done. It's why I'm still here. You're almost of age, aren't you?"

  "Yeah, in a couple months. Forty-three days to be exact."

  "Are you ready? It's a challenging time for all young men."

  "Dr. Kyle, what can you tell me about it? I don't have many people to talk to, and I'm worried." In his head, Timo's screams started quietly, as if from a distance, but threatened to burst forward.

  "Other than to tell you that you must go through it, there's not much I can say. It will all be explained when you arrive at the station. Once there, you'll be given explicit instructions. I urge you to pay close attention. It could mean everything for you."

  "But what does that mean? Why can't you tell me? Why is everyone so secretive about it?" Eron said. Tears formed in his eyes, but he was determined not to let the doctor have the satisfaction of seeing him break down.

  "That girl," he said pointing at the door. "Do you like her?"

  "Well, yeah...of course, I do. Why?"

  "Stay close to her. It will help. Trust me. And just maybe she'll be waiting for you at Victory Point and she'll choose you." He winked.

  Opening the door, he urged Eron out of the room.

  "But you didn't answer my questions!"

  "Oh, I didn't? Well, you'll find out soon enough. Be safe until then. You'll need your strength. And remember," he said in a quiet voice, "stay close to her. It's everything."

  He ushered Eron out and closed the door behind him. By the time Eron made it to the waiting room, his mom had arrived and was talking with Mina. The two of them appeared to enjoy each other's company; a good omen, if Eron ever saw one.

  The three of them walked home. Mina lived only a few streets away from Eron and his mother.

  "I still can't believe you went out into that storm and saved Mrs. Brodey and Bello. I mean, you?" Mina said.

  "Hey, give me some credit. I know I'm not always the first one lining up to face danger. I actually don't remember why I did it. I saw Mrs. Brodey, and something just...snapped. That's all I can say. I don't remember the rest. As far as Bello---" he said.

  "As far as Bello, what?" a deep voice said behind them.

  Eron turned, Bello cracked his knuckles scowling.

  "Go on, hero. Tell us. As far as Bello..." he said, holding out his hands as if expecting more.

  "Bello, go on home, there's no need for this. Eron saved your life in the storm," Eron's mom said.

  "Yeah, there is a need for this. I want to hear what this coward has to say."

  "Coward? He saved your life!" Mina said. She took a few steps towards Bello, who backed up.

  "Yeah. Coward. I want to hear his story."

  "Look, Bello," Eron said, "I saw you needed help and I helped you. Nothing more than that. You don't owe me anything, ok? We're fine. I'm glad to have helped."

  "You're pathetic! You got lucky. I bet you were pissing your pants out there. I was fine. I didn't need your help. You only went out to make everyone think better about you. Watch your back. I will get you. If not now, I will in the Selection. I promise."

  Bello looked at Mina and Eron's mom, shook his head, and stalked off. Before leaving he paused. "Oh, I heard about what happened at your house. Sucks for you. I wonder what they were after." He grinned and left.

  Eron's mom watched him leave and turned to her son. "I'm so sorry, son. You did the right thing, even if it was for Bello. Keep that spirit alive in you, son; it'll help."

  Mina hugged him. "You are the better man, Eron; I can see that in you. Your bravery is well noted."

  Eron's face turned as red as the soil. "Thanks, Mina. And thanks for staying with me at the medic. It means a lot."

  "Eron, why don't you take Mina home. I can make it from here. Are you well enough to keep walking?"

  "Mom! Yeah, I'm fine. I'll see you later."

  Eron and Mina continued towards her house.

  "Eron, I do hope you make it through the Selection. I really do. I plan on being there, you know."

  "You do?" Eron said. He stopped walking and looked at her, his head cocked to the side.

  "Of course! My mom said it's the most important thing for you boys. I'll be there. I'll be waiting. Wanna know a secret?" A grin lit up her face. "I think I know who I'm picking," she whispered.

  Eron's eyes bulged. "You do? Who?"

  Mina giggled. "You'll figure it out. Hey, my house is here. Thanks for walking me home. Watch out for Bello." She turned, her long curls bouncing. Eron watched her go inside. It seemed like everyone knew something about the Selection except him. Even dull Bello knew more. How could he prepare if he had no idea what he was going to face? How could he not remember what he'd been taught?

  Time was running out. If he didn't solve the puzzle soon, he might end up He couldn't let that happen. Timo was strong and smart, but something got the better of him. Eron was determined not to let that happen to himself.


  Eron spent the next several weeks researching as much as he could about the history of the colony. There wasn't much he didn't already know. Like how it once was called New Pasadena, but after the storm wiped out the first settlers, they moved to the new site and referred to it simply as "the colony." Or, how as far back as anyone could remember, male children far outnumbered the female children though once in adulthood, the number leveled off drama
tically. He knew it was because of the Selection, but he didn't know what it was all about.

  And he had two weeks until his turn.

  Sleep eluded him as the fateful day approached.

  "You look terrible," Mina said one day at school. The semester was nearly over, and though his mind was distracted, Eron still managed to pull his grades up and pass all his classes, to the delight of his mother.

  "I know," he said. "I've not been sleeping well."

  "The Selection?"

  "Yeah. I keep thinking about it. I don't know what to expect. I have no idea what will happen. I do know that in a couple weeks, my entire life is gonna change."

  Mina put her arm around him. "It will, but for the better. It has to be for the better, right? I mean, why else would they make you go through it? And when you get done, I'll be waiting for you. I promise." She kissed his cheek. He flushed.

  They were growing closer by the day and it worried Eron. If something bad did happen, would he ever see her again? Thinking about that kept him awake at night almost as much as his worry about the Selection. As long as he could remember, he'd had a crush on her. Since the storm, they had become close friends and spent most of their free time together, when he wasn't doing his research.

  "Thanks, Mina. I can't wait to see you there. But how will you know when I'm done? How will you know to be at Victory Point?"

  She looked confused. "What do you mean? I guess someone will tell me. I can ask my mom. She'll know." Eron nodded. The bell rang and they went to class.

  The next couple weeks continued pretty much in the same way. Preparations were underway throughout the colony. The houses were all decorated and special garlands of straw weed and granthium berries adorned those of the boys going off to the Selection. It seemed to Eron that every block had several boys participating. The day before the Selection started, Mina came over.

  "Hey," she said when he opened the door. Her eyes were bloodshot, taking away from the gorgeous golden color Eron loved so much.


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