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The Courier
The Gazetteer
Morning Chronicle
Morning Herald
Morning Post
The Sun
The Times
Whitehall Evening Post
The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader’s search tools.
Abbot, Charles 381–2
Abercorn, Lord 519
Abercromby, Sir Ralph 371, 383, 445, 448–9, 494
Abergavenny, Lord 155
Aboukir Bay 430–2
Acre 443, 455
Act of Union 454, 457, 464–5, 467
Adair, Robert 311–13
Adam, William 110
Addington, Dr Anthony 25, 254, 373
Addington, Henry (later Lord Sidmouth): budgets 417–18, 496, 502–3, 515–16, 526
corn markets 459
‘the Doctor’ 493, 500
Dundas (Melville) naval irregularities 550–2, 556–7
Eliot’s death 413
ennobled 541–2
Lord Privy Seal 581
pamphlet against Pitt 516–17
peace talks 494–5
Pitt and alcohol 343
Pitt’s Cabinet 355
Pitt’s duel 425–6
Pitt’s successor 408–9, 469, 471–3, 475, 477–9, 481, 483–4
Prime Minister 25, 484, 488, 490, 492–3, 496–7, 499–500, 502–5, 508, 514–16, 522–6
resignation 526, 527, 531, 548, 557–60
Speaker 273, 373
threat of war 500, 503
unique proposal 505–6, 509–11
war (1803–4) 512, 513, 521, 533, 536, 540
Addington, Hiley 496, 551, 556
Additional Force Bill 536–537
Africa 5, 303; see also slave trade
Age of Reason 307
Alexander I, Tsar of Russia 538, 539, 562, 564, 56
Alien Act 332
Aliens Bill 323
America 5
association with Great Britain 106
grain convoy 354
Nootka Sound crisis 277–82
peace negotiations 92–3, 98, 106–8
trade relations 82, 119, 227
War of Independence 34–5, 55, 59–62, 69–70, 73–7, 81–2, 83, 161, 180, 240, 242
Amherst, Lord xxiv, 532
Amiens, Treaty of 494, 500, 509, 511
Amsterdam 241–3, 245, 365
Anglican Church 238
Anglo – French Commercial Treaty 296
Anti-Jacobin 418
Antwerp 241–2
Appleby 42, 53, 99–100, 146, 155, 170
Arden, Richard Pepper 71, 128, 146, 151, 249, 372, 446
Armistead, Mrs 144, 254
Artois, Comte d’ 271–2
Association for Preserving Liberty and Property 323
Auckland, Lord see William Eden
Austerlitz, Battle of 568, 569, 570
Australia 113n 279, 351
Austria 4, 10, 101–2, 241, 274–5, 282, 284, 306–7, 311, 314
alliance/war (1804–05) 538, 555, 560–1, 563–4, 567–8
financial subsidies 398–9, 432
peace negotiations 399–400, 404, 494, 543
Revolutionary war 314, 319, 321, 334, 336, 338, 340, 342, 344, 345, 350, 354, 362–3, 368–9, 375, 381–3, 385, 396, 420, 422, 440, 443–7, 450, 456, 458
truce 458–60, 568, 571
Austrian Succession, War of the 101–2
Austro – Russian cooperation 450, 561
Baillie, Mathew 573–5
Baltic 274–5, 285, 460–1, 463
Bank of England 333, 397–9, 552
Bankes, Henry (later Sir) 29, 71, 133, 200, 208, 212, 365
Barham, Lord see Sir Charles Middleton
Barré, Colonel xxiii, 61, 75, 84, 163
Bath 170, 501–2, 521, 542, 548, 566–7, 571–2
Bathurst, Lord 490, 558, 563
Bavaria 334
Beckford, William 75n Bedford, Duke of 385
Belgium 275, 336, 344, 354–5, 362, 380, 421, 443
Belgrade 311
Belgrave, Lord 498
Belleisle 456–7
Beresford, John 183, 186–7, 200, 228, 360, 367, 388
Berlin 276, 285–7, 350, 362, 383, 562, 564, 566
Boar’s Head, East Cheap 71
Bonaparte, Napoleon 271, 331, 372, 374, 381–2, 396, 397, 400, 423, 429–32, 439, 440, 443, 445, 449, 457–8, 461, 494, 500, 506
hereditary Emperor 529, 538
King of Italy 556
suggests peace 450–2, 476, 542
war with Britain (1803–05) 511, 513, 521, 528, 536–8, 555–6, 560–5, 567–8, 570, 582
Boston Tea Party 34
Bourbon monarchies 10, 36
Bowood 75–6
Bridgwater, Duke of 385
Bridport, Lord 401
Brighton (Brighthelmstone) 18, 133, 185, 200, 203–4, 209
Britain: allies’ subsidies 350, 362–3, 368, 398–9, 432, 443–4, 456, 538, 555–6
Anglo – Russian agreement 444
army 319, 334–5, 340–1, 349–50, 366, 384, 396, 401, 404–6, 457
Baltic fleet 461
constitutional concerns 38, 83, 160–2
Corn Laws 268–9
domestic unrest 307–8, 311, 315, 317, 321–3, 325, 346, 348, 351–5, 364–5, 370, 372, 376–80, 421–2, 447, 455, 458–9, 494
Empire 34
European settlement 582
financial position 180–2
First Coalition against France 334–5, 347, 432
foreign policy 39, 82, 92, 98, 240–5, 274–6, 321, 325, 330, 460, 542
home defence 384
invasion fears 347, 349, 352, 385–6, 397, 404, 421–3, 429, 537, 555
League of Armed Neutrality 461
mercenaries 335, 340, 349
Napoleonic Wars 542
naval mutiny 401–6
naval strategy 456, 458–9
naval victories 354, 395–6, 397, 414, 419, 429–31, 440, 493–4
peace talks 494–5, 542
Quadruple Alliance 421, 444
religious framework 38, 39–40
Royal Navy 36, 92, 161, 182, 224–5, 226, 240, 279–82, 284–5, 290, 322, 333, 335, 341, 349, 399, 421–3, 449, 460, 521, 537, 582, 590
Second Coalition 420–1, 432–3, 440, 443–4, 453, 458, 476
Third Coalition 561–2, 568, 569
Triple Alliance 245, 246, 275, 284, 362
war with France (1803–05) 511, 519–21, 550, 555, 560–8, 569–74
Brooks’s Club 60, 71, 85, 125, 131, 141, 155, 166, 202, 256, 260
Brown, Dr 25, 27
Brueys, Admiral 430
Brunswick, Duke of 319–20
Buckingham 49
Buckingham, Marquis of see Richard, Earl Temple
Buckinghamshire, Earl of 525, 541, 550, 558
Buckner, Vice Admiral 404
Burges, james Bland 45, 312
Burgoyne, General 55
Burke, Edmund 37, 51, 61, 62, 153
Chatham’s funeral xxiv
death 411
economic reform 63–5
French Revolution 272, 288–90, 384, 411
George III’s insanity 256, 262, 265
government accounting 235–6
government resignation 98
Hastings’ impeachment 231–3, 247
and India 139–41
parliamentary reform 90
on Pitt’s maiden speech 67
slave trade 297, 298
Burr, Vice-President Aaron 426
Burton Pynsent, Somerset 14, 42, 52, 75, 196, 200–1, 212, 214, 219, 250, 321, 343, 383, 428, 505, 589
Bussy, François de 4
Bute, Earl of 12, 19, 37, 62
Buxar, Battle of 138
Byng, George 64
Cadiz 422–3, 457, 539, 560–1, 564
Cambridge University 23–30, 39, 40, 41, 43, 46, 50, 50n, 52, 61, 170, 212, 492, 583
Camden, Lord 29, 61, 71, 75, 76, 84, 100, 134, 151, 201, 208, 286, 357, 367, 388, 421, 424, 467, 480, 490–1, 511, 533, 539, 554, 558, 572
Camelford, Lord see Pitt, Thomas
Camperdown, Battle of 414, 421, 430, 447
Campo Formio, Treaty of 400, 420
Canada, xxiii, 5, 34, 40, 288
Canning, George 3, 56, 200, 309, 343, 356, 386–8, 412–13, 418, 426, 446, 451, 458, 475, 478, 480, 483–4, 487–8, 492, 497–9, 502–3, 505, 524, 528, 537, 540, 542, 550, 556, 566–7, 570, 572–4, 579, 582
Canning, Mrs Joan 458
Cannon, John 157
Cape of Good Hope 495, 561
Cape St Vincent, Battle of 395–7, 430
Caribbean 5
Carlisle 53
Carmarthen, Marquis of (later Duke of Leeds) 129, 151, 157, 206, 240–2, 275, 278–9, 283, 285–7, 288, 318–19, 407, 440
Carnot, Lazare 338
Caroline, Princess 446
Caroline, Queen 7
Carrington, Lord see Robert Smith
Castle Howard 244
Castlereagh, Lord 426, 436, 441, 465, 467–8, 480, 500, 505, 511, 519, 525, 533, 534–5, 558, 570–1, 573, 582
Catherine II (the Great) 102, 274, 277, 285, 287, 319, 383, 385
Catholic Relief Act (1793) 359
Catholicism 39–40, 186, 238, 271, 273, 320, 359, 367, 421, 435, 438, 463
emancipation 435–6, 454, 463–73, 475, 477, 481–2, 493, 506, 527, 553, 582, 585, 589
Cavendish, Lord John 84, 124–5, 249, 256, 355
Cecil, Richard 237
Chamberlain, Neville 524
Charles, Archduke 383, 444–5, 447
Charles I 39
Charles IV, King of Spain 281
Charleston siege 73
Charlotte, Princess 540
Chatham, William, 1st Earl of see William Pitt the Elder
atham, 2nd Earl of see John Pitt
Chathamite party 51, 76
Chauvelin, Marquis de 322, 324, 332
Cheit Sing, Prince 232
Chelsea Hospital 171
Cheveley 52
Choiseul, Duc de 4
Churchill, Winston 48, 341, 423
Cinque Ports 309, 520
Clare, Lord 436
Clarence, Duke of 446
Clarendon, Lord 143
Clarkson, Thomas 294–5
Clinton, Sir Henry 73, 74–5
Clive, Robert 138
Cobham, Lord 7, 13
Coke, Thomas 170
Collingwood, Admiral 565
Collingwood, Luke 294
Convention of El Arish 455
Cook, Captain james 277
Copley, John Singleton 36
Cornwallis, Marquis of 59, 73–4, 76, 230, 262, 288, 368, 411, 424, 431, 436, 438, 441, 457, 467–8, 480, 496
Corporation Act 238–9
Corsica 349, 380, 383
Coutts, Thomas 43, 212, 214, 491, 547
Cowper, William 299
Creevey, Thomas 512
Crewe, Mrs 152
Cromwell, Oliver 39
Cumberland, Duke of 20
Dacres Adams, William 554–5, 563, 573
Danton, Georges-Jacques 329
Declaration of Pillnitz 289
Defenders 421
Denmark 274–5, 282, 284, 286, 383, 493–4
League of Armed Neutrality 461
Derby, Lord 106
Desaix, General 457–8
Devonshire, Duke of 256
Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of 60, 171–2, 221, 247
Dissenting Protestants 238–9
Dolben, Sir William 297
Dominica 92
Dorset, Duke of 271
Downing Street (No. 10) 102–3, 126, 147, 155, 167, 185, 200, 206, 209, 221, 256, 341, 458–9, 487, 538, 574–5
Drummond, Henry 168
Ducos, Roger 449
duels 425–427
Dumouriez, General Charles 337
Duncan, Admiral 406, 414
Dundas, Henry (later Lord Melville) 206, 208, 209, 219, 266, 318, 323, 567
alcohol 308
coalition cabinet 357–8, 360, 368, 559
ennobled 502
Ferrol expedition 476–7
Fox’s toast 420
Hastings’ impeachment 232–3
India Bill 23, 182, 207, 247
Lord Advocate for Scotland 59, 70, 77–9, 81, 84, 91, 110
loyalty loan 385
naval financial irregularities 546–9, 550–2, 556
navy’s condition 537
parliamentary reform 192
peace talks 411, 451, 459, 495
permanent Lieutenant 129, 210, 220–1, 283, 440, 455–7, 468, 493
William Pitt the Younger: A Biography Page 76