Inked Chaos

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Inked Chaos Page 25

by Grace, M. J.

  I stop and listen carefully, but hear nothing, not even a slight noise. Turning around I walk back and sit down on the filthy bed. I guess there is nothing left for me to do, but sit and await my fate.


  I don’t know how long it’s been. I’ve lain on this bed, my head full of the memories of AJ and me. Of my life growing up with my family. Even memories of James have snuck to the surface, before I’ve filed them away in the back of my mind.

  My body aches all over, protesting whenever I move position, trying to alleviate the pains in my arms. My hip hurts where I landed on the tarmac of the car park, and my cheek feels tight so I think it maybe swollen, and my lip is throbbing from where he backhanded me.

  The temperature has dropped, and the small amount of light that could be seen around the boarded up window has diminished, so I suspect that night-time has fallen. In all this time, not a sound or a word has come from my two captors. I’m hungry and I’m thirsty and I could do with using the bathroom.

  Having intermittently kicked the door, but gaining no response. I’ve come to the conclusion that they have long since left the premises, leaving me here all alone, and I feel not for the first time tears trickle down my cheeks.

  I wonder what AJ thought when I didn’t arrive home. Did Spencer explain about Martinez? Was he even in on the plan?

  Beginning to feel cold, I try unsuccessfully to manoeuvre the dirty bedcovers around myself as best as I can, curling myself into a ball. Trying to contain my body heat, I try to settle and get some sleep. The last thing I think of, as I drift off with a tear running down my face, is AJ, and the moment on the beach when he proposed.


  A noise wakes me up, and I jack-knife into the sitting position, my body protesting against the swift movement of my aching limbs. Sitting with my side against the headboard, my knees drawn up, holding my breath, I listen carefully. I’m scared, so scared; I can’t contain the shaking. Have they come to finish me off?

  Trying not to make a sound, I sit in the dark with my eyes pointed in the direction that I know the door to be. Waiting... Maybe I misheard. No, there it is again, a kind of shuffling of feet. Oh God, please don’t let them hurt me and my baby. Please.

  I tense as I hear the door handle being turned; but I jump when whoever it is, on discovering the door is locked, decides to kick it in; sending it slamming back on its hinges with a loud bang, the wood splintering, the noise causing me to flinch.

  A torch light lands on my face forcing me squint, and I turn my face away, listening to the commotion as several people enter the room.

  “LAPD miss. Are you Jorgi Morgan?” A police officer asks as he sits on the bed next to me, and as gently as he can, pulls the tape from my mouth, making me whimper with the pain.

  “Yes.” I croak with a hoarse voice through dry sore lips. “Yes, I’m Jorgi.”

  I listen as another officer speaks into his radio, confirming that they have found me, followed by an announcement of “send him in”, which confuses me, until I hear a voice shout “let me through”. Everything then becomes clear, as I see Tiny push past the officer standing in the doorway.

  Never have I been so pleased to see him, and the tears burst forth from me uncontrollably, so by the time he reaches the bed, I’m a sobbing wreck.

  “It’s okay Jorgi. It’s all over, I’m here to take you home.” He says gently, whilst taking over from the officer trying to untie my wrists. I let out an involuntary moan, as the pain in my shoulders and wrists hits on release from their binds.

  “Can you walk?” He asks, as he rubs my arms and wrists trying to dispel the pain.

  “Yes, I think so.” I reply.

  “Okay, let’s go.” He says and grasps my hands, to help pull me to my feet.

  I was wrong.

  My legs buckle and with a curse under his breath, he quickly puts one arm around my back and another under my knees, picking me up before striding his way out of the room, down the corridor, and finally out of the building.

  As we reach outside, he heads towards an ambulance waiting for us.

  “Tiny, please take me home.” I beg.

  “I will Jorgi, I promise, but we need to have you checked out first.

  Go with the paramedics, I’ll be right behind you.”

  “AJ?” I ask

  “AJ knows you’re safe, and you’ll see him soon.”

  It seems I have no choice. Tiny deposits me into the ambulance, the doors are closed, and we speed off with the lights and sirens announcing our way.

  It doesn’t take long to travel to the hospital, and true to his word, Tiny is right there waiting when the ambulance doors are opened.

  Although I insist I can walk, the paramedics refuse to allow me and I’m wheeled into one of the emergency bays, with Tiny walking by my side.

  The medical team try to insist that he remains out in the waiting area. Unfortunately this sends me into a panic. I feel safe whilst he is here, and the thought of him not being within reaching distance, fills me with terror. I start to shake, shouting that no way are they going to evict him from the bay. Needless to say, they let him remain. I don’t think I give them much choice really.

  When the doctor arrives, he declares I am going to have a wonderful bruised face, for a few days. He also mentions an x-ray on my hip, and asks as a precaution if there is any chance of pregnancy due to the risks. My eyes fly to Tiny then straight back to the doctor.

  “Miss Morgan?” He questions.

  I’d wanted AJ to be the first to know about the baby, but I have no choice. I have to divulge the information for safety’s sake.

  “Yes, I’m pregnant.” I rush out and swiftly look to Tiny at my side. “You’re sworn to secrecy.” I declare through narrowed eyes. “AJ doesn’t know yet. I only found out earlier today.”

  “Of course”. He replies. I can tell he’s momentarily shocked, before his face breaks out into a grin.

  Our conversation is interrupted by the doctor, who after asking several questions, deems that as I can walk, and due to the pregnancy, he’s willing to forgo the x-ray. Although, only on the understanding, that if I have any problems over the next few days, that I am to return to the hospital immediately. About to agree to his terms, I’m distracted by a commotion outside; which is shortly followed by AJ bursting into the bay, anxiety written all over his face.

  On seeing me, it takes but moments before I’m wrapped in his arms, my face in his neck and I can’t help it, I start to cry; the sobs coming thick and fast, as his arms become tighter and tighter. When I finally have a handle on my emotions, he leans back and with a hand on either side of my face, his eyes scan over my features. His face tensing when they land on my cheek and lip.

  Looking quickly around the room, I notice that we have been left alone. Leaning forward I rest my head against his chest.

  “I’m okay. I’m a bit sore, but I’m okay.” I assure him.

  “Birdie, your face!” He says, leaning forward to gently kiss my now bruised cheek.

  “AJ honestly, it’s just bruises and I’m a bit sore in places. I think the doctor was just about to say I could come home. He wouldn’t say that if I wasn’t okay would he?”

  “God Birdie.” He whispers against my mouth before gently kissing my sore lip. “I’ve been to hell and back these last hours.”

  “It was Brooke and Martinez.” I say in a panicked rush. “It was Brooke who sent the letters, she told me so herself.” I reveal almost frantically.

  “Shush, I know.” He replies, smoothing a hand over my hair. “Don’t worry, they’re in police custody. I’ll tell you all about it later. Let’s just get you home safe.”

  “AJ!” I blurt out in a rush. I didn’t want to tell him about the baby here, but I can’t risk the doctor coming back in, and mentioning it before I have a chance to tell him. I want to tell him myself, so I take a deep breath. He’s so handsome, and he is mine and I hope that the news I am about to impart, is welcomed.

  “I found out today... I’m pregnant AJ, we’re going to have a baby.”

  I watch as a radiating smile covers his face, and I feel instant relief and free from the worry, that he wasn’t going to be happy about the baby.

  Wrapping his arms around me, he kisses my temple gently. Then resting his lips close to my own, I feel his breath, as he smiles again and whispers.

  “I know.”

  “You know? How do you know?” I ask shocked.

  “The police found the Range Rover. They also found your phone, and your handbag, and asked me to confirm that they belonged to you before they searched it for clues. I was in the room when they did Birdie. You have to know, I have never felt such joy and happiness as the moment I saw that little stick, and recognised it for what it is. I love you Birdie, and the baby. I couldn’t be happier.”

  He knew, and he was delighted about the baby. I had worried unnecessarily. I felt it then, a feeling of contentment flow over me, filling me up with peace and a bliss that fills me to the very core of my soul.

  “Take me home AJ.” I say with a sigh. “I want to go home.”


  I’m starting to lose my mind. For three days I have been languishing in bed under doctor’s orders. Okay on the first day, I really needed the rest; the kidnapping having taken more out of me than I had realised.

  I had to endure giving a statement to Detective Mason, feeling the air getting tense along with AJs body, as I described how Martinez had first tackled me to the ground and then struck me.

  I’ve also had a visit from an Obstetrician arranged by AJ, who had officially confirmed my pregnancy, instructed me to take Folic Acid and Vitamins and arranged a scan appointment for later today so they can date the pregnancy. Something that AJ is very excited about.

  On the second day, I’d had a visit from Jen, who cried with relief that I was safe and then after composing herself, cried again when I told her about the baby. Other than Davy, Jen is the only person who would truly comprehend exactly how I am feeling. Razor had left us alone to talk and spent the time with AJ, but made a point of coming and kissing my cheek, before looking into my eyes as he whispered “Great news”, after AJ told him about the pregnancy.

  I’ve also had a visit from AJs mum Jeanie and sister Casey, who had both burst into tears after AJ, who had been lounging on the bed next to me, had shared the news.

  On leaving, his mum had whispered “Thank you” in my ear whilst hugging me. I didn’t have a chance to ask her why she was thanking me, but as she moved away, the look of gratitude and love on her face was intense. A time will come when I will ask her. For now it doesn’t matter.

  AJ also told me how Spencer had phoned in immediately, informing them that Martinez had “lost his mind”. He also informed them that he had seen a female in the car, giving a description and his suspicions that it was Brooke.

  AJ had received a phone call and immediately came home, where he had proceeded to alternatively pace the floor, and call the police station for updates, until Detective Mason turned up with my possessions. This information I had received from Tiny.

  Melody’s house had been searched, and Melody questioned as to Brookes whereabouts; as simultaneously a team had moved to Martinez’s home, which is where they had found me.

  It appears that before guarding me, Martinez had been on Melody Forrester’s payroll, guarding Brooke. Seems it was a little more involved than guarding, seeing as they had a full blown affair; with Martinez totally under her spell and falling in with her plans. Plans that came about, because she blamed AJ for leaving her sister, and me for ‘stealing him away’ and ruining any chance for reconciliation. They are at this time, becoming acquainted with the nearest jail.

  Melody had been distraught that her sister had been the one behind the threats and the kidnaping, and sent flowers and a message that she would like to visit me. To which both AJ and I declined for the time being. I just couldn’t face her, I’m unsure I ever can.

  AJ has waited on me hand and foot, to the extent that he is driving me insane. He refuses to return to work, saying he is determined I am going to rest as instructed. Many a time over the last three days, I have thrown myself back down on my pillows with a groan of frustration over his antics, wondering how I can possibly put up with them over the coming months. On the other side of the coin, he has been loving, sensitive and the best partner I could have hoped for.

  We have lain on the bed together, making plans. AJ already mentioning engaging an interior designer to prepare the nursery. I have voiced that I wish to do as much of the designing myself, which he agreed with, but doing so in such a way, that I just know he doesn’t agree with me at all.

  Deep down, I won’t be happy until I’ve had todays scan, and I have reached the twelfth week. Knowing that I will then be past the stage that I had been at, when I had the previous miscarriage, I think will ease my mind. Until then …

  Glancing at the clock, I decide it’s high time I dressed ready for my hospital appointment. Walking into the bathroom, stripping off my pyjamas as I go, I catch sight of myself in the large full length mirror by the door.

  Resting my hands on my belly, I stare at myself, imagining how my reflection will be in a few months’ time.

  A strong pair of arms wrap around my body from behind, and hands come to gently rest on top of my own. I look at AJ in the mirror, seeing our reflection, and I smile. I never dreamt I could be this happy.

  I’m loved by the most beautiful, caring and loving man. A man who is not afraid to show me evidence of his love, in every little thing he does for me. Yes indeed, I am truly living the dream.

  Resting his chin in the crook of my neck, his hands covering mine, AJs eyes meet my own in the mirror.

  “Love you Birdie. Never thought I could feel as full of love as I do with you.” Moving my hair away from my face, he kisses my cheek before once again resting his chin on my shoulder, his eyes returning to mine. “I know we’ve had our rough moments, but they were worth it. To be here now, as we are, yep, I reckon they were totally worth it. I swear to you Birdie, I swear I will love and treasure you for the rest of my days. Thank you for loving me my Humming bird.”

  I stare at his reflection in the mirror, my heart swelling with love for him. Turning in his arms I wrap one arm around his waist and place the other with my palm resting on his chest.

  “I don’t know what you see in me. Wait!” I say seeing him open his mouth to speak, then with a frown close it again. “You know I have insecurities, I guess I always will a little, but they are fading AJ. Your love is pushing them aside, filling the cavity with your patience and understanding. Giving me confidence. When Brooke was ranting away, I knew deep down that you loved me. There was never any doubt in my mind. I used that AJ. I used it to give me strength while I was lying there, waiting for either rescue or the end.” Feeling his arms tighten around me as I speak, I quickly carry on. “You have shown me what true love really feels like. You’ve taught me how to give and receive it. I thought I had love with James, but it wasn’t. I think I was in love with being in love. With the whole wedding/marriage thing. Yes, I was broken when it ended, but thinking about it, I think a lot of it was wounded pride at my failure. Now…. losing the baby; that killed me. I thought I would never recover from the miscarriage and certainly not the knowledge that I would never have another chance of being a mother. Yet here I am, standing with you, a man who is beautiful inside and outside, and I’m carrying your child. Full with the knowledge that I, or rather we, are loved. So no AJ. I thank you. For loving me enough to not give up on me. For fighting for me when times got tough, and I was the coward walking away. For showing me what true love really is, and for giving me the child I never thought I would have.”

  I reach up and press my lips to his, trying to convey all my feelings within it. I guess I communicated them well enough, when the kiss became scorching hot.

  “Damn I love you Birdie. How’s the hip baby?” AJ asked.
/>   “Fine. Why?” I ask quizzically in a whisper, slowly coming out of my hot AJ stupor.

  “Good to hear.” He says smiling, as he places one arm around my back and the other under my knees picking me up, and heads towards the bed, lowering his lips to mine as we go.

  Let’s just say, my plan to dress ready for the scan, was delayed.


  Walking into the den, I dump my shopping bags onto the sofa, smiling at Tiny as he follows suit.

  “Thanks Tiny.”

  “Any time Jorgi.”

  Since the kidnapping incident, Tiny and I have become very close. He’s usually with me instead of AJ, and I have to admit, I love his company. I also feel a lot safer when he’s around.

  “From the racket I’d guess that they’re out in the garden.”

  “Yep, I reckon you’re right.” He laughs. “Okay, if I knock off?”

  “Sure. I’m just going to go see what the munchkins are doing.”

  I listen as Tiny walks off chuckling to himself. He always finds my term “the munchkins” funny. I don’t know why.

  Following the noise of shouts and giggles, I head out towards the pool area. On reaching the French doors that lead out to the garden, I hold back, sneaking a peak around the curtains so I can watch unobserved.

  It never fails to catch at my heart how AJ is with the twins.

  Yes, twins.

  We’d found out on the day of the first scan. They couldn’t let us know the sex, but there was no mistaking the two heartbeats on the screen. I came out of the appointment in a state of shock. AJ came out of the appointment flying high, and I don’t think he’s come down yet, nearly five years later.

  It had been an easy pregnancy, well, as easy as it could be. I’d looked like a landed whale, and had been very conscious about how big I became. AJ on the other hand couldn’t keep his hands off me. Whenever he got the chance he would rest his hands or head on my enormous belly.


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