Escaping the Blackness (A Cooper Brothers Novel Book 1)

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Escaping the Blackness (A Cooper Brothers Novel Book 1) Page 21

by Norma Jeanne Karlsson

  “It’s none of our business,” Dad points out.

  “He’s my son. So it’s my business,” she argues.

  “We’re fine, Mom,” I answer with a little snicker at my parents. “I’ll get in contact with you when I can, but I’ll be dark most of the time. Hopefully, this shit is done with by Christmas.”

  “Maybe you should go with them, Nicky,” Mom suggests. “The boys will be home to help me and I’ll feel better knowing you’re with Jake.”

  “Mom, I appreciate it, but I can take care of myself. Been doin’ it for years now. Dad should be with you.” My tone is shittier than it should be. But I’m not a kid anymore. I can do this on my own. She needs to see that.

  “I just…” she trails off for a moment. “You’re right. I know you can take care of yourself, Jake. I’m still your mother though. I worry about you.”

  “You don’t have to worry about him, Kat. I know you and your husband have quite the reputation in the DCA. Jake doesn’t fall far from your family tree. He’s the best agent I’ve ever known. And I promise you, I have his back,” Mitch states confidently, bringing an appreciative smile to my face.

  “Thank you, Jase,” Mom whispers. “And thank you again for what you did for him in Palo Alto.”

  “Like I said before, there’s nothin’ to thank me for,” Mitch responds quietly.

  “All right,” Dad stops the mushy stuff. “You guys keep your heads down and call if you need us.”

  “Will do,” Mitch and I answer in sync.

  “Love you, bud,” Dad grunts.

  “Love you too,” I grunt back. “I love you, Mom. I’m sorry about all of this. I’ll be back this time. I’m done running.”

  “I love you, Jake Cooper,” she replies powerfully. “We’ll fix this.”


  “Cash comes for you, I’m puttin’ a bullet in his fuckin’ head,” Mitch growls as we hang up with my parents.

  “He’s not comin’ for me, Mitch. It’ll be Riley he wants.”

  “And he’ll have to get through you to get her. If he’s comin’, that’s the only thing stopping him right now. Well that and the fact that we’ve been off the DCA radar for a few weeks. I can’t believe there’s a dirty agent in the DCA,” he huffs.

  “We’re not immune to that shit. No agency is. But this would be a first,” I point out, climbing out of the tiny chair that’s heaving beneath my weight.

  Mitch follows, clapping my back as we go downstairs to find my brothers playing a loud game of Madden while Riley bounces around in front of them, cheering them on. Some things never change. I don’t know how many days I spent in Connecticut with a controller in my hands and my brothers at my side.

  Cara’s in the kitchen cooking lunch, glancing over her shoulder every few seconds with a broad smile on her face. I go to her as Mitch sits on the couch with my brothers. He fits in with them like he’s been in our family since the beginning. I like that shit a lot.

  “Hey,” I purr into Cara’s neck, wrapping my thick arms around her slim waist.

  “Hey,” she replies with a blush on her face.

  This morning finding her in my hoodie is still flaring through my system. I wish I didn’t have to deal with this DCA shit right now. I’m happy here, starting a new life. I don’t want to upset the balance. But I have to keep Riley safe.

  “We’re goin’ to a safe house in the Ozarks,” I whisper and hold her firmly when she tries to move out of my grasp. “Just listen, sweetheart.”

  She nods curtly and stops trying to struggle.

  “I talked to my boss and my parents. Until we figure out this shit with Riley, I need to keep her safe. That means off the grid. I’m takin’ you with me, and my brothers are gonna go home for winter break. I need to talk to them about this, and I’d rather not do it in front of Riley. Can you take her upstairs to her room for me?”

  “You’re taking me with you?” she clarifies.

  “I’m not leaving you again, sweetheart. I told you that,” I assure her before kissing the sensitive spot below her ear.

  She mulls that over for a few moments and then lays down the big spoon she was stirring pasta with. I allow her to spin in my arms as I peer down into her troubled eyes. I push a piece of hair behind her ear and then cup her cheek.

  “You’re worried,” I state quietly.

  She nods.

  “I’ll keep us all safe, Cara. I’m good at that.”

  “I know you will. I’m scared for Riley. I know what’s out there and I don’t want anything to happen to her,” she whispers.

  She’s worried about my girl. That lights a fire in my chest so intensely, I’m not sure what to do with the emotion. So, I brush my lips across hers tenderly, loving how tall she is so I don’t have to wreck my back leaning down to her.

  “Everything’s gonna be fine,” I promise before kissing her.

  “Stop makin’ out!” Dane shouts. “I’m hungry.”

  I release Cara as we both chuckle. Leave it to my brothers to interrupt. Again.

  “Twenty minutes, Dane,” Cara yells back. “Hey Riley, let’s go upstairs and play until lunch is ready. I’m sick of video games.”

  “Okay,” Riley agrees happily.

  Cara pours the pasta thing she’s making into a dish and slides it in the oven. I stare at her ass the whole time because I’m classy like that. Once she’s done, I press a kiss to her cheek as she walks past me and grab her ass for good measure. She glares at me for a moment before shaking her head with a small smile playing at her lips. She likes it.

  I scoop up Riley when she darts toward Cara.

  “Hey, Princess,” I mumble into her hair, kissing it firmly.

  She hugs my neck tightly before I pass her to Cara’s waiting arms. They disappear up the stairs giggling the whole way. Once I can’t hear them anymore, I make my way to my brothers.

  “We’ve gotta talk,” I dictate and all the fun and joking leaves the room instantly.

  “If she’s already knocked up, I’m kickin’ your ass,” Cole threatens through a grin.

  “She wasn’t walkin’ funny so he didn’t do a great job of reconnecting,” Dane snarks.

  “When’s the wedding?” Sawyer finishes the ribbing.

  “It’s not about Cara, dicks,” I grunt, flopping on the end of the couch. “It’s about Riley. She’s not safe here right now so I’ve gotta leave for a while.”

  “What?” they ask in unison.

  “She told me some shit last night that makes us think people may be after her. I need to get her off the grid until we find out more details.”

  “Shit,” Sawyer huffs, turning worried espresso eyes at me. “What do you want us to do?”

  “I talked to Mom and Dad. They want you all home for winter break. I’m gonna take Cara with me.”

  They all nod solemnly. This is a little too familiar for all of us.

  “I’m not takin’ off again. I have to keep her safe though. I need you all to be safe too. This is the best way,” I assure them.

  “We get it,” Cole remarks, shaking his head. “Just thought we’d get more time before your job would take precedence again.”

  “This isn’t about my fuckin’ job, Cole. It’s about my daughter,” I growl.

  “That’s the first time you’ve said that,” Dane says quietly.

  “Said what?”

  “That she’s your daughter. You always call her your girl, never your daughter,” he points out.

  He’s right. It’s not intentional, but I’ve been keeping those barriers up since the beginning. It’s what I’m hardwired to do. I did it with my parents too. I called Kat “Mom” early and easily. I’d never had a mother and she was more than I ever could have hoped for. It took me a lot longer to call Nick “Dad”. Being raised by the devil was hard for me to shake. Nick shook that for me and showed me what a real father was. I call him Dad with pride now.

  “She’s my daughter,” I say hoarsely and clear my throat to finish. “She�
�s been mine since the first time I laid eyes on her. Even if that scares the shit outta me.”

  “Scared ’cause you think you’re gonna lose her?” Sawyer asks, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.

  “Scared I’m gonna be like the fuck up I come from,” I scoff, rubbing my head.

  “I understand that,” Sawyer responds gently.

  “Me too,” Cole says.

  “Me too, man,” Dane huffs.

  We all come from some version of a fucked up father. Mine was worse than theirs, but the worry doesn’t go away.

  “You’re like Dad.” Cole’s pale blue eyes are urging me to listen to him as he speaks. “He had demons, Jake. We all saw that shit. He could barely get outta his head in the beginning. But he did it. Even when it was hard for him, he was better than anything we had before him. Riley’s good for you like we were for Dad. Let her be that for you. It’s been four years. You love her and she loves you, Jake. Let that shit sink all the way in. You deserve it and so does Riley.”

  “When did you get so fuckin’ smart?” I grumble.

  “College has its strong points,” he snarks.

  “Yeah, pussy and booze,” Dane jokes with a punch to Cole’s shoulder.

  “You had that in high school,” Sawyer responds, rolling his eyes.

  “Legal booze goes down easier…so do the chicks,” he retorts seriously.

  Mitch has been silent the whole time we’ve spoken, but he’s chuckling now.

  “Don’t laugh, asshole. You were happy for the eager beavers last night,” Cole points out.

  “You’ll hear no arguments from me,” Mitch replies with his hands up. “I missed out on all this college shit. I’m happy to live it now.”

  “I think you and Dane were separated at birth,” Sawyer says with a snort.

  “They pull pussy the same way,” Cole informs the room.

  “With a smile and a wink?” I ask.

  “Yup,” Mitch and Dane respond together, high-fiving as they do.

  “Well, you’ll have to put that on ice for a little while, Mitch. We’ve gotta head out soon,” I say, putting a damper on the room.

  “I believe I have a companion joining us soon.”

  “I told you not to shit where you eat.”

  “I’ll feast and shit elsewhere,” he says just as the doorbell rings.

  “This is the Kansas City station chief. She’s here with a team to set up a secure line in the house. We don’t want anyone knowing we’re leaving, so let’s keep this shit to ourselves while they’re here,” I direct, climbing to my feet before talking to Mitch. “Keep your dick in your pants. Riley’s upstairs and if you fuck Erica near her room, I’ll cut your nuts off.”

  “The overprotective father thing is so sexy,” Mitch quips in a feminine voice as he moves his shoulders in what I’m assuming is supposed to be an alluring fashion.

  I kick him in the shin as I walk by to answer the door. When I swing it open, my jaw almost hits the floor. Apparently Erica has plans of her own with my spotter.

  Her tailored camel coat is unbuttoned and giving me quite the view. She’s in a snug navy skirt that stops above her knee and a button down white shirt. It shouldn’t be sexy, but the way her platinum hair is curled and her lips are painted crimson along with the top few unfastened buttons on her shirt hinting at some nice cleavage, the woman looks like a secretary fantasy come to life.

  “I’ve got this,” Mitch purrs from behind me, grasping the edge of the door as I back away.

  Erica’s blue-grey hazel eyes haven’t looked at me once. She’s studying the broad body and smoky eyes of my best friend.


  I need to go give Riley my earplugs.

  He’s taking me with him.

  I’m so stunned when I set Riley down, I almost stumble. I get my wits about me as Riley and I start building a fort out of pillows and blankets. It’s a short-lived task because Jake stomps in the room.

  “Riley, your uncles wanna play with you for a while. We’re gonna take a little vacation so they wanna see you more before we leave,” Jake says kindly.

  “Are we comin’ back?” she asks without any sadness.

  I know she’s used to moving and not getting attached, but I want her attached to us. How selfish is that?

  “Yes, we’re comin’ back. I just thought it’d be nice to have a vacation. We haven’t had one in a while and Cara has some time off right now. How does that sound?”

  “Good,” she responds with a big dimpled smile.

  “All right. I’ll pack up some of your stuff while you go play,” he says lightly.

  Riley hurries out of the room, leaving Jake and I alone for the first time since we woke up.

  “Can I help?” I ask, remaking Riley’s bed.

  “Yeah,” he purrs before ripping the blankets out of my hands. “Go pack.”

  That’s not what I thought he was going to say or do. The disappointment must be evident on my face, because he tips my chin up and says, “The Kansas City station chief is here with her team settin’ up a secure line. They can’t know we’re leavin’ for a safe house. I need us to move out as soon as they’re done. If you’re packed, we can head out faster. I’d rather spend this time with your body wrapped around mine, but we’ve gotta stay focused.”

  I hate it when he makes sense.

  “Plus, Mitch is about to fuck Erica and I’d rather you not be front and center for that show.”


  “The station chief,” he huffs before pressing his mouth to mine. “You always taste so fuckin’ good,” he whispers across my lips and I moan.

  “Hold that thought, sweetheart. We’ll be in a secluded location soon and then we can pick this back up.”

  He palms my ass a few times and then curses when he hears footsteps on the landing.

  “Get goin’,” he directs and I obey.

  I hate that he can talk to me like that and I listen without argument. But that’s how it is with us. I pass Mitch and a very pretty woman on the landing where they’re making out passionately. I hurry around them as her coat hits the floor.

  Once I’m in my room, I yank a suitcase out from under my bed and start filling it. I have no idea how much to bring or what I’ll need so I try to remain practical. This isn’t the vacation Jake sold to Riley. This is about keeping her safe.

  I load in comfortable clothes, toiletries and a few books. Who knows if we’ll have any kind of entertainment? Then I pack a few guns and knives from my safe in the bottom of my closet. I know Jake and Mitch will have everything covered, but I want to be able to help if the need comes.

  That thought stops me in my tracks. If someone comes for Riley…I have no idea what I’ll do, but it won’t be pretty. I can’t imagine anyone trying to take her. She feels like a piece of me at this point, and I’ll stop at nothing to keep her safe. I love her. This isn’t the same type of love I have for my nieces and nephews or the little Coopers. This is a parent’s love. A consuming, protective love that has my knees buckling as I crash to the floor in a heap.

  “Cara?” Dane’s deep voice calls out with concern as he walks in my room, shutting the door behind him.

  “I love her,” I admit softly.

  “Huh?” He sits next to me on the floor, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

  “Riley. I love her and I’m really fuckin’ scared.”

  “Hey,” he soothes, pulling me against his chest. “Jake and Mitch have it covered. Don’t worry.”

  “If something happens…” I trail off, forcing myself not to cry.

  I hate crying. I spent so much of my life in tears, the thought of crying makes me sick to my stomach. But I’m on the verge right now. I’ve been so wrapped up in things with Jake, I didn’t pay attention to the seriousness of the situation with Riley.

  Of course she’s in danger. She was kidnapped after her bodyguard was murdered. Then I almost got her blown up. I’ve been pretty fucking selfish lately, and I’m as
hamed right now.

  “Stop beatin’ yourself up,” Dane instructs, setting me upright to look into my teary eyes. “I know you’re rakin’ yourself over the coals right now. Knock it off. Riley’s safe, Cara. She’s here with family. There’s no fuckin’ way anything’s gonna happen to her. This isn’t your fault.”

  “I’ve been so focused on Jake. Avoiding him and then not. I forgot about everything with her.”

  “That’s okay. It’s okay to be happy. Don’t lose sight of that.”

  We sit in silence for a while until some moans trickle in from Mitch and Erica’s activities. Dane and I laugh hard.

  “It’s good that you love Riley. She deserves your kinda love,” Dane says when we calm down.

  “It just hit me and I fell down,” I say through a smile.

  “I heard it. You’re loud when you fall,” he teases. “But not as loud as those two.” Mitch and Erica are getting more aggressive.

  I climb to my feet as Dane does the same, zipping up my bag and carrying it for me. He drops my bag in the closet under the stairs, hiding it from any prying eyes before we enter the living room.

  The sight we come upon has me laughing so hard, tears instantly stream down my cheeks.

  Sawyer has a princess dress stretched impossibly across his chest with a bright purple feather boa around his neck. Cole is also shoved in a dress. A shimmery gold one. He doesn’t have a boa though. No, he’s wearing angel wings on his back, covered in glitter.

  Riley’s serving them tea in yellow plastic cups as she instructs their movements.

  “Laugh it up, Cara. You’re next,” Sawyer grumbles.

  “Uncle Dane,” Riley calls out. “I saved you the pink dress. Uncle Sawyer said it’d be your favorite.”

  “Isn’t he sweet?” Dane calls out brightly, not meaning a word of it.

  “And I saved you the crown,” she says happily.

  “Thanks, Princess,” he responds genuinely.

  He takes his seat at the table and attempts to shove his massive arms in the pink dress while Riley places a big silver crown on his head.

  “Smile!” I shout as I hold my phone up.


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