Charlotte's Dilemma

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Charlotte's Dilemma Page 6

by Diane Leyne

  He was just her toy boy and she wanted to dress him up and thought he couldn’t afford to look presentable. It was his own fault she thought that, he knew that, but he had still hated feeling bought, even though it wasn’t fair to her.

  And now he wasn’t sure now how to confess that he was actually rich. He’d dug himself a hole, for sure, and he’d have to find a way to get out of it.

  He frowned into the mirror as he tied his hair back. Marie hated his hair long, but he liked it, and he was pretty sure Charlotte did, too, so he had no plans to cut it. He just hoped Marie had no plans to cut it either. He wouldn’t put it past her to grab a pair of scissors and chop it off if she thought it was getting in his face.

  He put his watch on and was ready. That was one of the nice things about being a guy. Although, he thought as he frowned, he would have liked to have dressed nicer for Marie. Next time, he promised himself. No more suits, but he did have some nicer clothes back at the island, and speaking of which, he was getting pretty annoyed at Charlotte refusing to tell him where she was going to be working. In return, he didn’t tell her where he worked or that he already knew where she worked.

  For some reason, he felt it was important for her to tell him, and it was starting to really worry him that she hadn’t. Did she really mean what she said about this being just a fling? And if she did, what could he do about it? Did he want to do anything about it? He was having the most amazing sex of his life with a beautiful, intelligent, kind, and sexy woman who just happened to be a few years older than he was. Hell yes, he wanted things to continue. He’d never been a love-’em-and-leave-’em kind of guy. He had relationships.

  Hell, he rarely even played with the unattached subs, either at the club he went to in Chicago or on the island, because when he made it clear first that there would be no sex that usually ended things right there. Kristoff used to tease him about being such a woman in relationships, especially considering he was a Dom, but then Kristoff had met Sandy and fallen in love at first sight. They got married two weeks after they met, and their first baby, Andre Pierre, was born a year later. He snorted with laughter. Apparently Sandy was pregnant again. Two babies in three years of marriage. His love-’em-and-leave-’em best friend had been completely tamed by the love of a good woman.

  He couldn’t wait until it was his turn. If only Charlotte felt the same way.

  Chapter 6

  Charlotte looked around the backyard. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but she didn’t expect a dozen or more adults and even more children. She found herself just standing there as JJ was swept away from her as everyone was clearly glad to see him back. The prodigal son returned, and she was just out of place. She started to back away but stopped when she nearly fell over a toddler, who promptly burst into tears. She looked around quickly, but all the other adults had converged on JJ.

  Squatting down, she reached out hesitantly. Her main experience with children involved patching up their wounds, not calming tears. He was definitely a boy, and he looked to be somewhere between eighteen and twenty-four months, well nourished, and healthy. He definitely had a strong pair of lungs.

  Suddenly, he gazed up at her and smiled, even though the tears continued to fall. She could see Roy Dupris in his smile. He opened his big gray eyes wide and reached up. She didn’t remember consciously scooping him into her arms, but when she did, the tears magically stopped. She tried to put him back down, but he clung to her like a limpet.

  Sighing, she looked around for someone who could take him, but no one was facing her way. Walking over to the crowd, she felt his little body start wriggling, and she held him tighter, afraid he’d fall.

  She adjusted her grip just as JJ came up to her and plucked the little boy from her arms.

  “How’s my favorite nephew?” He tossed the little boy in the air and then caught him on the way down. “You still remember me, champ? It’s been more than a month…”

  “Jay Jay,” the little boy happily burbled. “Jay Jay Jay.”

  Just then, a small blonde woman with a great big pregnant belly waddled over. “About time you came home, JJ.”

  “Sandy!” JJ shifted the boy to his hip so he could wrap one long arm around the newcomer. “Charlotte, this is Sandy. Roy’s granddaughter-in-law, and this young rogue’s mother. Sandy, this is Dr. Charlotte Montgomery.”

  “Call me Charley. You have a beautiful home and a very handsome son, Sandy.”

  “Thanks, Charley. I love it. Have you seen the view?” She frowned. “Have you met everyone? Anyone?”

  Charley shook her head.

  “Men! Come with me.” She linked her arm in Charley’s and led her away, slapping JJ on the arm as they passed him, still holding onto the small boy. “You can either look after Andre or hand him over to Kristoff. I’m going to show Charley around.”

  “Remember to only say nice things about me. I don’t want to have to sleep on the beach tonight.”

  Charley found herself blushing at his words. “Don’t worry, JJ. I’ll only tell her the truth.”

  “That’s what he’s afraid of!” declared a tall young man who joined their small group. Andre seemed to launch himself from JJ’s arms toward the newcomer, who handily caught him. Kristoff, Charlotte presumed. He was almost as tall as JJ, with a creamy mocha skin and shoulder-length dreadlocks. He had big dark eyes and an easy smile.


  “You must be Kristoff. I’m Charley.” Charlotte reached out to shake Kristoff’s hand, but it was Andre who grabbed her hand, or more precisely, her finger, shaking it gravely before a big black dog caught his eye.

  “Doggie!” He wiggled and wriggled until his father set him down, pursuing the good-natured canine, who walked over to a shady spot and rolled onto his side. Clearly this was a regular occurrence. She found herself smiling as Andre curled up beside the dog, lay his head on the dog’s side, and promptly went to sleep.


  “Yeah, Andre and Arthur have grown up together. Sometimes I think they think they are brothers. It will be interesting when their little sister is born.”

  “You’re having a girl?”

  “Grandmother Marie has declared it a girl, and she’s never wrong.”

  Kristoff moved behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her, his hands gently caressing her distended belly.

  “When are you due?”

  “Eight weeks, and I can’t wait.”

  “Me neither. Although, there is one benefit.” Laughing, he slid his hands up under his wife’s swollen breasts. “Or rather two!”

  Sandy laughed as she batted his hands away. “You men go and cook some food. I’m going to take Charley to meet Marie.” She turned to Charlotte. “Grandmother Marie’s been asking to see you. Roy has been singing your praises. I need to warn you that they are going to be inviting you to Roy and Andre’s seventy-fifth and second joint birthday party. It’s a month from now, and I’d love you to come, but I also wanted to give you a heads-up so you wouldn’t be put on the spot.”

  * * * *

  JJ watched Charlotte being led away. Part of him was amused and part of him wanted to run after her and comfort her. She looked terrified.

  “So, JJ, is she the one?”

  “The one? Hell, Kristoff. What has Roy been saying? We’ve only known each other a few days.” He swallowed uncomfortably as he said the right words, but they were lies.

  “So what? I knew Sandy was the one for me from the moment we met. She was just standing there and I forgot to watch where I was going, tripped, and fell at her feet. I’ve been there ever since, man. She knelt beside me to see if I was okay, once she stopped laughing. Then she leaned over and kissed me, and I was hers. You know the story. Two weeks later we were married. And grand-père and grand-mère, they got married even quicker. Ten days.

  “How did you and Charley meet?”

  “At the Miami airport. We bumped into each other, literally. But she rushed away. No magic moment. But then…”


  “I was seated on the plane and she was walking by me and got jostled and ended up in my lap. And then she kissed me…”


  “And I was gone.”

  “I knew it. You love her!”

  “I can’t, man. We’ve only known each other a few days.”

  “The heart wants what the heart wants!”

  “Stop talking like a Hallmark card. Besides, she doesn’t feel the same way about me. She thinks she’s too old for me. Sometimes, when she thinks I’m not looking, I can see her unguarded expression and I think she has feelings for me, too, but then she looks at me and the moment is gone and I wonder if I’ve imagined it, you know, saw what I wanted to see.”

  “Does she also think you drive tourists around on boats for a living, or did you tell her the truth?”

  “If she’s going to love me, it has to be for me, Kristoff. She has to love JJ the boat captain.”

  “You think she’s a gold digger?”

  “Hell no. She just finished five years working for Doctors Without Borders. She’s devoted herself to helping others. I’m more concerned that she doesn’t know how much money I have in the bank until we get to know each other better.”

  “I don’t understand. You just said she’s not a gold digger.”

  “She’s not. At least, she doesn’t come across that way. I’ve been burned before, Kristoff, by women who seemed to care about me but then I found out that they were more attracted to my family’s money than to me. Once they found out that I’d rejected my family’s money, they were gone. Although, once I earned my own, it was shocking how many had an epiphany that they did like me after all and tried to get back with me. As far as Charlotte is concerned, I’m just JJ, and I want to keep it that way as long as I can. This way, I can be sure she loves me for me, and not for my bank account.”

  JJ saw Kristoff’s disapproving expression and shrugged.

  “Gramps said she was a doctor and that she was down here to take a job?”

  “Yeah, she’s the new resident doctor on Libertine Island.”

  “That’s good, isn’t it? You’ll be able to spend time together on the island and she can get to know you better, the real you. When she does, she won’t care about your bank account.”

  “Maybe, maybe not, about the job, I mean. I only know she’s the new doctor because Duncan asked me to pick her up Monday and ferry her over to the island. He sent a photo so I’d recognize her. Charlotte won’t tell me where she’s going to work. She’s decided that this is a holiday fling and that tomorrow morning we are going our own ways.”

  “I take it you didn’t tell her where you worked?”

  “Nope. Sauce for the goose and all that.”

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to give her one last chance tonight to admit that she wants more than a fling or at least tell me where she’s going to be working and that she wants our relationship to continue.”

  “And if she doesn’t?”

  “Then I’m going to fight dirty.” JJ looked at Kristoff. “I’ve seen what you and Sandy have, and Roy and Marie. My own folks, it’s almost more like a business partnership than a love match, but I see the four of you and I want what you have. But I wasn’t looking for love. I thought I’d work on the island for the rest of the season and then make some decisions about what to do with the rest of my life.”

  “I wasn’t looking for love either, but it’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” Kristoff paused and looked at JJ. “You know, we are both turning into a couple of women, talking about love and feelings and the like. Shouldn’t we be talking about sports or fart or burp or something?”

  JJ laughed. “I’d rather talk about how I’m going to convince Charlotte that I’m serious about a relationship and she’s not too old for me. Crap. We are women.”

  * * * *

  It had been a wonderful day. Roy’s family was wonderful and welcoming, even if they were all convinced that she and JJ were practically engaged and they all treated her like a part of the family. She’d loved every minute of it. Once she talked to Sandy and realized that she could just relax and enjoy herself without trying to correct everyone’s misconception, she had fun. She loved young Andre and wondered if she’d ever be a mother. And Sandy felt like she could be the sister Charlotte had never had. If only the relationship were real. So she let herself pretend for a single afternoon that she was part of a big, loving extended family and not the product of divorced parents who had pretty much left her to her own devices once they’d split when she started college.

  And then last night she and JJ had a romantic dinner by the pool and had retired to their room. Charlotte had started to get things organized, packing away some of her clothes, but JJ would have none of that. He’d followed his usual pattern. Their first time was quick and hot, and she’d just wrapped her legs around his waist and hung on for the ride until she came apart, screaming her climax as he poured his hot cum into the condom.

  The second time, though, he took his time, even more than usual, teasing and taunting her, bringing her to the edge but pulling back and not letting her get the release she needed until she was literally begging, but he just laughed.

  Then, abruptly, he pulled out of her, flipping her onto her hands and knees. He arranged the pillow in front of her to his satisfaction and then pushed her head down so it was resting on the pillow and braced by her arms. Then he pulled her legs wide apart and positioned himself behind her.


  Automatically, Charlotte rose to her knees to protest and immediately felt his hand come down hard on her ass, so she subsided as she felt him move close behind her. He positioned his big, rangy body over hers, surrounding her with his heat. He was almost a foot taller than her and probably eighty pounds heavier, so he easily kept her in place. She didn’t feel intimidated. She felt protected and cherished as he kissed her shoulders and neck.

  “Charlotte Montgomery, you are going to have to learn to take a compliment. Don’t you realize just how much I love that ass of yours?”

  “It’s too big!”


  “It’s perfect, and I can’t wait to fuck it. I’ve been dreaming doing just that every night and cursing myself for forgetting the lube. But don’t worry about that. From now on, I’ll make sure there’s an unlimited supply of condoms, lube, and sunscreen, everything we could need.” He kissed the back of her neck. “And don’t bring up your so-called cellulite again.”

  “But my ass and thighs…and my breasts. I’m thirty-five. They are already starting to sag, and it’s only going to get worse.”

  In this position, Charlotte didn’t just hear JJ sigh, she felt it, too.

  “For the last time, and I mean it, Charlotte, I don’t want to hear you putting yourself down anymore. If I hear anything like this in the future, I’m going to strap you down to a spanking bench and beat some sense into you.”

  “A what?” Charlotte felt her heartbeat speed up as she remembered the spanking bench back at Club Libertine, when Cin gave her the tour.

  “A spanking bench, oh, Charlotte, I can’t wait to introduce you to the joys of the spanking bench. In fact, I think I’ll have a one installed in our bedroom, because I have the feeling you are going to need a lot of correction, and I’m going to love giving it to you as well as fucking your brains out afterward.

  “Now, where was I? Yes, your tits. They are perfect.” He reached under her and cupped her breasts, massaging them and playing with her nipples as he spoke. “They fit my hands perfectly. They are a wonderful size, and I could suckle your nipples like a hungry baby for hours.

  “And as for your so-called cellulite…the only dimples I see on your ass are the two dimples here and here.” He touched the tops of her ass cheeks. “And they only make me think about here.” He moved his hand between her cheeks, the tip of his finger running lightly over her puckered rosette. “You can’t imagine
just how much I want to fuck you here. Have you ever had a cock in your ass, Charlotte?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  She felt him move slightly, positioning his hard cock at the entrance to her pussy as he sighed regretfully.

  “We’re definitely going to have to wait until we are on the island. Don’t be nervous. I’ll use lots of lube and a series of butt plugs to get you stretched enough to take my cock, and once you do, I’ll fuck your ass every night. In the meantime…” He slowly started to push his cock into her pussy.

  First it was just the head. Charlotte tried to push back against him, but he held her firm, just teasing her as he stretched her opening with his cock’s bulbous head before pulling out again.

  “Please…JJ, please I need you inside me.”

  “Your wish is my command,” he declared as he surged inside her to the root and then went still again.

  “But don’t get used to it, sweetie. I’m a Dom. Do you know what that is?”

  Charlotte felt herself blushing. She wanted to lie, but she couldn’t.

  “Um, yes. My friend, Cin…”

  “The one you stayed with in Seattle?”

  “Yes. Um, her boyfriend. That is, boyfriends. They are brothers and Doms. They took me with them to Club Libertine, to, er, watch.”

  She could feel as well has hear JJ laugh.

  “Did you like what you saw?”

  “I, uh…”

  She felt a smack on the side of her ass.

  “I asked you a question.”


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