Under Alien Influence

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Under Alien Influence Page 5

by Emily Tilton

  Chapter Seven

  The alien in Nick Strauss sent to the one in Pierre LeGrand, This host has climaxed in the oral cavity of his mate. It was amusing.

  The humans do seem especially aroused by employing orifices not intended for reproductive implantation as receptacles for the penis. My host has made a firm resolution to enjoy himself in both the younger female’s oral cavity and her anal cavity, on the pretext of teaching her a lesson in obedience. The Zedaar in Pierre LeGrand sent the electrostatic message with several packets of mixed-charge ions that indicated, in the Zedaarian ‘language,’ a certain degree of bemusement.

  Yes, confirmed the first, my host intends to teach a similar lesson tomorrow. His mate will be made to have the penis in her anus for the first time, by which he intends that she will learn to devote her body to his pleasure no matter how embarrassing she finds it, knowing her husband may use her most private place, as she thinks it, that way.

  And how does she feel about that? Can you sense? I am not yet able to tell how Hailey Miller will behave when Pierre LeGrand informs her that she must allow him to fuck her bottom. She seems to be receiving the spanking well, and I intend to influence her so that her need for the penis grows, but her posterior is small, and it will be uncomfortable for her to receive my host there, at first.

  I have indeed sensed Janice Strauss’ thoughts on the matter, Nick Strauss’ Zedaar returned. She feels conflicted, just as it seems Hailey Miller does. Janice Strauss considers her anus a shameful place that she must keep hidden: even the idea of her mate looking at it fills her with reluctance. But especially now that I have encouraged her natural desire to submit to the penis, she also feels arousal at the thought of being made to bend over before my host and have him penetrate her there.

  The other sent, I will inform you as to what occurs: we should continue to confer, since augmenting these human females’ need for the penis seems both an effective means of control and a highly amusing pursuit. My host has nearly finished punishing the younger female, and will soon fuck her. He feels a small degree of compunction because Hailey Miller has never been fucked before, and he intends—thanks to my releasing his instincts—to train her so rigorously to his sexual pleasure from the very start of his possession of her body, but I will have no difficulty controlling him.

  * * *

  Hailey sobbed over the ottoman as Pierre continued to spank her with his open hand.

  “Please, no more,” she begged in a choked voice. Her bottom had become dark pink under Pierre’s discipline, and her little cheeks clenched and unclenched over and over as she tried in vain to make it hurt less.

  “It doesn’t feel as nice, does it?” Pierre demanded again. “Answer me, Hailey. Do you like the consequences of touching your naughty pussy as much as you liked playing with it?”

  “No!” Hailey sobbed. “No… please… I won’t do it again…”

  “You’re right about that,” Pierre warned, still spanking her adorable bottom hard and fast. “If I catch you with your hand down there, you’ll get the belt until you can’t sit down for a week. Your little pussy belongs to me, now.”

  “Please… please, stop, Mr. LeGrand…” Hailey writhed under his arm, but her struggles had grown fainter, her submission to the punishment more noticeable.

  A sudden whim seized Pierre’s mind, then, and he knew he had to put it into effect, for his own enjoyment and for Hailey’s good. Releasing her for a moment from the restraint of his left arm, he took hold of the gray tangle of her panties, still around her knees, and pulled them off with a swift motion.

  Hailey turned sluggishly, to look over her shoulder with her tear-bright eyes wide in alarm. “What…?”

  “Keep your eyes forward, Hailey,” Pierre said sternly. “And spread your legs. I’m going to spank your pussy.”

  “What?” Her eyes went even wider, and her mouth remained open in amazement. “You… you can’t!” Hailey started to rise from the ottoman, but Pierre put his left arm back over the small of her back and held her in place.

  “I can, and I will, Hailey. You need to learn a lesson about respecting your body and staying modest for the man who has responsibility for you, and takes you in hand. Your pussy is the best place to give you that lesson, because that was where you were naughty this evening. Now turn your face to the front and spread your legs.”

  He raised his arm and brought it down with a hard spank in the middle of her flaming bottom, and Hailey gave a shriek of pain.

  “Do it now, girl, or I’m going to keep spanking your butt until you do.” He gave her another hard swat, and she bucked against his arm, but then the resistance seemed to drain out of her and with a sob she did turn her face, and spread her knees a little, her form limp across the ottoman. The cleft of her brown-haired pussy became just visible between her thighs.

  “Much wider than that, Hailey,” Pierre said sternly, thrusting his hand between the girl’s thighs to spread them. The touch drew a different kind of cry from Hailey, a needy cry that told him the spanking had provoked very mixed feelings in her heart and her pussy. She pulled her knees apart framing the lovely, curly-haired furrow in the vee of her trim teenaged thighs. Pierre, semi-hard for the last ten minutes, became as stiff as an oak tree in his jeans now. The urge to do something much more pleasant for his naughty girl than spanking the adorable pout of her young cunt almost overtook him, but he knew he had to follow through, if only to let Hailey know that her cringing virgin pussy belonged to him now.

  “If you’re a good girl for me, now, Hailey, this won’t last very long,” he said in a quieter, though still stern voice. “I need to teach you what happens when you decide to give in to temptation and use your little clit and your vagina to make yourself feel good, without thinking about how nature gave them to you so that a man can enjoy them, and reward you when you please him.”

  Part of Pierre recognized that the lesson emerging from his mind and his mouth sounded like it had come straight from the Victorian era, if not the Middle Ages. He didn’t have any idea why it seemed so right to instruct Hailey Miller in such an old-fashioned way, beyond the authority granted him by the hardness of his cock. The way the girl responded, though, confirmed that something about Pierre’s lewd, anachronistic explanation of the pussy spanking he was about to bestow between her thighs had a similar power over her: Hailey gave a sobbing moan, and pushed her bottom out and up a bit, presenting her sweet cunt more fully to the man who now had not the slightest doubt he would soon fuck her there—and everywhere—as well.

  Pierre raised his hand and brought it down hard, his four fingers smacking with a satisfying crack against the tender flesh of Hailey’s young pussy. She cried out and writhed against his left arm, but he held her fast and spanked her there again, and again, and again.

  Hailey bucked up and down now, desperate to escape this awful reward for self-pleasure, almost seeming to ride the ottoman like a bronco. “Oh, no… please… no more,” she wailed. “I won’t… I won’t do it again!”

  “See what happens, Hailey?” Pierre demanded, giving her yet another spank. “This is what happens when you take down your panties to touch yourself down there. Someone else takes your panties down for you, and gives you what you really need.”

  “Oh… God, please… Mr. LeGrand. Please… I… I need…”

  He delivered another spank. “You need to learn, Hailey, don’t you? You need to learn so much.” He couldn’t wait to reward her any longer now. He brought his hand back to her pussy, but not with a smack this time: two fingers pressed to the hood of her sweet, wrinkly clit rubbed firmly, parted a bit to expose the tiny, rosy bud there.

  Hailey’s sobs of discomfort changed in an instant to a long, low moan. She rode Pierre’s hand in an entirely different way, now.

  “Oh, God…” she breathed. “Oh, God… I’m going to…”

  “Shh,” Pierre said. “I know what you need.”

  “Yes,” Hailey whispered. “Oh, Mr. LeGrand… I… will you…

  He rubbed her adorable pink inner lips, up and down, then returned to her clit, so that Hailey’s whole body tensed under the arm that still held her down against the ottoman.

  “Yes, honey. I’m going to fuck you now.”

  Pierre stepped back, his hands at his belt buckle, and surveyed the delicious prospect before him: beautiful eighteen-year-old Hailey Miller, her well-disciplined backside flaming red from his firm hand, panting with desire, lay ready for the cock that sprang from his briefs as he pulled them down to fall to the floor. As he watched, she turned her face over her shoulder, and he saw her eyes widen and her lips part as if in wonder at her first sight of a man’s hard penis. Hailey shifted on the ottoman, to rise up on her elbows, and he felt his own eyes go a little rounder at the way she proceeded to arch her back and present herself—her sweet, spanked bottom and her even sweeter pussy—to the man who would take her virginity.

  Pierre lost any remaining hesitation to fuck the girl and to take her in hand as his naughty young erotic plaything: Hailey Miller showed very clearly in that lascivious movement of her body that she needed his firm hand very badly. She needed the bodily strength in that hand, and the moral strength. She needed her experienced master to mete out the discipline she earned, on her bare little bottom. She need him to take secure hold of her hips, the way he did now, so that he could move his hard cock up and down the furrow of her backside and make her moan in anticipation, still looking over her shoulder but with the crease in her brow deepening and her eyes clouded and distant with the force of her sexual desire.

  He moved the head of his cock downward, releasing her right hip but keeping hold of her left so that he could control the girl’s wayward motions. Hailey bit her lip, her eyes dropping for a moment as if the sensation of his hardness at the entrance to the tight passage where it must enter now were too shameful to bear. Pierre leaned forward, pushing the head of his cock into her pussy, giving a little groan of pleasure at the heavenly sensation.

  “You’re very wet, young lady,” he said softly.

  Hailey returned her eyes to his, her face puckered with virginal modesty.

  “I know, sir,” she said. “Will you spank me for that?”

  “No, honey. You’re a good girl for me, to be so wet. It makes your cunt nice to fuck.” He pushed in a little further, and Hailey gave a tiny cry, as much at the dirty word, Pierre thought, as at the feeling in her pussy of a man’s stiff penis pressing against her hymen, nature’s warning to young women to keep themselves pure.

  “You’re going to teach me, aren’t you?” Hailey asked softly. “To be your good girl?”

  Pierre smiled, taken aback a little at the urgency of her question.

  “Yes, honey. I know what you need.”

  That made her lips part. “What do I need?” she whispered.

  Pierre couldn’t hold himself back any longer now. Hailey’s open face, filled with urgent desire, together with the velvety feeling in her pussy, drew a low sound of pleasure from his throat. He gripped her hips a little harder, and Hailey emitted a tiny mewing sound, like a kitten crying for milk, as if she knew her girlhood would in a moment’s thrust now come to an end.

  “You need cock, Hailey,” Pierre growled, and he drove with his hips so that he gave it to her at the same instant, ripping through her cherry and thrusting in at full length, feeling the head of his sizable penis coming up against Hailey’s cervix.

  She had closed her eyes as he took her virginity, her face crumpling into pain, but now she opened them again in wonder. “Oh, God,” she said. “Mr. LeGrand… sir… yes, I do need it… fuck me hard. Please.”

  Chapter Eight

  Pierre LeGrand’s Zedaar sent, I do not believe I have exerted excessive influence, but Hailey Miller has reacted in a surprisingly urgent way to being fucked by my host’s penis.

  I have observed a similar phenomenon in Janice Strauss, its colleague returned. With a small degree of influence to expose her natural reproductive desire to give pleasure to her mate’s sexual organ, I appear to have awakened a very deep need to submit to whatever demands the penis may place upon her, and to receive it whenever and wherever my host chooses to penetrate her. Useful, I believe, as well as amusing.

  Indeed, replied the first. I will explore this means of controlling the young female further tonight. Tomorrow, when our hosts come together to begin the move-thing project in earnest, we may wish to have them confer as to methods for bringing the females together, so as to strengthen the effect still further through their natural desire both for fellow feeling and for competition.

  * * *

  Hailey didn’t understand, fully, when she had decided to give her virginity to Mr. LeGrand, or especially why—except that she had always found him hot in an older-guy way, his red beard and green eyes figuring in several rather interesting dreams since she had turned eighteen. Still, she had intended to lose it with some hot boy of her own age, at college. Certainly not here in Fotherville and certainly not with her neighbor!

  And Pierre LeGrand had barged into her house, found her playing with herself, and spanked her for it, for God’s sake—first her bottom and then, most humiliatingly and painfully of all, her tender pussy. Part of Hailey had kept saying, even as Pierre had gently pressed the head of his penis into her and she had known that he would soon thrust in all the way and deflower her, that this scene didn’t make sense, that it wasn’t what she should want.

  Now, though, as she had her first fucking, and his big cock moved inside her, that voice of protest faded so far into the background that the rest of Hailey could barely hear it. It felt so good, to have him above her and behind her, one of his hands on her shoulder and the other on her hip, teaching her about how a man liked to fuck. She wanted it to go on forever, and she wanted to learn everything Pierre intended to teach her. Hailey arched her back and tried to move herself under him in a way he would find pleasing.

  Her pussy still ached, just a tiny bit, from the spanking and the flash of pain that had accompanied losing her virginity, but the pleasure inside from Pierre’s male hardness seemed to turn those lingering discomforts into something more. Suddenly she felt a greater pleasure rise up in an instant, like a wave on the ocean that seems only a small swell and then breaks on the sand with a roar, and she cried out into a stronger orgasm than she had ever felt.

  She shook under Pierre’s hands, sobbing with pleasure. Feeling her climax, he held himself deep and bent over her, to kiss her neck, nuzzle at her right ear.

  “Did that feel good, honey?” he asked, disorienting her with the tenderness of his voice.

  “Yes, sir,” Hailey sobbed. “So good. I need it so much.” She didn’t feel entirely sure about why Pierre’s talking about her needs had affected her the way it had, but she knew with blushing pleasure—and a thrilling contraction of her pussy around her older master’s big cock—that she spoke the honest truth. She didn’t think that two hours before she would ever have considered voicing such a need, even if she had felt it, but now Hailey felt that if she didn’t tell Mr. LeGrand how deeply she craved his dominance… more, how deeply she craved his hard penis, driving into her in every place and in every way, teaching her to be a good girl… she would be lying by omission, and he might punish her by whipping her, or, worse, by taking his cock away.

  He began to thrust again more gently, staying bent over her so that his strong chest pressed up against her back and she felt his muscles through her t-shirt and his flannel. The way he covered her like that, his body mastering hers, made Hailey climax again, and then a third time, not as massively or as surprisingly as the first orgasm, but still so as to make her buck under Pierre’s hips and cry out with pleasure, and, it seemed, so as to bring on his orgasm too.

  For Pierre growled, and thrust in very hard, his rhythm becoming urgent again. He drove Hailey’s backside down onto the ottoman, and her spanked bottom’s discomfort returned in the slapping of his hips against it, not in a painful way but as if Pie
rre meant to remind her that she would be spanked, or whipped, from now on whenever he decided she needed to learn a lesson—as if he meant to ensure she remembered she belonged to an older man, now, and to his cock.

  She came again, almost as forcefully as the first time, sobbing into the ottoman, her eyes on the carpet because she knew she mustn’t look at him, that he wanted her eyes forward when he had her, as he would have her from now on. Yet another orgasm started to build, and then Pierre’s growl turned into a grunt and she felt his whole body tense atop her, and Hailey’s climax came on as if in submissive response to his nearness to the peak of his pleasure.

  Pierre pulled his cock out, then, and Hailey gave a little wail of bereavement: it felt like the worst punishment in the world, to be deprived of his hardness inside her. Then she understood, though, for he held her well-disciplined bottom-cheeks around his cock and moved in the valley between them. The feeling didn’t have anywhere near the physical satisfaction of having him inside her, but she felt her need for the penis gratified at the same time as she realized he had withdrawn it in order to make sure she didn’t get pregnant and a surge of affection welled up in her heart.

  He spoke in a thick voice, then, the pleasure he took in enjoying her young body so audible in his words that it made Hailey feel faint.

  “I’m going to fuck this ass tomorrow, honey. But your tight little cunt felt so good that I need to come right now, and it’s going to take a while to get your anus ready for me.”

  The dirty words, the shameful promise, seemed to excite Pierre to speak as much as they made Hailey’s tummy flutter and her pussy clench to hear them. He grew still for a long moment, holding his cock between the hot round globes of her backside, and then she felt his hardness jerk a little, and something very warm splashed onto her back.


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