Tainted (Netherworld Book II)

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Tainted (Netherworld Book II) Page 31

by Christie Rich

  I close my eyes and take a steadying breath. When I open them again, Amelia is leaning toward me, concern covering her face. Before she can ask a single other question, I proceed with mine. “Amelia Blake, would you be my mate?”

  Her breath hitches, and her heartbeat increases. I smile, waiting . . . hoping. She shakes her head, but returns my grin. “Took you long enough.”

  Excitement flows into every part of my essence. I stand, bringing her with me. I’ve waited for this moment far longer than I should have. “It won’t take a second more.”

  When I kiss her upturned lips, she laughs. The sound rings out, cocooning me in her warmth. I lift her against me, taking a leisurely kiss. Reluctantly, I pull away, but only to discard my shirt. My boots soon follow. I’m aware of every single look she gives, each movement she makes. When I brought her here, I loved her, but since she’s been with me, I’ve discovered there is more to love than I originally thought. It’s more than an act; it’s life. To live from second to second with someone else in your heart is true love.

  Amelia stands before me, completely bare. She is beauty. She is grace. She is my everything, and she is mine, not because I possess her, but because she is meant for me — to be my partner, my love, my life. No one else could ever compare. No one else will ever be in my heart again.

  I take a tentative step forward. She embraces me, lingering with her hands against my back. “I love you, Seth.” She pulls away to look up at me. “It doesn’t matter if I ever get my memories back. When I thought Peter might actually take you from me, I couldn’t stand it. I don’t want to ever be in that situation again. You’re all I want.”

  I grin, brushing her hair over her shoulder. My fingers slide down her arm until they meet hers. I pull her with me to the bed, where we settle beside each other. I brush my lips against hers. “I’m sorry for doubting you. It will never happen again.”

  She laughs. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Her brows furrow in mock seriousness. “I’m not the easiest person to live with, you know.”

  “Oh, I know,” I say, giving a smirk.

  She slaps my shoulder. “Thanks a lot. You sure know how to seduce a girl.”

  I let my eyes travel over her body, my mind shifting focus. “Seduction is an art, Amelia. One I know quite well.” I lean forward to take her earlobe between my teeth. She gasps, and I grin again.

  She pushes me away, a questioning shadow lingering in her green eyes. “Is that so? Just how many women are we talking about here?”

  Running a finger along her collar bone, I stop to look at her. “There has only ever been one woman for me: you. I was referring to our time in your dreams.”

  She pouts. “Yeah, well, I don’t remember many details of those dreams. Besides, you were another person back then.” Her expression forms into a serious mask. “Will doing this really bind me to you?”

  I don’t let her worry for a moment before I answer. “You’re already my mate, Amelia. You agreed.”

  She stiffens. “What? That was it?”

  I smile. “No act, no matter how wonderful, could ever take away your free will. If it could have, you would have already been mine.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I hate it when you talk about things I can’t remember.”

  I shake my head, feigning offense. “You’re telling me after all the time we’ve spent together, you have no memories at all?”

  She shrugs, true sadness in her expression. “Just vague glimpses.”

  I never want to see her look this way again. “Well, then, we’ll have to make new ones.” Before she can say anything else, I pull her to me, letting our warmth mix together, letting my body take over. When I kiss her, her lips crash against mine, demanding and urgent. They could never be as urgent as my need for her. Soon, I’m lost with her, loving her the way I’ve wanted to since I found her in her strange oasis: with slow deliberation. Caught up in each sound, each movement, I could never have enough of her. She is my light, my love . . . my everything. And now, no one can ever take her away from me. Regardless of what happens, she will always be mine.

  Daegan paces restlessly in front of the coffin. Seeing Amelia lifeless is bad enough, but having to leave her with his master is more than he can bear. The woman stirs feelings within him he hasn’t known for centuries, perhaps ever. Long forgotten desires resurface with a glimpse of her face.

  Rhea deserved what she got, but Amelia is pure. Even with a part of her soul missing, she stands brighter than any person he’s seen. The light usually burns him now, but not Amelia’s light. It’s somehow different than the others.

  His desire to protect her has brought treason to his heart. He would do anything for his master. They are exceptionally close to winning the long fight. Once all their brothers are recovered, the Erobos will be truly free. Peter needs little convincing. Ian will topple next. Olivia will be the downfall of Zed. He would go anywhere for her, even to hell.

  Amelia is the tipping point. No doubt Seth has asked her to be his mate. Daegan takes a sharp breath, swallowing the jealousy inside. She was never meant for him, but he wants her. Rhea was trouble. Amelia is the sort of woman who could make him believe in goodness again.

  He shakes his head, dislodging his troubling thoughts. Having this part of Amelia near him is nothing but a temptation. Volos is not usually territorial with the women he takes, but his comments regarding Amelia have been different. Daegan warned Volos against bringing Amelia to the Metaspace, but he never questions his master.

  He stops to stare at her again. If only she could wake. If only — Volos enters the chamber, his essence filling the space immediately. When Daegan turns, Volos stops. His haunting voice still has the ability to freeze Daegan where he stands. “You want this one?”

  Daegan lowers his head in defeat. He could never hide his desires from his master. “Yes, my lord.”

  Volos raises his hand, and at his signal, Daegan kneels, waiting for his punishment. Perhaps the pain will rid him of his unwanted desires. When a burst of pleasure zings over his skin, he gasps. Waves of elation flow into him until all he can do is grin. He falls back to his haunches, clutching his hands over his long iced-over heart. He waits for the pain, but it doesn’t come. Only after commanded does he lift his gaze.

  The angular face shows no hint of displeasure. In fact, he smiles. Daegan can’t remember the last time Volos smiled. “What if I told you she could be yours?” Daegan’s heart lurches, then speeds at the thought, but he won’t say it . . . can’t say what would make him happy. Happiness is lost to him . . . to all of his kind. Volos shakes his head. “We have only begun our reign, my brother. Our kingdom is great and will need many rulers.”

  “Yes, my lord,” he answers, not daring to believe the words.

  Volos touches him again. “Do your part, Daegan. All else will be provided for you. I have a mission only you can accomplish.”

  Eager for the reprieve, he says, “Yes, my lord. Where?”

  Instead of giving details, Volos turns to the beauty resting in the glass. Chills race over Daegan’s skin. Troubling images infiltrate his thoughts. When his master speaks, he stiffens. “You must wake her.”

  “How?” breathes, Daegan, staring at the woman he desires.

  Volos lowers his gaze to the man in front of him and lifts his hand to his head. “The same way I woke you.”

  Daegan gasps, frowning. “What do you mean?”

  Volos laughs. When the waves of pain pass through him, Daegan stares at Amelia until the agony fades into the recesses of his mind. For the first time in a very long time, he allows himself to hope.

  I’d like to thank a few awesome people for helping me with Tainted. This is by no means a complete list, but these are the people who have touched my life and made my journey as a writer better and easier.

  To Terri, you make my stories better. Thank you. To Bonnie, you are the best crit partner a woman could have. I’m so thankful for you! To Andrea. Thanks for taking a look at my w
ork and for your insights! To Nancy for being my hero. To Chase, the best editor on the planet. I love your style and your amazing explanations. Thanks for being so thorough!

  To all the readers and bloggers who have taken the time to share my books with your friends and family, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are the reason I am where I am right now. Every time you share your honest review, it helps spread the word about my books.

  To my creator for sending me such a blessed life. I am thankful for all my experiences, for I would not be who I am without them

  Christie Rich lives in a small town in Northern Utah with her husband, two kids, spastic dog that thinks she’s a horse, and two lazy cats. Christie loves to be creative. Whether writing, painting, or exploring something new, she spends the majority of her free time unlocking the creations inside of her.

  How to Contact Christie Rich (I love hearing from readers):

  Blog: http://christierich.blogspot.com/

  Email: [email protected]

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorchristier

  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Christie-Rich/214197338637188

  Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5147170.Christie_Rich

  Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/christielrich/

  Other books by Christie Rich:

  Five (Elemental Enmity Book I)

  Dark Matter (Elemental Enmity Book II)

  Genesis (Elemental Enmity Book III)

  Horizon (Elemental Enmity Book IV)

  Dreamscape (Netherworld Book I)

  I hope you enjoyed reading Dreamscape as much as I enjoyed writing it. As an independent author, getting the word out about my book is vital to its success, so if you liked Dreamscape please consider telling your friends and writing a review at the store where you purchased it. I appreciate your support.

  If you would like to be contacted when I release a new book please send an email to [email protected] with New Releases in the title and I will add you to my New Releases list. You will only be contacted when I have a new book out.

  If you are like me you read much faster than your favorite authors can write. I honestly wish I could release a book a day, but alas, the writing process is much more time consuming than the reading process, lol.

  I thought you might like to know some of the authors I’ve read lately that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. Here they are in no particular order.

  Nancy Straight—her Touched Series is one of the most original I’ve encountered. Blood Debt is the first book and I had to finish that book! I even took it grocery shopping with me. I think the other customers thought I was insane when I yelled, “No way!” right in the middle of the frozen section. The Centaurs in this series are gentlemen and they are hot. What more could you want? Oh, how about a free book? Meeting Destinyfrom her Destiny Series is free for download. That was a great series, too, but I love the Touched Series more.

  Amy Bartol—If you haven’t read The Premonition Series, you need to get on it now! I love Amy’s writing. She’s started a new series that has just as much potential. She really is one of my favorite writers ever!

  Ednah Walters—I got really involved in Runes and Immortals. The characters were easily relatable.

  CJ Archer—Holy crow, I love this woman’s writing. I read her Emily Chambers Spirit Medium Trilogy. The first book in the series is free. The minute I started reading, I was pulled into the story. Miss Archer writes both YA and Adult regency romances that seem to always have a bit of the paranormal in them.

  SM Boyce—If you have a bit of a fantasy lover in you, you should enjoy Boyce’s Grimoire Trilogy. It has an epic feel, but it is more modern than other epics I’ve read. There’s a deep seeded Romance throughout the books, so far, and I’m totally into it. Three books are out in the series. Oh, and did I mention that Boyce has recently made Lichgates free?

  Quinn Loftis—When I found out Quinn had started a series about the fae, I had to dive in. I’m half way through and loving the story.

  There are so many others I love, but these are a few of the authors you may not have heard of that I’ve absolutely enjoyed. I’d love to hear your recommendations, too. Friend me on Facebook and we can talk about books!

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen



  About the Author

  A Message from the Author

  Authors I Enjoy Reading




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