Reckless: A Bad Boy MMA Fighter Romance (Warrior Zone Fighters Book 3)

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Reckless: A Bad Boy MMA Fighter Romance (Warrior Zone Fighters Book 3) Page 14

by Tia Lewis

  “You look like shit,” I remarked with a smile as Jarred put Evie down. “And you’re a loser.”

  Jarred chuckled. “You’re right. I am, but hell it felt real good.” He then groaned. “And I won’t be able to move in the morning.”

  Paul walked over, and I steeled myself against whatever he was going to bring with him, slapping Jarred on the back. “You did good. I couldn’t have asked for a better opponent.”

  “Thanks, man,” Jarred said, knocking fists with the fighter. “Call me tomorrow, and I will let you know if this was a good idea.”

  Paul chuckled as his gaze slid over me. “Congratulations. I think it was a success and we didn’t kill each other.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  He went to say something else, but his brother came running into the cage, attacking Paul around the waist. “That was the coolest thing ever! Is that blood on you?”

  “Thanks, man,” Paul said as Matt pulled back. “I’m glad you could see it.”

  “Thanks to her,” Matt said, pointing at me. I blushed and gave him a little wave. “Have you told her you're sorry yet?”

  Paul cleared his throat, and I looked away. Had he been talking to his brother about me? “Not yet, man. I’m going to get cleaned up and then we can go grab something to eat. How does that sound?”

  “Great!” Matt said running out of the cage. I watched him go, so glad that I could be a part of making him a happy teenager once more.

  “Care to come into the locker room with me?”

  I looked up to see Paul staring at me, no sort of emotion on his battered face. “What?”

  He pointed to the double doors. “Locker room. I think we need to settle some business.”

  “You want your money tonight?”

  He stepped toward me. “No, I want to talk to you.”

  I shook my head, hastily stepping back. “I don’t think… that’s not a good idea Paul.”

  He stepped forward again, closing the gap. “Please, Sarah. I think I should be allowed to say what I need to say.”

  I looked over at the locker room, knowing what might happen if we got behind those double doors alone.

  “Come on man, let’s get you cleaned up.”

  I watched as the other guy that was in Paul’s corner clapped a hand on Paul’s shoulder, giving me a once over. “Travis.”

  “Sarah,” I answered with a smile. Paul looked at me and then sighed heavily. “Will you at least wait then?”

  I bit the inside of my lip and against my better judgment, nodded. “I’ll be in the suite upstairs.”

  He nodded, and I walked out of the cage toward the suite my family had occupied for the night. It would give me some time to gather myself at least.


  I turned to see Benji Lomns walking my way, turning every girl’s head as he did so. “That was a great match.”

  “Thank Paul for it,” I answered evenly. “I only threw the thing together.”

  “Either way, it was a success,” he said, grinning. “Paul nearly got his ass kicked, but he pulled it out in the end, just like he always does. Your brother, he wasn’t anything to mess with. I think he has a career.”

  I laughed. “Evie will never let him do this full time.”

  Benji chuckled. “Too bad. The guys are dropping like flies. I could use some new trainers.”

  “Hey, you okay?”

  I looked up to see Benji looking at me oddly, concern on his face. “No, I mean I’m fine. Just glad it’s over.”

  He reached over and squeezed my shoulder with his hand. “You did good, Sarah. Everything was a success. Just hang in there. It’s not over with yet.”

  I nodded and continued to walk toward the suite, crossing my arms over my chest. I knew Benji’s words meant more than just the charity event. I did owe Paul the chance to explain his words, but I didn’t know how much more my heart could take. What if he had decided he didn’t want this between us? What if nothing had changed and he just wanted to apologize. Again. I was starting to hate apologies with a passion. I wanted love. I wanted affection. I wanted to be needed. I deserved it, right?

  Reaching the door, I walked through and sat down on one of the seats, looking down at the dispersing crowd below. It had been a tremendous success, the match that was. I couldn’t thank my brother enough. Two charities were going to be very happy with the money. It was all worth it, even if I had lost my heart in the process. I was going to have to wait and see.



  I reached the door to the VIP suite, opening it with my stomach in knots. Travis had cleaned me up the best he could, binding my ribs so tightly I thought I wouldn’t be able to breathe. A few cuts, some pretty nasty bruises, and probably a bruised rib or two, but I had climbed out of that cage, and so had Sarah’s brother. It was all good. The suite itself was spacious, the remains of food and liquor on the shiny surfaces. Sarah was standing in front of the space that gave them a perfect view of the cage below, now empty of everyone save those that were starting to break the damn thing down. The crowd was gone, and so were Ma and Matt, Benji taking them on to the restaurant where I would meet them in just a little bit. I had kind of hoped that Sarah would come with me, but that would depend on whether or not she could accept my apology.

  I stood there for a moment, taking in her figure as she stared out of the open window. My heart slammed against my chest as I took in the short dress she had on, the lipstick red color doing things to my cock that were going to be hard to disguise. Her hair was down, curling at the ends, her heeled foot tapping to the music that was playing over the speakers as the workers tore down the cage. She was gorgeous, and I knew I was not worthy to have her in my life. It didn’t mean I didn’t want her there, but I would be thanking someone for the rest of my life for putting her there.


  She whirled around, surprise on her face. “Hey, I didn’t hear you come in.”

  I shoved my hands into my pockets so I wouldn’t reach out to touch her with them, the throb of my cock reacting to the curves that the dress outlined. “You look fucking gorgeous.”

  Instead of blushing, her eyes narrowed. “I’ve heard those words before. Did you come for your money?”

  This was not the Sarah I wanted to encounter. Clearly, she had time to think while I was being tended to in the locker room. Well, we were going to set the records straight right this instant. “No, I didn’t come for the fucking money, Sarah. I came for you.”

  She swallowed hard and looked away. “I’ve heard that one before, too. Tell me another lie, Paul Watts.”

  I took a step forward, showing that I wasn’t going anywhere until she had heard me out. “Why did you give the money for Matt’s treatments?”

  She looked back at me, her eyes full of emotion. “Because he needed them. It’s why you took this job isn’t it?”

  I nodded. “I would have to take a hell of a lot more jobs to pay you back.”

  “I don’t want your money.”

  “I know.”

  Sarah dropped her arms, looking dejected. “What do you want then, Paul?”

  I took another step until she was within reach. “I want you, Sarah. I want you so badly that I can taste you on my tongue, feel your skin without touching you.”

  Her eyes widened but her mouth set in a firm line. “Words don’t mean anything, Paul.”

  I ran a hand through my hair. “I know, but they can also mean a hell of a lot as well. I’m sorry, Sarah, about what I said.”

  She gave a harsh laugh. “Which part?”

  Ouch. That hurt. She was right, though; I had said a lot of things I hadn’t meant to say to her. “All of it.”

  “Cop out,” she said softly, looking tired. I wanted to pull her into my arms and do nothing but hold her, soothe all the aches I had caused. I had screwed this up, not her. “It’s the truth.”

  She blew out a breath. “Well, thanks for the apology. I know you have somewhere to be
so I will let you go.”

  I watched as she turned her back to me, feeling the coldness in her words. “Can I ask you one thing?”


  “Do you love me?”

  Her shoulder tensed. “I thought I did.”

  “And now?”

  “I’m not so sure.”

  It wasn’t the answer I was anticipating, but it was a start at least. I hadn’t destroyed all of it yet. Reaching out, I cupped her shoulders with my hands, drawing her back against me so I could wrap my arms around her waist. She was stiff in my arms, but I didn’t let her go, breathing in her shampoo as I rested my chin on the top of her head.

  “What are you doing, Paul?”

  “I’m holding you.”

  She sighed but didn’t push away.

  I swallowed hard, feeling the steady beat of her heart against my chest. “Remember when I told you that I was doing it for the money? Well, I was. I needed that money for Matt’s treatments. I was in the hole Sarah and my family; I’m their main support system. I’m not a rich guy; I can’t give you the things you should have. I can’t ride you around in an expensive car or even give you more than the crappy apartment I live in. What you see is what you get, and I shouldn’t even be touching you right now.”

  Carefully, I spun her around so I could look into her eyes. “But I can give you my love. I can give you happiness. I can give you my heart if you will let me. I’m sorry. I’ve never been so damn sorry in my life, and you have every right to tell me to go to hell.”

  Her breath caught, and I could see her internal struggling with my words. I knew it was a lot for her to take in. Hell, I was surprised myself. I was putting it all on the line for this woman, letting her know how I felt. I wasn’t ready to give her up. “I know you don’t believe me,” I continued on, looking into her eyes. “And I don’t need an answer tonight. I just wanted you to know that I fucking love you. My heart beats for you Sarah, and I will do anything to prove that to you.”

  She pushed at my chest, and I let her go then, knowing she needed to process what I was telling her. “I’m gonna grab some dinner,” I said evenly. “Do you want to go?”

  She shook her head, and I walked toward the door, feeling as if I was leaving a part of my heart. Hell, all of my heart was going to be here, with her.


  I turned, a lump in my throat. “Yeah?”

  “Thank you.”

  I gave her a slight grin. “You’re welcome.”



  The next day…

  “And here. That should be all of it.”

  I took the check from my brother and looked at the amount, a secret smile on my face. “Are you sure I can cash this?”

  Jarred grumbled and leaned back in his leather chair, wincing. “You can, and you can smile all the way there. Just to let you know, I couldn’t sleep last night. Evie had to roll me out of the bed this morning.”

  I tucked the check in my purse, along with another that I had written out this morning. “Well, remember this was your idea.”

  Jarred made a face. “Next time, tell me what a dumbass I am when I make a decision like this.”

  I blew him a kiss and walked out of his offices, my feet light as I thought of everything the charities were going to be able to do with the money. All in all, the fight and the charity foundation had been on most of the newspapers’ front pages this morning, a toast to what I was able to pull off in a very short period of time. After a sleepless night, I was looking forward to some time off and was hoping, well, that Paul wanted to take some time off with me.

  I flagged down a cab, giving him the directions to Paul’s apartment before settling back onto the seat, a smile on my lips. I was taking a giant leap of faith in the fact that this was the right thing to do. I didn’t want to go to Rome. I wanted to be with Paul and whatever we had to overcome in the future. He was my soulmate, my other half. It hadn’t taken me long to figure that one out. I just hoped he hadn’t changed his mind overnight. I needed him and didn’t want to live without him any longer.

  The cab ride felt like forever, but it was just a matter of minutes as I threw some bills at the driver as I climbed out, taking the steps as quickly as I could to the third floor. There was a knot of fear and excitement in my chest as I walked down the hall, hoping that Paul was home today. I had called the gym earlier and Benji, with a smile in his voice, had told me that Paul was not there. “I hope he’s getting some rest,” he remarked as I thanked him. “Good luck, Sarah.”

  The hall was quiet as I located Paul’s apartment door, sucking in wind from the exertion as I knocked on it. Either I was going to be a happy woman, or I was going to ball my eyes out later.

  The door opened, and Paul looked at me, surprised to find me there. He looked exhausted, his face a jumbled-up mess of cuts and bruises but my heart still clenched from just seeing him standing there. “Hey,” he said softly, leaning against the doorframe. “Fancy seeing you here.”

  “I love you,” I rushed out before I lost my nerve. “I really do. I want us to work this out.”

  He stood there, looking at me and I started to worry. Had he wanted to take it all back? Had he changed his mind? When he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into the apartment, I knew he hadn’t. Paul’s lips crashed over mine, and I moaned, my hands finding his hair. “I love you,” he murmured against my lips. “So fucking much. You don’t know how hellish my night was waiting for you to come and see me. I damn near drove to your house numerous times.”

  “Mine was no better,” I replied as his arms went around me. I sighed as he pulled me against him, hearing the pound of his heart under my cheek. “Besides, I have something for you.”

  He laughed as I pulled back and reached into my purse, waving the check in front of his face. “Here’s your final payment for the fight.”

  Paul took it and threw it in the apartment, gathering me up in his arms once more. “I don’t care about the money. I only want you, Sarah.”

  I smiled, sliding my arms up around his neck. “Well, I am glad to hear that, but that’s a twenty-five-thousand-dollar check. Please don’t suck it up in the vacuum or something.”

  “I won’t,” he laughed, nipping at my jaw.

  Feeling saucy, I kissed the underside of his own jaw. “Unless you will take your payment in other ways.”

  He pulled back, and I saw the way his eyes were ignited by the heat I was feeling inside. “Darling, I’ll take it any way you want to give it to me.”

  My grin was quick as I pulled his shirt over his head, frowning as I saw the wrap around his midsection. “Paul.”

  “Just some sore ribs,” he said automatically as I touched the bandage. “They’ll be fine in a day or two.”

  My throat working, I looked up at him. “I never meant for you to get hurt.” This close I could see the cuts on his face, the bloom of a bruise on his left cheek. He had to be hurting all over.

  He laughed and kissed the top of my nose. “It comes with the territory, Sarah. I’m fine, I promise. This is nothing.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, Jarred looks like shit,” I offered, touching his face gently.

  “It does,” Paul grinned, kissing my nose. “I’m fine, Sarah. This isn’t the worst I’ve ever been.”

  I still doubted that fact, but he pulled me into a kiss, his lips seeking mine eagerly and I figured I would count his injuries later. His hands found the zipper on my dress, and I helped him get it off, wanting to feel his skin on mine. Paul pushed me against the counter, his lips on my neck, nipping at the soft skin. “I want you so bad.”

  “Please,” I said, tugging on his jeans. We could play later on, but right now I wanted him inside me, wet with anticipation. I wanted to feel his skin under mine, know that in my heart of hearts that he loved me just as much as I loved him. We had a lifetime to make up for lost time, a lifetime to love each other. Finally.

  He undid his button and pulled his j
eans down, his thick cock springing forward. I swallowed hard as he spun me around, his hand running down the middle of my back. “You’re beautiful,” he said, tracing the middle of my back with his tongue. I squirmed against him, pressing my rear end against him hard. “Please don’t make me wait.” I needed him badly.

  “You’ll never wait again,” he said harshly, pushing my underwear aside and entering me from behind. I gripped the counter and arched my back, feeling him push to the very core, my world shattering around him. He ignored it, rearing back and pushing into me again, finding his rhythm as I crashed from orgasm to orgasm. “Paul,” I sobbed as he gripped my hips tightly, ramming into me. My body was on fire for him, my nerves scattering with each thrust. This was more than just a quick sex session between us; this was solidifying our love, our relationship with each move.

  “Come for me, Sarah,” he urged, his movements frenzied. I gritted my teeth, my legs wobbly as I cried out, feeling him let go a moment later, a groan filling the air before he rested his forehead against my back, slick with sweat. For a moment, we just stayed there, our harsh breathing the only sounds in the room as I tried to garner up enough to move. I hoped it was always like this.

  “God, that was crazy,” Paul said a moment later as he eased out of me. “Shit.”

  “What?” I asked, turning around on wobbly legs. He was looking down at his still hard member. Worried, I tried to find something wrong with it. “What is it?”

  “The rubber,” he said, looking up at me with a strange expression on his face. “I forgot the condom.”

  I let out a sigh of relief, thinking he had broken it or something. “It’s okay.” If it happened, well we would deal with it then. The major thing was that we loved each other. “Right?”

  He looked up, and I was surprised to see the emotion in his eyes. “Yeah,” he said, swallowing hard. “It would be just fine.”


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