beat a shade faster, and her limbs were trembling beneath her when he continued
to speak.
'I told her it was over between us, but she wouldn't believe me, and when she
arrived uninvited at my home this afternoon I told her the truth rather bluntly and
'You told her you wanted me?' she asked, her words a mere whisper.
'I told her I wanted to marry you.' He smiled cynically at the look of surprise
that flashed across her tired face. 'I decided it was only fair to be honest with her,
and as a result she became determined to make it as difficult as hell for me to
convince you of my sincerity.'
His hands were spanning her slim waist, their warmth
through the silk of her dress sending exciting little tremors racing along her
receptive nerves, and she asked a little breathlessly, 'Why do you want to
marry me?'
'You're an extremely cool, proficient young woman, Jessica, and right from
the start you were a challenge to me. You're not only an excellent doctor,
you're also a remarkably good pilot, and I had to find out if you were human
too,' he smiled faintly. 'I mocked you for becoming emotionally involved with
your patients, but somehow you taught me that there was more to doctoring
than just the physical side of it; that there's a psychological angle to it as well.
Most of all, I think, I admire your courage, and . . .' A muscle jerked in his jaw,
and something resembling a remembered fear lurked in his eyes. 'My God,
Jessica, I've never been so frightened in all my life as on that day when you
climbed into that truck to help the injured man in the cab. I knew then that if
that truck slipped over the edge, taking you with it, I would lose a vital part of
my existence, and it was that thought that • drove me nearly out of my mind.'
'Dane . . .' she breathed, loving the sweet agony of hi5 hands as they
tightened about her waist, and she swayed towards him even before he drew
her closer to his hard, muscled body.
'I love you, Jessica,' he murmured the words she had thought she would
never hear, and his voice was vibrant with emotion as he rubbed his rough
cheek against hers and sought that frantic little pulse at the base of her throat
with his lips. 'I love every damned silly little thing about you. The way you
walk, and the way that husky note in your voice deepens when you're
emotionally disturbed. I love the way your eyes crease at the corners when you
laugh, and the way they flash fire when you're angry.' He raised his head
suddenly, his eyes probing hers until it felt as if he were delving into the secret
recesses of her soul. 'Take pity on me, Jessica. I've never been so desperate for
the need of a woman's love and, confound it, never has my entire existence
depended on it.'
She was shaking so much now with the wonder of it all, that she couldn't speak,
but the secrets of her heart were laid bare in her eyes, and he groaned, almost as if
he were afraid to believe what he saw there.
'For pity's sake, Jessica, don't torment me like this!'
'I love you,' she managed somehow, her hands straying across his broad chest to
become entwined behind his strong neck. 'Haven't I made it embarrassingly
obvious to you on so many occasions?'
'How could I be sure when you never said anything,' he accused, but desire
leapt like a flame in his eyes as they roamed every inch of her face before
lingering on her soft, quivering mouth.
'You never said anything either,' she protested weakly.
'I did tell you that I wanted you.'
'That wasn't very encouraging for a girl who'd always lived according to certain
principles, and where you're concerned, Dane, I became terribly greedy,' she
confessed unsteadily. 'I wanted much, much more than that from you.'
'I think you're going to get more than you ever bargained for,' he issued a
warning against her lips, and then she was swept up into the vortex of his passion,
matching his hunger with a hunger of her own.
His hands caressed her a little wildly, moulding her to him until she felt his
need as strongly as she felt her own, but she was aware, too, of a certain restraint
in his love- making, and she loved him all the more for it.
'That night in Venda, after the snake dance ceremony,' Dane began at length,
urging her towards the sofa and drawing her down beside him, 'I hadn't planned
to make love to you, but '
'I know,' she interrupted, tracing the strong line of his jaw with tender, loving
fingers. 'It was a mad, magical
night, and I—I wouldn't have felt so ashamed of the part I played in it if I'd
known then that you loved me as much as I loved you, but instead I thought...'
'You thought I was merely trying to satisfy my lustful desires,' he finished for
her with a faintly mocking smile, and when she buried her hot face against his
shoulder his arms tightened about her. 'If Sister Ravele hadn't interrupted us
you would have discovered exactly how much I loved you.' His lips against her
ear sent little shivers of pleasure racing through her. 'You were going to let me
make love to you that night, weren't you?'
'Yes,' she confessed unashamedly. 'I—I couldn't somehow help myself, but
I'm not making excuses for the way I behaved. I wanted you; it was as plain and
simple as that.'
His lips found hers and all her longing and despair was in that kiss, but when
desire flared between them she drew away from him slightly, and turned her
face into his shoulder once more.
'Do you think your parents would object if I made arrangements for us to be
married next Saturday?' Dane asked eventually, and she was too tired and
happy to be surprised by his haste as she wrapped her arms about his waist and
nestled closer.
'I don't think they'll have any objection, but what about my contract with
'I shan't mind if you continue working until your contract has expired,' Dane
replied, rubbing his cheek against hers and drawing her closer into the circle of
his arms.
'And after that?' she asked tentatively, a smile curving her lips.
'We'll let time take care of itself.' He raised his head slightly, and there was a
surprising warmth and tenderness in his eyes which seemed to melt her bones,
but that look was replaced swiftly by a devilish gleam. 'Do you think your
father will be satisfied with the cattle Chief Cedric
insisted I should use for the purchase of a wife?'
'Don't be ridiculous!' she laughed, then she tilted her head and glanced up at
him curiously. 'What have you done with them, if I may know?'
'I gave them to the faithful Jonas who has looked after me for so many years,
and I told him to get himself a good wife who could keep the house in order,
and take care of the children—if at that time you still have a yen for doctoring.'
'Oh, Dane,' Jessica murmured unsteadily, burying her hot face against his
shoulder, but he prised it out again so that he could look down into her dark,
luminous eyes.
'You're blushing,' he grinned.
'I know,' she smiled tremulously. 'You have that shattering and embarrassing
effect on me.' 'Do I?'
/> His lips trailed a sensually destructive path from her ear to the base of her
throat, then back again to move on to her eager, waiting lips, but by this time
her heart was beating so hard and fast that she was reminded of the primitive,
rhythmic beating of the drums on that night they had been privileged to watch
the dance of the snake. That primitive beat was vibrating through her again,
stirring her emotions to a wild crescendo as Dane altered their position until
she was lying full length on the sofa with his lean, hard body imprisoning her,
and his fingers were impatient as they pulled down the zip of her dress and
undid the catch of her bra. Her breasts swelled in response to the light,
sensually arousing caress of his hands, and she was like driftwood on the rising
crest of that ecstatic wave of desire.
A tiny shred of sanity brought to mind Chief Cedric's parting words. 'A man
is like a python when he is ready to seek his mate. His hunger is swift and
strong when he uncoils, and when he strikes there is no escape.'
He could have been referring to Dane, for his hunger,
swift and strong, lashed her like a storm, and in her tired but happy state, she
was more vulnerable than she had ever been before.
'Dane!' she gasped, her blood flowing like liquid fire through her veins.
'Darling, please . . .'
Desire still smouldered in the eyes that looked down into hers when he raised
himself up on one elbow. 'You want me to wait?'
'Would it be asking too much?' she pleaded softly, her dark eyes a little
anxious as she slid her hands tenderly over his sleek, dark head until her fingers
came to rest in the nape of his neck. 'Dane, would it?'
There was no doubting the love that she saw burning in his eyes, nor the
tenderness in the smile that curved his often harsh mouth.
'You're worth waiting for, my Jessica,' he said and, getting to his feet, he drew
her up with him. 'It's time you went to bed. It's nearly two o'clock, and I'm
certainly not going to start our life together by taking advantage of a girl who's
almost asleep on her feet.'
His fingers traced the lines of weariness beneath her eyes, then he kissed her
lingeringly on her soft mouth.
'I'll see you tomorrow,' he said, picking up his jacket, and he blew her a kiss
from the door before he closed it quietly behind him.
'I'll see you tomorrow,' his words echoed happily through her mind when she
eventually crawled into bed. There was still so much to talk about, but it could
wait until tomorrow, and she^ promptly went to sleep with a smile of tender,
joyous happiness curving her lips.
Dance-of-the-Snake-Yvonne-Whittal Page 20