The Cowgirl Who Loved Horses, Queens of Montana Bonus Book

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The Cowgirl Who Loved Horses, Queens of Montana Bonus Book Page 6

by Vanessa Bartal

  Chapter 5

  Thankfully a distraction arrived just in time for the fourth of July.

  Radley Winston was her brother’s college roommate, and he was as unusual as his name. Though Dante had only lived on campus a year, their friendship had survived, and they were very close. When Radley met Cecily, they had formed an instant friendship that had lasted, too, despite the fact that they rarely saw each other. Since graduating Radley had started his own computer company that was already causing buzz on Wall Street. He was cute, sweet, and slightly geeky, much like Dante. And he had a not so secret crush on Cecily.

  He was too shy to admit his feelings, so they shared a light and innocent flirtation. Cecily dated other people, but she always kept Radley in the back of her mind. Someday, when she was ready to settle down, he was just the type of guy she wanted; intelligent, kind, and good. The sort of guy who would make an excellent husband and father.

  Now she found herself nervous as the day of Radley’s arrival approached. What if he had found someone else? She had no claim on him, after all. It would be a blow to have her backup move on just when she needed him most.

  She needn’t have worried, though. As soon as Kitty and Dante pulled up with him after picking him up from town, he sprang up the steps, threw open the door to the house, picked Cecily up and twirled her in a dizzying circle.

  “Did you miss me?” he asked.

  “I did,” she said sincerely. He was a sweetheart, and she liked him very much. She kissed his cheek and hugged his neck, enjoying the faint blush that tinged his cheeks.

  He set her down and they inspected each other.

  “You look older,” she said.

  “And you look prettier. I think ranch life agrees with you.”

  She shrugged. She thought it agreed with her, too. She had never been happier or more fulfilled. She finally found her purpose. The feeling of being in control of her destiny was a heady one, if at times lonely.

  “What are we going to do tonight?” This came from Dante. He stood in the doorway with his arm around Kitty. Kitty was asking Cecily questions with her eyes, and Cecily was attempting to answer. Did she have feelings for Radley? If so, what were they? Finally she gave a slight shrug to her best friend. She would have to figure out later how she felt about him. He was staying for an entire week.

  Cecily felt some measure of guilt when she was around Kitty now. She hadn’t told her anything about Marcus, and it was the only secret she had ever kept. Her guilt eased when she remembered Kitty had kept her relationship with Dante a secret in the beginning. Now she understood why. Some things were too puzzling and private to share with anyone, even someone you loved like a sister.

  “I’ll cook,” she suggested. “And then we can go for a ride. Radley has been away from horses too long.” She pinched his side.

  He put an arm around her and pulled her close. “You’re going to cook for me, Cecily? You know this means we’re married in some cultures.”

  “Better wait until you’ve tasted it,” she said. “You might ask for a divorce.”

  “Never,” he said, and something flashed in his eyes that made her look away.

  “Cecily is an amazing cook,” Kitty volunteered. “I had no idea until recently.”

  Cecily smiled. “Neither did I. I never had to do it before, but now that we let Marla go someone has to keep us fed.” Cooking was one more thing she had started reluctantly and then realized she had a talent for. Maybe it’s a good thing my life got flipped upside down, she thought. I’m finding out there’s more to me than I ever would have guessed.

  One of their few remaining ranch hands, a cowboy who had been with them forever, was an avid gardener. Cecily never appreciated that fact until she started to cook. Now she relished the bounty he created. For supper she served corn on the cob, tomato pie, and grilled steaks.

  “Do you ever get tired of having steak?” Radley asked. Beef was plentiful in the middle of cattle country.

  “No,” Kitty, Cecily, and Dante answered in unison.

  “I don’t think I would, either,” Radley said. He gave Cecily a purposeful look, but she wasn’t sure what he was trying to tell her.

  After supper they saddled the horses and went for a ride.

  “I want to see the shack where you guys were held,” Radley said. When Cecily’s father and the militia kidnapped the state senator, Dante and Kitty got in the way. They were also tied up and held in a shack in the woods.

  “It’s on the Henshaw’s property,” Cecily said warily.

  “The edge of their property,” Dante said. “They won’t care. They won’t even know.”

  That was probably true. The Henshaws owned almost fifty thousand acres. Until the kidnapping they didn’t even remember the shack. Besides, it wasn’t as if she was going to run into Marcus in the middle of the woods.

  “All right,” she said reluctantly.

  Kitty, ever observant, was frowning at her. “Is everything all right, Cecily? You’re not feuding with the Henshaws, are you?”

  Cecily laughed, but it sounded brittle. “Of course not. Everything is fine.” She smoothed a hand over her flyaway hair and tucked it into a ponytail at the base of her neck.

  Kitty kept up her worried stare until Cecily urged her horse forward and took the lead.

  “Wow, sis, your sense of direction is getting almost as good as Dad’s,” Dante said.

  “I had to learn these woods really well when the reporters and tourists were here,” she said. After the kidnapping their community became famous and people poured in from all over to see where the big event took place. “More than a few of them got lost.”

  “I’m glad the notoriety has died down,” Kitty said.

  “Me, too. I was worried it would start up again with Mathew’s death, but so far everything seems calm.” Mathew had been killed by one of the Henshaw’s ranch hands who had an obsession with Maggie. After, the murder he ran and hadn’t been seen since, although he threatened Maggie and she had to be sent away for her safety.

  A pall settled over the group at the mention of Mathew’s death.

  “There.” Cecily broke the silence and then pointed to the little shack some distance ahead of them.

  “I’m surprised the Henshaws didn’t tear it down when all the tourists started pouring in,” Kitty said.

  “I think they preferred to pretend nothing was happening. That seems to be their way--to keep going no matter what and live above it all,” Dante said.

  “Let’s see inside it,” Radley said.

  Cecily dismounted and held his reins so he could get down.

  “Thanks,” he said. “Someday I’ll get the hang of it.”

  “You’re getting better,” she said.

  “I had nowhere to go but up.” They shared a smile. His first time on a horse hadn’t gone well after it took off while he only had one leg in the saddle. He was dragged for a few feet before her father rescued him. She was surprised and impressed that he tried again after that.

  He took her hand as they headed to the shack, and she had to hide her surprise. Besides a hug goodbye or hello and a few pecks on the cheek they didn’t usually touch.

  “This is it,” Dante said as they stood in the entrance to the shack. “This is where I learned my girl is a real live action hero.” He put his arm around Kitty’s waist and kissed her cheek.

  “Dante,” Kitty said shyly. When they were kidnapped, she had been carrying a knife and a gun, and she was able to rescue him and his father. Cecily was still in awe of her bravery and resourcefulness. If she didn’t love her before, she would love her now for saving her father and brother.

  “Why don’t you reenact for us, Kitty, how you roundhouse kicked all the bad guys and then used a bullwhip to subdue them,” Radley said.

  “That’s not what happened,” Kitty said.

  “That’s how Dante tells it,” Radley said. He winked at Cecily.

  Dante shrugged. “I
may have embellished slightly.”

  Kitty laughed. “You’re naughty, Dante.”

  “I’m an actuary. We get that a lot.” He pinched Kitty’s waist and she giggled again. She was extremely ticklish.

  Behind them a tree branch snapped and a horse whinnied. Cecily turned to look with a sinking heart. Instinct told her who it would be, and she was correct. Marcus sat atop his stallion with his rifle slung over his back.

  “I thought I saw someone enter these woods,” he said. “I thought it might be tourists again.” His tone was friendly until his eyes settled on Cecily’s hand where it was joined to Radley. His eyes narrowed, but his gaze didn’t waiver.

  “I’m sorry, Marcus,” Dante said. “We should have called for permission. My college roommate is in town, and he wanted the play by play on our little adventure.” He smiled. Marcus didn’t.

  “No problem,” he said, although his tone was less than friendly now.

  An awkward silence settled over the group.

  “Is your mother doing all right with the July fourth preparations?” Kitty asked. “I’ll help in any way I can.”

  “She likes to keep busy,” Marcus said distractedly. “Thank you all the same.” His eyes finally moved from Cecily’s hand. They settled on Radley’s face. “I didn’t catch your name.”

  “I’m sorry,” Dante said. “My manners are all over the place today. This is Radley Winston, my good friend.”

  Marcus nodded. “I’m Marcus Henshaw. Welcome to Montana.”

  Cecily wondered if anyone else heard the challenge in his tone. “Good day,” he added. He tipped his hat to them, then turned his horse and headed for home.

  The group watched him go in silence and waited to speak until he was out of sight.

  “Was that a Montana greeting, or was that weird?” Radley asked.

  “No, that was weird,” Dante said. “I don’t know him well, but that seemed out of character.”

  “Maybe it’s the grief,” Kitty suggested. “It changes people.”

  The three of them looked at Cecily as if waiting for her to weigh in with an opinion. She shrugged. “Maybe he’s just weird.” She smiled to herself as she imagined what Marcus would say if he heard her. Most likely he wouldn’t say anything. He would chase her and then kiss her and then…

  She broke off because she was smiling like an idiot and clasping Radley’s hand to her chin.

  “Um,” she said. She dropped their hands to her side once again. “Let’s go back. I’ll see what I can scrounge up for dessert.

  “I have some ideas,” Radley said, softly so only she could hear him. He winked at her and smiled.

  “Interesting,” she said. It was the best word to describe her life right now. Very, very interesting.


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