A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)

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A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) Page 18

by Lacey, S. L. A.

  “You are my naughty Marietta” I giggle as I rest my head on his chest, he pulls me close to him and hugs me for dear life.

  Yes indeed I love being naughty with Tristan Bach. He has shown me what all the fuss is about! His intentions may not be honorable but he sure as hell shown me where his love for me has been all these years.

  It all hits me everything becomes so clear, the sleepless nights the angry fights, the sexual banter and the ever present teasing was all leading up to this, my desire for him bloomed as he made love to me. Tristan made me feel what I mean to him and it is bitter sweet.

  I have a post coital glow, a feeling of euphoria, sex with a man who is your hearts-desire is quite different. This is way beyond my wildest imagination, my comprehension and my realm. We lie for a moment and I think he wants more.

  “Roll over I still didn’t open my biggest present, the one way in the back” I look up at him, frighten, scared, my eyes get bigger shit does he want to fuck me in the butt…shit no, no, no hell no, I am not the up the butt girl!

  “It’s not what you think, trust me” I roll over and he scoots my knees up and he is behind me.

  “I’m not done having my wicked way with you” he kisses my shoulders and slaps my behind as he grabs my hips and he slams into me as if he is ripping off every last piece of wrapping paper. He eases out and does it again, every thought has left my mind, all is focused on him as desire erupts yet again deep inside of me.

  “Aria you are all I want I can’t get enough of you”

  “You are so deliciously wet you are my greedy naughty Marietta ”

  “Oh Tristan” oh shit this is deep, do I want him to stop do I want him to continue as my cheek is buried in the pillow

  “Baby you are all I want”

  “Oh God Tristan” he slow erotic intentions are teasing at first then with one sweeping motion he slams into me hard and it is excruciating, I feel him rip through me again and he is deep, long and hard from root to tip, I feel it in my belly as I have never felt anything like this. He picks up speed and his intentions are quite obvious even for this virgin of paradise he is labeling me his, with each thrust, with his testicles slapping me, he is making damn sure I never forget who he is or where he has been.

  I am covered with our mingled scent, face down on the pillow absorbing all of him, his persecution of me is sensual gratification, he is astounding as I come to life yet again as my most vulnerable tender part of my body wields as arduous throbbing soreness turns to mouton magma that flourishes into pleasure, he takes me to that place where it is just us and I want to move in and stay forever.

  He is relentless as he loves me again and again, he is laced with mischief as his only intention is to go for the brass ring, not relenting in any way on my part, I am his to do with as he pleases and right now he is rough and downright malicious, he is in me so deep, my heart is pounding, my breathing is pitched and he doesn’t stop, as excruciation pleasure flourishes and flows into me, deep seeded desire flourishes.

  I’m brought to the brink of no return I can’t hold back he has fuck’s me into another world I am his naughty Marietta to do with as he pleases.

  “Aria, surrender to me” and on his words I come all over him, in a heated stream of desire then like a current overflowing all over his rock hard manhood I have never come like this before, I am trembling, shaking and quivering and I fall onto the bed as dead weight my body is doing things I never thought it could. Who knew this is what I was missing out on all these years.

  “Aria, oh Fuck” he grabs hold of my hips. holds me steady as he comes hard inside of me, giving me the best that he’s got, he fills me and fills me as he is seeping out of me in groves, he collapses on top me as my body is pulsating, he relinquishes every last bit of himself as he holds me close.

  We are both, utterly and completely spent, he pulls me to his side my back to his front, I go to move and he holds me like steel bands around me we are covered in our sex. After a bit he speaks

  “Not so quick Aria, now that I’ve got you right where I want you, are you ok?” my senses of reality comes back as my heart rate calms and the blood ringing in my ear fades it is then that I realize he is still inside of me and he won’t pull out. Wow this is hot. I can get use to this.

  I have never been sexed like this before well I just had sex for the first time about two weeks ago, but it was nothing like this!

  “Why did you think I couldn’t resist your charms?” I feel his salacious victorious smile says it all. Tristan eases out of me and ouch, he is a lot to take on, my sore flesh puckers as he slides out of me, leaving me throbbing for him. I grow colder between my legs. I stretch out beside Tristan and I feel the heat from his skin permeate off of him. I bet I’m gonna walk funny in the morning. I turn to face him and he grabs my face.

  “Aria, my dear sweet Aria, it is I that can’t resist you, so beautiful in my arms, I will love your forever” jeez resist him did I ever have a chance in hell of resisting Tristan Bach? He’s got me coming on demand. He showers me with kisses that keep me hooked as his never ending quest to please me continues.

  This is the sex that poets write about, that which is whispered amongst the desired, and plagues the wanton few. A love so dominating and life-altering I can’t fight it, I can’t deny it, this is the reality that Tristan and I have never confronted until now. I’m left tattered and torn while I lie in his mist with the realization that this is something I have never known, a man who could pleasure me and challenge me is where my happiness lies, this has altered my perception and has left me with doubt.

  He throws his leg over me and pulls me close. He covers us with the duvet and kisses my face with tender soft kisses, I have never been loved like this before, it is astounding, alarming and he is a delightful surprise. I don’t want to fall asleep, I don’t want to miss a moment of his lips on me, but I surrender to the night. I fall asleep in his arms, post confession, post bliss and pondering for all we know we may never meet again….

  Chapter 14


  June 17, 2012

  The light of a new day beckons through the window as it shines on my face. I wake up sprawled out on Tristan Bach’s bed, dreadful morning after hair, sexual gratification emanates throughout me like a glow from a smoldering fire. I feel so limber and relaxed. I wonder if I slept so well because he put me to sleep? I must look like a courtesan thoroughly fucked and heavenly sated as I lie in the arms of my beloved.

  My eyes blink open and there he is just as I left him just a few comatose hours ago when he put me to sleep. He is smiling at me dressed in a white fluffy bathrobe emblazon with The Ritz Carlton monogram in royal blue silk thread on the breast pocket, reminding me where I am and what I have done last night. Nothing like the truth slapping you in the face when you first wake up in the morning.

  “Good Morning beautiful” he leans down and kisses me, I lick my lips instead of biting them gosh they are sore and bruised and they hunger for him still, as I touch them I am reminded of what it feels like to have a man kiss you as if you are his reason for living.

  “Good Morning yourself” he has this smile on his face like it’s, still Christmas morning again. Wow morning sex…never had that, I can get use to life at the Ritz.

  “I’m glad you’re finally up? I couldn’t bear to wake you, you are so beautiful when you sleep and fall away from this world, but I’m glad you’re up I’ve missed you” oh my he misses me when we fell asleep, is this the love that will last? I know I have always wanted it from him, too early to ponder Tristan’s statements as I have needs to tend to, bathroom needs that is.

  Also I need coffee. No more talking until I have caffeine.

  I sit up and look out the balcony window, the sun is shining over the river, while the tall ships beautifully sail by just below us, it all just makes a pretty post card.

  As light shines on my marble head I am hit with the realization that I just did the unmentionable last night!
Guess the old saying ‘it will all look better in the morning’ doesn’t apply to illicit sex!

  “Um I need the bathroom” I lift the duvet and oh shit I forgot I’m naked, he stands and holds out a robe for me. I gladly put it on and make my way to the bathroom.

  “Breakfast will be here any minute” he yells to me.

  I look at myself in the mirror, my hair is a dreadful mangled mess, makeup splattered about, but my eyes are vibrant and my skin is a sensual glowing mist, absolutely radiating from the throes of passion which is obviously a direct result of mind-blowing sex with my ex.

  Sorry ladies there are no cosmetic company out there that will give you this post-coital glow this is all a man’s doing.

  I take an inventory of the rest of my demeanor, I’m a bit bewildered, a hazy shade of sex induced fog, understandably a direct result of all the sex we had last night. I take it that is how men fuck us into submission it’s a total head game that takes over. And the one thing I feel that I have never felt before is absolute fulfillment complete and total comfort in Tristan, comprehensive all-inclusive he is a treasure, a keepsake so grand in more ways than one that he beguiles me.

  I know I’m naïve but his benevolence and compassion totally captivate me with extraordinary truth and determination all in the quest of making me his. It is so touching, so romantic I am breathless just thinking of him.

  With all fairness he did warn me how he felt about me, and yet I went willingly into his bed and now I can’t extract myself from his presents. I have never known what it felt like to be someone’s desire, to be that perfect match until now.

  I try and relax my raging hormones and tame my dreadful sex hair. I pay closer attention to a little smile that I have when I think of him and I miss his touch already. As I brush my teeth being ever so thankful for the assortment of new tooth brushes in this palatial suite, the fog clears my brain and I have a revelation Tristan loves me.

  Wow Tristan Bach just didn’t fuck me last night we made love…he loves me. Shit I better get that notion out of my head and quick as I am reminded of my appendage that plagues me… I have a fiancé damn it!

  After a quick wash, what I have failed to take into consideration is damn, I am sore, oh dear God am I sore! And I believe that scarlet letter ‘A’ is now burned into my chest, yes a lovely shade of Chanel fire engine red to be exact, as it permeates and glows, yet another reminder of what I have been doing for the past two days.

  I wash my face in hopes of washing him off of me but he is in my heart. I think of last night and I am lost, I am so in awe of him. Then a knock at the door, brings me back from my coital bliss.


  I come out of the bathroom feeling a bit more lady like and pulled together, I cleaned my face and fixed my hair and I am dressed in the garment of choice the Ritz Carlton robe. I see Tristan and just the sight of him hits me like a ton of bricks, he is standing by the French doors dressed in a white robe, the sun at his back beaming over him as it gives him that intangible glow eluding to the Godlike qualities that he possess.

  He startles me, in one split second as he is basked in sunlight he looks like a sign from above, could this be the man for me? Too much to ponder as I rub my temple and walk over to him. The Ritz has done it again, before me eyes, a table set for two, by the balcony over- looking the river.

  “Breakfast is served” Tristan is so cute, his hazel eyes are warm and inviting his scandalous smile tells me he enjoyed himself last night, his tousled sex hair looks better on him then me, and he smells heavenly.

  He holds out a chair for me, ever the gentleman he is. I walk slowly shit I am sore! I am so gonna be walking funny because of this I just know it.

  I sit with caution and I flinch, and grit my teeth, oh gawd he has left his mark on me in more ways than one. There was no getting this by him as I see the sudden look of amusement and gratification on his all-knowing face.

  “Aria, are you ok?” how am I going to put this.

  “Do you really want to know?” now he is smirking and nodding yes, he wants verbal confirmation that he has fucked me into capitulation, and left his signature proudly on me. I go for the obvious.

  “I’m sore!” the smile on his face is one of pride I take it and I grin back at him. He shakes his head in dismay and he sits down. His grin is infectious and I smile as he takes off the silver domes.

  “We have eggs benedict, fresh strawberries, salmon and caviar, cranberry scone with Devonshire cream, fresh coffee and mimosas”

  I smile at him and realize my lips are swollen, I have not been kissed like this since he last kissed me years ago, just thinking about his lips on me and I’m wet, a warm sensation moves through me, he is everything I always wanted and more, with the lift of my fork in my left hand I’m brought back to my life thus far and what I have made of it, as I see the ring on my finger that tells me I am someone else’s. I don’t want to think about any of that right now. I smile at him and I just want it to be us for just a little while longer.

  He pours me coffee, there is a beautiful day shinning in the distance and all I care about is staying here with Tristan, we are in our own little world, no one knows we are here, no one is going to come and look for us. I relax as we breakfast and talk after illicit sex.

  I can get use to him or do I miss him? As I recall we have always hung onto one another’s words when we worked together we were the killing team, we bonded over scandal, we had each-others back and our late night marathon talks is how he emotionally cheated on that slut-bag-ugly-whore. I was so surprised that a man so powerful in the boardroom was so vulnerable in his own personal life. I found out so much about him in our never ending conversations.

  I look back and I can’t believe how we worked, how we pondered situations, game plans, hostile take-overs, over throwing the competition, hell we were beating anyone to the punch and knocking out everyone in our path, we were the corporate raiding team and that is how we fell in love with one another, it all started with a glance and took off from there. All and all Tristan and I always communicated well. He has a wit about himself that made me laugh and I was the older one who saw through to him. We had this energy that was intimidating to others but comforting to us. As he pours me coffee and relaxes It’s a revelation, another morning with him…jeez I never realized how much fun he was to be around and how much I’ve missed him.

  We share a lazy Sunday morning reading the paper and bantering back and forth like we always have. This was a slice of heaven, stolen moments by two people who should have never found one another again because we both know that reality is just on the other side of that door.

  “Aria, you are more beautiful then I even remembered you were” wow he catches me off guard his compliments make me shy and timid, he had his wicked way with me last night, but that sexy smile on his face is all my doing. He feeds me and I feed him we share a meal and there are kisses and touching and cream on my face as he kisses it off, he is charming and endearing he has opened his heart to me and I never knew all of this was inside of him just for me.

  He makes me laugh in that sexy way of his, I go for the sarcasm to keep it light and he kisses me to remind me that I better stop denying this exist between us.

  We finish breakfast and I walk back over to the bed to grab my clothes and I gasp as I put my hand over my mouth. I look at him and he is looking at me confused, the bed is blood stained, I mean it is quite evident as crimson is clearing smeared on the beautiful Ritz Carlton sheets.

  I am immediately reminded of a thought I had last night, that this never happened when I lost my virginity two weeks ago…well wait now when did I lose it two weeks ago or last night?

  Tristan is at my side he sees the stain of my pending virginity.

  “Did you start your period?” Tristan asks very softy almost concerned.

  “I look up at him and nod no” he pushes back his black hair and looks at me, so what is this, he is looking for an answer, oh God how do I tell him that he
sexed me better than my fiancé?

  He takes my hand and leads me over to the foot of the bed, he sits down and pulls me onto his lap I sit with caution because of my post sexual appendage, he holds me in his arms with his lips at my ear.

  “Tell me what’s going on baby” ‘they say no legacy is so rich as honesty’ I have to tell him the truth.

  “Well last night was not the first time I had sex, like I said I had sex two weeks ago, but it was not sex like this”

  “I see, did he make you come?”


  “I am just curious” he is trying to hide his amusement.

  “Did this happen to you when you …”

  “No, as a matter a fact, afterwards I thought what’s the big deal everyone was bragging about”

  He is holding me close and I sense his smile on my cheek as he finds some comfort in my words

  “So how many times have you had sex before last night?” should I tell him…guess I should.

  “Only once” he sighs and kisses my cheek.

  “So how was last night for you?”

  “FINE!” I look up at him.

  He goes to tickle me, “FINE, Aria , breakfast was, FINE, wining at slots is FINE, but what we shared last night was beyond anything I have ever experienced.” I am wiggling on his lap from him torturing me. I kiss him sweetly and he hugs me tight, my lips are at his ear.

  “Tristan last night was beyond my wildest dreams” he kisses my neck and tugs on my ear.

  “Aria that is because I am totally completely in love with you” I pull away and look at him and hold his face in my hands as I still see forever in his eyes.

  “You are too much” he kisses me, and we hold each other tight.

  “Tell me something Mr. Bach, why didn’t you ask about birth control or use a condom last night?”

  He looks at me like Aria isn’t it obvious.

  “I would love if I got you pregnant with our baby! I have a huge house that I want to fill with our children! Weren’t you paying attention at all, I want to build a life with you, a family with twelve screaming children, you barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, and after yesterday I want to see them sitting under the piano. I want it all with you Aria!”


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