Inked Chaos

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Inked Chaos Page 11

by Grace, M. J.


  I’d been awoken, by the feel of hands gently stroking my body from my shoulder down to my hip and back again, combined with the softest of kisses against my shoulder and the back of my neck. With a sigh, I’d rolled over into the waiting arms of AJ, a contented smile on my face.

  “Hi.” I’d murmured as he’d leant towards me and against my lips replied.

  “Hey.” Before lowering his head fully to take my lips, tenderly and searching. His hands roaming my body freely, he’d pulled me closer into his arms, wrapping his one leg over to hook behind my own. I was encased in AJ, and it felt so good, and so right. I felt safe with him, safer than I had ever felt with any other man, including James.

  With a hand to his shoulder, I’d forced him backwards until he was lying on his back, and I’d started kissing my way down his body. Taking my time, pausing at his nipples and several tattoos; committing to memory the contours of his body. All the while listening to him moan as I hit sensitive spots, until finally I’d reached his manhood, taking him in my hand, then placing a light kiss on the sensitive tip.

  I’d glanced up at him to see his eyes smouldering and half closed with passion watching me, and I’d lowered my head and taken him into my mouth, glorying in the feel of all that is AJ. Hearing him groan deep in his throat as I did so.

  Placing a hand on the back of my head, grasping my hair, he’d thrust his hips upwards, matching my movements, and loving the feel of him, I’d increased my pace; wanting and willing him to lose control.

  With a swift movement, he’d reached down and yanked me upwards so I was sitting astride him; swiftly finding and applying a condom he thrust upwards, holding my hips in place as he took control.

  So turned on by my taste of AJ, my hands resting on his shoulders, I’d lowered my chest down to his, and kissed him deeply.

  As he’d placed his hands on either side of my face, I’d taken advantage, and started to move my body up and down, riding him as if my life depended on it, reaching for the goal of release. It didn’t take long, my body shaking with the onslaught of my orgasm, as I’d clenched onto his shoulders, my nails digging into his flesh as the pure power of it overcame me.

  As I came down, AJ stepped up his pace. Thrusting through my orgasm, prolonging it more than I’d ever thought possible; until he found his own release, planting himself deep within me, groaning out loud.

  Falling forward I’d rested my chest on his, planting my face into his neck, struggling to catch my breath.

  Smiling contentedly to myself, I felt his arms come around me, squeezing tightly as he fought for his own breath.

  I don’t know how long we stayed in this position. I didn’t care, my body had gone fluid and totally unresponsive. I couldn’t have moved even if I’d wanted to, and it seemed AJ felt the same way; as we both remained silent, sheathed in each other’s embrace, and on my part, totally perplexed by my own actions and reactions.

  I came to my senses, stunned at my behaviour. Never in all my sexual encounters had I ever let myself go, as I had over those last few hours with AJ.

  Manoeuvring us to the side, AJ slid out of me, and removed the condom; as I’d straightened my legs so that once again I was facing him, chest to chest, hip to hip.

  “You good?” he’d asked.

  Am I good? God, yes. I have never felt so good in all my life.

  “Yeah. You?”

  “Hell yeah!” he’d replied with a smile and I’d burst into laughter, for no other reason that I felt so good, so happy and totally content. It took but a few seconds before AJ joined me, and together for what seemed an age, we’d laughed ourselves stupid. Only ending when AJ actually asked why we were doing so.

  “I haven’t a clue.” I’d replied through giggles.

  “Oh Birdie, you are truly a loon.” He’d laughed. Which made me sit up sharply and with a swat on his shoulder, indignantly retort.

  “I am not a loon.”

  “Oh, you so are. It’s part of the attraction.”

  On hearing this, I’d decided to forget to be indignant and graciously announced, “Oh well if it’s part of the attraction…. I’ll let you off.”

  “God help me!” was his retort, and I could feel his body shaking with yet more laughter, but I didn’t care. I was happier than I had been in months, no years. I’d snuggled into AJ, a smile firmly planted on my face, whilst listening to his heart beating beneath my ear.

  “Hungry?” AJ questioned and I remembered that we never actually got around to eating breakfast. No wonder I was starving.

  “Ravenous.” I’d replied, smiling.

  “Worked up an appetite eh?”

  “You sure did.” I’d laughed.

  “I’ll be right back. Don’t move an inch my lady, and we shall feast in bed.” He’d announced as he climbed out of bed, grabbed his swim shorts, and began pulling them on as he made his way towards the door, turning with a smile just before he disappeared through it.

  With a smile on my face, I’d snuggled down beneath the covers and thought over the last few hours. There’s no doubt about it, he is a very accomplished lover. I have never had so hard an orgasm before. He’s thoughtful, and always makes sure I reach climax before reaching for his own release. I couldn’t help but compare him to James, who it has to be said, could be a very selfish lover.

  I’d watched as he came through the door, carrying a tray with croissant and fresh fruit and orange juice. Placing it on the bed beside me, I’d held the tray steady while he climbed into bed and then placed the tray to rest across our laps.

  “A feast.” I’d stated glancing at the tray and smiled at him, as I picked up a croissant, tore a little off, and prepared to pop it into my mouth.

  “A feast of beauty.” He’d replied, as I watched his eyes scanning my face.

  I couldn’t help it. I found myself biting my top lip, trying not to laugh in his face, but I lost the battle. He’d noticed and with a wry smile had asked “Too corny eh?”

  “Much.” Was my reply, as I finally lost the battle, and burst out laughing, making the tray wobble and the orange juice slop over onto the tray. Pretending to tickle me, AJ had joined in, and before long we were both hysterical. It took a while to compose ourselves and eat the ‘feast’.

  “Remind me to never try to pay you a compliment.” AJ had commented wryly.

  “Oh no! You can pay me compliments, just don’t be corny with it.” I’d returned.

  “Deal.” He’d said, leaning forward and kissing the tip of my nose, then looking into my eyes as he kissed my lips softly, soon making us forget the tray and its remaining contents, as once again he showed me how special he could make me feel.


  “Honey, wake up.” I’d heard, whilst feeling a hand stroking my cheek. I hadn’t wanted to open my eyes, I was far too warm and cosy. Slowly I’d opened them to find AJ sitting next to me on the bed, and by the look of him, he’d obviously showered and dressed while I’d been sleeping.

  “You’ve been out for hours.” He’d stated, leaning down to kiss me gently. “I have to leave honey, or I’ll be late for the interview.”

  Still half asleep, I’d lain there admiring the view. He is perfection. Wearing a suit and tie, once again I’d marvelled at all that is AJ. There sat a man you would never believe struts his stuff on the stage like he does. There sat a man who is a property entrepreneur, a man who has the common sense to know, that in the fickle music business, it is wise to have a backup plan financially.

  “Babes? You with me?” he’d asked with a quizzical smile.

  “I’m with you.” I’d replied as I sat up in the bed, holding the sheet around my nakedness, suddenly feeling shy. “What time will you be back?”

  “It’ll be late, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. It’s a live show, so you can watch it if you want. I’ll set the TV up on the correct channel for you.”

  “That’s okay, I can do it. Will you want to eat when you get back? I can rustle something up.�

  “No, don’t worry about me, you just sort yourself something. You’ll be okay, yeah?”

  “Of course. You’d best get going. I’ll see you when you get back.”

  Leaning forward, he’d given me one of the sweetest kisses I have ever experienced. Gentle, searching, tempting, all rolled into one. Then brushing his thumb over my cheekbone, he’d whispered. “See you soon”, and walked out of the room, once again leaving me breathless.

  I’d lain there for several moments, my mind running over the last few hours and all that had happened between us. We had made love but we had also talked, during which time AJ had noticed the scar on my abdomen, gently running his fingers along its line.

  “Want to tell me?” he’d questioned.

  Steeling myself for rejection, I had been truthful, and told him the whole sad story; unable to keep the sadness, disappointment and nervousness out of my voice. AJ had held me tenderly, reassuring me, once again surprising me with his reaction. Leaving me in no doubt that nothing I had just told him, made him feel any differently towards me. Even the fact, that I will never be able to have a child. He had also been less than complementary about James.

  On his part, he had told me a little about Melody Forrester, saying she could be harsh in her manner, and had a tendency to elaborate stories, and even lie. Giving me an insight as to why he’d asked me to always be truthful with him.


  After showering, and preparing myself a salad, I’d grabbed a large glass of wine, and made myself comfortable on the large sofa in the den. The huge TV screen on the wall opposite had flicked into life at the touch of a button, and I’d sat waiting for the show to begin.

  AJ had informed me earlier that the interviewer, Steven Lemont, was well known for being a difficult man; who attempts to tie his guests up into knots, in pursuit of trying to acquire a story. So I’d been apprehensive for AJ, wondering what was in store for him on the show.

  I’d watched as AJ was introduced and walked out on stage. Of course the audience went wild, and it seemed to take forever for Steven Lemont to make them calm down.

  As is the usual greeting, they’d shook hands and done that half man hug thing that all men do, before taking a seat.

  The interview had started off well, with AJ being asked about the new album they are working on, and the upcoming tour. With AJ giving his answers in his usual laidback manner.

  It seemed however, that Steven Lemont was just biding his time, trying to make AJ feel at ease; because he’d then moved in for the kill, asking about the new girl he’d been seen around with over the last few days.

  Just as I knew he would, AJ deflected the question, just replying that yes, he had been dating someone, but it was early days and that was all he was prepared to say on the matter. However, Steven Lemont wouldn’t let it drop. He’d kept asking about me, and I’d watched AJ’s expression. He may have been smiling, but I saw the tightness around his mouth. He obviously wasn’t happy with the way the interview was developing, so when Steven made a comment in a derogatory manner, about me moving in, and it being a really quick move, AJ finally made a veiled sarcastic remark; insinuating that Steven shouldn’t judge people by his own standards. I could tell by his face that AJ’s comment hit home. Steven Lemont’s face turned red with embarrassment, and you could see his temper rising.

  So it was no surprise to me when he’d brought up Melody Forrester. Asking if AJ was aware of her comments to the press, declaring that they were still seeing each other. That I was just a publicity stunt; to keep the press off their backs, so they could have some privacy. That only two weeks previously they had been together.

  AJ just laughed out loud and commented on her inventive imagination, and shortly afterwards the interview had wound up; but Steven’s comment stuck with me. Had she been saying those things to the press? I’d never given her a thought. Jen had told me that they were no longer involved, and I had believed her. Why wouldn’t I? However, Jen isn’t privy to all of AJ’s life, and I’d started to wonder if he had still been seeing her like she said. He hadn’t been around for a few days before we got together; for all I knew he could have been with her.

  Almost as if she could hear my mind whizzing around, my phone had rung and looking at the screen I’d seen it was Jen.

  “It’s a crock of shit.” Were the first words out of her mouth. “This is what Melody does honey, that’s why he dumped her. She makes things up and even believes them herself. AJ hasn’t been with her; Razor can testify to that. So don’t you even start becoming wound up, like I just know you’re thinking of doing.”

  “Jen I……”

  “He broke down your wall didn’t he sweetie? I could tell by your voice on the phone earlier. Please honey, don’t let that horrid little man lay the first brick to build it back up again. I knew in my bones he would say something that would upset you; that’s why I watched the show. You can bet your bottom dollar, AJ will have words with that jerk, as soon as they are off air. Razor is mad as hell. He says Melody’s a nutcase.”

  “Honey, are you going let me speak?” I’d butted in. On having no reply I’d carried on. “He’s only been with me the last few days honey. He could have been with her before then, and as much as I don’t like that thought, we weren’t together, so I don’t have a right to be mad if he was.”

  “Yes, you do. Has he or has he not been chasing you for weeks? Yes he has, but that’s not the point here. The point is that it’s all lies honey, he hasn’t seen her in months.”

  “Look Jen honestly, I’m not going to stress over it. If I do that, then Steven Lemont has won. I’ll wait till AJ comes back, we’ll talk about it then.”

  “Oh, okay. I’ll see you in the morning honey. Please don’t be brooding about this; promise me.”

  “I promise.” I’d replied, and we’d said our farewells and hung up. Then I had made myself more comfortable on the sofa, switched on a movie and waited for AJ to arrive home.

  Only AJ didn’t come home. Well, not before I went to bed at two a.m. anyway.

  The show finished at ten, so giving him time to remove stage make-up, have his say with the producers about the fiasco of the interview, and his drive home, he should have been back by midnight, or twelve thirty at the latest. So I’d given up and gone to bed. My bed. Not because I was annoyed, but because I just didn’t know how he would feel about coming home, and finding me in his bed.

  I’d found out exactly how he felt about me not being in his bed at three thirty a.m.; when I was startled awake, as I was hoisted out of my own bed, and ceremoniously carried across the hallway to his room and placed into his bed.

  “AJ?” I’d asked sleepily.

  “Shush, go back to sleep, it’s late. We’ll talk in the morning.” He’d then proceeded to climb into bed, pulled me towards him so my back was to his front, and with his arms around me, linking his hands with my own, he’d gently kissed my shoulder. With a sleepy smile, I squeezed his hand and promptly fell back to sleep.


  On wakening, the first thing I was aware of, is that I had woken up in the same position as I went to sleep; with AJ wrapped around me from behind. For several moments I just lay there enjoying the sensation of having his arms around me, and the warmth of his body seeping into my own.

  Tilting my head, I’d glanced at the clock on the bedside cabinet. Seeing as it was only eight a.m., I tried to lie as still as possible, so as to not wake AJ. This plan however, soon went out of the window when his arms tightened around me, and he nuzzled into my neck and my shoulder.

  “Don’t know why you were over there, don’t want to know. What you should know, is that you should have been in here in our bed. You should also know, that after spending hours arguing with Casey on the phone about suing that asshole; the only thing that kept me going, was knowing I was coming home to you in our bed. So finding you not in our bed, but the guest bed, is not something I was too happy about babe.”

  Turning me towards him
so I was lying on my back, he’d covered my body with his own. Resting on his elbows, his hands gently stroking my cheek, he’d slowly lowered his head and kissed me deeply, taking my breath away and making my body tingle. Feeling my own body stirring in response, I became aware of his morning erection pressing into my stomach, and needing to talk to him, it had taken all my willpower to break the kiss, by turning my head to the side.

  “AJ stop.” I’d whispered softly, turning to look into his eyes. “Let me explain.”

  Opening his mouth to speak, I’d placed my fingers against his mouth.


  Looking down at me AJ said nothing, but kept eye contact as lowering my hand I began to speak.

  “I didn’t know whether you would mind me sleeping in your bed.” AJ went to interrupt, so I’d once again lifted my hand to his mouth, and raised my eyebrows questioningly. Seeing his capitulation, I’d continued with what I thought a very valid reason for my actions.

  “Look at it from my point of view. Yesterday was the first time we’ve slept together. We have been together such a short time, and I have yet to learn a lot about you, as you do me. It’s been quite a while since I…….well, let’s just say, have been in this situation. I didn’t know the best way to handle it. So I kind of plumped for the safe option and chose my room.”

  Finishing my explanation, I’d lay there staring at him, waiting for him to speak. Watching the emotions running over his face, starting with disbelief to annoyance and finally to serious determination.

  “Okay, let me explain how this works or rather how I work.” He’d began. “I took you to my bed. That’s my bed, not your bed, not a hotel room but my bed. That means something. It means you’re not a temporary fixture in my life. It means, you mean something to me. Damn it Birdie, for months I’ve been working to get us where we are now. You say we haven’t been together long, but from my point of view, this has been going on for months. I’m sorry that you didn’t understand that; so understand me now Birdie. From this moment on, we are a couple. It isn’t my bed, but our bed. My home is yours whenever you are here. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. You will come to realise that relationships in my world are hard work. We also have an extra problem working against us with the distance, but I’m willing to give this a shot. Hell! I’m fighting for this to happen, and have been for months. Fighting my workload, the miles we were apart, and even fighting you, but I feel I’m winning Birdie, and damn it you are definitely worth fighting for. So now you know where I stand. You tell me, are you up for the fight babe or are you going to throw in the towel without even trying?”


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