Escaping the Blackness (A Cooper Brothers Novel Book 1)

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Escaping the Blackness (A Cooper Brothers Novel Book 1) Page 28

by Norma Jeanne Karlsson

  “I need clothes for her and quit tryin’ to get a fuckin’ look,” I growl when he leans to see once more.

  “Go get a blanket from the trunk,” the older man instructs as I put the phone to my ear.

  “Code in,” a female voice directs.

  “Charlie echo nine six zero three,” I respond as the cop stares me down, trying to figure me out.

  I hear the EMT calling for a life flight to evacuate Mitch to a trauma unit. I can’t lose him.

  “The line is secure, Agent Cooper,” the voice informs me.

  “Roman Knight,” I grunt my request.

  “One moment.”

  “Transport him to Kansas City,” I say to the EMT who nods in agreement.

  The young cop runs over to us and hands me a blanket without trying to get a look at Cara. I pass it back to her as really annoying elevator music fills my ear. Cara comes out from behind me, grimacing as she steps on something. I need to move her, but the ground is covered in debris, glowing embers and snow. I don’t have a lot of options.

  I swing her into my arms while I hold the phone to my ear with my shoulder and stride to the police cruiser. My feet don’t ache as I move. I don’t feel anything. I’m focused on the task at hand and that’s all that’s penetrating.

  I plop Cara on the trunk but stay between her legs so I can look into her eyes for a moment. She has to be okay because I’m not able to take care of her right now. I need that strong, unwavering piece of her to rise to the surface.

  It’s there.

  I see it in her steely gaze and the posture of her shoulders. She’s simply waiting for me to tell her what our next moves are.

  The cops are lingering near us but giving us space as the EMTs load Mitch onto a gurney. He has to make it. There’s no other option. I lost Gage. I refuse to lose Mitch.

  “Knight,” he finally barks.

  “Riley was just taken from the cabin before it was blown to shit. Mitch has two rounds in his chest and is bein’ life flighted to Kansas City. I need a plane with weapons and supplies here like ten fuckin’ minutes ago. And I need a goddamned trail to search. Get the entire agency outta bed and find my daughter!”

  Roman doesn’t respond. I’m only met with an eerie silence as I conclude. I pull the phone away and glance at it to make sure I didn’t lose the call. I didn’t.

  “Roman,” I snarl.

  “I’m workin’, Cooper. That was a shitload of information and my fingers work better when I’m not talkin’,” he retorts.


  “The chopper’s gonna land in Miller’s field,” the EMT shouts to the cops.

  I move over to the ambulance and climb in the back, leaning into Mitch’s ashen face.

  “I’m gonna find the motherfucker that did this and feed him his balls for breakfast. You fight, Mitch. I’m goin’ to get Riley and you better be waitin’ for her when we get back. She can’t lose you. I can’t fuckin’ lose you,” I whisper with capped emotion.

  He doesn’t respond. I don’t know if he can even hear me. But I say it anyway, “Love you, Jase.”

  I climb out of the ambulance as Cara climbs in, cloaked in the charcoal blanket.

  Roman clears his throat. I wasn’t thinking about the phone against my face as I spoke to my best friend. I don’t give a shit if Roman heard me. I’m not embarrassed. I’m fucking pissed and feeling marginally insane.

  “How long ago was she taken?” Roman asks.

  “I don’t know.” I have no clue how long I was unconscious or what time it is now. “What time is it?”

  “Three thirty here.”

  “About half an hour ago then,” I grumble.

  That’s too long for Riley to be close. Actually, that’s enough time for her to be so far away I’ll never see her again. Fuck that shit.

  Cara climbs out of the ambulance wiping her dirty face with the palms of her hands. She looks devastated.

  I stride to her and scoop her to my chest, carrying her back to the cop car.

  “I’ve got a lot of emergency personal to be dealt with here,” I inform Roman as I settle between Cara’s thighs. She strokes the side of my face as I speak.

  “I’ll deal with it,” Roman assures me. “I need to get off here so I can figure this shit out. Keep this phone with you.”

  “I kinda took it from a cop,” I admit, shooting a glance his way.

  “He’ll be reimbursed.”


  Roman hangs up, and I turn to the questioning gazes of the now four police officers waiting for answers I can’t give them.

  “I know you guys want answers. I wish I could fill you in, but I can’t. Any information you can give me about suspicious people in the area or planes flyin’ in or out would be really helpful right now though,” I say as respectfully as I can.

  The four men look at each other, assessing whether or not to deal with me. While they talk amongst themselves, I look into Cara’s big green eyes.

  “I need you to go with Mitch,” I state plainly. “He doesn’t have any family to come be with him. I don’t want him alone.”

  “Fuck that, Jake,” she snarls. “I’m not goin’ anywhere unless it’s to get Riley. She’s my…” Cara trails off trying to find the words to describe what my daughter means to her.

  “She’s mine,” she growls, leaning closer to my face. Her face is a mask of filthy determination, challenging me to argue. “I’ll be damned if you sideline me from goin’ after her. Mitch’s goin’ to Kansas City. Our family can be with him. He’ll pull through. Now, if you’re done tryin’ to run me off, tell me the plan.”

  “I’ll work faster on my own.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you say right now, Jake. I’m goin’ with you.”

  I don’t want her with me. I want her safe and protected in Kansas City where I don’t have to worry about her. Unfortunately, I want her at my side more.

  “Okay,” I say with a sigh.

  “Good,” she grunts.

  “Agent?” the older cop calls out, stopping me from the kiss I was ready to plant on my woman’s irritated mouth.

  “Cooper,” I reply.

  “Agent Cooper, a plane landed on an abandoned airstrip around ten o’clock. We got a call from a neighboring property about it.”

  “Is the plane still there?”

  “Yes,” the younger cop answers. “Fill us in, Agent Cooper. We can help you.”

  I look at Cara and she nods. I can’t get a team here in time and moving in on my own without weapons is just stupid. Fuck.

  “My daughter was kidnapped about thirty minutes ago. I’m not sure who took her. It could be one of our own agents and if that’s the case, he’ll be prepared for a war if we go after him,” I explain. “I need weapons and transportation.”

  “Clothes too,” Cara adds on.

  The older cop strides toward me while the younger one gets on his radio. The two other cops do the same. Fuck, let this work.

  “We’re small town cops, but we’re good ones,” the man informs me.

  “I’m not doubting that.”

  “But you’d rather we stay out of it,” he states instead of asking.


  “Lieutenant Stewart,” he responds with his hand out.

  I shake it while I speak. “Lieutenant Stewart, I would love the help. But this situation could not only endanger your lives but the lives of your families. This isn’t something you see on the news. It’s not a jealous ex or a masked bad guy that took my daughter. It’s likely the man who has her had government training beyond what I can explain. It’s best I go alone.”

  Cara pinches my naked side.

  “We,” I correct. “It’s best that we go alone.”

  “What kinda weapons?” the younger cop shouts.

  “Everything you’ve got,” I yell back.

  He smiles mischievously at me and goes back to his radio.

  The heavy thumps of a helicopter approaching has me looking over
to the ambulance. The EMTs slam the doors and it pulls away. He has to live. I can’t lose him too.

  “He’ll be fine,” Cara states strongly.

  “Partner?” Lt. Stewart asks.

  “He’s my brother,” I respond without thinking.

  “Would you like me to call your family?”

  “I’ll do it. How long for the weapons and transportation?”

  “Not long. We’ve got a car watching the plane. If they try to take off with your little girl, they’ll be stopped,” he replies with confidence.

  There’s no way in hell two rural cops are stopping whoever has Riley. But I don’t say that. I simply nod and call my parents.

  The firefighters have the blaze completely out. Only headlights and glowing embers light the area.

  “Cooper,” Dad grunts sleepily.

  “Dad,” I say, trying not to worry him.

  “What’s goin’ on?” he clips, completely awake now.

  “Someone found us. Cara and I are fine but Riley’s gone and Mitch took two to the chest. He’s bein’ lifted to Kansas City now. Can you guys find out what hospital and meet him there?”

  “Fuck!” he roars. “I can get on a plane now and meet you. We’ll find Riley, Jake.”

  “I think she’s still here. I’m workin’ with local PD to get some weapons so I can go after her.”

  “You can’t go on your own. I’ll meet you.”

  “I have Cara. And I can’t wait for you to get here.”

  “Jake,” he whispers painfully.

  I know what he’s feeling. That burning rage to be in action when waiting is the only option. It’s a new kind of torture for me and it burns my gut.

  “Get on a plane if you want to, Dad. I’m not sayin’ I don’t want you here. I do. But I can’t wait for you to get here before I move.”

  “I’ll be there as fast as I can. Love you, bud. Keep your head down.”

  “Love you too.”

  We hang up and the phone instantly rings. “Closer” blares into the silent air and my eyebrows raise at the young cop who has the good sense to look slightly embarrassed as his phone shouts it wants to “fuck you like an animal”.

  The caller id reads private so I assume it’s Roman and answer, “Cooper.”

  “Our system was hacked. We don’t know who, but someone got in and found your location. My guess is Cash, but I can’t say for certain. It’ll take me some time to get you a team,” Roman rattles off.

  “No time for a team. Local PD is helpin’ out. There’s a plane here on an abandoned airstrip. Landed at ten and hasn’t moved. I think Riley’s still here.”

  “Solo mission isn’t a good plan, Cooper,” he grumbles.

  “I’ve got Cara and a whole shitload of fury. I’ll be fine. My dad’s comin’ down, but I’m not waitin’ on him. If shit goes south, he’ll help out.”

  “Put a cop on the phone so I can get some satellite images to help you. I can work shit from here to at least be your eyes.”


  I hand the phone to the lieutenant and briefly explain who my boss is. I hope Roman isn’t his usual dickheaded self. No one needs that aggravation.

  “It’s takin’ too long,” Cara complains.

  The chopper landed and took off already. Mitch is on his way to Kansas City and I have my fingers crossed he’ll pull through.

  Cara’s right though. This is taking too fucking long. I need to move and soon.

  I run my thumbs over her cheeks before pulling her mouth to mine. I drink her in, tangling my tongue with hers. I pour my love into the kiss, trying to reassure her and myself with my passion. She clutches my biceps, digging her nails into my skin. She’s desperately trying to show me her love too. As much as we try in this moment, it’s not enough. It will never be enough.

  “I love you,” I whisper against her mouth.

  “I love you too.”

  I leave my forehead against hers until another police car pulls up.

  The blackness won’t win this time. I refuse to allow it to pull me under and it sure as shit can’t have my daughter. It’s time to escape once and for all.

  I’m so furious I can’t put it into words. Every inch of my skin feels like it’s on fire. The cold winter air does nothing to cool me as I struggle into a pair of sweatpants beneath the cop blanket hanging around my shoulders.

  Once I have them over my hips, I drop the blanket and tug a long-sleeved shirt over my head. I don’t care that I have no bra and underwear. I’d search for Riley naked if I had to.

  She’s gone.

  That’s all I can think about other than Mitch’s near lifeless body. I thought he was dead laying beneath Jake once I found them. There was a mattress and box springs on fire covering their unconscious bodies.

  Relief and pain filled my soul when I finally got them uncovered.

  Then Jake wrecked me by telling me Riley was taken.

  We have to get her back. We will get her back and I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way. That I’m certain of as I shove my feet in wooly socks and a pair of hiking boots.

  It’s a good thing I have large feet because they’re men’s boots.

  “Ready?” Jake grunts from behind me.

  He’s in the same clothes as I am, though his are snug around his broad frame where mine are barely staying on.


  He’s a mess. Physically, I mean. His hair is bloody from a cut. His face and chest were covered in black before, and he looks no different now in clothes. Mitch’s blood is still stained on his hands. I know Jake’s okay, because there’s no other option. But I hate seeing him like this, injured and in pain.

  Jake pops the trunk on the small beater car one of the cops is loaning us. I don’t know whose it is. Details like that aren’t important. The small arsenal of weaponry its housing is.

  I grab a Sig and a Berretta while Jake does the same. He also goes over a Remington 700 quickly. He moves with precision around the weapon. He’s a mask of operative and killer right now. I’m not afraid of him. I’ve never been afraid of Jake, but whoever ends up on the other side of these guns should be.

  “Let’s go,” he directs in a clipped tone.

  I don’t answer. I don’t take offense either. Jake doesn’t need to coddle me through this. I’ll listen to him and watch his back without being told. My sister trained me to keep me safe. I don’t think she thought I’d end up in a situation like this or the others I’ve been in. But her training has left me more than capable to deal with this. She would be proud of me right now.

  I drop into the passenger seat as Jake talks to the lieutenant for a moment at the driver’s side. A few seconds later we’re driving away. I still don’t know where we’re going. I only know there’s a plane somewhere near here that shouldn’t be.

  “I need you to listen to me at all times, Cara,” Jake dictates. “If I tell you to do something, do it immediately and without question.”

  “I will,” I agree.

  “If shit goes bad, you get yourself out. Don’t wait for me. Don’t try to protect me. You keep yourself whole and get to cover.”

  “Jake,” I start to argue.

  “Cara,” he growls. “This isn’t a discussion or a negotiation.”

  He needs my reassurance right now, but there’s no way I’ll leave him if he’s in trouble. He’s crazy to ask it. I know he’s not thinking about anything other than Riley right now and he can’t worry about me too. I don’t need his worry.

  “Okay,” I lie. “I’ll get myself out if it comes to that.”

  Jake looks away from the snowy road for a moment. He’s searching me for the lie I just told. If he sees it, he doesn’t say anything after looking away.

  “Closer” blares from the cop’s phone. If this were any other time, I think we’d both laugh. Instead, Jake answers on speaker.

  “Cooper,” he clips.

  “Hey,” a soft feminine voice replies.


  I know i
t’s Jess Hollander. She’s the wife of the director of the DCA, Shane Hollander. I know them well because after I escaped from the dungeon I spent time in a Virginia safe house with them until we were able to find out who my family was. They were good to me and have continued to be in my life because they’re best friends with Nick and Kat.

  “Yeah. I’ve got eyes on you with a drone right now,” she responds.

  Jess is an analyst with the DCA. According to Kat, she’s like batman for computers. I’m glad she’s with us right now, because we have no clue what we’re driving into.

  “Tell me you’ve got something,” Jake almost pleas.

  “There’s a small building near the landing strip. I’ve seen lights on but no movement. If it were light outside and I had more time, I could give you more. At this point, you’ll have to scope it out on the ground.”


  “When you see a dirt road about half a mile up on your left, pull in. There’s some good tree cover and you can walk in without too much trouble.”

  “Copy that.”

  There’s tense silence as we come up on the road. It’s not really a road so much as it is a narrow path. Branches scrape across the windows and the car bumps and heaves over the rough terrain.

  Jake pulls up to a stop when a large boulder blocks our way.

  “I can’t see you through the canopy. Let me know when you see the building,” Jess says.

  “Will do,” Jake answers.

  He puts one earbud in before shoving the phone in his pocket and then he turns to me.

  “We’ll have to split up to cover the building. Don’t make any moves until I get to you. If you find Riley, wait in that spot and I’ll come to you. Do not breach the building alone.”

  I nod my agreement.

  He kisses my mouth roughly before sliding out of the car. I follow with the Berretta at the ready and the Sig in my boot. I wish I had my gun. I can shoot with anything, but I’d feel better with my own weapon.

  Silently, we creep down the pitch black path. The light from the building ahead gives us limited visibility, but it’s enough that we can move without running into trees. When we break the tree line, Jake holds up a hand for me to wait.

  I do.

  I scan the area and find a small jet to our left. No one is in it and it looks to be locked up tight for the night. For a moment I worry that we’re about to attack some hunter here on a weekend trip. I know that’s not what this is though.


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