The Cowgirl Who Loved Horses, Queens of Montana Bonus Book

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The Cowgirl Who Loved Horses, Queens of Montana Bonus Book Page 8

by Vanessa Bartal

  Chapter 7

  “Let’s go for a walk,” Cecily suggested. She felt a confrontation looming and she needed to get Radley away before it happened.

  “All right,” Radley said. He stood to clear his trash and took her plate, too.

  “Have fun, you kids,” Lacey called.

  Thanks, grandma, Cecily wanted to say. Of course Lacey was only twenty six, but that was still six years older than her. She had to admit the girl wasn’t hideous. At least not during their most recent encounter, but she still refused to like her. If she liked her, she would feel guilt for all the time she had spent with Marcus.

  “My opinion of your neighbor hasn’t changed,” Radley said. “I still think he’s odd. And hostile.”

  Cecily shrugged. The last thing she wanted right now was to talk about Marcus.

  “Where are we going?” Radley asked.

  Cecily stopped and looked around. She had been walking without purpose or direction. “I don’t know. Is there anywhere you want to see?”

  “Somewhere private,” he said. “I feel like we haven’t had a moment alone together since I arrived.”

  “Privacy shouldn’t be hard to find on a ranch this size,” Cecily said. She turned and started to walk again.

  “This is a massive ranch. I thought your ranch was huge until I came here. I’ve never seen so much land or so many cows.” He took her hand. “How is the horse business progressing?”

  “Good,” Cecily said. She launched into a long explanation of her new business until she realized his eyes were glazed over. “I’m sorry, Radley, I’m boring you.”

  “You’re not boring me,” Radley said. “I’m just not up on my horse jargon. Sorry.”

  “I’m sure it would be the same if you tried to describe to me what you do for a living.”

  “No, then you really would be bored. I’m bored by it, and it’s my life.”

  They laughed together.

  He pulled her to a stop and positioned her against a fencepost. “This looks sufficiently deserted.” He settled his hands on her waist and her heart started to thud in anticipation. If this kiss was half as good as the one she shared with Marcus, then they would have a happy future together, indeed.

  “I’ve waited a long time for this,” Radley whispered. “Too long.” He cupped her face with his hands. His mouth slowly descended toward hers.

  “Hey, this is a surprise.”

  Cecily’s eyes flew open. Radley looked as surprised and irritated as she felt. “Marcus,” she muttered. She turned her head to look at him. She had no doubt that he had followed them to preempt their kiss.

  He sat atop his stallion, blatant amusement written on his face. “I’m sorry, did I interrupt something?”

  “What are you doing here?” Cecily asked.

  “Here? On my property? Where I have every right to be? I just thought it was a nice day for a ride.”

  “Where’s Lacey, your super serious longtime girlfriend?”

  “Around here somewhere. Can I give you a lift back to the house?” He held out a hand to her.

  “No thank you,” she said between her teeth. How was she ever going to explain his behavior to Radley? She tugged his arm. “Let’s keep walking.”

  “Sounds good,” Marcus said.

  “I wasn’t talking to you,” she threw over her shoulder.

  “I feel duty bound to protect you both while you’re on my land. Your boyfriend isn’t used to the dangers of Montana wilderness.”

  “At this point I’m fairly certain I could take down a grizzly with my bare hands,” she called.

  “All the same, I’d feel much better if I accompanied you. I wouldn’t want you to land yourself in a situation you’re unprepared for,” Marcus said.

  “Is there something going on here I should know about?” Radley asked.

  “Tell him, Lee,” Marcus urged.

  “No,” Cecily said. “There’s nothing to tell.”

  “Sure there is,” Marcus said. “We’ve had some trouble in these parts with criminals. It’s not safe to go walking alone in the woods.”

  She hesitated because she heard the sincerity in his tone. She had forgotten that Mathew’s killer was still on the loose and might be roaming the woods around the house.

  “That’s true,” she said. She hesitated and looked at Radley. “Maybe we should go back,” she said apologetically.

  “If you think so,” he said. He smiled and took her hand again.

  “Young love,” Marcus said in a false, dreamy tone. “So innocent.” He turned his horse so he was now walking in front of them.

  “Weird,” Radley mouthed.

  Cecily’s answering smile was halfhearted. Radley didn’t understand Marcus’s hidden meaning, but she did. Innocent and lacking passion, was what he meant, as clearly as if he had said it. The most galling part of it was that she wasn’t sure she disagreed. She had almost found out how high the level of chemistry between her and Radley was when Marcus interrupted them. She clenched her fists and glared at a spot off to her right. He didn’t want her, not really, but he didn’t want anyone else to have her, either. He was maddening.

  When they reached the house, Kitty and Dante were standing outside the barn talking.

  “Radley, I’m not sure I’m going to invite you back if you disappear into the wilderness with my little sister,” Dante teased. Of course Cecily knew he was joking. He and Radley were close. There was nothing Dante would like better than for him and Cecily to get together.

  “Don’t worry,” Marcus said as he easily slid off his horse. “I protected her virtue for you.” He tossed his reins to a stable hand and breezed into the barn.

  “What was that about?” Dante asked.

  “Don’t ask,” Cecily said.

  “That guy is creepy,” Radley said. “I think he’s stalking Cecily.”

  Dante and Kitty laughed weakly and looked at Cecily in question.

  “Who can understand the Henshaws?” she asked, and then cast about for a distraction. “Let’s play horseshoes.”

  They played until it was time for the fireworks. She spread out a blanket she had brought from home and sat close by Radley. For a while they watched the fireworks in silence, and then he turned to her and took her hand.

  “Cecily, I want to talk to you about something. I’ve been trying to find the right time and the right words all week, but it hasn’t happened. Maybe the darkness and the fireworks will give me the cover I need.” He took a deep breath. “I’ve had an offer on my product from one of the big guns in the industry. I’m about to make a killing and become very wealthy.”

  “Radley, that’s great. Congratulations.”

  He smiled. “Thanks, although that wasn’t what I wanted to tell you. The point is that I’m about to retire. I’m available to relocate, and I want to come here. We’ve danced around the issue of us for three years now, but you have to know how I feel about you. I think it’s time we give us a chance.” A firework exploded and lit up the sky. He settled his hand on her waist and leaned in to kiss her. When the kiss ended she opened her eyes and looked over his shoulder.

  Marcus was staring at her, and by the look on his face she knew he had heard every word.


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