Tainted (Netherworld Book II)

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Tainted (Netherworld Book II) Page 11

by Christie Rich

  His question takes me off guard. He’s a little too sharp with his tone for something that happened a while ago. Maybe I should delve into this further, but right now, I don’t want to. I shake my head, turning the corner into his room. Not wasting any time, I make a beeline for my room and start calling out commands for fried chicken, potato salad, corn on the cob, and piping hot rolls. For good measure, I add a fresh apple pie.

  The food appears out of nowhere, some clattering, some plopping right on top of the table. I burst out laughing while Seth stares at the overturned pie that droops before it plops onto the carpet.


  “Indeed.” He screws up his face, barks out a few commands, and shuts his eyes.

  By the time he opens them again, the mess is completely gone. I didn’t even have time to grab some pie to squish in his face . . . later.

  Systematically, I place my order again, making sure to include containers this time. Seth leans against the wall, watching as I conjure a picnic basket and pack it.

  I throw a glance at him over my shoulder. “Not much for helping, huh?”

  His brows lift. “You seem to have this under control. Besides, I have no idea what you’re doing.”

  I whirl, staring at him. His expression seems legit, but how can he be serious? Since he’s not telling me, I ask, “You really don’t know what a picnic is?”

  He detaches himself from the wall to stand next to me. His nostrils flare as he takes a deep breath. The quizzical look he takes next makes me laugh. “What is this?”

  “That, my friend, is Justine’s spread.” I hope. “She made the best fried chicken ever, and her potato salad.” I press my fingers to my lips. “To die for.”

  Skeptical as he is, he’ll find out soon enough I’ve got the goods to back up my claims. I hope.

  “Come on, lover boy. Food’s not getting any warmer.” Technically, the potato salad shouldn’t be warm, but I’m not about to tell him.

  He grabs the basket while I pick up the drinks. At the last minute, I remember a blanket, so I yank the comforter off my bed, sending pillows flying.

  Seth shakes his head, his blond hair falling over his forehead in an unbelievably perfect way. I give him a grin before I jet out the door.

  He lopes beside me. “Where are we going?”

  Not to the red room of pleasure, that’s for sure. I’ve spent plenty of time in there already and not much of it was pleasurable. “You really can’t guess?”

  “With you? No.”

  “Good. I like being unpredictable.” To anyone else in the universe this would be so obvious. Maybe he’s playing me again? I don’t care. I want some fun and relaxation, and no matter what, I’m getting it today. Before I know it, I’ll be knee deep in Erobos crap.

  He keeps silent while I hum the tune to Happy Days. His expression shifts from uncertain to bewildered in two seconds flat. I nearly mess up the tune, but I recover with a smile.

  Once we reach the conservatory, I glance up at him.

  “You do realize Baltek’s in there, right? Be careful. His companion is still a trifle skittish.”

  I blink at him, trying to process what he said. “You know, sometimes, you sound like you were born before the world was, Seth.”

  He frowns, confusion dripping from it. “That’s because I was.”

  I screw up my face. “Don’t remind me. You ready for the best meal of your life?”

  Finally, he gives me a real smile. “Of course.”

  I lift the drinks high into the air and race forward. “Catch me if you can.”

  Seeing Amelia so free lifts my soul. I chase her, the basket swinging in my hand. Off in the distance, a low bark resounds.

  Two dark heads poke over the bushes twenty feet away. Baltek barks again, followed by his companion. Only now do I realize I have failed to name the creature.

  I send Baltek a silent warning to stay away, but his companion will not be deterred. Pretty soon, they both run circles between me and Amelia, who laughs and runs faster, making the liquid in the glasses spill over her hands.

  I shake my head and take after her, not willing to let her gain more ground than she has. The wind licks at her hair, lifting darks strands as if by a lover’s hand.

  The freedom in her movements, the grace of her soul gives me hope we can overcome the darkness. Since Amelia has been with me, I’m able to resist my urges more readily. If only she could affect all of us the same way. As soon as we get things cleared up within her world, I’m hoping she will be able to help me locate a recruit for Peter and Ian. They are both in desperate need, and this isn’t the time to be overly choosy.

  Amelia heads for the river. The high-arching bridge she created not long ago arcs above the water as if a gateway to another world. I’ve not been able to explore much of the addition, but what I have seen has inspired me.

  Baltek slows to lope alongside me. His companion does the same. He nuzzles my hand, and I pat his head, glad to see a spark in his countenance once again.

  Who knows how long I’ll have him? My dogs usually last a few centuries before I have to replace them, but Baltek is special. He’s been with me through my darkest days. He’s kept me sane when I didn’t think it was possible.

  My mind drifts to the day I got him. His dappled coat was shaggy, even from the beginning. With his big, brown eyes and floppy ears, he was the cutest thing I had ever seen. Unlike other pups I’d owned, he refused to sleep on his bed. He whined until I gave in and let him curl up near my feet. It was only a few years ago, after I couldn’t take his paws in my face a second longer, he actually obeyed my command to sleep on the rug.

  Stubborn as his master, it seems.

  When we catch up to Amelia, she’s taking care with the noonday meal, carefully placing each dish in a specific way. Somehow, she managed to keep most of the drinks in the glasses, and the food smells delicious, now that I’m not worried about what she’s planned to feed me.

  I pick up a cup and sniff. Lemonade, if I’m not mistaken. Considering her upbringing, I understand her avoidance of alcohol. I, too, have reasons to remain sober, but once in a while it is nice to drink the world away.

  Amelia pats the spot of grass beside her. “Pull up a chair.” I frown, unsure of her meaning. Does she wish for me to conjure a table? “This is a picnic, Seth. We sit wherever we can.”

  I am hungry, so I lower to the turf. Finding a comfortable position with my boots on is difficult. After a moment of indecision, I discard them.

  To my surprise, Amelia laughs. “Didn’t take you long to adjust.”

  I send her a smile. “I tend to learn quickly.”

  She picks up a plate and plops a heaping spoonful of the yellow concoction on it, followed by a corn cob. Next, she lifts the platter of chicken and frowns as she inspects each piece. Her eyes light up when she rips a chunk off and tastes it.

  I’m given a different piece before she hands my dish over. She shoves a fork under my nose, which I take with a soft “Thank you” she doesn’t seem to hear.

  Her focus turns to her own food, and before I know it, she has a drumstick in her hand. Since Baltek and companion are now inching toward us, I conjure a couple steaks in front of their noses. Thankfully, they follow the steaming meat away from our area. I send their treats over the bridge to give us more time.

  When I glance at her, Amelia stares at me expectantly. Not wishing to incur her ire, I lower the dish to the blanket and pick up the chicken.

  The crisp breading contrasts well with the juicy interior. It’s got just the right amount of flavor. “This is delicious. Thank you.”

  She gives me a ghost of a smile, but her eyes are still filled with curiosity. “What about the salad?”

  I’m still not quite sure I want to eat it, yet I don’t want to hurt her feelings. I pick up the fork and take a small bite. It’s good. I’m not certain what the flavors are, but they blend well. The potatoes are cold, with bits of eggs and pickles mixed in. I think there are oni
ons as well.

  The next bite is better. Pretty soon, I’ve devoured the generous helping she gave me.

  “Would you like some more?” she asks, chuckling.

  I hold my dish toward her. “Please.”

  She lets out a satisfied grunt. “It’s pretty close to Justine’s spread.”

  I let an honest smile spread my lips. “I’m glad you’ve shared this with me.”

  As if satisfied, she gives me a nod. “I thought we could both use some downtime.”

  Conversation is slow going as we finish the meal. The apple pie comes next. Just when I bring a bite to my lips, Amelia says, “Wait! We need ice-cream. I can’t believe I forgot.” She scrunches up her face. “Do I need to go back to my room to order it?”

  I laugh. “No.”

  Her smile holds a sheepish edge. “Good.” Without further hesitation she says, “I need a carton of vanilla. Oh, and a scoop . . . please.”

  The confection appears on the blanket next to the pie. Her excitement makes it impossible for me to be anything else. I’d rather taste her lips in this moment, but I deny myself the pleasure.

  Her belated request is granted, which elicits a lasting smile. “You just wait. There’s nothing like warm apple pie smothered in ice-cream.”

  I give her a small frown. “Now you’ve made me impatient.”

  She smirks. “Cool your jets. It’s coming.”

  I laugh. “Yes, your highness.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Haha — sit up.” I lift myself and fold my legs as she has. “Open your mouth and close your eyes.”

  Trying to keep myself from laughing at her again, I tame my lips into a line. Even with my eyes closed, I sense the gentle sway of her movements. Her scent lingers in the air, making my fingers curl as if to hold her.

  When her concoction passes into my mouth, I let the flavors linger. She leans nearer, her presence pressing in on me. I open my eyes to her exuberant expression, allowing a delighted groan to escape me.

  She laughs. “I told you it was good. Here.”

  She holds the plate toward me, and I accept. I’m beginning to think I like down time. Before long, I’ve finished my pie. Now I can focus on watching Amelia, who takes slow, measured bites of hers.

  I never knew silence could be so comfortable. It’s been too long since I’ve allowed sensation to overcome me, and now it’s difficult to release the tension residing within.

  I remind myself we’re safe in my realm. No Erobos can reach us here, yet time is our enemy.

  Amelia sighs, bringing my thoughts to her again. Her expression is filled with disappointment, which she quickly hides once she realizes I’m watching.

  “I know we need to start training again, but would you mind if we talk about Eros?”

  I shrug. “What do you wish to know?”

  She hesitates, then continues, “Do you believe the legend?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  She shifts her weight onto one arm to pick at the grass in front of her. “I was just thinking about the myth. I mean, what would happen if the Eros found a vessel that could house them? Since they occupy a whole bunch of people now, how would they be able to assemble into one being again? Do you think they’d leave everyone at once?”

  I frown, my mind tasting her hypothesis. “I suppose it’s possible, yet very unlikely.”

  “Yeah, but if there were someone strong enough to fight the corruption, the person might be able to bring back the Oneiroi all at once.”

  This is what amazes me about her. She is filled with hope and caring for a people she hardly knows. I’ve never considered what would happen if the Eros found a new host because none of us are strong enough to fight the darkness. “It would be a miracle.”

  She shrugs. “Miracles aren’t as rare as people think.”

  I laugh. “You sound rather positive.”

  “Well, sure. There’s always a way to get things done. You just have to figure out how.”

  I shake my head in wonder. “If anyone can do such a thing, it will be you.”

  A slow blush rises up her neck and infuses her cheeks with a delightful glow. “Stop. I’m no Superman.”

  I laugh and pull her into my arms. “What a relief.”

  She shoves my shoulder, but her body relaxes under my touch. I brush her hair away from her face, staring into her beautiful green eyes. She lowers her chin, allowing me to trace a finger along her jawline toward her mouth.

  Our breath mingles as I bring our lips together. Hers yield to mine, and I taste her, the remnants of dessert sweetening our kiss.

  I allow myself to linger, to caress her skin, to press her body against my own. It would be so easy for me to forget the world, to forget my duty . . . to be her mate. No matter what Ian or Peter think, there is no darkness cankering this woman. She is light. She is hope.

  She is mine.

  My head is so dizzy I can’t think straight, but who needs to think anyway? Seth’s kisses keep me just under delirious.

  His lips are warm and surprisingly soft yet demanding at the same time. His hands press me closer until I allow my body to relax against him.

  My mind can’t seem to focus on anything but my need to be next to him, to feel more of the strange tingles and jolts ripping through me.

  Too soon, he pulls away. I grunt and lift my lips to his. He laughs, brushing a finger along my mouth. “You are a temptress.”

  I frown, unsure and hurt. It takes two seconds of thinking about it before frustration snaps my spine straight. “Hey, I’m no tease, if that’s what you’re thinking.” His expression remains calm, but I can’t help thinking he’s fighting a battle he doesn’t need to. “You’re the one who stopped. Not me.”

  Deep blue eyes soften before he tips my chin back to kiss me again, but he’s not into it. How can he just turn his hormones off? Mine demand more. I don’t really know what that more entails, but it eats me apart I can’t have it. His next words send me straight to angry. “Now is not the time to fulfill our desire.”

  My fingers curl around his shirt. “Why not? We’re both adults. It’s not like my dad is going to come after you or anything.”

  The minute I mention my deadbeat father, my muscles tense. As much as I’d like to stay here with Seth and explore what it means to make love, he’s right. While we were eating lunch and making out, Ian and Zed were trying to keep Earth together.

  How selfish could I possibly be? I glance away, trying to compose myself. “You need to go, don’t you?”

  Seth nods. He still hasn’t spoken, which makes me wonder what the hell he’s thinking. Maybe he’s not really into me? Maybe I’m wrong about his feelings? I mean, he hasn’t had anyone here for a really long time. Why is he going so slowly?

  Doubts are enough to drive me nuts. I can’t stand just lying here under the cloak of nature like this when he won’t even look at me. It’s just not right.

  I roll away from him and jump up, adjusting my clothes. With stiff movements, I gather the table cloth, letting the plates and glasses clank together as I fling the bundle hobo style over my shoulder.

  I don’t even turn around as I say, “I’m gonna go take a bath. See you when you get back.”

  With that out of the way, I take off down the path toward the bridge. His footsteps echo mine, which makes me pick up my pace.

  A gentle touch rests on my shoulder. I try not to stiffen, but it doesn’t work. “Really, it’s cool,” I say. “I’m kind of tired. I think I’m going to try to sleep again after I get cleaned up.”

  His touch hardens as he pulls me to a stop. He lifts the bundle out of my hands and tosses it aside, but instead of crashing to the ground, it disappears.

  Without a word spoken, he takes me into his arms. One hand circles my back, while the other presses my face against his chest.

  His heartbeat is strong, racing. “Do you hear it pounding, Amelia?”

  What’s he doing? I try to push away from him, but he holds me firm. “Seth?” I whispe
r, not sure what else to say, unsure what to do.

  His muscles tense before he directs me toward an unknown destination. Before long, my back rests flush against a jagged tree trunk.

  My breath catches in my throat as he lifts my chin, bringing my gaze to his. His thighs press against mine, leaning closer until our bodies mold together. “Can you feel what you do to me?”

  He lifts me up, guiding my legs around his waist, which makes it clear to me just how aroused he is. My heart sinks into my stomach, and my head goes woozy. This time when Seth kisses me, he attacks my mouth. His tongue delves deep, tasting, caressing, washing all doubt from my mind.

  He stops as abruptly as he started. “Did you actually think I don’t want you?” His hips thrust, and I gasp. Memories from dreams I’ve shared with him come rushing into me. “It takes every bit of discipline I have to deny myself.”

  As if he’s starving and I’m his nourishment, he devours my mouth again. My entire body shakes with desire. My heart hammers against my ribs, and my pulse beats in my ears.

  “Then don’t,” I breathe. “I’m here. I’m willing. What more do you want?”

  He groans and his teeth clang together. “Amelia, if we mated, there is a good chance you would no longer be able to accomplish your tasks. I can’t take risk it. Can you?”

  I push him away so I can actually think. “What are you talking about?”

  Exasperated, he stabs his fingers through his hair. “To find the rest of the key, you must be human. It’s part of the curse.”

  I stare at him, unbelieving, shaking my head. “That can’t be true.”

  His fingers curl around mine. “Come. There’s something you need to see.”

  I was hoping to keep Amelia from knowing the full extent of the curse until I had time to test a few theories, but now, it seems, I have no other options. Her eyes, so full of uncertainty, still tear at my soul. I’ve thought I could withstand my need for her, but I didn’t expect her to be so willing to give herself to me.

  I’ve never had physical relations with a recruit. There have been a few I was tempted by, but all my needs have been met in the Dreamscape.


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