The Secret Life of Trystan Scott (The Complete Collection Vol 1-5)

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The Secret Life of Trystan Scott (The Complete Collection Vol 1-5) Page 27

by H. M. Ward

  He shoves out the front doors of the school thinking that he’s evaded the reporters, but walks straight into a mob of people. Awh, what the hell? How did Brie get his song and why is her name on the back and not Mari’s? He was too dumbstruck to speak before, but now Trystan’s angry. Without a doubt, he knows that this is Brie’s fault, that she’s the one who called the press, and she’s the one who exposed him.

  Trystan stands there for a second before turning back toward the building. Seth comes crashing through the door next to him. “Come on, man. Let’s get out of here.” Seth’s voice is deep and demanding. It’s like he knows that Trystan wants to run.

  “Tucker will fail me if I cut,” Trystan blurts it out without thinking.

  Seth shakes his head. “No way. Not after this. Show up for the play tonight and you’re golden. Come on, my car’s around the side and I bet all these pussies parked out front.” Seth is walking down the sidewalk and cuts toward the student parking lot. He ducks through a hole in the chain link fence and Trystan follows.

  A few reporters trail after them, but the camera guy can’t follow. The equipment doesn’t fit through the fence, so they have to walk around. By the time that happens, Trystan and Seth will be driving away.

  Trystan settles into the passenger’s seat and presses his hand to his temple, shading his eyes. Seth starts the engine and they peel out of the lot, cutting into the busy road. Seth floors it, bobbing and weaving through traffic to put some distance between them and the reporters.

  For a while Seth doesn’t say anything, but then he explodes and once he starts talking the words don’t stop. “How could you not tell me? I’m watching all these people gathering in the hallway this morning and thinking, there is no way in hell that Scott is this Day Jones guy because I would have known. He would have told me. I’m the guy’s best friend and shit like this wouldn’t be kept a secret, but what the fuck do I know? Because apparently, you’re all about the secrets, Scott. Do I even know you?”

  “You’re an asshole if you think you don’t.” Trystan doesn’t drop his hand from his brow. A queasy feeling has been surging through him since he saw the mass of people. His mind drifts to Mari. He’ll have to text her and make sure she’s okay as soon as he can patch things up with Seth.

  “That’s the only thing you’ve got to say? Are you shittin’ me? After everything we’ve been through, you’re seriously going to keep lying to me?” Seth cuts someone off and a horn blares behind them. Seth flips off the other driver and gives the car more gas.

  Trystan looks up from under his hand. “What am I lying about?”

  “Okay, Scott. You want to play it this way? Fine. I’ll play. Tell me if you’re Day Jones. Tell me you didn’t write that song for that skank Brie. Tell me who you nailed last night. Or how about you tell me why the hell someone saw you at the police station.” His gaze cuts to Trystan’s, sharp as glass. The tension in his jaw is enough to make it snap. “Pick one, Scott. I know you’ve been making stuff up, and I figure that’s fine—he’ll tell me when the shit hits the fan—but since that happened, and you still haven’t said two words—”

  Trystan drops his hand and looks over at him. “What do you want me to say, Seth? That I’m Day Jones? Fine, I am. I wrote that song for someone else, not Brie. I don’t even know how she got it. And yeah, I was at the police station, and no, I’m not telling you why, because it’s none of your goddamn business.”

  Seth’s grip tightens on the steering wheel, making his knuckles rise up under his skin. “I see. So where were you last night? Tell me who you fucked ‘til morning, because I know you weren’t at home. You used to tell me that kind of thing Scott, you know, back when we were friends. Choke up a name right now or I’ll toss your ass out of my car—”

  It’s none of Seth’s business, but the guy is in torch everything and ask questions later mode. Trystan’s been keeping things from him, yeah, but he keeps things from everyone. Well, not from everyone. Mari knows. The vein on the side of Seth’s head is about to explode. It’s throbbing under his skin, making Trystan feel guilty. Maybe he is a shitty friend. So he answers, “Mari Jennings.” But as soon as Trystan says her name, he regrets it.

  Seth turns abruptly, and smashes his mouth shut. Taking the wheel hand over hand, making the tires shriek as the car skids into a parking lot. He slams on the brakes and they come to a quick stop. “Get out of my car, you lying sack of shit. You honestly think that I’d believe that? You didn’t even try to—“

  Trystan glares at his friend, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Seth is so dense with this stuff. “You think I’d lie and make up Mari? Are you seriously telling me that you can’t see it? I’m with her whenever I’m not with you.”

  “You spend the night at Jenning’s house? You slept with her?”

  Trystan nods slowly, even though he knows that Seth thinks they did more than sleep. “Yeah, I ducked out this morning after her dad got home from work.”

  Seth looks disgusted and disappointed. He tenses in his seat and Trystan’s ready for the verbal onslaught that spews from his friend. “I told you to stay away from her. That family has enough money to bury you and don’t think that her dad won’t do it. The guy is—”

  Rubbing the heel of his hands over his face, Trystan yells back, “I know what he is, but she’s worth the risk.”

  Seth sucks in a deep breath, trying to rein in his temper. Trystan slips down in his seat and stares blankly out the windshield. “So,” Seth finally says, “Everything changes now, right? You go and sign with some company and get rich, while I go and serve four years in some hellhole country that I can’t point to on a map.”

  Trystan glances over at Seth and his stomach sinks. “You enlisted?”

  Seth nods. “I signed on the line. They own me after graduation.”

  Horrified, Trystan sits up straight. “Fuck, Seth. Tell me you didn’t! Why’d you do that?”

  “Because I thought that’s what you were doing! I thought we’d be shipping out together, but there’s no way in hell you’re doing that now, not with this opportunity. You’ll be rich in a week and have a penthouse in Manhattan. You can leave this shithole behind and nail a different chick every night.”

  Guilt is choking him so hard that he can barely speak. Seth enlisted because of him. Damn it. There’s no way to undo this. It’s already been done. “That’s what you would do.”

  “Nah, I’d have a different three-way every night. I pussied it down for your version of the American dream.” Seth settles back into his seat and tilts his head back. “So what happens now?”

  Trystan sighs and pushes his hands up over the top of his head and down the back of his neck, digging his fingers into the muscle. Every part of him wants to scream, but he can’t. “No fucking clue. But I’m guessing that everyone finds out everything I’ve been trying to keep hidden, and my life becomes a living hell.”

  Seth snorts and smiles at him. “Only you would say that pussy and cash are hell.”

  “Only you would focus on that shit after what happened this week. Life is more than getting laid, Seth.”

  Seth laughs once, like he doesn’t agree at all. “Then spill, Scott. What the hell happened?”

  Trystan works his jaw, thinking about whether or not to tell Seth. In the end, Seth will find out—they all will—so he tells him now. Trystan tells him about his father, about Mari showing up and saving his life, and about the songs he wrote for her. “No one was supposed to give a shit about the videos, no one was supposed to find out about my father, and I sure as hell didn’t want Mari caught in the middle.”

  Seth doesn’t react to anything Trystan says. For a moment Trystan thinks that his friend isn’t listening, but there’s not much to say after something like that. Being beat reminds them both that they’re insignificant.

  Seth finally smirks at Trystan. “Do you want me to mow down your old man?”

  Trystan laughs darkly and shakes his head. “No, he’s not worth it, and I have n
o intention of seeing him again—ever.”

  “Okay, so let me get this straight—you’re homeless, kind-a, sort-a banging an under-age good girl, you’ve got a father who blames you for his life being shit, and a reporter that wants to publically out you. Did I forget anything?”

  Staring straight ahead, Trystan adds, “Yeah, you forgot vengeful ex-girlfriend.”

  “Ah, yeah. The Skank. I need to make her up a tee shirt that says that in glittery letters. Ten buck says she wears it.” Seth laughs at his own joke, but Trystan is lost in thought. He needs to play his next move well, so that it cuts off all the crap and gives him a sure footing, but Brie and Mari create vulnerable spots in his plans. He can’t figure out how to lose Brie or how to keep Mari from being found out. Damn, if the press realizes that she was there the other night…

  “Scott?” Seth sounds irritated, like he’s been trying to talk to Trystan while he’s been lost in his own head. “There’s only one way to play this hand. Live it. Own it. Claim that title and then the next move is yours. Tell the reporter about your shitfaced father, about how you worked your ass off to keep food on the table, and about Sam giving you a job. It’ll make your fans love you even more.”

  Trystan is staring at the people in the parking lot and realizes that this is one of the last times he’ll be able to move freely. Once they know he’s Day Jones, his life will change. Folding his arms over his chest, Trystan mutters, “I don’t want fans.”

  “Tough shit. Deal with it, Scott. This is your ticket out of this hell hole and the train’s only going one-way. Get on or get run over.” Seth puts the car in gear and drives over to a deli in the center of the strip mall. “I’ll get us some breakfast, knowing you, you didn’t eat. But, when you become rich and famous I expect a hooker or two for my troubles.”

  Trystan laughs. “You make your own troubles, Seth. Hookers are not a good thing to factor into the equation.”

  Seth flashes a ghost of a smile and he nods. After getting out of the car, he leans into the open window. “I don’t usually say shit like this, but I got your back, Scott. Whatever you decide, I’m still your man.” Seth lets out an uncomfortable breath and turns away, and walks into the deli.



  Katie fires off a slew of profanity at Brie’s back.

  “I can hear you,” Brie snaps, as she sashays away from us.

  “I know! I’m talking loudly!” Katie is seething. She grabs my arm and pulls me toward the side doors. “There is no way in hell that we’re going to learn a damn thing today. Come on. Let’s get out of here.” Katie pushes through the metal doors and we’re in the parking lot.

  “If my Dad finds out that I cut—”

  “He won’t, Mari. Who’s taking attendance right now? All the teachers are in the hallway buzzing about Trystan. No one is going to file a cut slip on you.” Her venom for Brie drains as soon as we’re outside. Katie tugs my arm. “Come on. Let’s walk to the deli and grab some grub. Katie hungry.” She says the last few words like Cookie Monster.

  I can’t help but wonder what this means for Trystan, but I bet he’s dreading it. For someone that shines so brightly in the spotlight, he really doesn’t like being in it. The main road isn’t too busy right now. A few of the news vans drive past us. Others stayed and are interviewing Trystan’s teachers. By tonight, it will be on every channel—Trystan Scott is Day Jones. They’ll all think Trystan wrote that song for Brie and I’ll get shoved aside.

  Katie glares at me. “You planning on answering anything any time soon?”

  “Sorry, what’d you ask?”

  Katie makes an overly dramatic noise and stomps her combat boots. She’s wearing a floral print skirt, knee highs with skulls on the side, and a lacy white shirt with a big sparkly belt. Her hair is slicked back into a ponytail and swishing high on her head. I feel frumpy standing next to her in my flannel shirt and jeans.

  “I said what’s up with you and Trystan?” All the color drains from my cheeks. I can’t hide it. I’ve been blindsided too many times to mask my emotions and keep them off my face. “Okay, let’s pretend I didn’t see your reaction. Come on, use your words, Mari. Tell me what happened.” Katie says it like she’s talking to a toddler.

  My gaze is on the ground when I answer. “I love him, okay. He spent the night last night. The reporters couldn’t find him, because he was with me.”

  Katie stops in her tracks, and grabs my arm. When I turn, her eyeballs are still expanding in shock. “What the hell? You tell me you’re over him and then you sleep with him? As in you guys had sex?” She makes a shrieking noise and spins in a circle. It looks like an angry chicken dance. “How could you not tell me that!”

  “Shhh!” I shove her past the store front. There are people inside looking out at us. “Damn, you’re loud. And no, Miss Dirty Brains, it wasn’t like that. He needed a place to stay. Trystan’s been coming over for a while, but last night was the first night he stayed.”

  “And your parents—Mr. and Mrs. Rodup D’Ass—didn’t have issues with this?”

  I smile sheepishly. “They don’t know. Trystan was in the closet when Dad came home this morning. I thought we were going to get caught.”

  Katie squeals and slaps her hands over her mouth. “Shut up! Mari Jennings turned into a bad girl. We need to stop at the pet store and buy you a big fat dog collar—the kind with the spikes. Your Dad would so shit himself when he saw you wearing it.”

  Katie makes me smile even though I’m a bunch of tangled nerves inside. “I can’t even imagine what would happen then.”

  “You should totally do it. They take you for granted. It’d serve them right if you went all nutso on them for a while.”

  I tuck my hands under my arms. “Probably not a good plan. My Dad would sue me or something.”

  “God, your father is a douche. I need to tell him that the next time I see him. I’m pretty sure that your dad and my dad went to Douchiversity together, because they’ve both got that bastard thing nailed. Hey, isn’t that Sexbot’s car?” All of Katie’s sentences flow together, but my gaze follows her finger to an old muscle car running in the parking lot when we finally reach the deli.

  I smile to myself. “It is.” I see Trystan sitting in the front seat with his arm over his face. “Go grab us something. I need to talk to Trystan.”

  “Fine, but if me and Seth come back and you guys are all making out, he’s probably going to want to watch. He’s a perv like that.” Katie laughs and disappears inside before I can say anything.

  I walk over to the car and wonder what I’m going to say. He’s got to be coming unglued. Too much has happened to him, too close together. I walk over to his side of the car and tap on the window. “Hey stranger, or should I call you rock star?”

  Trystan smiles when he sees me. He opens the door and pulls me into the car. I fall onto his lap and he holds on like I’m an anchor. “I prefer kiss ninja. I’ll always prefer that.” Trystan’s hands wrap around my waist and he pulls me in for a hug. Being on his lap makes me so excited and nervous at the same time, but his hands feel good so I don’t wriggle away. He kisses my cheek lightly and the sensation shoots a current through my veins and a soft smile spreads across my lips.

  “So, I see that I’ve corrupted you. It’s not even second period yet and you’re already cutting class.” The smirk on Trystan’s face is so cute that I want to lean in and lick it off. That cocky arrogant smile excites the butterflies that are ravaging my stomach.

  “Ha! As if I could be so easily manipulated by you.”

  “So, it’s Katie that’s the evil force at play here? Hmmm. I’ll have to study her methods.” Trystan beams and I swat at him, needing him to be serious for a moment.

  “Are you all right?” I ask. After everything that’s happened, I doubt it. Trystan tried so hard to hide this, and now it’s exposed.

  “Of course. You’re here, now. Everything will be fine.” His confident smile falters and his voice loses
the token Trystan Scott vibrato.

  “Everything will be fine. You’ll see.”

  He smirks at me. “It sounds better when you say it.”

  “Because I believe it. This can be a good thing, Trystan. You’ll never have to hide from anyone or anything ever again. You just have to be brave this one time, and take whatever crap comes your way, but after that you can live your own life. You don’t have to enlist. Your life is yours now.” As I speak, Trystan’s fingers run through my hair.

  “They’ll know you were there. They’ll know what you did. People will talk, they’ll say things about you and me. I don’t want them to.” His eyes are on the dashboard, like he can’t look at me.

  Tilting his chin up so our gazes meet, I say, “They’re only words, Trystan. Let them say whatever they want. I owe you that much—”

  His blue eyes lock onto mine, confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m the reason the reporters where there. They found out you’re Day because of me.”

  Trystan stiffens and his hands fall to the seat. “You told them?”

  “No, but I might as well have. Brie was in my room, she found the song and recognized your handwriting. I’m sorry. I didn’t—”

  He pulls me to his chest and it’s all I can do to keep the tears from falling. I know Trystan didn’t want this and it’s my fault it happened. “Shhh, it wasn’t your fault. You’re not the one who called them. Why the hell were you hanging out with Brie, anyway?”

  “I wasn’t. I was forced to apologize so her dad wouldn’t sue my father. My mother left her in my room for god knows how long. Brie saw the song.”

  Trystan holds me tighter. “Brie’s my fault, I—”

  Seth chooses that moment to materialize next to the open window with Katie in his wake. They say in unison, “Brie’s a bitter skank.” The two of them stop and this awkward thing happens. Seth looks down at the juice in his hands with a weird expression on his face.

  Katie gapes at him like a docked fish. “Stop stealing my thoughts, perv.”


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