Hero of Mine: The Men in Uniform Series

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Hero of Mine: The Men in Uniform Series Page 23

by Codi Gary

  Officer Zack Dalton, the newest trainer at Alpha Dog, stepped past the others. “It’s cool, I know him.”

  Coming up behind him, he patted Tyler down. “Got any weapons, Best?”

  “A knife on my right calf. You got an ambulance out there?”

  “We do.”

  Once Tyler was completely disarmed, Dalton held out his arms. “Why don’t you hand him over to me. I’ll run him out to the ambo.”

  “Don’t let her anywhere near him,” Tyler said.

  Dalton nodded.

  Tyler handed Noah off reluctantly, tears pricking his eyes as the child whispered softly, “Tywer.”

  “On your knees,” another officer said, stepping forward with cuffs in his hand.

  Tyler dropped and put his hands behind his head, watching Dalton carry Noah out the door and out of sight.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  DANI WOKE UP to the sensation of tap-dancing elves stomping on her brain. She could barely open her eyes, as a white light burned every time she tried.

  “Can someone”—God, why was she so thirsty?—“get the light?”

  “Oh, she’s awake. George! She’s awake.”

  Dani opened her eyes this time and was able to take in her surroundings groggily. “What happened?”

  “You were attacked. You have a concussion and a few broken ribs, but the doctors told us you’re going to be fine.”

  Flashes of memory came back to her. Pain . . . a hateful voice . . . Noah’s crying.

  “Noah . . . Where’s Noah?”

  “He’s in the pediatric ward. He’s fine. Your friend Megan is with him.”

  Dani tried to sit up and winced.

  “Honey, don’t move. You’re pretty banged up,” her dad said.

  “But I want to see my son.”

  “You will, as soon as he wakes up,” said her dad, patting her shoulder.

  Relaxing slightly, she asked, “Where’s Tyler? Why isn’t he here?”

  She might have been out of it, but she didn’t miss the look that passed between her parents.

  “Mom?” she prodded.

  “Tyler’s at the police station, baby.”

  “What—” she started coughing and moaned, as her whole body ached—“what happened?”

  “He’s the one who found Noah, but the police are holding him and his friends for questioning.”

  “Why? What are they questioning him for if he saved Noah?”

  “From what Blake said, the police are just trying to sort everything out, and he should be released soon.”

  “Where’s Blake? Is he with him?” Dani asked.

  “Not anymore. They released him, but Tyler was armed and coming down the stairs with Noah in his arms when that woman started making all kinds of accusations. Blake said they arrested him at first, thinking he was the kidnapper—”

  “He did not kidnap Noah!” she cried.

  “No, but from what an Officer Dalton told us, it shouldn’t take them much longer to release Tyler.” Her father’s lips pinched into a grim line. “Although, Blake told me that the little weasel, Angel, is claiming Tyler threatened to torture him after breaking into his house. Tyler’s friends are saying all they did was talk to him.”

  Dani stared at her parents, shock rolling through her. Tyler had gone on a full-on rescue mission to get Noah back. Noah was safe because of Tyler.

  Suddenly, Dani was laughing and crying at the same time.

  “Danielle, are you all right?” her mom asked.

  She nodded wordlessly, trying to catch her breath to speak. “I just . . . I love him so much.”

  Her mom seemed at a loss, while her dad just stood up and said, “I’m gonna get some coffee.”

  “Dad, can you stop by and ask Megan to find out if Tyler’s parents know where he is?”

  “Sure, sweetheart.”

  Dani started to scoot forward, ignoring the pain. She needed to get out of there and see Noah. To help Tyler.

  “Wait, what are you doing? The doctor said you needed to rest.”

  “I am going to see my son, and then I am going to find a way to get Tyler released.”

  “Danielle, you get back in that bed right—”

  “Mom!” Dani tried to stand, but she ended up gripping the side of the bed when the world tilted. “I am leaving this room, even if I have to crawl out of here. So, are you going to help me or not?”

  Her mom huffed at her. “I’ll go get a wheelchair.”

  “Thank you.” Dani sat back down on the bed, taking a painful breath. Once she held her baby and knew he was going to fine, she could work on getting to Tyler.

  TYLER SAT IN the holding cell, staring straight ahead. It was nearly seven in the morning, and he had already been interviewed twice. He’d called his parents first, then the hospital to check on Noah and Dani. Her father had told Tyler they were both fine, but Tyler couldn’t wait to find out for himself.

  He wondered if Dani was awake yet and if she knew where he was.

  If they did believe Angel, he could be looking at obstruction and maybe even assault with a deadly weapon, though he hadn’t hurt the little turd. His friends had all been released already, but he was the last one. He’d told the felony assaults detective everything, except the threat of torture, and explained that all he needed the detective to do was talk to Dani.

  Tyler couldn’t regret his current situation. If he had to do it over, he wasn’t sure he’d change anything. Even if the cops had traced the kidnapping to Camila, Angel might never have told the cops where his mother was, and if he had, it might have been too late. Camila would have been gone with Noah, and Dani would have been devastated.

  Tyler would have been devastated.

  Noah was safe, and he couldn’t regret that. Even if it meant he lost everything, it was worth it.

  “Tyler Best,” an officer called from the edge of the cage. “Stand up. The rest of you, turn and face the wall.”

  Tyler got up and went over to the cell door. As the officer let him out, he asked, “What’s going on?”

  “No charges are being filed.”

  Tyler followed behind the officer, shocked. As he gathered up his personal effects—except for his knife—he was escorted out to the lobby, where Martinez and Sparks stood waiting for him.

  “Come on, dude. There’s a lot of people waiting for you,” Sparks said.

  Tyler followed behind them as they walked outside and climbed into Sparks’s truck.

  “Yeah, a whole crowd looking to welcome back the conquering hero,” Martinez said.

  Tyler shook his head in the backseat. “I’m nobody’s hero, man.”

  “I don’t know. You rescued that little boy, and the people responsible were arrested today. Makes you a hero to me,” Martinez said.

  “Plus, I know at least two people who think so, too.” Sparks got on the freeway and headed east.

  “Where are you going? I want to go to the hospital and check on Dani and Noah.”

  “They aren’t at the hospital. They’re waiting for you at your place,” Sparks said.

  Tyler had never heard sweeter words in his life.

  DANI STOOD OUTSIDE of Tyler’s house with Noah in her arms, surrounded by Tyler’s friends and family. Some of the kids who had gone through the Alpha Dog Program, including Jeremiah Walton, stood in a group with banners and signs. Most had trickled in overnight, and had been waiting for word on when Tyler would be released. Noah had been up for an hour, and Dani hadn’t slept at all since she’d woken up in the hospital a little before midnight.

  Megan stood next to Dani—well, hovered over her was more accurate.

  “Why don’t you let me hold Noah?” Megan asked for the tenth time.

  “Because I’m not ready to give him up yet.” Dani kissed her son’s forehead, more than aware of how close she’d come to losing him today.

  “Then at least sit in the chair before you both fall down.”

  Dani sank into the folding chair with a sigh. “I
’m fine, Megan.”

  “Yeah, so you keep saying. Don’t make me get your mother.”

  Her mom was standing off to the side with Gloria Best, gushing about Tyler, and the two women kept hugging and holding hands as if they’d been friends forever. Gareth and her dad stood with Blake, talking intently, and Dani could only imagine football was the topic.

  “Here they come,” one of the boys hollered as the truck rounded the corner.

  Dani started to get up again, and a hard hand on her shoulder pressed her back down. She glared up at Megan.

  “It will take a minute, so you might as well keep your ass in that chair.”

  Noah lifted his head and grinned up at Megan. “Ass.”

  “Way to go. You’re never babysitting,” Dani said, not even bothering to correct Noah now.

  Dani couldn’t see over the group as it surged forward. The truck pulled into the driveway, and ignoring Megan, she stood up with Noah.

  “Tywer!” Noah shouted when he saw him.

  Dani waited for him to find her with that deep blue gaze, and once he did, she wanted to run. Wanted to vault over the crowd and into his arms.

  But he was already pushing past everyone and rushing toward them.

  His arms closed around the two of them, and she ignored the pain in her ribs as Tyler’s mouth found hers, his kiss filled with desperation.

  He pulled back and stared into her eyes intently. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, sore and my head is killing me, but I’m good. Better now.”

  Tyler took Noah from her without asking, and she watched his eyes close as he hugged her son until tears blurred her vision.

  “And how about you, Noah? You okay?”

  “Okay,” Noah said.

  “Thanks to you,” Dani whispered.

  It didn’t even feel like there was anyone else, just them in their little bubble.

  “Come on, everyone, let’s move the party inside and let these two have a proper reunion,” Sparks said, leading the way inside.

  As the crowd trickled past, Dani held Tyler’s free hand to her cheek. “I am so sorry about last night. I called you and was headed to your place when—”

  “I know. Blake already told me he talked to you—”

  “But I knew before he showed up—”

  “Baby, I don’t care. I don’t care about one stupid misunderstanding in the grand scheme of things. Today, I could have lost you. We could have lost Noah.”

  She loved the way he said we. “And Noah and I could have lost you. I still can’t believe you were crazy enough to go all Die Hard on Angel and his cousins.”

  “It wasn’t like that. They weren’t exactly hardened criminals,” he said.

  “Still, things could have gone really bad today.”

  “Instead we’re all here. All together.” Caressing her check, he continued, “I used to think that fate was a bunch of bullshit, but I’m beginning to believe there’s got to be something higher guiding us. Leading us to where we’re supposed to be.” Kissing her again, he pulled back enough to whisper against her lips. “My place is with you and Noah. You’re my everything.”

  She wrapped her arms around Tyler’s waist and leaned her head onto his chest, looking up into Noah’s smiling face.

  “Are you two gonna be much longer? There’s a celebration in your honor, you know!” Dereck yelled from the front of the house.

  “So much for enjoying the moment,” Tyler groused.

  Dani pulled away. “That’s okay. I have a feeling we’re gonna have plenty of moments.”


  TYLER BEST WATCHED his eight-year-old son, Noah Best, kick a soccer ball to Jeremiah Walton across the park. It was Noah’s birthday, and they had invited all of their friends and family to the park to celebrate. Tyler couldn’t help smiling at the relationship between Jeremiah and Noah, who were twelve years apart but as close as two brothers. When Jeremiah’s mom had moved out of state with his stepfather, Jeremiah had split his time between his guardians’ home and Tyler and Dani’s place until he’d accepted a scholarship to run track for Arizona State two years ago. Now, when he came home, he usually crashed on their hide-a-bed if the Graysons had a full house.

  Olsen Meyers and Dwayne Harlow were swinging Tyler and Dani’s second son, Gareth, between them as they walked. The two-year-old’s laughter reminded Tyler so much of Noah when he was that age.

  There were a few other graduates from Alpha Dog standing around, talking with the other instructors, and of course, Dani’s and his families were spread out. His dad was manning the barbeque while George, Dani’s dad, told him everything he was doing wrong. Tyler laughed, just imagining how things would go in a few minutes, when his dad would start shouting at him. It was all done in good spirits. It was actually a little weird how easily the Bests and the Hills had meshed, even sharing holidays so their kids wouldn’t have to split their time between them.

  Which had been really helpful when Dani was pregnant with their daughter, Felicity, and so uncomfortable and crabby that no one could make her happy. Now that Felicity was four months old, Dani was back to her old self.

  Her old, completely tone-deaf self, who was currently singing to their daughter as she rocked her in her arms.

  “What’s that you’re singing?” he asked.

  She looked up from the baby, her eyes twinkling. “Usually, you call it wailing.”

  “I’m being nice today.”

  “Ah, well, in that case, I’m singing ‘Baby of Mine.’ ”

  “Oh, yeah? How come you don’t ever sing me to sleep?” he asked.

  “Um, did I not mention that you mock me?”

  He kissed her forehead. “Come on, show me you love me.”

  “I show you I love you every morning.” Her tone was hushed and intimate, and he started looking around the park for somewhere to make out with his wife.

  “I know what you’re doing, pervert.”

  He laughed, now considering the name an endearment.

  “Tyler, you’re going to have to show me again how to make Cookie stay when I tell her to!” his mother-in-law yelled, wagging her finger at her new golden retriever puppy. He’d started giving private obedience training, and it had expanded into a side business that had allowed Dani to drop down to part time at the emergency clinic.

  Although it could be a little more frustrating dealing with actual owners instead of just the dogs . . . especially when it was family who’d hired him.

  “I’ll be right there, Laura.”

  Noah came running up, his hazel eyes bright. “Is it time for cake yet, Dad?”

  Tyler’s chest swelled with pride, the same way it had the first time Noah had said the word. “Not yet. Go torment your cousins and tell them it’s from me.”

  With a grin so much like his mother’s, Noah took off in search of Kyle and Kent, who still hadn’t managed to mature, much to their mother’s chagrin.

  Dani laid Felicity into her playpen and while she was bent over, he came up behind her. Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back against him, he asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to sneak off with me?”

  “We’d be missed. Tonight, though”—she turned in his arms and ran her hand over his cheek—“I’m all yours.”

  “Unless one of the kids needs something.”

  “Hey, you knew what you were getting into the first time you bought me coffee.”

  Bending to drop a long, lingering kiss on her lips, he ignored the catcalls and whistles from their family. “And I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  “Good answer.”


  FIRST AND FOREMOST, I want to thank my amazing husband and children for being so understanding while my deadlines were so crazy. I love you. My fabulous agent, Sarah Younger, for making this series happen and to my editor, Rebecca, and the entire marketing, publicity, and creative team at Avon for working with me again. To my sister from another mister, Tina, for being there whenever
I need to talk. Thank you to the rest of my family for being so supportive with every release. To my Rockers; I love your guts. And thank you to all of my readers who have followed me through the ups and downs of this crazy journey. You are beyond awesome.

  About the Author

  An obsessive bookworm, CODI GARY likes to write sexy contemporary romances with humor, grand gestures, and blush-worthy moments. When she’s not writing, she can be found reading her favorite authors, squealing over her must-watch shows, and playing with her children. She lives in Idaho with her family.

  To keep up with new releases, contests, and more, sign up for Codi’s Newsletter at http://www.codigarysbooks.com/newsletter.html

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  By Codi Gary

  The Rock Canyon, Idaho Series

  Bad For Me

  Return of the Bad Girl

  Bad Girls Don’t Marry Marines

  Good Girls Don’t Date Rock Stars

  Things Good Girls Don’t Do

  The Trouble with Sexy (a novella)

  The Men in Uniform Series

  Hero of Mine

  One Lucky Hero

  I Need a Hero (novella)

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