Love by Midnight

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Love by Midnight Page 4

by MacKenzie Shaw

  He was determined, first thing in the morning he’d do everything he could to apologize to Indya and make her give him a second chance. He cringed, knowing he didn’t necessarily deserve one.


  Indya had just dropped the twins off at school and couldn’t wait to get back to the apartment to catch up on some sleep. She’d tossed and turned all night remembering the look of betrayal on Noah’s face, not to mention the triumphant look in Mateo’s.

  She hung her head, not wanting anyone to see the mess she was with her red-rimmed eyes and make-up free face. To make matters worse, she’d thrown on a worn pair of black yoga pants and a plain pink tee before leaving the house rather than her expected attire to drop the boys off at their private kindergarten. The twins had kept quiet all morning and Sean had asked her if she was okay before they’d gone into the building. The memory brought a fresh assault of tears she was trying to wipe away when she walked into a wall of muscle. She didn’t have to look up to know who it was.

  “Indya, I’m so sorry,” said Noah. She heard the distress in his voice instead of his usual confidence and looked up. There were unshed tears in his eyes and he looked almost as bad as she did. “I should never have acted like that. I should have known he was lying and trying to cause trouble for us. You’re the one I believe. You always come first and I’m sorry that I didn’t prove that last night. Can you please forgive me?” He tried to take her hand, but she snatched it away, not ready to forgive him quite so quickly.

  “I’m not doing this here,” she said as she noticed the staring eyes of the parents who’d just dropped their children off. “We can go to the park.”

  They walked in silence until they found an empty bench and sat down. She turned to him, “You really hurt me Noah.” She took a deep breath, ready to explain what she should have already told him. “What Mateo told you was partially true. I was a big fan of yours when I was younger.”

  He quirked an eyebrow at her, about to say something when she put her hand on his chest, “No, please let me get this out. When I was younger, I first heard ‘Never Fall, Never Surrender’ on the radio and the lyrics meant so much to me that I played it continuously for weeks. It drove my parents mad,” she chuckled. The song had been their first major hit. “Then I bought your album and played it continuously, had your posters on my wall and about four years ago snuck out to one of your local concerts, using my sisters id. I was, I guess, a bit of a super-fan at the time. I was still in high school and your music really helped me survive it. Then when I got my job with the Franklins and met Mateo, I had other things to occupy my time.”

  She cringed thinking about the time she’d taken Mateo to meet her parents, forgetting what her old room looked like. “I took Mateo home to visit my parents not long after I’d met him and they thought it would be hilarious to show him my old bedroom - full of posters of Stroke of Midnight. He thought it was hilarious too so from then on I just never mentioned the band again. I still listened to your music in my room but never went to another concert or anything. So there you have it, my dirty little secret.”

  He pulled her into his arms, “I’m sorry you had to go through that and I’m glad our music helped you get through high school. Ryker and I wrote that as his little brother was being bullied at school, all the proceeds went to several anti-bullying charities.” He looked down and tipped her chin up so that she was looking at him, “I hope you know that I never thought you were a stalker or just after me because I’m in the band. I’d like to think I know you better than that.” He cringed, “Lucy was furious with me when I got back last night and she let me know how badly I let you and her down.” He gave a dramatic shudder, “She was fierce in her protection of you and I never want to be at the receiving end of that again.”

  She chuckled at the thought of sweet Lucy transforming into her protector, “Yeah, Lucy loves fiercely and is extremely loyal. I sent her a message this morning to tell her I was fine, and she told me she’d put you straight on a few things. I saw the look of betrayal in your eyes and I just couldn’t get past that. I never meant to…”

  “Hey, hey, hey,” he said, seeing she was getting upset. “You have nothing to apologize for, this mess is all me. I take full responsibility and will spend a lifetime making it up to you.”

  She looked up to see the sincerity in his eyes, “Lifetime, huh? Are you not getting ahead of yourself?” she grinned.

  “Definitely not,” he replied. “I think we have something special and I’d like to see where this goes. I see a long future ahead of us. Don’t you?”

  “Unfortunately,” she sighed, “I need to get back to work but yes, I’d love to see where this goes but I’m stuck here as a nanny and you’re traveling a lot with the band. How would this work?”

  “How attached are you to your job?” he grinned, “Because after our conversations yesterday I’d say you’d be happy to give it up, no? Why not come with me?”

  “But-” she tried to reply when he placed a finger over her lips to cut her off.

  “Don’t say anything now, just think about it. We’re in the studio for a little under two months then we need to promote the album and after that we’ll have a lot of time off. We need to go house hunting and then we’ll need to go somewhere hot for a few weeks while the house sale goes through and,” he looked at her and used the tip of his index finger to shut her gaping mouth. “I want you with me. It’s a simple yes or no. I’m not expecting an answer right now, but I do expect an answer.” She couldn’t believe what was coming out of his mouth and she was speechless, which was a rarity.

  “I’ll walk you back to your apartment and then I’ll head back to Adam’s. Is that okay with you?” he asked.

  She was too shocked to do anything other than nod. When she woke up this morning, she never expected this to be the outcome. It was as if all her dreams were coming true, with her teenage heartthrob. She pinched herself just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

  Nope, this was really happening.


  Noah grinned across the recording studio at Ryker who had an equally wide grin on his face. “I think we’ve finally got all the tracks for this album.” It had taken them a few late nights to complete the writing of the last couple of songs but they were now ready to record. They needed to call the rest of the band members in. In the next three weeks they’d have their finished album, which he had to admit was their best one yet. “Want to call the rest of the guys in?” he asked.

  “Already on it,” he replied as slipped his phone back into his pocket. “They’re on their way. I guess the three weeks we had off were worth it.”

  He wasn’t wrong. All five of them had come back from their vacation refreshed, even Liam who hadn’t wanted to go off on his own had come back with a spring in his step and sealed lips on what he’d got up to. Surprisingly, all four of his band mates were tight-lipped about their travels.

  “Let’s go get set up for the guys coming in, hopefully we can get at least one track recorded tonight,” he said as he headed towards the recording booth.

  His phone sounded with a message and he pulled it out with a grin, knowing who it would be. Indya had agree to join him on his tour and was handing in her notice that evening when her employers came home from work.

  Indya: I’ve done it! You’re stuck with me now. They were nice about it and will look for a new nanny tomorrow! XOX

  Noah: That’s great news! I’m happy to be stuck with you anytime! If you get a chance, can you check out the properties the Realtor sent over and let me know which ones you want to view and we can go on your day off XOX

  Indya: I will! Can’t believe this is happening. How did I get so lucky? How’s the song writing coming along?

  Noah: I’m the lucky one. We just finished writing the last track. Waiting on the guys coming in to start recording.

  “Hey lover boy,” Ryker shouted at him. “Say goodbye to Indya and get yourself in the studio, the rest of the guys are h

  “Will be right there,” he shouted back, typing a final message to Indya with a grin that nobody could wipe off his face.

  Noah: I need to go, guys just got here. Will call you when we get finished if it’s not too late XOX

  He put his phone in his pocket and made his way into the studio where the rest of the band were setting up. They had a huge hit on their hands and a big part of that was the newly found enthusiasm he’d found when Indya had come into his life. He wasn’t sure what Ryker had got up to in Lake Tahoe but it looked like he came back with the same re-energized zest for life as he had. Their song writing had hit an all time creative high.

  “Glad you could make it,” smirked Liam. “Ryker tells me you’ve gone over to the dark side and got yourself a woman.”

  “I’d say it’s a lot lighter over here than sitting with you lot,” he joked as he grabbed the mic. “Just wait until someone steals your heart then tell me the same thing.”

  Liam shuddered, “No way. I enjoy being single.” He slung his bass guitar over his shoulder and looked over, “You look happy, man. It suits you. Now can we get this album recorded so we can get out of here.”

  They got the entire album recorded within three weeks, which their record company were delighted about. It gave them extra time off before they started their short tour to promote the new album.

  He walked into Adam and Lucy’s apartment armed with takeout food. Adam sat on the couch nearest the door with his arm around Lucy. She was curled up with her feet beside her and she squealed when she saw what he was carrying.

  “Thai food! I love Thai,” she said as she ran to take his takeout bags out of his hands. “Sit down and I’ll bring everything through.”

  “Is that you finished?” asked Adam as he stood up to help Lucy with the food. “When do we get to hear it?” He stepped into the kitchen and went over to the refrigerator, “Luce, you want some wine?” he asked as he pulled two bottles of beer out.

  “Yeah, that would be great and can you pour a glass for Indya, she should be here anytime now,” she said as she pulled out four plates and cutlery and carried them through to the coffee table.

  Noah hung back and watched how in sync his brother and girlfriend were. A year ago he and Adam were both single and now look at them. A contented smile graced his lips as he took in the happy couple in front of him and it got wider as he heard the front door open.

  “Hey guys, sorry I’m late,” Indya called out as she pulled off her coat to hang up in the hall cupboard. She sniffed the air as she got to the kitchen, “Ooh Thai, my favorite.”

  He pulled her towards him as she passed him to go into the kitchen, “What you’re more interested in the food than me?” he asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Of course not, it’s the wine I’m more interested in,” she said as she stuck her tongue out at him and took the glass Lucy passed to her.

  “Here’s to your last week of employment,” said Lucy as she clinked her glass on Indya’s. “So, what are you going to do after you finish?”

  Indya grinned up at him as she took a sip out of her glass, “Well, I’m joining the band on their promotional tour and then we’ll hopefully be…” She looked at him for permission to tell them their news and he nodded. He loved seeing her so excited about their future. “We’re moving into our new home,” she squealed.

  Lucy jumped up and down squealing too, “That’s great news! It better be close by,” she warned. “I’ll miss you when you’re away and I want you living close to us when you’re here.”

  The grin slipped off Indya’s face so he stepped in, “No, we bought a place outside the city, by the hills. We wanted somewhere quiet where we could relax and enjoy the outdoors.” He looked to Lucy, “You’re both welcome anytime and if you’re very good, we’ll even give you your own key,” he teased.

  “It’s about a thirty minute drive,” said Indya, “You’ll love it Lucy. You and Adam can come and stay over when you want to get out of the city. It’s perfect.”

  It was perfect. Indya fell in love with it when she saw the outdoor space and he put an offer in straightaway which was accepted. They would wait until the tour was over and then go furniture shopping together. He knew Indya wasn’t entirely comfortable living off him and she insisted that she’d find some way to help contribute to the household bills but the important thing for him was that she was happy - and with him.


  Six months later…

  “Race you to the top,” Indya shouted as he bent down to re-tie his laces. She laughed as he looked up at her with a raised eyebrow and a wide grin. They were nearly at the top and since they’d got back from their promotional tour and got settled into their new home, hiking up these hills had become a regular occurrence for them.

  “Cheater,” he shouted back. She could feel him catching up with her but she pushed herself to reach the statue at the top before him.

  “Beat ya,” she panted and pulled out her water bottle to guzzle the water inside. She looked at the panoramic view they had and she’d never felt more alive. She loved coming up here with him, away from the hustle and noise of the city. It was a time where they could relax and get a clearer perspective on what was important in life.

  On the tour she’d talked more to Ryker about the bullying issues that his brother Mikah had gone through, explaining how their song had meant so much to her whilst in high school. Over a few nights they’d sat and discussed what more could be done to stop bullying in schools. Ryker had always wanted to do more than just donate the money the song had raised but they hadn’t been in the position they were in now.

  “How dedicated are you to doing something about this?” he’d asked her late one night. She’d looked at Noah who’d smiled at her and nodded, knowing she’d become increasingly interested in doing something in this field.

  “Very,” she admitted. “I have little experience though. What can I really do?”

  Dylan who had been sitting quietly during this exchange pulled out his ipad and passed it to her, “I think you could do a lot,” he said.

  She’d read the email that sat on the screen and tears had trickled down her face, “That’s terrible,” she sobbed. “How can another child do something like that?”

  The email was from a fan, saying how Never Fall, Never Surrender had helped them stand up to a bully at their school who had been bullying another student for months and everyone had been too scared to say something. The email went into detail about some of the bullying incidents and the bullied student had been so thankful that someone had finally stood up for them. That one brave gesture had started a new movement at the school called ‘Never Fall, Never Surrender’. They were asking the band for any support they could give them.

  “You interested?” asked Dylan. “We’ve talked about it as a band and we think you’d be the perfect person to help us with this. So what do you say?”

  She felt Noah’s arms go round her as he whispered in her ear, “You wanted something to do and I think you’d be perfect for this, but only if you want to.”

  She turned slightly to look into his eyes and could see only love there. “I’d love to,” she said. “But, I have no idea what to do.”

  “Mikah was helped by an anti-bullying charity and the record label has put us together with a representative from there to help get the ball rolling. All you’ve got to say is yes,” said Ryker.

  “Yes,” she grinned. “One hundred percent yes.”


  Sadly, that’s the last book in ‘The Harringtons’ series. I had a lot of fun writing this one!

  I’m looking to write a few books in the ‘Lakeside House Hotel’ series next but also, as I was writing Noah’s book, I REALLY want to write the stories for each of the band members. If you’ve a favorite then please send me an email and let me know, you might just push them to the front of the writing queue!

  Also, I know some of you may be disappointed that these books a
re short reads. If you’d prefer that I wrote some longer books then please let me know. I do have a few ideas for some but didn’t want to start them until I finished this series.

  Now to compile the box set…

  MacKenzie x

  The Harrington’s Series:


  Carly Hansen’s professional life as a well sought after wedding planner was going from strength to strength, however the same couldn’t be said for her personal life. Her ex-boyfriend of 8 years was now marrying her cousin after a whirlwind 3 month romance and she was expected to attend and wish the happy couple a long and happy marriage; the marriage she was supposed to be having

  Marcus Harrington has just been voted America’s Most Eligible Bachelor which is more to do with his family’s company joining the top five richest companies in the USA than actually being ‘eligible’. He has a company to run and the last thing he needs is a gold digger getting her claws into him. No he’s sworn off dating until he loses the overly publicized title or the line of women looking for a husband.

  If only fate had different ideas for both of them.

  Get your copy here.


  Willow Martin hadn’t seen her mom since she’d got an intern position in another city, six months previously. She had been looking forward to spending the week relaxing and catching up on what she’d missed since leaving home. Unfortunately, her mom ends up with a broken arm and Willow has to step in and help with the deliveries for her mom’s catering business and that’s where she literally bumps into a handsome customer of her mom’s who sets her life on a different, more exciting path.

  Finn Harrington is a professional gamer with a lifestyle that is the envy of many of his YouTube followers. However it’s no longer as fulfilling as it used to be and he’s desperate for a new challenge, not knowing what that could be. He didn’t realize the gorgeous brunette who literally knocked him off his feet on their first meeting would be the one to help him figure out his new path. One that he is determined, includes her.


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