Star Wars - The Adventures of Alex Winger 2 - Passages

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Star Wars - The Adventures of Alex Winger 2 - Passages Page 4

by Charlene Newcomb


  Computer programming/repair 6D, space transports repair 5D

  Special Abilities:

  Biorhythm Detection: Metallo’s antennae give her a unique perspective of other species. She can detect changes in blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration.

  This character is Force-sensitive.

  Force Points: 4

  Character Points: 10

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D)

  Capsule: Tere Metallo is a native of the planet Riileb who was betrayed and sold into slavery by a jealous sister. Fortunately for Metallo, a Corellian smuggler by the name of Bek Nataal rescued her from the slavers. The crusty old Corellian had a heart as good as gold, and took her aboard his light freighter as an assistant. Nataal taught Metallo everything he knew about ships, trade routes, and the underworld during the seven years she worked with him. She learned quickly and proved to be a loyal crew member.

  Nataal was killed during an unexpected inspection by Imperial authorities. Metallo was imprisoned briefly and tortured by her captors. She managed to escape before the Imperials shipped her off to Kessel.

  Metallo found working passage to Corellia, where she took a job repairing freighters. Eventually she saved enough credits to buy her own ship. For the last few years she has been making legitimate runs (and some not-so-legitimate) in the Outer Rim Territories. She’s avoided getting involved in the conflict between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance — capitalizing from conflict is one matter, but getting directly involved is another. She has no love for the Empire, but Metallo also has no ties to the Rebels.

  Del Hunter

  Type: Businessman



  Alien species 4D+1, bureaucracy 6D+1, business 7D, cultures 5D, streetwise 4D+2, value 5D



  Bargain 6D+2, command 4D+2, gambling 4D+2, hide 5D, search 4D, sneak 5D+1



  Force Points: 2

  Character Points: 9

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Business clothes, blaster pistol (4D), datapad

  Capsule: Hunter is a 48 year-old native of Kabaira, employed by one the planet’s largest enterprises — Delgas Medical — manufacturer of medical equipment and medicines. Unhappy with the Empire’s activities and its interest in Delgas Medical, Hunter was a founding member of Kabaira’s underground. His position as a sales representative for the company has given him the opportunity to conduct seemingly legitimate business with Rebel Alliance operatives offworld. He has arranged numerous shipments of medical supplies to ships in the Rebel fleet, while at the same time conducting other covert operations against the Empire on Kabaira.

  Star Quest

  Craft: Suwantek Systems TH800 Transport

  Type: Stock light freighter

  Scale: Starfighter

  Length: 30 meters

  Skill: Space transports: TL-1800 transport

  Crew: 1 to 2 (can coordinate)

  Crew Skill: See Tere Metallo

  Passengers: 7

  Cargo Capacity: 110 metric tons

  Consumables: 3 months

  Cost: Not available for sale

  Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2

  Hyperdrive Backup: x10

  Nav Computer: Yes

  Maneuverability: 1D+2

  Space: 4

  Atmosphere: 480; 800 kmh

  Hull: 4D

  Shields: 2D Sensors:

  Passive: 10/0D

  Scan: 25/1D

  Search: 40/2D

  Focus: 2/3D


  2 Laser Cannons (fire-linked)

  Fire Arc: Front

  Skill: Starship gunnery

  Fire Control: 2D

  Space Range: 1-3/12/25

  Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km

  Damage: 5D


  Type: Terrestrial

  Temperature: Temperate

  Atmosphere: Type 1 (breathable)

  Hydrosphere: Moist

  Gravity: Standard

  Terrain: Island, mountain, plateau, volcanic

  Length of Day: 23 standard hours

  Length of Year: 341 local days

  Sapient Species: Humans

  Starports: 1 standard class

  Population: 8 million

  Planet Function: Manufacturing, mining, natural resources

  Government: Corporate

  Tech Level: Space

  Major Exports: Medicinal goods, metals, minerals

  Major Imports: High Technology

  Capsule: Kabaira is the only habitable world in the Teilcam system in the Outer Rim Territories. The surface of the planet is nine-tenths water, dotted with more than two million islands formed by volcanic activity millennia ago. Only a half dozen volcanoes remain active, and they are all located in the planet’s southern hemisphere. The population centers are found in the northern hemisphere, which is dominated by two large island continents — Madieri and Belshain.

  The largest city and seat of the corporate government is Eponte Spaceport. It is located on the north central coast of Madieri on a plateau. With an elevation of nearly 1,400 meters, and mountain ranges to the south and west, the climate tends to be cool and damp.

  Most of Kabaira’s industries focus on mining the southern hemisphere islands as well as various underwater fault zones for raw metal ores. However, several corporations have offices and other facilities in Eponte Spaceport, the most notable including Hydrospeare Corp. and Delgas Medical.

  Adventure Idea

  The characters are Rebel operatives meeting with the Kabairan underground in an old warehouse on the outskirts of Eponte Spaceport. While discussing arrangements for the characters to pick-up and deliver stolen medical supplies to the Rebel fleet, their meeting is interrupted by Imperial stormtroopers. The characters must fight their way out of the warehouse and find safe refuge within the city. Unfortunately, the Empire has taken possession of the medical supplies and impounded the characters’ ship. They must find a way to steal the medical supplies from a heavily guarded Imperial impound warehouse, then break through the platoon of stormtroopers guarding their ship to deliver the supplies safely to the Rebel fleet.

  From Star Wars Adventure Journal 7 (08-1995)




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