A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)

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A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) Page 52

by Lacey, S. L. A.

  “No his butler Cheswick gave it to me yesterday at the store”

  “So Tristan wants to marry you?”

  “Yes of course, that is why he is back” how do she not know this…oh maybe because I failed to mention that old ex-came back with more than just malicious intent.

  “Aria I thought Tristan came back into your life like the way he has always come back, with deceit and litigious intent to sweep in and wreak havoc, like he has always done to you!”

  “Erika at first I thought that was his angle, but no…um…no”

  “Beautiful ring, so where does this fit in?” her words are sobering and always gut wrenching.

  “It doesn’t, he said if I need him to send it to him” I look at her as nonchalant as possible

  “Aria you know all you have to do is say the word and I will shut this whole day down”

  “I know Erika, I know, and I love you for it”

  “So what do you want to do with this?” I take one last look at my dream ring that I wanted for the past two years or so, I take a deep breath and sigh hard.

  “Please take it, just get it out of my sight?” Erika puts it in her purse on the table and hugs me hard

  “We need coffee”

  “Yes please!”

  We enjoy a cup of coffee, and just bask in the serenity of the calm before this day proceedings, the look on Erika’s face makes me nervous, she knows how I loved Tristan and she knows how Ian loves me, I got a feeling this day is going to be hard for her to take too.

  “I am going to soak in my tub till I am needed” I rise and walk out of the kitchen and back up stairs to the master suite.

  I fill a bath with Chanel mademoiselle and sink into luxurious skin soothing essence that can only come from Chanel, I look at my Cartier ring, three carats total weight. I would say this ring is way beyond the realm of a modest professor’s salary, a pear shape that to me looks like a tear drop and has Ian’s red ruby stone on the side of the diamond. So it’s not my dream, no one gets their dream, not everyone gets to keep their first love, I have to deal with that and then I am brought to the day that Ian proposed to me and placed this ring on my finger, I was not expecting it at all, I was so happy and elated, that day was honest and perfect.

  Then I am immediately brought to Tristan as the familiar smell of my own perfume reminds me of him, it is both comforting and disturbing.

  What he has done with himself, what he has achieved, how amazing is that? What really got to me was the wonderful time we spent together, him bringing me home, him playing the piano for me, the concert, the Ritz, oh God the Ritz! the car chase, our office antics, my backyard last night, it all comes front and center and I sink in the tub under the water away from the world and from my own thoughts, they are too painful to think of anymore.


  It’s eleven am and we are now joined by Oliver who brought the two makeup and hair people with him to get Erika, Sabrina and I ready for the wedding.

  We are all head quartered in my closet, the make-up lady Lisa who did the makeup for the fashion show the other night is here and she is just the best, no smoky eyes or big over the top makeup just simple elegant and well put together.

  Erika doesn’t really wear makeup so when she does she is so over the top beautiful and gorgeous she could have been a model.

  Ron the hair stylist puts Erika’s hair in a French twist her ivory and black floor length satin sheath is form fitted. She looks just beautiful, she is smiling and I have to say she looks like she walked off the pages of Vogue in that dress, yes Oliver and I made it.

  Sabrina is in the same dress and her hair is done the same as well her blond hair and those amazing eyes she looks beautiful.

  A note about how fashion is my thing my whole situation may be a mess, but we nailed the clothes perfectly, the bodice of their dresses are ivory like my dress the bateau neckline flows high across their neck to her shoulders and low in the back, their long sculpted arms look amazing, and at the wrist a huge chunky bracelet that sparkles and shines, the black form fitted satin skirt meet the Chanel black heels with the white sole that make them look statuesque.

  Ian is wearing tales all in black he is over six feet tall he will look awesome in that suit that Oliver and I have made for him. His tie is black but with an ivory pinstripe to match my dress and his vest is black. Christopher who is his best man is wearing a black tux with white vest to match Erika.

  I am the last to get dressed, my gown is on a bust form in front of the three paneled mirror, and my lingerie is just beautiful an ivory bustier trimmed in lace, lace panties, thigh high ivory silk stockings and my Chanel bridal shoes all ivory satin and crystals. The dress itself is three layers for form, silhouette and style, Oliver stands on a chair and it is lifted over my head and then the process of all the crystal buttons down my back begins. No pearls on this bride my mom has warned me

  pearls are tears through the years

  I look at myself in the three paneled mirror and I am the blushing bride to be.

  The dress has a silhouette that is spectacular, the bateau neckline is classic and the tiny sleeves are perfectly respectable for church. We went for cinched waist but when it came to the skirt of the dress I wanted a ball gown and that is why the beading was so crucial in its placement. I am so proud at what we did it is simply remarkable from far away it looks like the design is in the fabric until you get close and see it is all intricate beading. My dark auburn hair is curled and piled high upon my head, my single layer veil is pinned in place, the veil is long to match the train of the dress, very sheer with just the tiniest crystals that look like a tiara at the top of my head all of this was made by yours truly and Oliver of course.

  “Oh Aria you are beautiful” we are the three girls from high school giggling and blushing as Erika and Sabrina takes picture after picture with her phone. Oliver gets one with the three of us and we are happy and smiling.

  “The limo is here, Aria gotta get you to the church on time”

  “Oliver you are too cute” I look around at my closet one last time as I say goodbye to the single girl in the mirror; I’m going to miss her.

  Oliver walks behind me and helps with my dress and carries the train as I walk down the stairs, my family has gathered and we are heading over to the church, Oliver has confirmation that Ian has just arrived with his parents and they are in their places. I look at my mom who is all smiles, my brothers and sisters, my nieces and nephews who have all gathered to watch me marry my best friend. My mother is taken to the church first with my nieces and nephews. Then the rest of my family goes and then it is just Erika, Sabrina Oliver and I.

  “You are just beautiful Aria, how are you holding up?”

  “Erika I am ok, I think the dress has definitely lifted our spirits.”

  “Yes Aria this dress is killer, you are breath taking you and Oliver did a wonderful job on it, do you have the something old, new, borrowed and blue?” Sabrina looks worried but she is happy for this day.

  Yes old are the beads from my mom’s veil, new is the rosary, borrowed the earring from Tiffany’s and blue I have my blue garter. I just left out that I have a small case of the blues.

  Oliver hands me my bouquet, ivory roses and tied at the stems my rosary that my mom gave me, this one I will keep and throw a smaller one to the crowd. Erika and Sabrina grab their bags and their bouquets.

  Oliver has confirmation from the ushers that my mother has light the candle with Ian’s mom, they each light a unity candle for their child then the bride and groom light one candle from the ones the moms light. I also have a bouquet of roses that I give to Holy Mary as they play Ava Maria during the ceremony, Oliver had that already at the church.

  “Aria we have confirmation that your family has all been seated, the organist is playing, the violinist are in place and the bells are ringing that is our signal to leave for the church” jeez talk about organization that is Oliver though.

  The limo returns and
is parked out front, the bells you can hear as we are just down the street from the church.

  I look at my three friends who all have smiles on their faces but their eyes worry me, they are bothered as well by my actions, by what has happened, and by my decisions.

  “So long Mona Lisa, next time you see me I’ll be a married women”

  I look at her and I see her indecision as well, no wonder she is framed as Tristan put it.

  I lock up the house and we walk into the sunshine, I am bathed in it. My earrings from Tiffany’s that are borrowed are princess cut two carat that match Tristan’s ring, I didn’t mention that to anyone I just wanted you all to know, and of course the Cartier bracelet that Ian gave me last night. I am dripping in diamonds, jewelry that I have never had before and I should feel happier that I do.

  We stop and listen as we hear the church bells in the distance.

  As we arrive at the church the bells are more evident that this is really happening today!

  Oliver jumps out and opens the car door for me, as I very carefully get out of the car, Erika grabs the train of my dress as does Sabrina and Oliver takes my bouquet. We walk up the stone steps to the huge green gothic doors that are the entry to St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church. Father Bogart will be dressed in his traditional Vestments and his Chastibule white outer garment for the ceremony.

  We are in the vestibule of the church, the huge bell tower is above us, and the ceiling has to be 200 feet or more. The oak doors are closed in front of me in preparation for the arrival of the bridal party. I stand in the vestibule as the sun shines on me from the open green gothic doors.

  The music is glorious, the violins and organist are playing Pachelbel Canon in D, and the ever present bells echo in the background.

  Erika and Sabrina are fussing with my train as Oliver fuss over my lipstick to make sure it is perfect. My heart is pounding as I am now nervous, I am getting emotional and I can’t hold the tears back.

  “Aria, hey are you ok?” Erika’s tone is cautious like I am about to throw-up or come unglued.

  I see Oliver in front of me I see his mouth moving he is trying to say something but I can’t comprehend what is going on, my heartbeat is ringing in my ears. I look from Erika to Oliver and then Sabrina and suddenly…

  The ushers close the green gothic doors to the street behind me. I am no longer bathed in sunlight. I am draped in dull muted light that emulated this centuries old church. The ushers move in front of us in preparation to open the doors to the gathered congregation and of course Ian who is waiting for his bride down front. I am looking at Erika and tears run down my cheeks.

  “Aria sweetheart are you ok?” her words are filled with angst she is feeling my pain, she knows my heartaches and my desires and no one had the magical answer to any of this, so here I am, as Ian has so graciously put it, WE ARE GETTING MARRIED ON SATURDAY AS SCHEDULED.

  I am now turned sideways the green doors to the street are to my right they are closed, are they locked? Are they barricaded? Is there someone on the other side to make sure I walk down the aisle? The oak doors with the ushers in front of them are to me left. My family, my poor mother, my friends, Ian’s family not to mention Father Bogart are all counting on me to make it through those oak doors.

  My heart is racing, my mouth is dry, I feel scared, and fragile, I know what is expected of me and what I have to do, my emotions pick the worst time to rendered me helpless, I don’t know what to do with them. I would scold myself but I’m so tired of all of it, for two weeks I have denied my feelings, my wants, my desires and here I am in this holy sacred place, contemplating my future and my past as they are colliding and I am pulled in both directions one last time, is it God testing me? Am I following God’s will? Am I prepared to go through either one of these doors?

  The music is still playing and I am grateful, I am standing still, motionless like a moment in time unwavering as I stand and wait for the next chapter of my life to unfold.

  I am thankful for the sweet melody that fills the air, I look to my right and I see the huge green gothic doors that lead to the street a way out of all of this, and there is indeed a lock a dead bolt actually as I examine the door I see that it indeed has a dead bolt lock on it. The oak doors have no locks and swing openly to the church, my waiting fiancé Ian, my family, and my friends who have all gathered here today to witness and share in Ian and my wedding. Ian’s words haunt me as I stand here

  ‘if you didn’t get rid of him I would have left you at the altar’

  and Tristan’s words that spoke volumes

  ‘I’ll let you go as you wish, but if you need me send me this ring’

  “Aria what is going on? Talk to us!” Erika is holding my hands as Oliver whips my tears. In a small voice barely above a whisper holding back tears I say what I have felt for two weeks.

  “Why can’t I ever get my wish?”

  “Aria what are you saying?” I look at Oliver who is apprehensive and worried. He whips my tears with a handkerchief from his breast pocket.

  All of a sudden the bells stop, it is quieter, the music stops and we are in silence. I look at Oliver and I look at Erika I look left to the green doors that lead down the stone steps and out of here and I look to the oak doors where the ushers are waiting to open them so I can walk down the aisle.

  Then all of a sudden the organist begins The Bridal March, the huge pipe organ rings out loud and it resonates through me with every cord and every note pounding in my ears to get my attention, then the sweet sound of a single violin, I smile as I know that is my brother, then the rest of the violins join in one at a time until all three are a loud crescendo carrying me even more into contemplation of discontent. The Bridal March becomes more preponderant as it signifies that I should begin my descend down the aisle of this centuries old church.

  This finality of music sends shivers up and down my spine, I am scared, nervous, apprehensive and anxious, the violins are to usher me through the door…

  But which door?

  Which way should Aria Macy go?

  Out the green gothic door, free from all of this

  and of course free to be with Tristan Bach,

  or ushered through the oak doors to marry

  Ian Bollinger as scheduled.

  Have you ever wanted to have your cake and eat it too?

  Well now is your chance.

  The next chapter in Aria’s life is up to you the reader,

  if you think Aria belongs with

  Ian Bollinger then read on to The Bollinger’s, Rubies in the Gemstones Novels

  if you wonder how life would have been if she picked Tristan Bach

  then read on to The Chateau de Bach the Sapphires in the Gemstone Novels

  I hope you continue the journey of Aria Macy

  as you the reader picks Aria’s next move.

  Thank You for every turn of the page

  Thank you for reading

  S.L.A. Lacey

  Not quite over yet…





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