Sweet Carolina

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Sweet Carolina Page 12

by Debbie White

  “Dad was raised in that house,” Mary said as she took the highway leading them to the church.

  “Yes, we’ve made a lot of good memories in that house. I’m glad you guys are moving in.”

  Mary pulled into the long tree lined road. It was only the second time Annie had been there. She really took in the beautiful trees draped in moss, as well as the rest of the landscaping. She could imagine what the church would look like bustled with guests.

  The two women headed to the back of the U-Haul van. Peering into the back, Mary said, “I’m so glad we found this lightweight aluminum arch. I love how you decorated it with floral swags in colors matching the other flowers.”

  “And using these painted masonry blocks to secure it was a great idea of Jack’s,” Annie said, lugging them to the porch.

  The girls got busy putting the decorations in place and then stepped back to admire their work. Annie wrapped her arm around Mary. “It’s beautiful, Sis,” she said, pulling her in close.

  “I don’t know which part I like the best,” Mary said, her eyes darting to the urns with the pussy willows to the candles that lined the window sills to the monogrammed fabric aisle runner.

  “One of my favorites is the wreath we made. The colors are so gorgeous,” Annie said.

  “Okay, I think our work is done here. Ready for the last stop?” Mary led the way out.

  “This back room is perfect for us,” Annie said, looking over the large banquet-size room.

  “I set the tables up like this, but if you’d rather have it some other way, please feel free to move them,” Rebecca said.

  “No, I think this works.”

  “We just have a few things to bring in. Table decorations and some flowers and greenery for the bridal table, and then we’ll be out of your hair,” Mary said, heading outside.

  Annie and Mary got to work. Soon every guest table was graced with a beautiful centerpiece with succulents. Floral swags draped the bridal party table and a candle centerpiece sat center of the table. A small round table at the entrance holding a framed picture of the happy couple along with a guest book and pen served as a guest sign in area. The cake table was also round, and had stacks of plates and silverware ready for the slicing of the layered delight. Although Danny and Mary had said no gifts, they set up a small table for those who would not follow instructions.

  “I like the idea of the money tree,” Mary said.

  “Jack worked hard on that. It’s so cute with all of its intricate branches,” Annie said, helping her set it up. “It’s really called the giving tree.” Annie placed a small woven basket filled with clothespins near the tree.

  The two women stepped back and admired their work. “Now, let’s get home and get ready.” Mary pulled her phone out of her pocket. “We have exactly three hours to get ready and get to that church!”

  Annie and Mary jogged out of the restaurant, waving to Rebecca as they exited. “See you at the wedding,” Mary called out.

  Rebecca waved and smiled.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Jack stood in front of the full-length mirror with his tongue slightly askew as he worked on his tie. “I wonder how they’re doing in that small space?”

  “What you really mean,” Annie said, opening the closet door, “has Mary become one hot mess because of Grandmother and Auntie?” She pulled the dress she’d be wearing off its hanger and slipped it over her head.

  “Got it,” Jack said, turning around and showing off his neatly tied tie.

  Annie tilted her head. “Good job,” she said as she crossed to her jewelry box and retrieved the sapphire necklace and earring set Jack had given to her for her birthday. As she pulled the pieces out of the jewelry armoire that Jack had made her in his woodshop, she saw the pearls. Her hand flew to her mouth and she gasped. “I have to get these pearls to Mary.”

  “Your mother’s?”

  “Yes, something borrowed and something blue,” she said.

  “What will be the blue?”

  “The garter,” Annie said, smiling.

  “Ah, the blue garter standby. Why does everyone use that for the blue item?”

  “I guess because it’s the easiest. I could let her wear the sapphire set. They’re blue.”

  “Actually, they’d be borrowed and blue,” Jack said. “You look lovely, by the way.” He pulled her in and kissed her on the lips.

  “Thank you. I still need to do my hair and makeup, but I better check on them,” she said, eyeing her phone sitting on the bed.

  Jack let her go from his grasp and watched as she picked up her phone. He sat on the bed and pulled on his socks and then put on his shoes, while she talked. He’d nod his head to the left and then to the right, smiling occasionally, and even letting out a small laugh. The conversation seemed to be going well.

  “Thank goodness, all is well over at the granny unit.” Annie dropped her phone on the bed beside them.

  “Granny unit?”

  “That’s what Mary is calling it. Of course, if Grandmother hears mention of that, well, I don’t want to be around if she does.” Annie stood and slipped on the black strappy sandals placed near the bed.

  “Twirl around for me,” Jack said, leaning back on his arms and looking at her with half-closed lids. His sexy voice made the hair on the back of her neck stand.

  She slowly turned around, making a complete circle and then stood with her hands clasped in front. “Well?”

  “Beautiful.” He extended his arms out for her to come to him.

  “Jack, we have a wedding to get to. There’s no time for this. And I have to wake Ashton up and get him ready. He has a very important part today.”

  “Just a little something to keep me going, please?” Jack pleaded with his eyes, making it impossible for her to refuse his request.

  She took little steps toward him, lowering herself onto his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gazed into his eyes. She pulled her hands up and ran her fingers through his thick hair and leaning down at the same time, gave him a kiss to remember.

  “That’s what I’m talking about. More from where that came from later, right?” He patted her on the butt.

  Annie leaped from his lap. “That’s just a little tease,” she said as she exited the bedroom to get Ashton up and dressed.

  “I’m heading over. Wish me luck,” Annie said with one hand on the doorknob.

  “Good luck,” Jack called out as he and Ashton sat on the sofa. “We gotta get going, though. It will take us forty minutes to get there. Tell them to hurry up,” he said, looking at his watch.

  She could hear the bantering from the porch. She drew in a deep breath and stepped inside. The small cottage looked like the inside of a dressing room. Lingerie was draped over the back of chairs, curling iron and blow dryers were placed on tables, makeup bags were strewn over the sofa cushions, and shoes … shoes were everywhere.

  “Why so many pairs of shoes?” Annie asked.

  “Grandmother couldn’t decide between the flats, the heels, or the moccasin-style shoes,” Mary said, stepping into her wedding dress.

  Annie crossed over to her and helped by zipping the back. “Okay, but couldn’t y’all put some stuff away? This is a serious tripping hazard.”

  “Tripping hazard?” Grandmother blurted. “This isn’t a daycare, I resent that,” she said, tsk-tsking in disapproval.

  “I didn’t mean anything derogatory by that, Grandmother. Anyone can trip over items. And we don’t need any broken hips.”

  Annie turned back toward Mary. “Listen, I know we were going with the blue garter and Mom’s pearls for something borrowed.” Annie held up the string of pearls. “But, I was wondering if you’d like to wear my sapphire necklace and earrings instead, and they could be both your something blue and something borrowed. Jack and I would love for you to wear them.”

  “Oh, Annie, that would be awesome,” Mary said, stepping toward her with open arms.

  Annie hugged her, while holding the je
welry in her hands. She chuckled a bit and then stepped back. “Turn around and I’ll put the necklace on.”

  “You look stunning, Mary,” Auntie Patty said.

  “All right, let me give everyone a quick check and then we have to be going,” Annie said, working her eyes from Grandmother to Auntie and then finally back to Mary. She straightened the collar on Grandmother’s blouse, clipped a couple of stray hairs that had come down from Patty’s chignon, and then grabbing the box with Mary’s veil, she scooted everyone out the door.

  Mary paced the little room the size of an oversize utility closet, which also served as her waiting room. Located in the front of the church, it meant they’d have to exit the room via a side door, and walk around to the entrance when the time came. Crystal and Ashton were given last-minute instructions. Everyone loved kids in weddings, so no matter how bad things went, it wouldn’t ruin the day.

  “Mary, calm down. Everything will be all right,” Annie said in a low and soft tone.

  “Is he here yet?”

  Annie opened the door a crack and peered into the church. Her eyes landed on Grandmother, then Patty. Then her eyes traveled to another section where she found Rebecca, Michael, Vicky, and Scott. No Danny. “The guests are trickling in,” Annie said, keeping alarm out of her voice.

  “Danny? Do you see Danny? How about his parents?”

  Annie’s breath caught then she swallowed. She opened the door, once again, and peered out. More guests were arriving each minute, each second. Her eyes grew big when she saw Milly, Robert, Preston, and Susan walk in … with Danny! “Yes, Danny is here. So are his parents and Jack’s.”

  Mary began to tremble and a tear escaped her lid.

  “Aw, Mary, don’t cry. This is the day you’ve been waiting for. I’m so happy for you and Danny.”

  “I wish Mom and Dad were here. But, we’ve been through all this before. The only thing we’re missing is Grandmother and Auntie back here.”

  Annie looked around the small space. “Fortunately there is no room. We don’t need any drama today.” Her hand covered her mouth as she tried to suppress a giggle.

  The girls’ ears perked up when the music began to play. “That’s the be-ready-in-five-minutes music,” Mary stammered.

  Annie reached down and grabbed Ashton’s and Crystal’s hands and they exited the small room.

  As the two women made their way, Annie briefly thought about how she played an important role in Mary’s wedding. It wasn’t every day that a big sister had the privilege of giving away her little sister. They stopped just before getting to the door.

  Annie retrieved the little wagon decorated in white lace and hot glued flowers that Jack had set outside for them, and sat Ashton inside. She handed him the little wooden box holding the rings. She gave Crystal the bag of rose petals and gave her a quick rundown of her job. The little girl nodded that she understood.

  “I love the wreath we made,” Mary said, nodding toward their creation of miniature silk flowers in an array of colors from burnt orange to yellow with a splash of green, all tied up with a beautiful satiny bow.

  “I do, too.” Annie stepped toward the door and placed her ear against it. “It’s playing. The wedding march is playing.” She skipped over to Mary and quickly lowered her veil. “Ready?” Her eyes twinkled as she handed her the bouquet of burnt orange colored roses with baby’s breath and feathery ferns, all tied up with a dark green satiny ribbon.

  Mary nodded.

  Annie pulled open the door and motioned for Crystal to pick up the wagon handle and enter the church. The creaking sounds of bodies turning on old wooden benches and shoes making scrapping sounds, along with oohs and ahhs, did nothing to curtail their nerves. However, the two women made their way down the aisle, nodding and smiling as they followed the rose petals to the front where both the minister and Danny waited. Both of them had beads of sweat forming on their brows.

  “Danny is sweating,” Mary said through gritted teeth.

  “It’s a little warm in here,” Annie whispered back.

  Annie passed Mary off to Danny, and then stood to the side.

  Mary reached up and dabbed Danny’s brow with the hankie Grandmother had given her. He winked at her and a few sweet sounds came from the pews. Everyone loved Mary’s gesture.

  Mary and Danny had written their own vows, so after each of them spoke from memory, the preacher finished by blessing the union and then announced them as husband and wife.

  And … when it came time to retrieve the rings … Ashton hadn’t flung them out of the wagon like a ball. He actually handed them very nicely, and very much like a big boy to Uncle Danny. Jack and Annie were so proud.

  Annie knew Mary and Danny were holding back something they’d been working on. No matter how much she’d tried to knock it out of Mary, she wouldn’t budge. “It’s a surprise,” she’d repeat over and over. So when it came time to make the toast to the newlyweds and they’d disappeared from the reception, Annie got a bit worried. Then the music started and everyone looked up when the two came dancing through the door to a song they found special. They tapped their guests on the shoulders as they passed them to join in the dance, and soon, the entire room danced to the catchy tune. It couldn’t have come off any better had each guest rehearsed it with them. The energy of the room, the spirit of the melody, and the nuance of the words sung, only intensified the moment and it would go down in the McPherson girls’ history as one of the most entertaining receptions ever.

  Annie tapped her water glass to get everyone’s attention after the group dance. “I don’t know how I’ll top that, but I do want to say a few words to Mary and Danny.”

  The group clapped.

  “Mary,” she said, locking her gaze onto hers. “You know you are very special to me. You’re more than a sister, you’re my friend. I love you and I’m so happy for you.”

  Then she turned to Danny. “And, Danny, you better take good care of her, or you’ll have to deal with the mean big sister side of me, and I don’t think you want that.” She snickered and then winked at him.

  Danny tilted his chin up and down and raised his glass. He mouthed he’d do just that.

  “Seriously, though, I love you both, and, Danny, welcome to the family!”

  The guests erupted in cheers and clapped. Then the DJ turned up the tunes again, and everyone soon began dancing.

  A slow song played and Jack grabbed Annie’s hands and pulled her willingly to the dance floor. He leaned in deep and pulled her close. “I told you it would be all right.”

  Annie tilted her head back, and lowering her lids, she pulled in her bottom lip. A sigh escaped her lips. “You’re always right, Jack. Didn’t you know that?” With half-closed lids she moved in for his kiss.

  “Wait.” He stopped her. “Did you say I’m always right?”

  Annie stopped swaying her hips when a humph sound escaped her lips. “Right or wrong, it’s my job to make you think you’re always right.”

  “Okay, I can live with that.” He grabbed her hands and pulled her back in. “As long as you don’t lie about anything else, we’re good.” He stood his ground, searching her face for approval.

  “I’d never lie to you, Jack. I just don’t ever want to fight with you.”

  “Fight? No, but disagree, always.” Jack dropped a kiss on her mouth.

  “Why disagree?” Annie knitted her brows.

  “Because, me man, you woman. That’s the way it is.” He let out a low belly laugh.

  “Jack Powell,” Annie said, shaking her head at him. Then she pulled him in and they swayed to the music as she rested her head on his shoulder, drinking in his scent that drove her absolutely wild.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Annie moved on to the next big thing in her life, after all the fanfare of Mary and Danny’s wedding blew over—the holidays. And they were coming at her full speed ahead. First came Jack’s birthday. They always celebrated it, usually with some sort of party at their house. He loved to ma
ke big bonfires and have everyone sit around and tell ghost stories, and since his birthday was on Halloween, it felt like a normal thing to do.

  She hadn’t really discussed it with him yet, but she thought she’d invite Danny and Mary, Vicky and Scott, and now that they’d reconnected, maybe she would throw out an invite to the pinky sisters as they were now affectionately known. And of course, Grandmother and Auntie; she would work them in to the party, and they could just stay until they got tired. That was the advantage to having them live on property.

  She’d been feeling a bit tired, but who wouldn’t with all that she had going on. She’d just submitted a huge order for supplies via the internet for the bakery. Boy, Mary will be happy about me doing more online. Annie hit the submit key and leaned back. Her eyes went to the front door when she heard the commotion.

  “We just had the best time,” Jack said, bringing in the cool autumn air as he shut the door. Ashton giggled and then ran to his mom, hugging her legs.

  “Mommy,” Ashton cried, burying his face in her lap.

  “Did you have a good time with Daddy?” She patted his back.

  Ashton pulled up his head and grinned.

  “Hey, I was just thinking about your birthday. What do you think about a simple cookout with a few friends, nothing too big?” Annie raised her brows and waited for Jack’s reply.

  “We don’t have to do anything this year. We’ve had a few already this year and we’ve attended a few. Let’s just go out to dinner, you and me.” He sat down next to her.

  Annie tilted her head and studied his face. “Seriously? No party? But it’s Halloween.”

  “I know, but let’s do something different. We can ask Mary and Danny to babysit. Let’s take the boat and go to the restaurant we went to when we were dating. It’s been ages since we’ve been there, and we really haven’t broken in the new Lady Powell enough.”

  Annie’s mind drifted to the old Lady Powell and how Jack loved his boat so much. They’d had a lot of good times riding the waterways. When the hurricane ripped a hole the size of a watermelon in her, Jack had to turn her into scrap metal, and now a beautiful new boat docked in her place. Lady Powell, the second.


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