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A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)

Page 12

by Lacey, S. L. A.

  “Who is Oliver?” oh shit is he jealous? Oh that look on his face, come on are you serious, some things will never change; let’s have some fun shall we?

  “Oliver is the other man in my life, he is amazing, smart, sexy, cool, always in charge, he and I started the business together, he is my rock, my salvation, he is the reason why we have grown as fast as we have”

  Annoyed and a hint of jealously crosses dear old Tristan’s face, he drinks his coffee and he is mulling over something, I look at him and I know I have seen it before so I sit and I wait for him to get the nerve to ask, I pop a piece of French toast in my mouth and it is heaven, gosh he is a great cook.

  “So have you and Oliver ever been more than business associates?” He is eyeing me very cautiously as he eats his French toast.

  I lick my lips gosh he is more handsome then ever but I’m going to fuck with him anyway.

  “Do you really want to know?” he puts his fork down and he looks very nervous, he has not seen me in two years and I hit him with the information that I didn’t keep my catholic values and lost my virginity.

  “Aria look at you why wouldn’t he want you, your beautiful, your smart, sexy, your stunning” ok he’s being a good boy, not naughty at all. So I will let him in the know.

  “Tristan it’s because he is gay!” his jaw drops to the floor his eyes open so wide, it never crossed his mind, jeez do I look like I sleep with every man I see?

  “That’s it” he grabs me and pulls me onto his lap and hold down my wrist at my sides he tried to kiss me and I turn my head one way so he can’t, his lips land on my neck so he kisses me there. I laugh in his arms, I turn to face him and he tries to kiss me again and I turn the other way and his lips are at my ear, his teeth graze my ear and he bits it! I yell

  “Ouch” and I get one of my hands free, I hold his chin

  “Be good” he opens my robe and I am naked.

  “Let me be good to you?” I press my forehead to his and I am panting and he is sexy as hell.

  “Tristan I can’t” I close up my robe and he hugs me hard, taking me by surprise.

  “All I ever wanted was you to be mine” we look at each other and he takes my face in his hands

  “Aria, you were my dream”

  “Please don’t Tristan” we are both the deer in the headlights as we still


  I jump off his lap, run to grab my phone, Tristan follows me.

  I’m winded from running. Jeez what a work out I’m getting this morning.

  “Hi Ian, good morning”

  “Good morning beautiful did you sleep ok last night?” I push my hair behind my ears and walk away from Tristan; this is too much to handle at this hour.

  “Yes, yes, just fine, what are your plans today?”

  “Meetings, a lunch thing and then it’s the faculty dinner, so I didn’t know if I would get a break later to talk with you so I wanted to call you and tell you I miss you, I love you and I have a surprise for”

  I smile as I hear his grin in the phone; I glance at Tristan his face is covered in hurt and anguish. Fuck, fuck, fuck he can’t give me that face he has no right.

  “What did you get me?” that is easier to say in front of Tristan, then an endearing sentiment.

  “Oh no, not till I get home Sunday night, looks like I’ll be here till then no leaving early.”

  “Ok I’ll see you Sunday at nine forty-five pm at the airport?” Tristan walks away finally and I breathe.

  “Yes I land at nine forty-five pm, well Aria I have to go my car is here, love you”

  “Love you too. Bye” I hang up shut the phone off and walks back into the kitchen. Tristan looks at me and I don’t know what is going to come out of his mouth, maybe he should just leave, this cannot end good.

  “Oh I thought I was your BATMAN?” so he wants to be cute and right now he couldn’t be any more adorable.

  “No you were my DARK KNIGHT!” oh he remembered his ringer was batman on my phone. Now the phone rings batman for all calls, maybe it’s deep seeded but I love batman, always have.

  “It’s nice to see that I wasn't totally out of sight out of mind.”

  “Tristan I can say the same for you, still wearing the scent I picked for you, Chanel Egoieste how sentimental of you dear one”

  He refills my coffee mug and we finish our chat about things that were only pertinent to him and me.

  “Aria you are the only one who knows me, you are the only one who I ever was honest with”

  “Oh sure Tristan, let’s see, I got the bullshit Tristan at work who worked the board room and I got Tristan the prick the rest of the time” he smiles at me in such a sexy way I am going to combust, but I take a sip of coffee to hide my smile.

  “I opened up to you Aria, why do you think it was so hard to fight you, emotional cheating is sometimes worse than actually cheating and that is why once I met you I couldn’t go back to her and that life” his words shock me and he kisses my forehead

  “Aria the time I spent with you was more satisfying than any sex I ever had with any woman”

  “That would have been nice to hear back then, but now…” he cuts me off by kissing me and I pull away breathing heavy and touching my tingling lips. He looks so humble and meek as he motions for me to finish breakfast.

  He feeds me a piece of French toast, laughing and joked as we use to. The air between us is light and tolerable again as I grab the coffee pot to refill his cup, we finish this amazing breakfast, clean up the kitchen and I have to get dressed, Tristan stops me dead in my tracks.

  “What are you doing today” I cross my arms and wonder what does he want to do?…hmm

  “Nothing much, just errands and what not”

  “Can I take you someplace today?”

  “Where do you want to take me and do I need bail money?”

  “Very funny Aria but I believe I was the one who needed the bail money and you usually had it”

  “Come with me Aria”

  He looks like he wants to show me his new puppy or something I have forgotten just how young and carefree he is. Ok I’ll bite, I mean what more could happen…shit shit shit I know what more could happen and I don’t know how I feel about it.

  “Sure just let me um get dressed”

  Chapter 10


  I jump into the shower seeing Tristan and I am a mess, I gotta wash his effect off of me, just had breakfast with the guy and he has me hot and bothered. He touches me in places he has no business being, it’s sad how he owns me that way and we never even had sex, but I have to admit the anxiety, the feeling I get just being around him is so exciting, he use to mean so much to me and now he is just as arousing as ever conjuring up feeling that provoke sexual tension, I am aroused and he is simply sexy and beautiful after all this time the man finally said he loves me, maybe that is why it has such a profound effect on me now?

  I know I have not seen him in two years how can he have such an overwhelming effect on me its nuts isn’t it? Although the nagging question is why is it only him that does this to me? I can’t believe any of this, should I tell Ian? Yeah do I want him to go crazy-ape-shit-bananas on me? Can I just spend the day with Tristan and then send him on his way? Is this a sign from God about my hasty impending marriage? Is this my last chance at what I really wanted?

  I look at my Cartier ring, that I love, don’t get me wrong it’s beautiful, it’s three carats and it’s mine! So it’s not the Tiffany ring I wanted, but this beautiful ring comes with a man who loves me and has always cared for me. One last thought, while the sexy beast is not around, is this just a wedding affair before I marry?

  Am I sowing my wild oats? Gosh come to think of it, I’m allergic to oats!

  As the water cascades over me I wash my hair and remember that I am engaged and that I have no intentions of doing anything with Tristan Bach that will get me into trouble, on that thought I promise to behave like a lady and keep myself
that way for the remainder of the afternoon.

  I finish my shower, I wrap a towel around me and walk into my beautiful serenity; that is my closet. I sit at the vanity that is well appointed with beautiful crystal candled sconces on each side. I blow-dry my hair quickly as my fingers weave through my curly tendril’s I have a thought that makes me smile, Ian has waited for me since we were sixteen years old, now that is love, the love of a good man is always hard to find and even harder to keep.

  I finish drying my hair and do my makeup, I always go for the natural look, my makeup is flawless, my eyes are lined and my long and lush lashes are compliments of mascara, my lips are neutral in a glossy mauve, and my skin looks like porcelain all thanks to Chanel.

  I’m dressed in a Dior coral t-shirt and matching short denim skirt. I grab my gold strappy Dior sandals and matching chain belt, I spray on my Romance, I’m safe in this perfume, I just started wearing this fragrance, Tristan probably remembers me in Coco Mademoiselle, I have not worn that in a while, I eye it on my vanity, I can’t wear it, we won’t make it out the house if I spray it on me.

  I head back downstairs; Tristan is sitting at the patio table smoking a cigarette by the pool. I walk behind him and take a hit off his cigarette, he stands and just looks at me with a shy smile and eyes that see through me. Jeez he’s gotta stop doing this to me, it’s like every look hits me deep down there where he has no right tugging at my girly parts, it should be only Ian doing this to me shouldn’t it? But then again who am I to question, I just had sex for the first time two weeks ago and I don’t know what all the anxiety was for, it was short and sweet not painful at all, I guess I made it out to be more than what it is.

  Sadly I have nothing to compare it too, and now I notice I am never wet when Ian is around, but one day with sex on fire here and I’m a mess of contradictions and emotions.

  “You look lovely Aria…keys please” He kissed my hand as I hand them over. Oh Mr. sex for brains is not going to make this easy on me is he?

  We lock up the house and Tristan opens my door for me, catches me off guard as he kisses me softly taking me by surprise. Yeah he’s got one thing on his mind as his kiss sends thrills and tingles throughout my body.

  “Aria we are a couple of swells” his Titanic innuendo makes me smile, did I mention it’s our favorite movie, we know every line, every scene, every kiss, every argument and he bought me the titanic doll when it came out, it is in my closet on a shelf, I just hope we stay above water today.

  I get in and think to myself we are the perfect dysfunctional couple alright, me with a fiancé, and him with balls of steel.

  Tristan gets in and heads out towards the shore-way. East on I-90, I open the sunroof and the tunes come to life through my impressive Cadillac. Dindi

  Tristan sings and hums the familiar tune as his gaze runs from the road to me, smirking and smiling then back on the road. He makes his way through the Saturday morning traffic; I glance over at the lake as all the sailboats are out and about enjoying this beautiful day. He suddenly turns the volume down.

  “Aria are you ok with this?”

  “Oh you driving my car or your sexual innuendo?” he smiles at me and returns his eyes to the road.

  “Is it too much for you?” Oh he wants to play, with his sarcastic undertones in that deep voice of his…hmm

  “Don’t underestimate me Tristan; I can resist your dangling participle!” I smile and put on my black Chanel sunglasses I can be dynamic and alluring too.

  “We’ll see” and he rest his hand on my knee, and I squeeze my knees together at his touch, this is going to be more challenging than I thought.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Bach the stick shift is over here” as I remove his hand from my knee and put it on the gear shift.

  “That is what I love about you, always the eager beaver” oh he has no shame.

  “Mr. Bach, eyes on the road!” I scold him, but a smile hinders on my lips.

  “As you wish” he weaves his way in and around the traffic, again handling my Cadillac better than I do, he is cautious, he doesn’t speed on purpose but he shows me what this baby can do when he is at her helm. Tristan takes us past the yacht clubs as we make our way through city traffic that is going into downtown probably for the tall ships parade, we get caught behind a service truck and without even a thought he maneuvers my Cadillac very well, sad but the bastard always drove my cars, hated my driving from day one.

  We pass the stadium where the Browns play, the airport that I wish we could use to fly commercially out of but it is for private use now. The science center and of course my old high school where Ian and I met all those years ago, shit this is not going to go down well with Ian if he finds out that I have been fraternizing with the enemy again and I’m engaged to boot!

  Then my thoughts are brought back to Tristan and I as we pass University Circle where Tristan and my fountain is, memories of he and I there warm my heart and make me hot and bothered, making out in the grass, then the sprinkler coming on and scaring us half to death, we were nuts about each other back then. Shit, are all my memories of him like this? And now here he is sitting next to me I am in shock? Dismay? But actually I’ve forgotten the profound effect that Mr. Bach has on me, it’s the feeling of nervousness the forbidden as well as the unknown that captivates me, he is a bit discerning you know the type with the ever present cocky arrogance, self-centered egotistical demeanor, sadly that is the norm for this bastard, he has always been the prohibited whenever my friends saw me with him he was like a tattoo that scarred me and defaced me, he has definitely been on my proscribed list of people I am not allowed to speak to, text, email oh yeah and probably kiss as I bite my bottom lip.

  My only comfort actually is his rather surprising nature, his gentleness and over-whelming desire for me considering what could have happened between us last night, he has been a good boy so far I think I can handle this.

  I am brought back from my wayward thoughts as Tristan turns down the volume from the controls on the steering wheel so he can speak

  “Aria it’s a lovely day today are you sure I’m not keeping you from something?”

  “Are you sure I’m not pulling you away from something or someone?”

  “To be quite honest Aria you have had more sex then I have in the past two years” I look at him and he is smiling as if this is a confession or something, so Mr. sexual innuendo has not had sex in two years, talk about the tables turning, I’m the one with the notches on the bedpost and he is the unscathed one. Well the one notch on my bedpost. He turns the volume up again as the sweet sound of Stacy Kent Close your eyes fills the air of my Cadillac.

  As we make our way on the four lane freeway we are heading east, the sun is shining on us as all of this feels like the forbidden, not to mention it all feels very erotic, yes a bit exciting which let’s face it I have not felt like this in years. Is that wrong of me to be so beguiled and elated by seeing him? I can’t sort out what it is, he is sexy, powerful, and enigmatic, and actually to put it into perspective this sexy beast next to me, is mind-blowing. I’m brought back to my revelry by his deep voice.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” he has one hand on the wheel while he moves the rearview mirror up allowing him to see behind us, he can see because I am short so I turn it down low so I can see.

  “This is all just, mind-blowing, seeing you after all this time….that’s all” well I was thinking it and I said it to him. I must filter my thoughts before my mouth gets me into trouble; well I think I am already in over my head if we are keeping a tally.

  The cad next to me is now smirking at me, he runs his fingers over his unshaven face and I want to do it too! Is he toying with me? I recognize the signs, I’m not use to my reaction to sex-capades, it hits me where it counts and Stacy Kent who’s side are you on singing like sex on a bare skin rug by a fire in a cabin in the woods, I must complain to XM radio and tell them they are a bit too sexy for morning radio, jeez are we listening to the fuck me station?
r />   “Well Aria I can certainly pull over and show you how mind blowing I can be!” Toying is definitely on his addendum I blush, I should have known he would go for the panty- dropping banter. So I go for astonished and appalled.

  “Tristan behave, I’m an engaged woman” gosh I gotta remind him and myself! Of that fact. It just startles me that his looks and glares tugs deep at my sweet spot, and of course she betrays me by reacting to his sexual banter driving me even crazier with want. He turns down the volume yet again.

  “Do you think Ian and I will ever meet?” I give him a shock and cocky glare is he crazy?

  “What do you think?

  “I think your ring would look better with sapphires in it instead of blood rubies!”

  He still knows how to get to me, cocky arrogant bastard that he is…his birthstone is Sapphire!

  He turns up the volume again and we are out of the city as I look out my window, we past the out skirts of Cleveland, past the area of Euclid, pass the nightmare in Painesville, even pass Bratenahl, which is millionaires row, pass Beachwood, where all the Lox and bagels places are, yum. To someplace I have never been before Mentor-On-The-Lake.

  Tristan takes the first exit and follows the lake, cute area, all huge estates, we make it to the center of town where there are shops and café, bistros, and patisseries. Wow, who would have known all this is just a hour away from me.

  Tristan makes his way past the commercial district and then we are along the lake area, you can see the boats, the harbor, the yacht club and a small airport, but what catches my eye are the vineyards, there are rolling acre after acre of beautiful lush green grapevines, it feels like when I was in the champagne region in France, I fell in love with the vineyards there! My dream was to have an estate in the champagne region, a cottage in Normandy and a penthouse in Paris, I told Tristan all about this, maybe we are going on a wine tasting tour.

  I can’t hide my grin and smile, I mean as far as the eye can see, vineyards and the heavenly perfume that fills the air. Wow I am smiling and totally amazed, I had no idea all of this was here in Ohio.


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