Hobhouse, Lord, 503
Hobson, J. A., guesses at activities of Beit and Werner, 89
Hofmeyr, Jan, leader of Cape Afrikaners, 60, 62, 81, 100
Holdsworth, Col G. L.: with Linchwe’s Africans, attacks Boer laager at Derdepoort, 402, 473, 566
Holkrantz, Zulu attack on Boers at (6 May 1902), 567
Holt Surgeon-Captain, in Ladysmith, 265, 266
Hore, Lt-Col C. O., CO Bechuanaland Protectorate Regiment 403, 412, 413, 414
Horn, Trumpeter, of 69th Battery, RFA 128
horses: eaten at Kimberley, 324–5; French’s losses of, 327–8, 381; Cronje’s losses of, at Paardeberg, 340; fed on mealies in Ladysmith, 352; supplies of, 381, 535; food of, eaten by humans at Mafeking, 406, 408; Milner favours removal of, instead of farm burning, 487; failure of Boers’, owing to weather, 522, 529; total losses of, by British (with mules and donkeys), 572
Hoskens, William, friend of Fitzpatrick, 51
hospitals: shelling of, 143, 146, 267, 269; at surrender of Dundee, 146–7; no. 4 Field, at Colenso, 224–5, 237–8; nos. 11, 18, and 24 Field, in Ladysmith, 267, 269, 354–5; Intombi, outside Ladysmith defences, 273, 353–4; at Bloemfontein, military, civilian, and Boer government, 382–3; crisis of, during Roberts’s advance, 422–3, 467
Houtnek, Orange Free State: action at (7 May 1900), 423
Howard, Col F., at Observation Hill, Ladysmith, 273
Howard, Maj. ‘Gat’, of Canadian Scouts, 538
Hughes, Capt, doctor with Buller, 157, 234–5
Hughes-Hallett, Lt-Col J. W., CO Seaforth Highlanders, 206
Hull, H C, Uitlander lawyer, 63
Hunt, Lt-Col, of Royal Field Artillery, 231
Hunter, Maj.-Gen. Sir Archibald, Chief of Staff to Buller: on staff of White, 154; in Ladysmith, 213, 269, 273, 352, 355; leads raid on Boer guns, 270, 323; Lt-Gen., 422; CO of mobile columns converging on De Wet; obtains surrender of Prinsloo in Brandwater Basin, 438–44
Hurley, Cpl R, on Buller, 368
Hussar Hill, north of Chieveley, 346; taken by British (14 Feb. 1900), 347
Hussars: 10th, 392; 18th, 108, 125, 132, 153
Hutton, Maj.-Gen. E. T. H., at Doornkop, 425
Imperial Light Horse, of Uitlander refugees, 108, 121–2, 174, 543; as ‘Imperial Light Looters’, 210; at Elandslaagte, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139; in defence of Ladysmith, 268, 270–1, 272, 274, 276; at relief of Ladysmith, 365, and of Mafeking, 415; in drive against Boers, 545
Imperial Light Infantry, 296, 298, 299, 304
Imperial Yeomanry, 252–3, 420, 441, 469, 496; 13th Battalion of, captured by Piet De Wet, 436–7
India, despatch of troops to South Africa from, 95
Indians: in Transvaal, 48, 55, (as stretcher-bearers for British) 224, 343; with white troops from India, 95, 147
infant mortality, in Kimberley, 325
Infantry Divisions: 1st (Methuen), 163, 165:2nd (Clery) 163, 165; 3rd (Gatacre), 163, 164, 165; 4th (Lyttelton), 451; 5th (Warren), 238, 245, 279, 317; 6th (Kelly-Kenny), 313, 330, 333, 334, 374, 375; 7th (Tucker), 252, 313, 314, 374, 427, 429; 8th (Rundle), 252, 439, 442; 9th (Colvile), 313, 319, 334, 374; 10th (Hunter), 439, 453; 11th (Pole-Carew), 427
Inglefield, Maj., saves gun at Nooitgedacht, 479
Inniskillings, see Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
intelligence (British): weakness of, 178, 180, 186, 187; improvement in, 526, 540
Intombi, hospital camp outside Ladysmith defences, 273, 353–4
Irish Brigade, see under Brigades
‘Irish Brigade’, with Boers, 106, 421, 422, 458
Jameson, Dr L. S.: raid on Johannesburg led by, 1–5, 192; sent by Kruger to London for trial, 21; in Ladysmith, 119, 268, 269
Jameson Raid on Johannesburg, 1–5; Kruger and, 4, 21, 30, 37; Milner and, 12, 20; Rhodes and, 21, 22, 321; Chamberlain and, 27–31; effect of, in Transvaal, 40—1; question of indemnity for, 67; Beit and, 88, 119; guns captured in, turned against Mafeking, 401
Jelf, Lieut ‘Dodo’, of 60th Rifles, 271, 351
Jeppe, Charles, Boer at Spion Kop, 292
Johannesburg: in 1898, 47–8; Roberts’s plan for taking, 424; surrender of, 428–9
Johannesburg Commando, 106, 134; at Elands-laagte, 135, 141, 222, 425
Johannesburg ‘Reform Committee’, 1, 21; revives at South African League, 50; Beit as paymaster of, 119
Jonathan, Basuto ruler, 439
Jones, Capt, with observation balloon, 205, 206
Jones, Johannesburg police constable, tried for shooting Edgar, 51, 52, 53
Joubert, Commandant-General Piet, 36, 37–8, 40; and arming of Transvaal, 41, 69; political associates of, oppose mobilization, 103; commanding Transvaal army, 104–5, 106; takes offensive in Natal, 118, 121, 256; his plans ignored, 135; decides against pursuing Yule, 148; informs White of Carleton’s surrender, 155; problems besetting, 168, 170; outside Ladysmith, 169–70; moves against South Natal, 170–4; thrown from horse and injured, 174; at Kroonstad council, 387; widow of, carries appeal for peace talks to Botha, 488
Jourdain, Lieut. Henry, of Connaught Rangers, 357, 358
Jowett, Benjamin, Master of Balliol College, 13, 14, 72
Just, H. W., of Colonial Office, 564
Keith-Falconer, Lt-Col., CO Northumberland Fusiliers, 179
Kekewich, Lt-Col. R. G., CO Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, commanding Kimberley garrison, 181–3, 185, 186–7, 202, 319, 400; struggle between Rhodes and, 321–3; dismissed by French, 328; CO mobile column, 556, 557, 558, 559
Kelly-Kenny, Lt-Gen. Thomas, CO 6th Infantry Division, 313, 330; Kitchener overrules at Paardeberg, 333-5. 337–8, 339–40, 373; at Poplar Grove, 373, 374–5
Kemp,. Boer general, 514, 558–9
Kentish, Lieut, of Royal Irish Fusiliers, 125, 254
Kerin, Major, CO Field Hospital, 130, 143, 145; at surrender of Dundee, 146–7
Kerry, Captain Lord (son of Lansdowne), ADC to Roberts, 315, 372–3, 428–9; on Lady Roberts, 448
Kestell, J. D., reporter at Vereeniging, 569
Kimberley: diamonds discovered at, xxii, 18, 183; question of defence of, 85–6, 105, 117; besieged, 118, 156, 158, 169; Rhodes in, 118, 106, 159, 175; Kekewich in command at,-see under Kekewich; sorties against guns bombarding, 187; Roberts suggests abandoning, 244–5; Roberts decides to march to Bloemfontein by way of, 317; struggle between Kekewich and Rhodes during siege of, 321–3; shelling of, 323–4; food supplies in, 324–5; women and children shelter in diamond mines, 326–7; relief of, 327–8, 347
Kimberley Light Horse, 321
Kimberley Mounted Corps, 416
King’s Royal Rifles, 95, 299, 302
Kipling, Rudyard: quoted, 243, 309, 371, 419, 420, 551; on staff of The Friend, Bloemfon-tein, 376, 384–5
Kitchener, General Lord (later Field-Marshal), 315–16, 491–3; in Egypt, 73, 157; Chief of Staff to Roberts, 244, 312, 380; and transport (‘K of Chaos’), 312, 318–19; at Paardeberg, overrules Kelly-Kenny, 333–5, 337–8, 339–40; escapes from train ambushed by Dc Wet, 437; leads column against De Wet, 447, but fails to trap him, 485; criticisms of methods of, 452, 498–9, 526; on South Africa, 461; Milner on, 469, 484–5; and Middelburg peace terms, 489–91, 499, 500; and concentration camps, xvi, 493–5, 509; wants Indian cavalry, 495–6; acting High Commissioner of Transvaal and Orange River Colony, 500; stick and carrot policy proposed by, 514; sweep-and-scour policy of, 520, 521, 533; proclaims banishment for armed Boer leaders taken after 15 Sept. (7 Aug. 1901), 522, 529; forecasts end of war by April, 536; and Buller’s downfall, 535; in fit of despair, 535–6; blockhouse and barbed wire policy of, 499, 536–7, 538, 541; orders execution of Australians for shooting prisoners, 539; and pet starling, 539; organizes drives to pin Boers against blockhouse lines, 545–6, 548–9, 556; at peace negotiations, 552, 553, 560–1, 562, 563; executions of Boer leaders ordered by, 561; Boers prefer his peace to that of Milner, 568; signs terms of surrender, 569
Kitchener, Col Walter, brother of Lord Kitchener: CO 5th
Brigade, 348, 362; CO mobile column, 556, 557, 559
Kitchener’s Kopje, Paardeberg: Kitchener weakens British hold on, 338; De Wet takes, 339–41, and abandons, 342
Klerksdorp, Transvaal: base for operations against De la Rey, 556
Knight, E. F., Morning Post correspondent, 188
Knox, Maj.-Gen. C. E. (later Sir Charles): CO 13th Brigade, 336, 337, 445; CO mobile column, 450; delayed arrival of, at Bothaville, 474, 475
Knox, Col W. G. (later Maj.-Gen. Sir William): CO reserve at Pepworth Hill, 155; constructs one sector of defences at Ladysmith, 270, 273; wife of, on Fawcett Committee, 515
Knox-Gore, Capt, at Spion Kop, 295
Kock, Gen. J. H. M., 106, 135, 137, 138, 140, 169
Kock, Judge in Johannesburg, 53, 140, 432
Kock, Meyer de, secretary of Burgher Peace Committee, executed, 488
Kock, Philip, nephew of General, 140
Korn Spruit, tributary of Modder River near Sannah’s Post, 391, 393
kopjes: De la Rey’s alternative to holding, 193, 200; British find dangers of holding, 541
Kotze, secretary to Prinsloo, carries news of surrender to De Wet, 445
Krause, Commandant: surrenders Johannesburg with gold-mines intact, on condition army is allowed 24 hours to withdraw, 428, 429, 432
Kriel, Rev. A. P., at Nooitgedacht, 481
Krige, Tottie, brother-in-law of Smuts, 292
Kritzinger, General P. H.: invades Cape Colony, 485, 486, 493, 514, 521, but is beaten back, 520, 527
Kroonstad, Orange Free State: Boer council at (17 Mar. 1900), 386–9; Roberts halts at, 422; gold recently discovered near, 471
Kruger, President Paul, 22, 36–7, 38–40; as voortrekker, 16; in First Boer War, xxi, 19; Milner and, 23, 31; and Jameson Raid, 4, 21, 30, 37, (his grip on Transvaal strengthened. Orange Free State rallied to his side, Transvaal made into real military power) 40–2; and arming of Transvaal, 31, 41–2, 66; authorizes ‘Great Deal’ offer to mining houses and Uitlanders, 53; at Bloemfontein meeting with Milner, 61, 63, 65–70, 385; his offers on Uitlander franchise, 55, 56, 57, 66–7, 78, 80–1, 82–3, 84, 86, 92, 100; Chamberlain’s threatening letter to, 90–1; and prospect of war, 100, 101, 109; Milner in mutual distrust of Chamberlain and, 101–2; sends ultimatum, 103, 106, 109–10, 111–12; war plans of, 105, 106, 168–9; and Cronje, 192; and indiscipline of troops, 199; his telegrams to Botha, 207, 221; speaks on Dingaan’s Day, after Colenso, 255; his proposals for an offensive, 257, 260; at Poplar Grove battle, 373, 374, 386; at Kroonstad council, 386; preaches holy war, 389; letter to Salisbury from Stcyn, and challenging Britain to state intentions, 388; smuggled out of Pretoria, 430, and taken to Europe in Dutch cruiser, 458; telegrams from, urging continued fight, 520; death of, 574
Krugersdorp Commando, 172, 222, 223, 290
Kynoch, armaments firm, 466, 467
Labouchère, Henry, MP and journalist, 256
Labram, George, engineer to De Beers, during Kimberley siege, 184, 185, 323, 324
Ladysmith, British military depot, 96, 149; Symons’s troops at, 106; Jameson and Willoughby in, 119, 268, 269; Imperial Light Horse in, 121–2; Yule’s retreat to, 144–5, 146, 147, 148; White’s reasons for not withdrawing from, 148–50; White gambles on knockout blow against Boers, 150—3, which fails, 153-5; siege of, 155, 169, 261–3; Buller’s telegrams about, 238–9, 244, 369, 574; conditions in, 263, 265; food in, 352–3, 354, 355; deaths in, 382; raid on Boer guns shelling, 270–1; and Buller’s approach, 350; relief of, 364–8
Ladysmith (Pepworth Hill, Modderspruit), battle of (30 Oct 1899), 152–4, 157, 161, 170
Lafone, Lieut C, at Hart’s Hill armistice, 360
Lagden, Sir Geoffrey, Native Commissioner in Pretoria, 554
Laing, Natal colonist, advises Buller on route, 211
Laing’s Nek, 98; battle of (1881), 105; Boers outflanked at (June 1900), 453–4
Lancashire Brigade, see under Brigades
Lancashire Fusiliers, 293, 295, 298, 304
Lancers: 5th, 134, 139–40; 9th, 180, 189, 527, 528; 17th, 524
Landon, Percival, Times correspondent, 372
Lang Riet, Orange Free State: Rawlinson surrounds commando at (28 Feb. 1902), 549
Langlois, French general, on Buller, 457
Lansdowne, Marquis of, Secretary for War (1895-1900), 71–2; and Milncr’s demand for immediate despatch of troops to South Africa, 71, 74; and Wolseley’s proposal to mobilize army corps, 72–3, 74; ill-feeling between Wolseley and, 75, 76, 78, 95, 97, 250; recommends token reinforcement only, 81, 82; reveals War Office estimate of time required to put force on Transvaal frontier, 82, 83; and Cabinet decision to send troops, 93.95; and Buller, 93, 96–7; and appointment of White, 96; consults Buller about dismissing White, 161; Buller’s cables to, after Colenso, 238–9, 244; Roberts’s cable from Ireland to, after Colenso, 242–3; and replacement of Buller by Roberts, 244–6; accepts yeomanry scheme, 252; Roberts has ear of, 314, 315, 370, 463; appointed to Foreign Office, 468, 502
Lawrence, Drum-Major, of Gordons, 138
Le Gallais, Lt-Col P. W. J., CO mounted infantry, 475
Lean, Maj. K., of mounted infantry, 475
Legge, Lt-Col N., local commander at Nooitgedacht, 478
Leicester Regiment, 125, 129, 152, 154
Leitrim, Lord, of Imperial Yeomanry, 436, 437
Leyds, Dr, Foreign Secretary, Transvaal, 55; as envoy in Brussels, 250, 256
Lichtenberg Commando, 198, 425
Lilly, Fleet-Surgeon, at relief of Ladysmith, 367
Limpus, Capt., of HMS Terrible, 363
Linchwe, Bechuana chief, 2; raids Boer laager at Derdepoort (led by Col. Holdsworth), 402, 473, 566
Lincoln Regiment, 448
Lindley, temporary capital of Orange Free State; occupied by Hamilton, 424; battalion of Imperial Yeomanry captured at (31 May 1900), 436–7, 448; in De Wet’s base area, 542
Lindsell, Capt, with Jameson, 4
Little, Maj. M. O., of 9th Lancers, 189; Lt-Col., CO 9th Lancers, 415; CO cavalry brigade, 450
Liverpool Regiment, 152, 262, 267
Lloyd George, D., 258; and election, 465, 466, 467, 468; and concentration camps, 508–9, 518
Lobengula, King of the Matabele, 2
Lombard’s Kop, Ladysmith: raid on Boer guns on (8 Dec. 1899), 270–1
London Convention (1884), 19, 20, 28, 63; rival interpretations of, 67; Britain accused of breaking, 103
Long, Col C. J., of Royal Field Artillery, 213; CO Estcourt garrison, 171, 173; at Colenso, 217, 223, 229–30, 231, 235, 236, 238
Longford, Capt Earl of, of Imperial Yeomanry, 436, 437
Losey, Sgt-Major, of Army Service Corps, 407, 412
Lotter, Commandant: commando of, defeated by Schobell, 527–8; executed, 561
Lourenço Marques, railway from Transvaal to, 40
Lovat, Capt. Lord, raises Lovat Scouts, 438
Lovat Scouts, 438, 441, 442
Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, 182, 197, 198, 304
Lucy, Henry, journalist, 510
lyddite, new explosive, 203, 229
Lydenburg Commando, 302
Lyttelton, Alfred, Secretary for the Colonies (1903-5), xv, 575
Lyttelton, Maj.-Gen. Neville: CO 4th Brigade, 210, 213; at Colenso, 217–18, 232, 233, 234; in campaign against Buller, 280, 306, 344, 368; during Spion Kop battle, 296, 297; scales Drielingkoppe, 300–1, 302; before breakthrough, 346; on Hart, 357; at armistice on Hart’s Hill, 361; Lt-Gen., CO 4th Infantry Division, 451; at Belfast battle, 455, 456
MacBride, Maj. J., commanding ‘Irish Brigade’ with Boers, 106, 421
McCarthy, Cpl Will, at Spion Kop, 294
MacDonald, Donald, Argus correspondent 364, 365
MacDonald, Maj.-Gen. Hector, CO Highland Brigade, 313, 334, 337, 438, 439; C-in-C, Ceylon, 573, 574
McDonnell, ‘Pom’, private secretary to Lord Salisbury, 33–4
Machadodorp, Transvaal: Kruger at 430, 431; Botha at 449, 451, 452; Buller at 456
McKenzie, Capt, in charge of armed Africans (‘Black Watch’) in Mafeking, 410
McKenzie, Col C. J., Director of Military Intelligence, forecasts retreat of Kruger from Pretoria, 421
McLaren, Capt. ‘Boy’, friend of Baden-Powell, prisoner with Boers, 409, 413, 417
McNalty, Lieut, of Army Service Corps, 353
Mafeking: Baden-Powell at 105, 117, 399; besieged, 118, 158, 169, 400–5; Roberts suggests abandoning, 244–5; food in, 405–9; Eloff’s raid on, 410–14; relief of, 414–16, 417-18; British public and relief of, 416–17; concentration camp at, 516-17
Magaliesberg, De Wet’s move to, 447, 450
Magersfontein: ridge and kopje at, 180, 181, 186, 192, 202, 203; De la Rey digs in at, 199–200; battle of (11 Dec. 1899), 201–6; Buller gets news of battle, 215; Cronje’s force leaves, 329
Maguire, Hon. Mrs Rochfort, with Rhodes at Kimberley, 184
Mahon, Col. B.: CO cavalry column in relief of Mafeking, 395, 410, 415; in Roberts’s northward movement, 422
Majuba, Boers defeat British at (1881), xxii, 5, 12, 28, 39, 77, 105, 248, 285; talk of avenging, 3–4, 19, 79, 130, 134, 139
Malan, A. H„ aide to Botha: on peace feelers, 489; in raid on Cape Colony, 527
Malherbe, John, Boer at Spion Kop, 292
Manchester Regiment, 152, 273, 276, 357; at Elandslaagte, 134, 136, 137, 138
maps: inadequate, 179, 186, 187; of Tugela River and crossings, 208, 211, 216, 227; of mountains beyond Tugela, 283, 293
Marks, Sammy, Transvaal millionaire, 488—9
Maritzburg (Pietermaritzburg), capital of Natal: Boer threat to, 150, 165
Marlborough, Duke of, ADC to Hamilton, 423, 434, 448
Marsh, Capt., of Bechuanaland Protectorate Regiment, 413
Marwick, of Natal Native Affairs Department: leads march of refugee African mine-workers from Johannesburg to Natal, 120–1
Mashona: rising by, after Jameson Raid, 22, 67
Massey, Maj., of Royal Engineers, 293, 294
Master, Capt. R. Chester, of Rimington’s Tigers, 330
Matabele: war against (1892), 2, 400; rising of, after Jameson Raid, 22, 67
Maurice, Maj.-Gen. Sir F., co-editor of official history of Boer War, xiv, xv, 335
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